The Respiratory System (Wednesday, August 15, 2007) 1) Identify and describe the structure and function of the organs of the respiratory system 2) comprehend ventilation and the exchange of gases between lungs, blood, and cells 3) Describe the briefly on the control mechanisms for respiration. Respiratory system of farm animals. What is respiration? Why do animals respire and why is it important? In animal physiology, respiration is the transport of oxygen from the ambient air to the tissue cells and the transport of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction This is in contrast to the biochemical definition of respiration, which refers to cellular respiration: the metabolic process by which an organism obtains energy by reacting oxygen with glucose to give water, carbon dioxide and ATP (energy). Or We can state respiration as the process by which animals take in oxygen necessary for cellular metabolism and release the carbon dioxide that accumulates in their bodies as a result of the expenditure of energy. When an animal breathes, air or water is moved across such respiratory surfaces as the lung or gill in order to help with the process of respiration. Although physiologic respiration is necessary to sustain cellular respiration and thus life in animals, the processes are distinct: cellular respiration takes place in individual cells of the animal, while physiologic respiration concerns the bulk flow and transport of metabolites between the organism and external environment. In unicellular organisms, simple diffusion is sufficient for gas exchange: every cell is constantly bathed in the external environment, with only a short distance for gases to flow across. In contrast, complex multicellular organisms have a much greater distance between the environment and their innermost cells, thus, a respiratory system is needed for effective gas exchange. The word respiration describes two processes. The respiratory system’s primary function is the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the environment and the tissues. Defense is the next function. 1 The regulation of body pH beside its essential requirement in cellular metabolism; The regulation of body pH is important because some organs, tissues, and various types of cells are more affected by changes in pH than others. Therefore, within an animal’s body are various mechanisms, including mechanisms at the cellular level that regulate the body pH in order for the animal to maintain normal bodily functions. For example, the regulation of body pH is needed in animals in order to stabilize volume of hydrogen ions and to regulate enzyme activity. Within cells, pH is regulated in order for cellular functions to proceed. At the tissue level, the body has the ability to redistribute acid between body compartments because some tissues have the ability to tolerate much larger fluctuations in pH than others do. In general, animals have a body pH that is on the alkaline side of neutral, which means that there is less hydrogen than hydroxyl ions in the body. Human blood plasma, at 37° C (normal body temperature) has a pH of 7.4. Normal functioning can be maintained in mammals at 37° C over a blood plasma pH range of 7.0-7.8. Breathing regulates pH of the body. One of the main ways that a mammal regulates pH is through the control of respiration. For example, if the body pH in a mammal decreases, the respiration rate and depth of respiration increases in order to get rid of the excess CO2, which brings H+ levels back down and brings pH back up. Hence, when breathing is increased, CO2 levels in the blood decline and pH increases. If pH increases, respiration rate decreases, thereby increasing CO2 levels, which forms more carbonic acid and brings pH back down. In mammals, a stable body pH is achieved by adjusting the release of CO2 through the lungs and excretion of acid or bicarbonate through the kidneys, so that acid excretion and production are balanced. The collecting duct of the mammalian kidney has acid-excreting and base-excreting cells, which can be altered to increase or decrease acid or base excretion. In aquatic animals, the external surfaces have the capacity to extrude acid in similar ways to the collecting duct of the mammalian kidney. For example, a protein ATPase exists in the skin of frogs and gills of freshwater fish which excretes protons on the apical surface of the epithelium. Fish gills also have a HCO3-/Cl- exchange mechanism, which aids in the regulation of body pH. Respiration consists of: 1) inspiration, or the expansion of the chest or thorax (the part of the body between the neck and abdomen containing the heart and lungs); and 2) Expiration or the expulsion of air from the lungs. In examining respiration in an animal, check movement and sound at the nostrils 2 and in the chest area. Internal respiration is the process by which glucose or small molecules are oxidized to produce energy. The 02 is used and CO2 is generated. External respiration (breathing) involves simply the stage of taking from the air and returning CO2 to it. The essential organs of respiration are the lungs, in which gaseous exchange takes place between the inspired air and the blood stream. Variations in rate of respiration can be caused by many factors including body size, age, exercise, excitement, environmental temperature, atmospheric conditions, pregnancy, and fullness of the digestive tract. If variations in respiration rates are encountered and if environmental conditions are suspected as being a possible cause, it’s a good idea to check the rate of two or three other animals for comparative purposes. The normal range in respiratory rate in mature animals at rest is: Horse Beef cow Dairy cow Sheep and Goat Pig 8 to 16 per minute 10 to 30 per minute 18 to 28 per minute 12 to 20 per minute 8 to 18 per minute Give attention to the following factors: a. Rate –number of inspirations per minute. b. Depth – the intensity or indication of straining. c. Character – normal breathing involves an observable expansion and relaxation of the ribs (costa) and abdominal wall. Any interference in breathing that may show more or less effort in either of these areas affects the character of the breathing. d. Rhythm – change in duration of inspiration and expiration. e. Sound – normal breathing is noiseless except when the animal is exercising or at work. Snuffling, sneezing, wheezing, rattling, or groaning may indicate something abnormal. f. Dyspnea – laboured or difficult breathing. 