MUNICIPAL ELECTED OFFICIALS COURSE INFORMATION SHEET C O U R S E O U T C O M E S At the end of the course, you will: Identify the roles and responsibilities of elected officials in preparing for and responding to a major emergency or disaster Summarize Alberta’s emergency management framework and legislation E V A L U A T I O N Feedback from course trainer(s), Alberta Emergency Management Agency’s (AEMA) staff, and peers T R A I N I N G M E T H O D Presentations, discussions, at least one exercise T A R G E T A U D I E N C E Chief elected officials Councilors Chief administrative officers Municipal directors of disaster services C O U R S E P R E R E Q U I S I T E Reviewing your Municipal Emergency Plan before the course is useful. C O U R S E L E N G T H A N D L O A D I N G Minimum of five hours (one day) is required to achieve the course outcomes. Minimum 20 participants. E M E R G E N C Y M A N A G E M E N T E X E R C I S E S A N D T R A I N I N G