BRIEF FOR AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVALUATION: 117-123, GOSBECKS ROAD, COLCHESTER, ESSEX. COLCHESTER BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING DEPARTMENT. NOVEMBER 2012 1 1. Introduction. This Brief for an archaeological evaluation has been prepared by the Archaeological Officer of Colchester Borough Council. The proposed development is located within an area of definite archaeological potential, and the Brief is designed to locate, identify and assess the quality of any surviving archaeological. This information will then enable an informed decision to be taken on the requirements, if any, of further archaeological evaluation and possibly full excavation. This follows the guidelines provided for in National Planning Policy Framework: (DCLG 2012). 2. Site Location and Description. The redevelopment site of 2.185 acres is situated south of Colchester town centre adjacent but on the north side of Gosbecks Road, and comprises office and store buildings occupied by Colchester Borough Homes and Lay & Wheelers wine merchants, (Fig.1). The site is centred at NGR TL97527 22848. Concrete hard standing used as car parking covers a significant part of the redevelopment area. 3. Planning Background. An application will be forthcoming for the erection of a new building of 1,915 sq m on the west side of the site predominately on the footprint of the 2 existing office buildings. Existing car parking areas will remain in situ as will the office building with its car park on the south-eastern part of the site also. Outbuildings to the rear (north), of the redevelopment site will be removed and the area incorporated into the car park. 4. Archaeological Background. The site is located adjacent to, but outside, of the scheduled ancient monument area of Gosbecks Iron Age & Romano-British site, (SAM No.57). Excavations following evaluation in 1994 south of Gosbecks Road and north of Cunobelin Way on the housing estate opposite the redevelopment site revealed various features of the prehistoric and Roman landscape. A full discussion of Gosbecks will be found in Hawkes & Crummy, (1995). A Roman road running north-south from Colchester to Gosbecks is recorded some 85m west of the site in question. 5. Requirement for Work. The proposed evaluation is being undertaken to establish the extent, character and date of any archaeological deposits that may be present. It is proposed that two trenches each 10m long and a minimum of 1.5m in width are machine excavated using a toothless bucket within the area of the proposed footprint of the new building which will be to the west side of the redevelopment area, as indicated on Fig.2. The trench positions may be relocated to avoid any service runs, ease machine access, etc. It may not be necessary to excavate to the natural but there must be sufficient excavation to determine if any archaeological deposits survive. Manual cleaning and examination of features will be necessary. Details of the proposed environmental sampling strategy and subsequent analysis shall be provided. A metal detector shall be used to examine spoil heaps and finds recovered. 2 6. General Methodology. The archaeological contractor must be familiar with and follow the Guidelines on Standards and Practices for Archaeological Fieldwork in the Borough of Colchester (1999: Revised 2008), and the Guidelines on the Preparation and Transfer of Archaeological Archives to Colchester & Ipswich Museums (1996. Revised 2008). (Copies available from Colchester Borough Planning). The archaeological contractor will be expected to follow the Code of Conduct of the Institute of Field Archaeologists. All of the latest Health and Safety guidelines must be followed on site. The IFA’s Standards and Guidance for Archaeological Field Evaluation (1994: Revised 1999) shall be used for additional guidance in the production of the archaeological specification, the content of the report, and the general execution of the project. The archaeological contractor is expected to follow the Code of Conduct of the Institute of Field Archaeologists. 7. Archive Deposition. It is a policy of Colchester Borough Council that the integrity of the site archive be maintained (i.e. all finds and records should be properly curated by a single organisation), with the archive available for public consultation. To achieve this desired aim it is assumed that the full archive will be deposited in Colchester Museums unless otherwise agreed in advance. (A full copy of the archive shall in any case be deposited). Arrangements for long-term storage and deposition of the archive, including all artefacts, must be agreed with the landowner and the recipient museum prior to the commencement of fieldwork. The full archive shall be deposited with Colchester Museums within six months of the completion of the report, and in accordance with the Guidelines on the Preparation and Transfer of Archaeological Archives to Colchester & Ipswich Museums (1996: Revised 2008). Further guidance on the deposition of the archive will be found in Archaeological Archives: A guide to best practice in creation, compilation, transfer and curation. (Brown, 2007). A copy of the report shall be supplied to the Essex Heritage and Environment Record (EHER) on completion, and an EHER summary sheet submitted within four weeks of work finishing on site, (copy attached). At the start of work an OASIS online record will be initiated and key fields completed on Details, Location and Creators forms. 8. References. Brown, D. 2007. Archaeological Archives. A guide to best practice in creation, compilation, transfer and curation. Archaeological Archives Forum and IFA. 3 Colchester Borough Council. 1999. Revised 2008. Guidelines on Standards and Practices for Archaeological Fieldwork in the Borough of Colchester. Colchester Borough Council. 1996. Revised 2008. Guidelines on the Preparation and Transfer of Archaeological Archives to Colchester & Ipswich Museums. Hawke, C.F.C &.Crummy, P. 1995. Camulodunum 11. CAR Report 11. 9. Contractors Specification. Archaeological contractors shall forward a project specification to Colchester Borough Council’s Archaeological Officer for validation before submitting costed proposals to the agency (client) commissioning the work. The specification shall include a trench layout plan. Brief written by: Martin Winter MIFA Major Project Planning Team, Colchester Borough Council, 4 Rowan House, 33, Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex, C03 3WG. Tel: (01206) 508781 E-mail: Brief written: 30/11/2012 This Brief is valid for six months only from the date above. After this period the author should be contacted. 5 6