3 Organs of respiratory system - Nostrils - Nasal cavity - Pharynx - Larynx - Trachea - Primary bronchi - Secondary bronchi - Bronchioles - Alveolus The respiratory tract, where external respiration occurs, starts at the nose and mouth. There is a brief complication where the air stream crosses the path taken by food and water in the pharynx: air flows on down the trachea where food normally passes down the oesophagus to the stomach / rumen. And respiratory apparatus will be discussed as follows; The nose (nasus) in the broad sense comprises the external nose, the paired nasal cavities, and the paranasal sinuses (air-filled, mucus-lined cavities in the head and cheekbones that drain into the nasal cavity. The largest are the two maxillary). An external nose such as forms so conspicuous a feature of the human face is hardly to be recognized in the domestic animals, in which it is merged within the general contours of the muzzle. 4 Nasal plate. Fig:1 It is divided internally into two cavities, the nasal vestibules, each entered through a nostril and leading through a region of constriction to much larger nasal cavity placed beyond. The form and size of the nostrils, their orientation, and the nature of the surrounding integument all show considerable species differences. The integument around the nostrils is naked and sharply demarcated from the unmodified skin in all domestic species other than the horse. According to its extent, the modified region nostril is variously known as the nasal (carnivores, small ruminants), nasobial (cattle), or rostral (pig) plate. The nasal plate may be divided by a median groove or philtrum. The plate is kept moist in the ox, pig, and dog. The nostril is round in pig, but most other species it is prolonged laterally by a slitlike extension. The form of nostril may be altered, principally by raising the lateral “wing”, actively by certain facial muscles or passively when the air flow is increased in strenuous breathing or when sniffing. These changes can be very pronounced in the horse, leading to compression and almost obliteration of the diverticulum. The integument is carried some distance. There is difference in openings slightly anyhow the opening is smaller and the nasal glands lying lateral discharges in this area. This arrangement aids humidification of the incoming air. The two nasal cavities occupy a large part of the face they extend caudally to the transverse bony septum at the rostral end of the cranial cavity. The right and left cavities are divided by the nasal septum which is largely cartilaginous but ossified in its most caudal part. The septum meets the upper surface of the hard palate, which separates the nasal and mouth cavities, but the details vary greatly between species. In the horse the septum meets the whole length of the hard palate so that each nasal cavity communicates with the pharynx through a separate opening (choana). In other species (e.g. ox, dog) the caudal part of the septum fails to meet the palate and there is a single opening shared by two sides. The nasal sinuses are diverticula of the nasal cavity which excavate the skull bones. The function of sinuses is obscure; they offer some thermal and mechanical protection to the orbit and nasal and cranial cavities. 5 The larynx- it forms the connection between the pharynx and the tracheobronchial tree. It lies below the pharynx and behind the mouth, suspended from the cranial base by the hyoid apparatus. Because of the connection with the tongue and hyoid apparatus, the larynx shifts its position when the animal swallows. The epiglottis regulates the food and air. The larynx originally developed as a device to protect the lower respiratory inundation. Protection remains it’s primarily role, although phonation (the production of voice) is the function that most often comes to mind first. The protection of the lower passages against the entrance of food and drink is achieved in two ways. On swallowing, the larynx is drawn forward and the epiglottis, tilted somewhat backward by coming against the roof of the tongue, forms a partial cover to the laryngeal entrance. Solid foods are swiftly carried over the laryngeal entrance muscles, whereas fluids are deflected by the epiglottis. Inhibition of inspiration at this time further reduces the risk of food being drawn into the larynx. In fact, food comparatively rarely “goes down the wrong way” but, when it does, contact with the vestibular mucosa initiates reflex coughing. During normal respiration there may be some slight abduction of the vocal of the vocal folds that widens the glottis on inspiration, but this movement is pronounced only when breathing movement is vigorous. Closure of the glottis also occurs in a number of other functional contexts in which free passage of air to and from the lungs must be prevented. A built-up of expiratory forces against a closed glottis allows for a forceful expulsion when the air is eventually released; this is the mechanism used when coughing to clear the lower passage of mucus accumulations or foreign matter. Sustained closure with elevation of the intrathoracic pressure is also used in activities involving straining-defecation, micturition and parturition; the blockage of the escape route for air helps maintain the intrathoracic pressure and by so stabilizing the diaphragm aids the action of the muscles of the abdominal wall. The skeleton of the thorax can also be more effectively fixed to provide a firm base for muscles attaching to the ribs when the glottis is closed. The production of voice is very important function of larynx although the final form of sound is modified and “coloured” by resonance chambers provided by other cavities of the head. The air steam is made to vibrate as it passes through the glottis. The pitch is controlled by thickness, the length, and the tension of the vocal folds and individual features of laryngeal anatomy. The sounds of human speech are more complex than those produced by in other species, although there is no greater complexity of laryngeal structure. The trachea- the trachea and bronchi forms a continuous system of tubes conducting air between the larynx and the smaller passages (bronchi) in the lungs. They have a very similar construction and together are sometimes termed the “tracheobronchial”. The trachea leads from the larynx through the visceral space of neck, enters the mediastinum at the thoracic inlet, and continues to its terminal 6 bifurcation above the heart. The two chief bronchi diverge from the line of the trachea to enter the corresponding lungs at their root. In ruminants and pigs a separate tracheal bronchus arises proximal to the tracheal bifurcation and separately aerates the cranial lobe of the right lung. The cervical part of the trachea maintains a more or less median position, although its relationship to the oesophagus alters at different levels and in different postures of the head and neck. The thoracic part of the trachea is deflected slightly to the right