April 2003 Newsletter

Newsletter of the
Toxicologic and Exploratory Pathology
Specialty Section of the SOT
Volume 4, Issue 1
April 2003
Presidents corner
Dear TEPSS Members:
I am honored to have been elected President of
TEPSS. I look forward to working with the TEPSS
Council to ensure that we continue to build on the
foundation established over the past couple of years
by the efforts of Reid Patterson, Hugh Black, Lynda
Lanning, Roger Renne, Bill Kerns and the
incumbent members of the Council. The principal
mission of the TEPSS is to foster awareness and
understanding of toxicologic pathology topics by
the general membership of the SOT. Prior to
formation of TEPSS toxicologic pathologists within
the SOT made many individual contributions, but
they lacked a consolidated forum for spreading their
important messages. As we move into the “omics”
revolution of toxicology it is important to ensure
that the reference points for all such investigations
are morphologic features. Every day mention is
made of the need to replenish the pool of
individuals who possess awareness of the whole
animal. As toxicologic pathologists trained in a
manner, which emphasized the anatomy and
physiology of the whole animal, we can easily
appreciate the importance of this knowledge and
point of view. However, with increasing
specialization many biomedical investigators lack
whole animal expertise, which will permit them to
put into perspective their important contributions
and thereby realize its greatest potential. I invite
you to help keep the world of biomedical research
in balance; we need specialists and we need
generalists. The TEPSS provides the forum for
bringing these people together. Please participate
actively in the TEPSS and encourage like-minded
colleagues to join as well. Share the knowledge of
the whole animal for the whole world.
Bruce McCullough
Figure 1: Out-going President Jeff Everitt hands off the gavel
to Bruce McCullough
Fundraising drive update
by Bill Kerns
This year, TEPSS conducted a fund-raising
campaign to help create a sound financial
foundation for our new section as it moves forward.
The funds will be used to support student travel
awards and invited speakers for the annual
membership meeting at SOT. Thus far, the
campaign has been very successful with donations
totaling $6500 from Amgen, BMS, GSK, Hugh
Black Associates, Pharmacia and other anonymous
donors. Many thanks.
*****In this issue******
President’s Corner ..............................................1
Fundraiser update ...............................................1
TEPSS Student Travel Award ...........................2
Summary of SOT 2003 TEPSS programs .........2
Membership in TEPSS.......................................2
TEPSS 2003 Annual meeting & reception ........2
Program for SOT 2004 Baltimore......................3
Summary of March 2003 officers meeting ........3
Upcoming meetings ...........................................4
Volunteer opportunities .....................................4
Officers 2003-2004 ............................................4
TEPSS membership application ........................5
TEPSS Newsletter - 1
'The Human Genome: Implications for
Toxicology Pathology & Carcinogenesis',
is the theme for the 22nd Annual Meeting of
the Society of Toxicologic Pathology. The
meeting is in Savannah, Georgia from June
15-19, 2003.
May 9: Pre-Registration deadline for meeting
and hotel reservations at the Westin Savannah
Harbor and Spa. Call (800) 937-8461 or (912) 2012090 and reference the Toxicologic Pathology
Symposium to receive the discounted conference
hotel room rate.
TEPSS Student Travel Awards
by Roger Renne
TEPSS presents a Student Travel Award annually to assist
graduate students and residents in toxicology with travel to the
annual SOT meeting. The award consists of a $500 check and
a plaque. Also, Taylor & Francis Publishing generously
provides a $130 gift certificate to the winner.
There were six excellent abstracts nominated for the TEPSS
Student Travel Award in 2003. The winning abstract was
submitted by Ms. Li Chen, a graduate student in Toxicology in
the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology at Rutgers
University, Piscataway, NJ. She was nominated by her
advisor, Professor Debra Laskin. Ms. Chen's winning abstract
was entitled Upregulation of TREM-1 by Endotoxin in Mouse
Liver Macrophages. Co-authors were Marion Gordon, Jeffrey
Laskin, and Debra Laskin.
To be eligible for this award, candidates must have an abstract
accepted for presentation at the annual SOT meeting and must
be first and presenting author on the abstract. The candidate
must also provide a letter of recommendation from an
academic advisor who is a member of SOT. Deadline for
receipt of nominations is January 31 prior to the annual SOT
meeting. Complete instructions for nominating students for
this award and criteria for selection of the winner are listed on
the SOT website.
Figure 2: Ms. Chen received a plaque and travel funds from
Roger Renne as the 2003 winner of the Student Travel Award
Summary of 2003 TEPSS program contributions
by Jeff Everitt
TEPSS sponsored two very popular and successful continuing
education (CE) sessions at the 2003 Annual Meeting in Salt
Lake City. A CE course on the Use of Genetically-engineered
Mice in Toxicology had over 120 registrants, and a CE course
on Toxicologic Pathology had almost 200 individuals sign up.
