So you think you’ve got problems Below the tasks there is the correct version of the transcription of this poem. Try to go, however, to tasks first and carry them out with some guidance. Only then check your work against the provided correct version of transcription. Now have a look at your own transcription and try to spot any problematic areas. Now check the transcription of yours against the provided one once again. I hope you’ve got no problems now. (note: 1. There are no tasks 2, 3) Good luck. Transcription tasks Task 1A / @ "stju;d@ntfr@m xsVnI&l"ÙI@z / / wUd xfri"kwentlI xb3;st IntU "tI@z / / f@ h@ "rIDm n "stres / / xwe@ x @ xt@"rIbl xmes / / n xjet Si;d "bi;n xstVdIN f@ "jI@z / The main errors in the part above are: There should be the dotted /i/ at the end of words Weak forms of would, and (in this context must be [@n]), she’d, into=to, been Stresses mostly missing x Wrong phonemic symbols The case of linking [r] in were a Pronunciation of frequently, studying, terrible Task 1B @"stju:d@ntfr@m"saniAl"dZirz Wwud"fri:kwentlI xb@:stint@"ti@z fo:h@:"riD@m@nd"stres xw@:@"terIbl xmes @nd"jetSi:dbi:n"stadINfo:j@:z There are numerous errors. Only the main categories are suggested and you should identify the words. e.g. weak forms: would 1. weak forms: 2. dotted and undotted i in words such as: pronunciation of individual words such as: 3. missing primary stresses in front of syllables in these words: 4.wrong phonemic symbole in: 5. linking r in: [we@r@] Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 1. The person failed to indicate the stresses altogether. Do it. The number of stresses is suggested by the number given in brackets next to each line. 2. There is a number of wrong IPA symbols [I], [i], [V], [Q] 3. but and to us are weak forms 4. The plural ending –s in problems should be pronounced [z]. Why? D&ts i:zI sed tna:kasan (5) @naisan@"sju:miNjVNm&n (4) bVtr@drait@ndroN (3) @ndledlait@ndloN (3) a:probl@mst@Vsfr@mdZ@p&n (3) Task 5 Have a look at this part. There are some errors in transcription. The errors are highlighted. @n "@bstIneIt "stju:d@ntfr@m "spa: rI"fju:st@ &"knolIdZ D@ "Swa: U Q "hi: xsed "g@Ut@"t@Un hi @nd"dZVmp"Vp @nd"d@Un !dZVmp"Vp "Tets"teIkIN"TINks"ra:D@ xtu:"fa: "D&ts "TINz "rA:D@ The main problems are: Secondary stress in jump up/down Weak forms: he, to Demostrative that is never used in a weak form. Missing stresses x Proper transcription of town, down, acknowledge, obstinace, things (Have a look at thein dictionary transcription below). obstinate ˈɒb.stɪ.nət, -stᵊn.ət, -ɪt acknowledg|e əkˈnɒl.ɪʤ, thing θɪŋ things –z Task 6 s@U"stju;d@nts@nd"ti;Í@sXO;l"saIt DeI"ÙIb@x@nd"SIv@x@nd"kraI "te@rIN"he@fr@mDe@"hedz "sObIN"leItInDe@"bedz DeI"wVnd@ x If"sak@ x Iz"naIt There are some problems in these lines. 1. end here is due to following t in teachers [@n] plural of teachers pronunciation of sigh all must be stressed 2222. after jibber and shiver there is the linking [r] 4. the phonemic symbol [Q] unlike [O:] 5. after wonder and succour there is the linking [r] pronunciation of nigh the phonemic symbol [V] Task 7 /b@t "d@Unt "wVrI "helpIzIn "saIt/ /wI@ "rI@lI @"we@ Qv jo; "plaIt/ /baI "ri;dIN "spi;k "aUt/ /ju;l "b&nIS o;l "daut/ /w@l "pQs@blI "jes ju; "ÙVst "maIt/ Try to specify where these errors occur Dotted /i/ at ………………………….. which function words in their weak forms are not transcribed properly Weak forms of ……, ……, ….., ….. where primary stresses are missing Stresses missing (2) where there is an example of the linking [r] 1++Have a look at the second line. which symbols are not proper IPA ones Wrong phonemic symbols Which word is not transcribed properly Have a look at the last line. Have a look at the correct version below. Transcription KEY 1 @ "stju;d@ntfr@m "sVni&l"ÙI@z w@d "fri:kw@ntli "b3;stInt@ "tI@z f@h@ "rIDm@n "stres "we@r@ "terIbl "mes @n "jetSIdbIn "stVdiINf@ "jI@z 2 @ "nVD@fr@m2 "li:m@p@ "ru: "sed "ti:Í@ "wQtS@daI "du: d@z "kQf "raImwID "rVf "baUwIDI "nVf @nd "wQt@ "baUt "TVr@n "Tru: 3 @ "nVD@ "jVN "stju;d@ntfr@m "speIn "sed "ti:Í@ "pli:zk@djUIk"spleIn "waI "beri@n(d) "b&n @n(d) "veri@n(d) "v&n "A: "dIfr@nt t@ "mi:De@D@ "seIm 4 "D&ts "i:zi "sed "t&n@k@ "s&n (5) @"naIsVn@ "sju:mIN "jVN "m&n (4) b@t "red "raIt@n(d) "roN (3) @nd "led "laIt@n(d) "loN (3) "a: "prQbl@mztU "Vsfr@mdZ@ "p&n (4) 5 @n "QbstInIt "stju:d@ntfr@m "spa: rI "fju:st(t)U@ "knQlIdZD@ "Swa: hi "sed "g@Ut@ "taUn @nd !dZVmp "Vp@n"daUn "T&ts "teIkIN "TINz "rA:D@ "tu: "fa: 6 s@U "stju;d@nts@n "ti;Í@z "O;l "saI DeI "ÙIb@r@n(d) "SIv@r@n(d) "kraI "te@rIN "he@fr@mDe@ "hedz "sQbIN "leItInDe@ "bedz DeI "wVnd@rIf "sVk@rIz "naI 7 b@t wI@ baI jUl "d@Unt "wVri "helpIzIn "saIt "rI@li@ "we@r@vj@ "plaIt "ri;dIN !spi;k "aUt "b&nIS "O;l "daUt/ "wel "pQs@bli "jesjU "ÙVst "maIt/