where it crosses the aortic arch. It is related ventrally to the cranial vena cava, to the arteries arising from the aortic arch, and to various tributaries and branches of these vessels; it is related dorsally to the oesophagus and related variously to Mediastinal lymph nodes and, in young subjects, to the thymus. The bifurcation of trachea lies in the region of the fourth to sixth intercostal spaces but varies with the species and with the respiratory phase. The chief bronchi very quickly enter the lungs, in which they ramify according to a pattern, relatively constant for each species. The wall of the trachea is composed of an inner mucosa (trachea contains both uni- and multi-cellular mucus glands, the excessive accumulation of mucus may irritate, therefore stimulating coughing to clear the airway), a fibro-cartilaginous middle layer (fibro-cartilaginous coat is composed of numerous strips of cartilage that are bent to form “rings” that are incomplete dorsally where the ends may fail to meet of may overlap. The edges of the strips are connected to each other by sheets of rather elastic connective tissue continuous with the perichondrium- the fibrous membrane that covers the surface of cartilage except at joints) and an adventitia (in the neck) or serosa (in the thorax). The construction of the trachea prevents it from collapsing and allows it to make the necessary adjustment in length when the neck is extended and also when the diaphragm contracts. It is attached to the diaphragm indirectly by pulmonary ligaments and Mediastinal connective tissue and also, more effectively, by the negative intrapleural pressure that couples the lungs to the chest wall, including the diaphragm. Variations in diaphragm are regulated by the tracheal muscle. 7 Pharynx Nasal cavity Oesophagu s Nostril Trachea Oral cavity Epiglottis Fig: 2 Longitudinal section of head (source:R. D. Frandson, T. L. Spurgeon) The pleura. Each lung is invested by a serous membrane, the pleura, which also line the corresponding “half” of the thoracic cavity. The trachea (windpipe) extends from the neck into the thorax, where it divides into right and left main bronchi, which enter the right and left lungs, breaking up into smaller bronchi and bronchioles and ending in small air sacs or alveoli, where gaseous exchange occurs. Each lung is surrounded by a pleural cavity. Thus, there are two pleural membranes, each arranged as a closed invaginated sac. The space between the right and left sacs forms the mediastinum, a more or less median partition in the thorax in which the heart and other thoracic organs are situated. The part of the pleura that surrounds the lung directly is called as the visceral or pulmonary pleura. The pleura, has two surfaces, which have a pleural cavity containing a thin layer of fluid which it spreads over the pleural surface and facilitates the smooth movement of the lung against the chest wall and of the lung lobe against each other. Each lung is enclosed in a cage bounded below by the diaphragm and at the sides by the chest wall and the mediastinum. 8 The lungs The right and left lungs (pulmones) are each invaginated into the corresponding sac and are free, except at the roofs where they are attached to the mediastinum. They have no fixed size or shape since they comply with changes in the dimensions of the thorax with respiration. The lungs are normally kept expanded by the air pressure within the respiratory tree and, being elastic, they recoil and collapse as soon as air is admitted into the pleural cavities by trauma, surgery, or dissection. They have a soft, spongy texture and the residual air they contain. The colour of healthy lungs varies in intensify with the blood content and therefore with the manner of death; it is a fresh pink in many slaughter-house specimens but a much deeper red in lungs obtained from animals that were not bled. The lungs of animals that spent their lives in heavily polluted atmospheres acquire a grayish tinge from deposition of soot or other inhaled particles. Anatomical descriptions are generally based upon specimens hardened in situ before the chest was opened; at death such lungs retain their size, which is intermediate between those adopted in full inspiration and full expiration. The two lungs are alike forming mirror image with respect to its shape, the left being smaller to accommodate the heart. Both the lungs are then divided into lobes (three on the right, two on the left) supplied by lobar bronchi. Bronchi, pulmonary arteries and veins (which supply deoxygenated blood and remove oxygenated blood), bronchial arteries and veins (which supply oxygenated blood to the substance of the lung itself) and lymphatics all enter and leave the lung by its root (or hilum). Each lobe of the lung is further divided into a pyramidal bronchopulmonary segments as shown below. (fig. 3) In most species one or more fissures extend into the substance toward the root (the root of lung, situated dorsal to the cardiac impression, is formed by the bunching together of the chief bronchus and the pulmonary artery, veins, lymphatics and nerves within a covering of pleura provided by the sign of the Mediastinal pleura onto the lung), dividing each lung into parts that are commonly equated with lobes. The lobes are properly defined by the ramification of the bronchial tree. According to current knowledge and practice, the left lung consists of cranial and caudal lobes, the right one of cranial, middle, caudal and accessory lobes; however the cranial lobe is commonly subdivided by an external fissure, whereas the right lung of the horse lacks a middle lobe. The fissures are much deeper in the lungs of dog and cat than any other farm animals. 9 Tracheal bronchus Key A = Apical / cranial lobe C = Cardiac / middle lobe I = Accessory / intermediate Lobe D = diaphragmatic lobe R = Right lungs L = left lungs Figure 3. The bulk of the lung substance is provided by the bronchi, pulmonary vessels, and peri-bronchial and perivascular connective tissue. As stated earlier the right and left chief bronchi arise at the tracheal bifurcation above the heart, and after entering the lung at its root each detaches a bronchus to the cranial lobe before continuing caudally as shown in figure 3. But the ramification is different for either of the two lungs. The number of bronchial generations before the smaller bronchi are succeeded by bronchioles varies between species and also between parts of the one lung. The elasticity of lungs is due to presence of connective tissue which expands on inspiration and collapse on expiration. Loss of the elasticity, which occurs naturally with aging (but also in certain pathological conditions), reduces respiratory efficiency. The identification of the lungs of individual species is most conveniently based on the degrees of lobation and lobulation. The lungs of horse show almost no lobation and very conspicuous lobulation externally, whereas those of ruminants and pigs are conspicuously lobated and lobulated (though not uniformly in sheep and goats), whereas those of carnivores are very deeply fissured into lobes but show little external evidence of lobulation. The pulmonary arteries generally follow the bronchi while the pulmonary veins sometimes run separately, alternating in position with the bronchoarterial associations as shown in figure 5 . Pulmonary arteries and veins (which supply deoxygenated blood and remove oxygenated blood), bronchial arteries and veins (which supply oxygenated blood to the substance of the lung itself) and lymphatics all enter and leave the lung by its root (or hilum). The nerves to the lungs are delivered through a pulmonary plexus. 