BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNITS 3 AND 4 Interpreting words in assessment task and exam questions Gillian Somers Education consultant In school-based coursework students are assessed on their understanding of the key knowledge and key skills related to a specific outcome in either Unit 3 or 4. In the end-of-year examination all outcomes of Units 3 and 4 of VCE Business Management are examined and all of the key knowledge and key skills underpinning the outcomes in this pair of units are examinable. The format of the examination for 2013 has changed—advice on the changes was published in the February 2013 (No. 102) issue of the VCAA Bulletin: VCE, VCAL and VET. The examination will continue to be presented in a question-and-answer book, and will be worth a total of 65 marks. The questions will include both short and extended responses. The final question will be worth 10 marks and will be drawn from Unit 3 or 4, or both. It is important for teachers to ensure that VCE Business Management students are familiar with the question styles that can be used to assess their understanding of key knowledge and key skills in Units 3 and 4, both in school-based coursework and the end-of-year examination. There are a number of task words that are commonly used in assessment task and exam questions, such as: identify, describe, discuss, explain, analyse and evaluate. Assessment task and exam questions also contain content words, limiting words and a mark allocation. ‘Unpacking’ a question Teaching your students how to ‘unpack’ a question will greatly assist them in handling both their school-based coursework assessment and exams. The different parts of a question are: Task words—these words tell the student what they have to do with the topic or key knowledge, e.g. compare, define, analyse, evaluate Content words—these words tell the student what areas of key knowledge need to be addressed in the answer Limiting words—these words define the scope and focus of the answer. They act to limit the subject matter so you know what should and should not be included in the answer. Mark and time allocation—this indicates how much the question is worth. Based on the marks allocated a student can then work out how much time they should allow to complete that question. VCTA © Gillian Somers Published April 2013 page 1 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNITS 3 AND 4 Commonly used task words in VCE Business Management questions To answer questions in assessment tasks, practice exams and the end-of-year exam accurately, students need to understand the meaning of the following task words. Task word Description Analyse Identify the main features then examine closely; examine in parts; show how the parts relate to the whole, e.g. analyse the essential components in decision-making or in the problem-solving process Apply Use the information provided or knowledge in a particular situation and make links and connections; use theory to help in a practical example Compare Bring together for noting the points of likeness and difference, e.g. compare management theory and practice Define Accurately state or explain the meaning of the term Describe Provide a detailed account of something; give the facts about something and if the question refers to a process, provide a detailed account in sequential order Discuss Examine an issue or response and state arguments or opinions covering both sides of the issue or response covered in the stimulus material Distinguish Recognise or show points of difference; note the distinctive characteristics Establish criteria Determine criteria or measures to conduct an evaluation Explain Make the meaning of something clear and understandable Evaluate Apply a weighted criteria to the relative strengths and weaknesses of the arguments raised in the stimulus material, as well as provide your opinion Identify Determine or establish as being a particular thing, or determine the key characteristics or features Illustrate Provide an example to support your statement or comment Label Describe or designate, e.g. label the organisational chart with the appropriate management levels List Enter in a list with others Outline Provide a brief description of the term or topic Provide reasons/justify Justify your choice or selection Recommend/suggest Present and state facts, ideas or feelings appropriate to the issue or response covered in the stimulus material Select Choose one in preference to another VCTA © Gillian Somers Published April 2013 page 2 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNITS 3 AND 4 Sample questions VCAA Business Management examination, 2012 Question 1b Task words Limiting word Identify and explain two methods from the strategy of managing quality that Webster’s could use to ensure a high-quality chocolate product. 4 marks Content words Marks Time = 6–7 minutes Question 1d Task words Limiting words Describe and justify one management practice or process from each of the three phases of the employment cycle that could apply to Websters as it changes its focus to compete on quality. 6 marks Content words Marks Time = 10–11 minutes VCAA Business Management examination, 2011 Question 4 Explain four steps from Kotter’s 8-step theory of change management. Discuss how the effective use of Kotter’s change theory could impact on the internal environment of an organisation. In your answer refer to an organisation or a significant change issue you have studied this year. (10 marks) Task words: explain, discuss Content words: Kotter’s 8-step theory of change management, internal environment Limiting words: four steps, organisation/significant change issue Mark/time allocation: 10 marks, 16–18 minutes VCTA © Gillian Somers Published April 2013 page 3 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNITS 3 AND 4 Tasks Use the examples on the previous page to help you complete the following tasks. VCAA Business Management exam, 2011, Question 1e Explain both induction and training and development. Discuss how these practices will assist in the effective management of staff. (6 marks) Task word(s) _____________________________ Content word(s) _____________________________ Limiting word(s) _____________________________ Mark/time allocation _____________________________ VCAA Business Management exam, 2011, Question 2a Freda Campbell is setting up a new business in Melbourne that will manufacture and sell furniture. Evaluate two positive and two negative contributions of large-scale organisations to the economy. (4 marks) Task word(s) _____________________________ Content word(s) _____________________________ Limiting word(s) _____________________________ Mark/time allocation _____________________________ VCAA Business Management exam, 2012, Question 2b By nature, Ms Glass is a consultative manager. Identify two characteristics of this management style, and explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using this style. (4 marks) Task word(s) _____________________________ Content word(s) _____________________________ Limiting word(s) _____________________________ Mark/time allocation _____________________________ VCAA Business Management exam, 2012, Question 3a Describe two factors from the internal and/or external environments of large-scale organisations, and discuss how they have impacted on an organisation that you have studied this year. (6 marks) Task word(s) _____________________________ Content word(s) _____________________________ Limiting word(s) _____________________________ Mark/time allocation _____________________________ VCTA © Gillian Somers Published April 2013 page 4