The latter course follows on the past success of a similar
endeavor at the 2002 meeting and is quickly becoming an
important component of the annual CE program. Having a CE
course in toxicologic pathology at the annual SOT meeting
provides the specialty section with a prominent platform to
share member talent. TEPSS also co-sponsored with other
specialties a very timely submission on bioterrorism. The
important business and fellowship activities of the TEPSS
group was complimented at the annual specialty section
business meeting by a short talk by Dr. Brad Bolon of Amgen,
Corp. entitled “The Use of Genetically-engineered Mice in
Drug Discovery and Development”. This excellent
presentation was well received by the membership and
visitors, some of whom attended following participation in Dr.
Bolon’s CE session.
Membership in the Toxicologic and Exploratory
Pathology Specialty Section.
by Doug Wolf
I wish to thank the membership of TEPSS for their continued
support and activities for the specialty section and SOT. Our
membership is very active and well represented across the
many symposia, workshops, and CE courses presented at the
annual meeting. But it is important that we have everyone who
has an interest in or practices in the field of toxicologic
pathology or exploratory pathology to become a member of
the specialty section. It is from the specialty sections that the
major educational contributions to, as well as philosophical
direction of SOT arise. To have an impact on these important
areas one must work through their specialty section. Currently
we have over 60 members of TEPSS and we had 42 attendees
at our last specialty section meeting in Salt Lake City. Each of
the attendees of the specialty section meeting were contacted
afterwards and invited to join if they already weren't members.
I would like to suggest to our membership that each of us
make a personal goal, that by the time the next annual renewal
notice comes out we each invite (convince) one person from
our organization, company, or institution, that is an SOT
member to join TEPSS. For many it is as easy as clicking an
additional box on the renewal form and letting your
administrative assistant know. For others it is only an
additional $15 dollar investment that really does come back to
you many fold. I look forward to seeing many of you in
Baltimore and many more members at our next specialty
section meeting.
TEPSS 2003 Annual meeting & Reception
by George Foley
The 2003 SOT meeting in Salt Lake City was well attended.
The annual meeting and reception of the Toxicologic &
Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section was Monday
evening, March 10. After introducing the officers, President
Jeff Everitt updated members and guests on the membership
and fundraiser drives. Roger Renne presented the TEPSS
TEPSS Newsletter - 2
Student Travel Award (see article in this issue) and the winner
gave a brief presentation of her poster (Figure 3). Wanda
Haschek provided an overview of the ACVP-STP survey of
pathologists. Brad Bolan (Figure 4) gave a presentation on use
of genetically modified mice in drug development. New
officers, President-elect Brian Short and Councilor Tom
Monticello were introduced and out-going officers President
Jeff Everitt, Councilor/Past President Bill Kerns, and
Councilor Roger Renne were thanked for all their
Figure 3: Ms Chen presented a brief overview of her poster
Figure 4: Brad Bolon gave an overview of use of genetically
modified mice in drug development
Program for 2004 SOT Meeting. by B McCullough,
The program for the 2004 SOT Meeting is currently being
finalized. As I mentioned above the principal role of the
TEPSS is to generate programs for SOT annual meetings. This
year the TEPSS is pleased to offer Principal Endorsement to
two Continuing Education (CE) Courses: Integrating Clinical
Pathology into Compound Evaluation and Risk Assessment
organized by Tom Monticello and Gail Walter and Immunotoxicology organized by JoAnn Schuh and Lynnda Reid. The
TEPSS will lend secondary endorsement to Biomarkers:
development, evaluation and use, Agricultural Chemical
Safety Assessment: a multi-sector, international proposal,
Phospholipidosis: implications and challenges in drug
development and others being negotiated during the final stage
of the program formulation process. Even as we complete our
efforts for the 2004 SOT Program it is not unreasonable to
start thinking about 2005 while topics not fully defined are
still fresh in our minds. The TEPSS is one of the smaller
Specialty Sections and we must work hard and pull together to
identify and formulate meaningful programs. Thanks to all
who are helping with this effort.
Executive Committee Meeting Summary,
March 10, 2003. Meeting called to order at 7:10am. J Everitt,
G Foley, B Kerns, B McCollough, R Renne, B Short and D
Wolf in attendance. T Monticello sent regrets.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Jeff Everitt updated the officers
on TEPSS sponsored programs at the 2003 SOT meeting. It
was decided to prioritize development of CE courses followed
by Symposia and Workshops. There was a discussion on how
to increase visibility and increase membership of the specialty
section. Jeff proposed development of web-based seminar/
teleconference to compliment CE courses offered.