10 Bronchi and bronchioles- on entering thoracic cavity, the trachea divides into two primary bronchi. The right bronchus is slightly larger. The structure of the larger bronchi is identical to that of trachea. On the smaller bronchi the cartilage rings are gradually replaced by irregular plaques, and it is the shedding of the last of these that defines the bronchobronchiolar transition. Variations in the diameter of the bronchi and bronchioli are relatively greater and more significant than those of the trachea. Each primary bronchus enters the lung of its side and immediately divides into secondary and tertiary or segmental bronchi. They further branches into bronchioles, terminal bronchioles and then into respiratory bronchioles. A bronchus with its branches is described as a bronchial tree. All other structures including trachea, bronchi and bronchioles are lined with that of ciliated and goblet cells which push the foreign particles into the pharynx and secretes mucous which entangles dust particles or other foreign objects that happen to enter along with inspired air respectively, but, the terminal or respiratory bronchioles are lined with single layer of ciliated epithelium lacking goblet cells. Alveolar sacs and alveoli- the respiratory bronchioles finally end in alveolar ducts. Each alveolar duct is connected with several thin-walled alveolar sacs which contains numerous alveoli or also called as air sacs. Airs sacs are functional units of lung. These is where gas exchange between blood and air. Adaptation of lungs Outside air varies in temperature from very dry to very humid. At the alveolar surface it must be at body temperature. At the alveolar surface it must be saturated with water vapour. Air contains dust and micro-organisms which must not reach the alveolar wall. So it must be filtered out of the inspired air and disposed off before they reach the alveoli. The temperature and humidity of inspired air will increase as it passes down a long series of tubes lined with a moist mucosa at body temperature. The mechanisms for filtering are explained below. Mucus The respiratory tract, from nasal cavities to the smallest bronchi, is lined by a layer of sticky mucus, secreted by the epithelium and small ducted glands. Particles, which hit the sidewall of the tract, are trapped in this mucus. This is facilitated by: (a) the air stream changing direction, as it goes in a continually dividing tube. (b) Random (Brownian) movement of small particles suspended in the air stream. Cilia Once the particles have been sidelined by the mucus they have to be removed, as indeed does the mucous. This is carried out by cilia on the epithelial cells which 11 move the mucous continually up or down the tract towards the nose and mouth. (Those in the nose beat downwards, those in the trachea and below upwards). The mucus and its trapped particles or bacteria are then swallowed. Length The length of the respiratory tract helps in both bringing the air to the right temperature and humidity but hinders the actual ventilation, as a long tract has a greater volume of air trapped within it, and demands a large breath to clear out residual air. Protection The entry of food and water into the larynx is prevented by the structure of the larynx and by the complicated act of swallowing. Below the larynx the trachea is usually patent i.e. open, and kept so by rings of cartilage in its walls. Ventilation of the lung: Ventilation is the movement of gas in and out of the alveoli through the anatomical dead-space The volume of air breathed per minute, minute ventilation (VE), is determined by the volume of each breath, tidal volume (VT), and the number of breaths per minute, respiratory frequency (f). The changes in minute ventilation that occur with changes in metabolic rate can be brought about through changes in either tidal volume or respiratory rate, or both. Air flows into the alveoli through the nares (openings or passages leading out of the nose or naval cavity.), nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. This structure comprises the conducting airways, and because gas exchange does not occur in these airways, they are also called as anatomical dead-space as shown below schematic diagram. Alveolar dead-space. Equipment dead-space Anatomical dead-space Figure 4: Types of dead-space. (From: Cunninghamtext book veterinary physiology) 12 A portion of each tidal volume and, therefore, of VE, ventilates the anatomical dead-space, and a portion known as alveolar ventilation (participates in gas exchange). Alveolar ventilation is regulated by control mechanism to match the O2 uptake and CO2 elimination which is necessary for metabolism. Dead space ventilation can occur within the alveoli also called alveolar dead space which is a result of alveoli poorly perfused with blood, where gas exchange cannot occur optimally. Physiological dead space is a term used to describe the sum of the anatomical dead space and alveolar dead space. Ventilation requires muscular energy. During inhalation, energy is provided by the skeletal muscle that makes air to enter the lungs. During exhalation, much of the energy causing air to leave the lungs is provided by the elastic force stored in the stretched lung and thorax. Therefore, in most animals at rest, inhalation is an active process (as energy for inhalation is provided by the contraction of muscles), whereas exhalation is passive. Anyhow biology is also is a study of exception; horses have an active phase to exhalation even at rest. During exercise or the respiratory abnormalities, exhalation may be assisted by muscle contraction in most species. The diaphragm is the primary inspiratory muscle, which is a domed-shaped musclotendinous sheet separating the abdomen and the thorax. Its apex extends to seventh or eighth intercostal space at the level