INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION’S LETTERHEAD DATE The Honorable NAME NAME U.S. House of Representatives OFFICE House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Congressman/woman XXX: Please accept this letter from [ORGANIZATION NAME] in [LOCATION] encouraging your support of establishing Regional Infrastructure Improvement Zones (RIIZs) in federal legislation (HR 3780 in the 112th Congress). RIIZs would create a new infrastructure financing mechanism that would help address the nationwide infrastructure funding shortfall felt at all levels of government. RIIZs would further define a commitment to upgrading our infrastructure nationwide, while protecting our environment, boosting the economy and creating jobs. [ORGANIZATION NAME] is working with the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), our trade association, to reintroduce this legislation in the 113th Congress and we encourage your support of this effort. The infrastructure inadequacies plaguing our communities are in dire need of maintenance and improvement. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates the national infrastructure needs more than $2.2 trillion dollars over the next five years to maintain current status. RIIZs are an innovative opportunity, separate from lengthy federal authorization and appropriation processes, to allow regional and local solutions to these challenges by encouraging private-sector investment in infrastructure through a favorable tax treatment of funds and streamlined, established approval processes. RIIZs are a positive infrastructure funding element as they would: Uphold proven regional and local infrastructure investment decision-making processes. By going through the local regional planning organization, RIIZs maintain a level of consistency, transparency and accountability, tying infrastructure investments closely to a region’s approved plans, the local community’s needs and the overall public good. Regional planning organizations and our governing boards of appointed and local elected officials are knowledgeable about infrastructure issues, and have expertise in regional infrastructure financing, planning and development, and implementing new strategies to determine appropriate infrastructure investments. Drive monies directly to the local level – both rural and urban. In 2005, infrastructure spending by localities accounted for nearly 75 percent of total spending. However, many local governments are facing budgetary crises that will constrain a great majority of infrastructure spending. Additional avenues for infrastructure financing and investment like RIIZs are needed. Reinforce local governments and local elected officials as critical partners in the federal process. Local governments across the country are committed to creating safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly communities. Local governments own and operate the majority of our nation’s infrastructure and the local elected officials are closest to the people, being accountable and responsive to the needs of their communities. Offer new options to fund infrastructure improvements and construction. Urban and rural America are sitting on billions of dollars of unfunded, dormant infrastructure projects—many of which are critical to preserving, maintaining and making our system safer. Besides a lack of federal, state and local dollars to complete or upgrade infrastructure projects, there tends to not be sufficient local match funds. Private sector contributions through the RIIZ process could be used as local match. Be a revenue positive for government. When the private entity gives government a dollar under a RIIZ, the entity receives only the marginal tax rate on that dollar back from government. Thank you for your commitment in determining innovative funding solutions that will promote sustained and strategic public investments in infrastructure. [ORGANIZATION NAME] offers support and assistance for the enactment of RIIZs. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [INSERT CONTACT INFORMATION]. Thank you. Sincerely,