If a library was an organism, the books would be


Name ____________________

Cell Test #2


1 (7.12D) If a library was an organism, the books would be a.

cells b.

tissues c.

organs d.

organ systems

2 (7.12D) If a cell were like a school, the mitochondria would be like: a.

the walls b.

the restroom c.

the cafeteria d.

the office

3 (7.13B) Homeostasis means; a.

maintaining a stable internal environment b.

maintaining food production c.

maintaining protein synthesis d.

maintaining a semi-permeable membrane

4 (7.12D) If a cell was like a school, the nucleus would be: a.

the gym b.

the playing fields c.

the walls d.

the office

5 (7.12D) A cell membrane is semi-permeable. The means it can:

a. control what enters and exits the cell

b. absorb every nutrient

c. connect with other cells

d. grow and change

6 (7.12D) For an organism to be considered a producer, its cells must contain: a.

chloroplast b.

mitochondria c.

nucleus d.

cell wall

7 (7.12D) How do the cells of plants in dry climates maintain homeostasis? a.

by having large water vacuoles b.

by shedding moisture through the cell membrane c.

by absorbing energy from food d.

by having many mitochondria

8 (7.12D) A heterotrophic animal cell:

Name ____________________

Cell Test #2

a. has chloroplast

b. makes its own food

c. is prokaryotic

d. has a nucleus

9 (7.12D) A eukaryotic plant cell:

a. has a flagellum

b. lacks membrane bound structures

c. is heterotrophic

d. has a cell wall

10 (7.12D) An autotrophic bacteria cell: a.

is multi-cellular b.

makes its own food c.

is eukaryotic d.

has a nucleus


11 (7.12D) Some unicellular organisms have hair-like projections called cilia and flagellum. What are they used for? a.

movement b.

touching things c.

smell or taste d.

getting food

12 (7.12D) A muscle cell in an animal must work hard to help the animal move. It will have:

a. many vacuoles

b. many mitochondria

c. many cilia

d. many chloroplasts

13 (7.12F) Which of these is NOT a characteristic of ALL cells? a.

surrounded by a cell membrane b.

come from pre-existing cells c.

contain genetic material d.

are microscopic

Name ____________________

Cell Test #2


14 (7.12E) In humans the excretory system removes wastes. In cells, the __________ removes wastes: a.

lysosome b.

ribosome c.

golgi d.

endoplasmic reticulum

15 (7.12E) People have skeletons for support. Plants have: a.

chloroplasts b.

rigid cell walls c.

nucleus d.


16 (7.12C) ________ uses DNA to regulate cell activities a.

nucleus b.

ribosomes c.

lysosome d.


17 (7.12C) ________ is made mostly of water, this is where cell organelles are located. a.

nucleus b.

membrane c.

cytoplasm d.


18 (7.12C) A cell’s activities have become uncoordinated, and it cannot reproduce. This is probably because:

a. Golgi bodies are not creating complex molecules

b. the nucleus is damaged

c. the vacuoles are not storing enough water

d. Mitochondria are producing too much energy

19 (7.12F) Which of the following statements is NOT true? a.

All organisms are made up of cells. b.

Some organisms have specialized cells that perform certain functions. c.

Some organisms have cells that are surrounded by cell walls. d.

All cells have the same kinds of structures inside them.