the base of the heart. During contraction the done of the diaphragm is pulled caudally, flattening and increasing the space above it i.e., enlarging the thoracic cavity, which elevates intraabdominal pressure, which displaces the caudal ribs outwards. The pressure in the lung decreases. The process is help by the ribs, which move up and out. Between the ribs two sets of intercostal muscles, the external intercostal running backward and downwards, the internal intercostal running down and forward. These two muscle sheets thus run between ribs with fibers roughly at right angle, when they contract each rib moves closed to its neighbours. The ribs are all, therefore pulled up towards the horizontal, increasing anterio-posterior and lateral thoracic diameter. During deeper breathing the muscles of the neck (scalene) contracts raising the first ribs and hence the rest of the rib cage. The external intercostal muscles are active during inhalation. During contraction the ribs move rostrally and outwards. The abdominal and intercostal muscles are the expiratory muscles. Contractions of the abdominal muscles increase the abdominal pressure, which forces the relaxed diaphragm forward and reduces the size of the thorax. And also the internal intercostal muscles when contracts decrease the size of the thorax by moving the ribs caudally and downwards. During exercise respiratory muscle activity increases, and to supply the necessary metabolic substrates; i.e., O2, the blood flow to the diaphragm increases over 13 twenty fold in exercising animals. In running (cursovial) mammals the inhalation occurs as the forelimbs are extended and the hind limbs are accelerating the animal forward. Exhalation occurs when the fore limbs are in contact with the ground. Mechanism of breathing As stated earlier there are two respirations (external and internal) and here we are mainly on the external respiration which is taking in oxygen and giving out the carbon dioxide makes one breathing cycle. This is achieved by two processes inspiration and expiration which is described as follows: Inspiration this works by making the rib cage bigger and the pressure in the lung is decreased, so air is sucked in. The main component acting here is the diaphragm. This is a layer of muscle, which is convex above, and squashed in the centre by the heart. When it contracts it flattens and increases the space above it. The process is helped by the ribs, which move up and out also increasing the space available. Between the ribs run two sets of intercostal muscles, the external intercostals running backward and downwards, the internal intercostals running down and forward. These two muscle sheets thus run between ribs with fibres roughly at right angles. When they contract each rib moves closer to its neighbours. The ribs are all, therefore pulled up towards the horizontal, increasing anterio-posterior and lateral thoracic diameters. During the deeper breathing the scalene muscles of the neck contract, raising the first rib and hence the rest of the cage. Expiration Breathing out does the reverse of inspiration, diaphragm relaxes and it is pushed forward by abdominal organs increasing the convexity, intercostals muscles relax and the thoracic wall collapses. These two actions reduce the chest cavity and increase pressure on lungs causing the expulsion of air out of the lungs. In quiet respiration, say at rest, almost all movement is diaphragmatic and the chest wall is still. The expansion of the lung deforms the flexible walls of the alveoli and bronchi and stretches the elastic fibres in the lung. When the diaphragm relaxes elastic recoil and abdominal musculature reposition the diaphragm again. Gaseous exchange Gaseous exchange relies on simple diffusion. In order to provide sufficient oxygen and to get rid of sufficient carbon dioxide there must be a large surface area for gaseous exchange a very short diffusion path between alveolar air and blood concentration gradients for oxygen and carbon dioxide between alveolar air and blood. Diffusion gradients are maintained by ventilation (breathing), which renews 14 alveolar air, maintaining oxygen concentration near that of atmospheric air and preventing the accumulation of carbon dioxide the flow of blood in alveolar capillaries which continually brings blood with low oxygen concentration and high carbon dioxide concentration. Haemoglobin in blood continually removes dissolved oxygen from the blood and binds with it. Figure below show alveolar capillary network. Fig 5 : air sac showing its relationship with blood capillaries. 15 Fig: 5 Image from Purves et al., Life: The Science of Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates ( and WH Freeman (, used with permission. Summary . 1. Movement of an oxygen-containing medium so it contacts a moist membrane overlying blood vessels. 2. Diffusion of oxygen from the medium into the blood. 3. Transport of oxygen to the tissues and cells of the body. 4. Diffusion of oxygen from the blood into cells. 5. Carbon dioxide follows a reverse path. 16 The respiratory muscle generates work to stretch the lung and overcome the frictional resistance to air flow. At the end of a tidal exhalation, a volume of air remains in the lung. This air volume is known as functional residual capacity (FRS). During inhalation the pressure in the pleural cavity (Ppl) decreases as the thorax enlarges and the respiratory muscle perform by overcoming the resistance provided by the air inside and tissues. You can noticed that in resting animals, they breath slowly, air flow rate are low, acceleration is minimal, and the primary work of the respiratory muscles is to overcome the elasticity of the lung. When respiratory rate increase more energy is used to generate sir flow against the frictional resistance of the airways according to the need to produce the energy. Disease can cause change in both elasticity and resistance and thereby increase the work of breathing. Lung elasticity is due to tissue and surface tension forces (the property of liquids that gives their surfaces a slightly elastic quality and enables them to form into separate drops). When the thorax is opened and pleural pressure (pressure around the lungs) becomes atmospheric, the lung collapses to its minimal volume. At minimal volume some air remains trapped within the alveoli behind closed peripheral airways. This collapse of the lung demonstrates its inherent elasticity. It should be clear that air flow is opposed by the frictional resistance between air molecules and the walls of the air passages, and also to a much lesser extent by the viscous drag of the tissue. In resting animal, the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx, which warm and humidify the air, provide approximately 50% of the frictional resistance to breathing. Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles provides resistance 3050%. The nasal resistance can be reduced, for example, during exercise, by dilating the external nares (openings or passages leading out of the nose or naval cavity) and vasoconstriction of vascular tissue in the nose. When airflow rates increases during exercise, or when the nasal cavity is blocked, some species breathe through the mouth or escape the high resistance nasal cavity. The tracheobronchial tree has up to 24 branches lined by a secretory, ciliated epithelium. The larger airways, trachea and bronchi, are supported by cartilage and supplied with secretory bronchial glands as mentioned earlier. The wall of tracheobronchial has got smooth muscle which regulates the diameter of the trachea to the alveolar duct. To smooth muscle is provided with the ANS that administers the contraction of the muscle. Even the lung aids resistance to the air flow. Therefore, the air intake will be regulated by the ANS mainly, but, the distribution of air depends on the local mechanical properties of the lung and the local changes 17 in pleural pressure. – Optimal gas exchange requires bringing together air and blood at the alveolus, i.e., matching of ventilation and blood flow. Therefore, gas exchange fails if an alveolus receives blood but no ventilation, or vice versa. Ideally, each region of lung should receive equal amounts of ventilation, but this never occurs in either animals or human. Figure below shows how the mechanical properties of the lungs affect the distribution of ventilation. The alveolus represented as C is a healthy piece of lung with normal compliance and normal air way. Region B has a disease-like interstitial pneumonia in which compliance is decreased, but air ways are normal. In region A has a normal compliance but a narrowed airway, as many occur when airway smooth muscle contracts. When the same decrease in pleural pressure is applied to each region, A and C fill to the same volume, because they have similar compliance, but A fills slowly because of hindered airway. Region B fills rapidly, but because of its reduced compliance, achieves a lesser volume than regions A and C. When a model lung is ventilated more rapidly at a time, the volume received by region A decreases, because it has inadequate time to fill as region A has resistance to offer to air that bypasses through them. In real, the small degrees of airway obstruction may cause no signs of respiratory difficulty in the resting animal, anyhow may cause hypoxemia (inadequate oxygen in the blood) when the animal exercises since uneven distribution of aeration. (A) High resistance (B) Low compliance (C) normal Figure 6: Cunningham: text book of vet. Physiology, 1992: the effects of mechanical properties of the lung on airway resistance. 18 Respiratory System of the Chicken One adaptation to flight is the development of pneumatic bones. Instead of being filled with marrow, pneumatic bones are hollow and act as extensions of the respiratory system, which also includes the lungs, the tubes or bronchi leading to the lungs and the air sacs. The lungs are rather rigid, attached to the ribs in the upper portion of the thorax, and do not expand or contract very much during breathing. There are four pairs of air sacs which reach from the neck to the abdomen and open into the pneumatic bones. The air sacs are delicate, thin walled and collapse when the chest is opened, so they may be difficult to see. Fig 7: respiratory apparatus of chicken. The skeleton is compact, lightweight and quite strong. Many of the vertebrae are fused, which provides sufficient strength to support wings for flight. The major flight muscles, the pectorals, are much larger in birds, and therefore their bony attachment, the sternum or breast bone, is also larger and stronger. In fact, the sternum is so large that it forms much of the bird’s ventral body wall. When you run your fingers along the ventral midline of the chest, you can feel the prominent ridge of the sternum. The sternum of birds may be called the "keel" bone, because it resembles the keel of a ship. 19 The nostrils are located at the base of the beaks. All are similar to that of mammals. The larynx occupies a mound on the floor of the orpharynx, which is supported by cartilages that differ from that of mammals but occupy similar positions. The trachea, composed of tightly stacked, complete cartilaginous rings, accompanies the oesophagus through the neck; it can be palpated on the right side. The syrinx is formed by the terminal part of the trachea and the beginning of the primary bronchi. The tracheal cartilages of the syrinx are well-built, whereas the bronchial cartilages are largely lacking, although a short vertical (pessulus) separates the bronchial openings. The lateral and medial walls of the bronchi are membranous and produce the voice when caused to flutter. Trachea Tympanum Lateral and medial tympaniform membranes. Pessulus Fig: 8- semischematic representation of the opened syrinx. Primary bronchi The lungs are relatively small, unlobed, bright red, and soft and velvety to the touch. They occupy the craniodorsal part of the body cavity, lying against thoracic vertebrae and vertebral ribs. They fail to cover the lateral surfaces of the heart as they do in mammals. The lungs are lightly attached to the body wall and to the horizontal septum that confines them from below. There is not pleural cavity corresponding to that of mammals and the capacity for expansion is negligible. The primary bronchus enters the ventral surface, passes diagonally through the lung, narrowing as it goes, and at the caudal border becomes continuous with the abdominal air sac. Some eight mediodorsal bronchi then arise from the dorsal wall of the primary bronchus; they have no connection with air sacs. There are usually 20 four medioventral bronchi. They arise just after the primary bronchus enters the lung. About eight lateroventral bronchi arise opposite the preceding set. Lastly, about 25 laterodorsal bronchi arise opposite the mediodorsal and lateroventral groups. They are smaller than those of the three preceding groups and have no direct connection with air sass. Fig: 9 right lung (mediovent ral view) and related air sacs. Loops of parabronchi. Medioventral bronchi Lung Mediodorsal bronchi Cervical air sac Lateroventral bronchi. Primary bronchus. Abdominal air sac Clavicular air sac. Cranial thoracic air sac Caudal thoracic air sac The secondary bronchi give off 400 to 500 parabronchi in whose relatively thick walls gas exchange take place. The air capillaries are closely intertwined with blood capillaries, the two networks constituting the bulk of the parabronchial wall. Gas exchange takes place across the barrier. The air capillaries are similar but, the air capillaries in chicken and any other birds the air capillaries are not terminations of the respiratory tree but continuous channels that can receive oxygen-rich air either direction. 