Chapter 10 - Early Medieval

Art 133-World Art History I
Chapter 10, Early Medieval Art
Pictures/Slides from Text
1. 10.3, Purse Cover, London, UK, 7th Century
2. 10.5, Cross Page-Lindisfarne Gospels, London, UK, 700 CE, 8th Century
3. 10.8, Chi Rho Iota, Book of Kells, Dublin, Ireland, 800 CE, 9th Century
4. 10.10, Animal Head, Oslo, Norway, 9th Century
5. 10.13, St Matthew from Gospel Book of Charlemagne, Vienna, Italy, 800-810 CE
9th Century
6. 10.16, Front Cover-Lindau Gospels, New York, USA, 870 CE, 9th Century
7. 10.24, 10.25, Abby Church of St Michael's, Hildesheim, Germany, 1001-1033 CE,
11th Century
8. 10.26, 10.27, 10.28, 10.29, 10.30, Doors of Bishop Bernward, Hildesheim,
Germany, 1015 CE, 11th Century
9. 10.31, Christ Blessing Emperor Otto II, Paris, France, 982-983 CE, 10th Century
10.10.33, Jesus Washing the Feet of St. Peter, Munich, Germany, 997-1000 CE, 10th
11.10.35, The Gero Crusifix, Cologne, Germany, 970 CE, 10th Century
12.10.36, Virgin of Essen, Essen, Germany, 980 CE, 10th Century
Facts/Information from Text
13.The term Medieval is used to describe a variety of regions in western Europe after
the fall of Rome in 476 CE.
14.The Medieval Period saw the development throughout Europe of a system of
political organization known as Feudalism.
15.Medieval colonization of Europe was often directly related to the desire for
precious metals.
16.Individual metal strips attached on edge to a baseplate as little walls to form cells
that enclose glass or gems is known as cloisonn'e.
17.The artistic tradition of the Gremanic peoples made heavy use of stylized animal
like forms, referred to by some scholars as the “Animal Style”.
18.The practice of burying important people in ships seems to have begun in
19.The analysis of growth rings of trees or wooden objects is known as
20.During the early Middle Ages, the Irish, (called Hibernians) were the spiritual and
cultural leaders of western Europe.
21.The Hiberno-Saxon manuscript style reached it's climax a hundred years after the
Lindisfarn Gospels in the Book of Kells, the most elaborate codex of Celtic art.
22.During the late 8th Century, a new empire developed out of the collection of tribes
and kingdoms that dominated northern continental Europe known as Carolingian.
23.The most prominent ruler of the Carolingian empire was Charlemange who ruled
beginning in 768 CE.
24.The naming of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III in 800 CE
began a relationship between European political and spiritual authority that would
define the history of western Europe for many centuries.
25.Around 911 CE, a new empire formed in the eastern portion of the former
Carolingian empire known as Ottonian after it's three principal rulers Otto I, II,
and III.