View Syllabus - Walla Walla Community College

HO 172
Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting
Winter 2009
Instructor: Kelly J. Thelen, B.S., MS Ed.
Walla Walla Community College
Allied Health Technology Programs
Medical Assisting Program
Course Name: Pharmacology
Academic Term: Winter 2009
Instructor: Kelly Thelen, BS, MS Ed.
Phone: 751-4047 (office)
208-305-5076 (cell)
Office Hours: Varied and by appointment
Course Number: HO 172
Credits: 2
Office: 144
Course Day/Time: Tuesday 1:30-3:20
Room: 2105
Required Textbook: Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting; 4th Edition;
Author: Jane Rice
Recommended Reading: Pharmacology: Principles and Applications: A Worktext for
Allied Health Professionals; Authors: Fulcher and Soto
Prerequisites: None
Course Description: This course provides an overview of the principles of
Pharmacology and general drug classifications, formulations, and basic mathematic
dosage calculations for healthcare providers. Students will be introduced to the care and
handling of many medications and receive and awareness of drug related problems.
Course Learning Objectives: At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
State five medical uses for drugs.
List the five main sources for drugs, giving examples from each source.
Explain the significance of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.
Define the five controlled substance schedules and cite examples of drugs
listed in each.
5. Identify available drug references including the Physician’s Desk Reference
(PDR), and be able to use them effectively.
6. Classify drugs according to preparation and therapeutic action.
7. Utilize accepted drug abbreviations and systems of measurements.
8. Describe and demonstrate universal and standard precautions.
9. Explain how to prevent needlestick injuries in health care settings.
10. State the actions, uses, contraindications, adverse reactions, dosages, and
routes for various classes of drugs.
11. Practice handling and administering medications in all forms.
12. List the safety issues that apply when administering medications.
13. Identify US consumer safety precautions and drug relations.
14. Define key terms.
WWCC Spring 2008 Tentative Lecture Schedule
Lecture Topic/Assignment
January 6
Syllabus/Course Introduction
Unit 9: Pharmacology
Unit 10: Drugs and Actions
Assn: RQ 1-25 pp. 98-100
RQ 1-30 pp. 112-113
January 13
Unit 11: Medication Order
Unit 12: Med. Administration
Prescription Worksheet
Assn: RQ 1-25 pp. 123-124
RQ 1-25 pp. 137-138
January 20
Quiz Unit 9-11
PDR Worksheet
Unit 13: Nonparenteral Meds.
Unit 14: Parenteral Supplies
Assn: RQ 1-25 pp. 163-164
RQ 1-25 pp. 197-198
January 27
Quiz Unit 12-14
Unit 15: Parenteral Meds Cont.
Unit 16: Allergies
Assn: RQ 1-25 pp. 223-224
RQ 1-25 pp. 233-235
February 3
Quiz Unit 15-16
Unit 17: Antibiotics
Unit 18: Antifungal/Antiviral
Unit 19: Antineoplastic Agents
Assn: Spot Check pp. 267-9
Spot Ck. #1-25 294-295
Spot Ck. #1-15 pp. 314-316
February 10
Quiz Unit 17-19
Unit 21: Psychotropic Drugs
Unit 22: Substance Abuse
Unit 23: Skeletal System
Assn: RQ 1-25 pp. 360-362
Spot Ck. #1-18 pp. 380-382
RQ 1-25 pp. 404-406
February 17
Quiz Unit 21-23
Unit 24: GI Disorders
Unit 25: Circ. System Disorders
Assn: RQ 1-25 pp.426-428
Spot Ck. RQ 1-18 pp. 457-9
February 24
Quiz Unit 24-25
Unit 26: Respiratory System
Unit 27: Urinary Disorders
Assn: RQ 1-25 pp. 484-486
RQ 1-25 pp. 507-9
March 3
Quiz Unit 26-27
Unit 28: Endocrine Disorders
Unit 29: Nervous System Disorders
Assn: Spot Ck p. 525, RQ 1-16 p533
RQ 1-25 pp. 561-563
March 10
Quiz Unit 28-29
Review for Final Exam
March 17
Final Exam
Methods of Instruction:
Textbook Assignments
Lecture/Power Point Outlines
In-class Activities
Research Paper
Final Exam
Evaluation Methods:
Textbook Assignments
In-class Assignments/Participation
Research Paper
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
1. Students must complete all assignments and exams by the assigned due date.
2. A final course grade of 72% or higher is required for Allied Health Medical
Assistant students to be eligible to participate in externships at the end of the core
Course Requirements:
Powerpoint Lectures: Lectures will be available through my faculty webpage. It is your
responsibility to print them off PRIOR to coming to class. I will not provide additional
copies. You can access copies of the syllabus and Power Point lectures on my faculty
webpage at
Quizzes: A brief quiz will be given each week at the beginning of the class period
covering the previous weeks’ material. All quiz scores will be included in your final
grade for the course. These CANNOT be made up without a documented medical reason.
If you know beforehand that you are going to be absent, you many contact me in an effort
to possibly take the quiz early.
Exam: There will be a comprehensive final exam given on the last day of the course.
Material will be taken from the lectures, Power Point handouts, and class discussions.
Review Questions: At the end of each chapter unit, review questions will be assigned.
(See schedule for assigned questions for each unit). These questions will be due at the
BEGINNING of the next class period.
Research Paper: Each student will write a brief (1200-1500 word) approximately three
pages on a therapeutic drug of your choice. You will include information on uses, adverse
reactions, contraindications, side effects, etc. All papers must be typed and doublespaced. A detailed handout will be given on additional specifications of this assignment.
Course Policies:
Attendance: Regular attendance is critical to your success in this course. This course will
originate on the Clarkston campus and will be broadcast via ITV to the students on the
Walla Walla campus.
Makeup Work: Tests, quizzes, and assignments will be scheduled. Please refer to the
course outline and calendar for deadlines. All makeups are allowed only at the discretion
of the instructor. Any format, including essay exams, may be used for makeups. Students
may only makeup materials missed due to an emergency deemed acceptable by the
instructor. As soon as a student knows that he or she will not make a deadline, he/she
must contact the instructor via email to see if the material may be completed either prior
to the absence or at a later date. Failure to follow the above procedure or to miss a
deadline without instructor notification will result in a “zero” for that assignment.
Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty: Health care professionals possess a high degree of
honesty and integrity. Students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom as
they would in their place of employment. Violations of ethical standards may result in
dismissal from the program. Students are expected to:
1. Complete all examinations using only their knowledge.
2. Not plagiarize, direct quote, or copy other work without giving proper
3. Be accurate and truthful in all verbal communications.
4. Respect the opinions of other students.
5. Use language that is respectful to others.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any person found giving or receiving
material on a test or obtaining a test or information about a test will receive a zero for
that test. Additional academic actions may include: 1)cancelling a student’s
enrollment in class, 2)awarding the student a failing grade on the test or assignment in
question, or 3)requiring the student to resubmit the test or assignment.
Students with Disabilities: If you have any specific needs that require my attention,
please contact me as soon as possible to make any necessary accommodations.