21 The air sacs are blind, thin-walled enlargements of the bronchial system that extend beyond the lung in close relationship to the thoracic and abdominal viscera. Diverticula from these sacs various bones and even extend between skeletal muscles. The chicken has eight air sacs: single cervical and Clavicular, and paired cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic and abdominal sacs. The cervical sac consists of a small central chamber ventral to the lungs from which long diverticula extend into and along-side the cervical and thoracic vertebra. The Clavicular sac lies in the thoracic inlet in which its thoracic part fills the space cranial to and around the heart, and extends into the sternum. Its extrathoracic diverticula pass between the muscles and bones of the shoulder girdle to aerate the humerus. Compound fractures of the humerus may therefore introduce infection to the air sacs and lungs. The paired cranial thoracic air sacs lie ventral to the lungs between the sternal ribs and the heart and liver. The caudal paired sacs lie more caudally between the body wall and the abdominal sacs. The paired sacs are the largest; they occupy the caudodorsal parts of the abdominal cavity where they are in broad contact with the intestine, gizzard, genital organs and kidneys. Their diverticula enter recesses of the synsacrum and the acetabulum. Air sacs function primarily in respiration, though there are poorly vascularized walls deny them a role in gaseous exchange. They also lighten the body and, being broadly dorsal in position, lower the centre of gravity, and also for improved stability in flight. It is primarily the change in pressure within the air sacs which allows air to pass into and out of the lungs. This change in pressure is largely due to the sternum, or keel bone, moving inward and outward during respiration. Fig:10 ( biopic/fig/48.08.jpg) WHEN RESTRAINING BIRDS, REMEMBER THAT THEY CAN SUFFOCATE, IF THE BREAST BONE IS NOT FREE TO MOVE IN AND OUT! 22 Differences between avian and mammalian respiration Respiration in birds is much different than in mammals. Birds have a larynx, but it is not used to make sounds. Instead, an organ termed the "syrinx" serves as the "voice box." The air sacs of birds extend into the humerus (the bone between the shoulder and elbow), the femur (the thigh bone), the vertebrae and even the skull. Birds do not have a diaphragm; instead, air is moved in and out of the respiratory system through pressure changes in the air sacs. Muscles in the chest cause the sternum to be pushed outward. This creates a negative pressure in the air sacs, causing air to enter the respiratory system. Expiration is not passive, but requires certain muscles to contract to increase the pressure on the air sacs and push the air out. Because the sternum must move during respiration, it is essential that it is allowed to move freely when a bird is being restrained. Holding a bird "too tight" can easily cause the bird to suffocate. Because birds have air sacs that reach into the bones, and have no diaphragm, respiratory infections can spread to the abdominal cavity and bones. Bird lungs do not expand or contract like the lungs of mammals. In mammalian lungs, the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in microscopic sacs in the lungs, called 'alveoli.' In the avian lung, the gas exchange occurs in the walls of microscopic tubules, called 'air capillaries.' The respiratory system of birds is more efficient than that of mammals, transferring more oxygen with each breath. This also means that toxins in the air are also transferred more efficiently. This is one of the reasons why fumes from Teflon are toxic to chickens and other birds, but not to mammals at the same concentration. When comparing birds and mammals of similar weight, birds have a slower respiratory rate. Unlike mammals, Respiration in chicken requires two respiratory cycles (inspiration, expiration, and inspiration, expiration) to move the air through the entire respiratory system. In mammals, only one respiratory cycle is necessary. o Respiratory cycle of a chicken 1. During the first inspiration, the air travels through the nostrils, also called nares, of a bird, which are located at the junction between the top of the upper beak and the head. The fleshy tissue that surrounds them, in some birds, is called the cere. As in mammals, air moves through the nostrils into 23 the nasal cavity. From there it passes through the larynx and into the trachea. Air moves through the trachea to the syrinx, which is located at the point just before the trachea divides in two. It passes through the syrinx and then the air stream is divided in two as the trachea divides. The air does not go directly to the lung, but instead travels to the caudal (posterior) air sacs. A small amount of air will pass through the caudal air sacs to the lung. 2. During the first expiration, the air is moved from the posterior air sacs through the ventrobronchi and dorsobronchi into the lungs. The bronchi continue to divide into smaller diameter air capillaries. Blood capillaries flow through the air capillaries and this is where the oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. 3. When the bird inspires the second time, the air moves to the cranial air sacs. 4. On the second expiration, the air moves out of the cranial air sacs, through the syrinx into the trachea, through the larynx, and finally through the nasal cavity and out of the nostrils. Fig: 8 Diagram showing movement of sternum and ribs during respiration: A. Inspiration B. Expiration C. Sternum (keel Types of breathing Terminologies used to describe types breathing. 24 1. Costal respiration: In this type of respiration thoracic muscles are mainly involved and the movement of the rib cage is more prominent. It is seen in dogs and cats. 2. Abdominal respiration: This type of respiration is seen in ruminants viz cattle, goat, sheep and yak. Here the abdominal muscles are involved and movement of the abdominal wall is noticed 3. Costo- abdominal respiration: In this type of respiration muscles of both thorax and abdomen are involved so the movement of the ribs and the abdominal wall are noticed. 4. Eupnea – normal quiet respiration 5. Dyspnea – difficult breathing 6. Apnea – Absence of breathing 7. Hypernea – increased depth or rate of breathing or both 8. Polynea – rapid shallow breathing AN OVERVIEW The importance of respiratory diseases in the overall perspective of pathology and clinical medicine cannot be overemphasized. Primary respiratory infections such as rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and bronchopneumonia occur with frequency. Also, the respiratory apparatus, especially the lungs, is secondarily involved in the terminal states of most diseases. Thus, regardless of the primary disease, the immediate cause of death is often pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema or bronchopneumonia. Actually, it is quite rare to find the lung uninvolved at postmortem examination. In this section, the respiratory apparatus is discussed from an anatomic approach beginning with the nasal cavity and ending with the lungs and pleura. Those diseases and conditions encountered with reasonable frequency in veterinary medical practice are discussed in some detail. Less common disease entities are given brief consideration. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONSThe respiratory apparatus of mammals consist of the airways (nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi), lungs, thorax, diaphragm, and muscles of the thorax. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between body tissues and the environment is the primary function of this apparatus. The nasal mucosa is moist, highly vascular, and contains numerous glands, thus adding warmth, and moisture to inspired air. The pharynx is a common passageway for the respiratory and digestive tubes. The larynx is a musculocartilaginous vascular structure that serves as the principal organ of phonation. The tracheal 25 mucosa has numerous glands and the epithelium is ciliated. The secretion of the glands and the motion of the cilia help to clear this structure of foreign material. Progressive branching of the major bronchi forms bronchioles. Further branching of bronchioles lead to the terminal bronchioles called the acinus or the terminal respiratory unit. Acini contain alveoli and are thus the site of gaseous exchange. An acinus is composed of (1) Respiratory bronchioles (emanating from the terminal bronchioles) which gives off from their sides several alveoli; the respiratory bronchioles then proceed into. (2) Alveolar ducts which immediately branch and empty into. (3) The alveolar sac (the blind end of the respiratory passage) whose walls are formed entirely of alveoli. A cluster of 3 to 5 terminal bronchioles, each with its appended acinus, is usually referred to as the pulmonary lobule. Lobules are separated from each other by connective tissue septa. Remember, The functional unit of the lungs in mammals is the acinus (not the alveolus); thus, disease of the lungs usually affects acinar units rather than just alveoli. Remember, Alveolar walls are not solid but are perforated by numerous pores which permit the passage of bacteria and exudate between adjacent alveoli. The lungs are supplied by two rather efficient arterial systems (pulmonary and bronchial arteries). In the absence of significant cardiac failure the bronchial arteries of aortic origin can sustain the vitality of the pulmonary parenchyma when the pulmonary blood supply is obstructed. Most antibody activity in the respiratory apparatus is associated with IgA. IgA is synthesized by plasma cells located in the lamina propria of bronchioles. The respiratory system of birds is the most complicated and efficient in the animal kingdom. In birds, the main bronchus does not ramify as in mammals but passes through the entire lung giving off groups of secondary bronchi. However, the most striking difference of the avian respiratory tract is the elaborate system of air sacs and air spaces within the central areas of the bones. All of these sacs and spaces connect to the lungs and on inhalation, air passes completely through the lungs into the air sacs. On exhalation, air passes back again and more completely fills the air channels in the lungs. Actually, a bird with a blocked trachea can still breathe if a connection is made between one of its pneumatized bones and the outside air. 26 Respiratory disorders (non-malignant) Asthma Sensitising agents or irritants both recognised in this regard and inherent in the work process Byssinosis Cotton, flax, hemp, sisal dust Extrinsic allergic alveolitis Damp material of biological origin, such as mouldy hay, straw, grain and feathers Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Coal, silica, cotton or grain dust Silicosis Silica Asbestosis Asbestos Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis Coal Other pneumoconiosis Exposures known to occasionally cause pneumoconiosis, such as beryllium, tin, iron oxide, barium, aluminum, cobalt, tungsten 27 Important Lung Worms Dictyocaulus viviparus Cattle Aelurostrongylus abstrusus Cat Filaroides milski and F. osleri Dog Dictyocaulus arnfieldi Horse Dictyocaulus filaria Sheep Protostrongylus rufescens Sheep Muellerius capillaris Sheep Metastrongylus apri, M. salmi, and M. pudendotectus Swine - Clinical importance Trachea It may be necessary to ensure that it is kept patent by passing a tube (endotracheal intubation) to maintain the airway, especially post operatively if the patient has been given a muscle relaxant. Another common surgical procedure, tracheotomy, involves a small transverse cut in the neck. If this is done with anatomical knowledge no major structure is disturbed and the opening may be used for a suction tube, a ventilator, or in cases of tracheal obstruction as a permanent airway. Faulty drenching Faulty drenching in calves may lead into deposition of milk, liquid feed into lungs causing instant death of aspiration pneumonia. Parasitic Pneumonia Inflammation of lungs caused due to the presence of lungworm in horse and cattle. Gap worm: Respiratory distress due to presence of gap worm in trachea in chicken. 28 Asphyxiation Strangulation to death while tethering Artificial respiration Need to be done during general anesthetic over dose in dogs. Alternately compressing and releasing the thoracic wall. References for respiratory system 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Cunningham: text book of vet. Physiology, 1992, pp. 533-545. Dr. Penjor and Mr. Nidup, Karma Hand outs for diploma. Dyce, Sack< Wensing- text book of Vet. Anatomy, 1987. hared_Images/chicken_resp.gif&imgrefurl= oultry_module/poultry2_body_chicken_1.htm&h=356&w=340&sz=12&hl=en&start=2&um=1 &tbnid=Aajm2lgAM8aPtM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drespiration%2Bof %2Ba%2Bchicken%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN Image from Purves et al., Life: The Science of Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates ( and WH Freeman (, used with permission Information provided by: Pathology of Domestic Animals, Vol. I, Jubb and Kennedy, - pp. 151-154. 29