BUDGET: George Foley reported that the section had
received $3,500 from the fund-raiser so far which will aid in
the support of Student Travel Awards and Annual Reception
ELECTIONS: Bill Kerns announced the results of the
elections held Nov-Dec 2002. Brain Short received the most
votes for President-elect and Tom Monticello received the
most votes for Councilor. A roles & responsibility document
will be sent to new officers to assist in orientation of duties. A
discussion on how to maximize voter participation followed.
MEMBERSHIP: A membership drive was targeted to 82
SOT members who are concurrently members of STP and/or
ACVP. The February 2003 timing was discussed. Officers will
divide the list for individual follow-up. Contacting SOT
members that attended TEPSS sponsored CE courses was
discussed. A second membership drive will begin in 3Q03
prior to dues renewal.
STUDENT TRAVEL AWARDS: Roger Renne discussed
the submission process and recommended updating the criteria
to limit cover letters to two pages and request applicants to
state how their poster reflects molecular or toxicological
PROGRAM 2003: Jeff reviewed titles of CE courses &
Symposia. The timing of program development followed.
PROGRAM 2004: Bruce McCullough provided an overview
of topics being developed for next year. Deadline for
submission of topics & speakers is the end of April 2003.
FUNDRAISER: Bill Kerns addressed progress in the fund
drive. Letters were sent to 43 pathology departments. Followup will be done by dividing the list between the officers.
COMMUNICATIONS: George Foley discussed the updated
TEPSS section of the SOT web site. Newsletters for 2003
were published and sent to SOT members electronically in
June & November 2002. Target dates for 2003 publication
will be April and November.
 Focus on developing CE courses with a goal of five
program submissions, of which at least two would be
CE courses.
 Complete fund drive by follow-up contacts by officers
 Complete the membership drive and issue a second drive
in October-November 2003 (prior to dues renewal)
 Publish two newsletters and send to members April &
November 2003
The meeting was adjourned at 9am, submitted by G Foley
TEPSS Newsletter - 3
Uppsala, Sweden. www.ecvim-ca.org/ecvimca_congress.htm
22nd Society of Toxicologic Pathologists: 'The
Human Genome: Implications for Toxicology
Pathology & Carcinogenesis', June 16-19, 2003,
European Congress of Toxicologic Pathology.
Westin Harbor Resort, Savannah, Georgia. Contact:
Clarissa Wilson, (703) 438-7508; stp@toxpath.org;
September 25-27, 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
Teratology Annual Meeting, June 21–26, 2003, Loews
Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact
Teratology Headquarters, (703) 438-3104,
TSHQ@teratology.org, www.teratology.org
9th International Neurotoxicology Association
Meeting, June 23-27, 2003, Dresden, BG Institut Arbeit
und Gesundheit, F.R. Germany. Contact: Dr. Andreas
Seeber, 49 (0231) 10 84-323; seeber@ifado.de.
Toxicology Forum Summer Meeting, July 12-17,
2003, Aspen, Colorado. Contact: Toxicology Forum,
(202) 659-0030; toxforum@clark.net.
European College of Veterinary Pathologists /
European Society for Veterinary Clinical
Pathology Annual Conference. September 2-4, 2003,
EUROTOX 2003 - the 41st Congress of the European
Societies of Toxicology, September 28-31, 2003,
Florence, Italy. Info: Ms. Marina Marinovich, ,;: +
24th Annual Meeting of the American
College of Toxicology, November 2-5, 2003,
Washington, DC, USA. Info: Secretariat ACT,+
(301) 571-1840; ekagan@actox.org. Web site:
43rd Annual Meeting of the Society of
Toxicology, March 21-25, 2004, Baltimore, MD.
Upcoming volunteer opportunities:
SOT 2005 Program Committee
Timeframe: Aug 03-Apr 2004 develop programs (CE, Symposia, Workshops) for annual meeting. Brian Short, chair
Student travel award committee
Timeframe: Dec 2003-Jan 2004 review applications, abstracts and supporting letters, Tom Monticello, chair
SOT volunteer opportunity information is available at the Forms & Applications section under Member Services
menu option at www.toxicology.org.
Please feel free to contact your officers of the section with any questions, comments or suggestions.
Your suggestions for programs and membership are especially welcome and encouraged. The section exists to serve its
members by providing CE courses, workshops and symposium as well as supporting student travel.
President elect
Councilor/Past Pres
Bruce McCullough
Brian Short
George Foley
TEPSS Program ‘04
TEPSS Program ‘05
Doug Wolf
Tom Monticello
Jeff Everitt
Student Awards
Sage advice
The Newsletter of the Toxicologic & Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology is published twice annually for
members of the specialty section. Newsletter editor: George L. Foley (george.foley@pfizer.com)
TEPSS Newsletter - 4
If you are a Society of Toxicology member and want to become a member of the Toxicologic &
Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section you can still join the specialty section. Specialty
Section dues are $15 per year. If you are not a member of SOT you should join SOT and then
join the specialty section. Please encourage other SOT members with similar interests to join
our specialty section.
If paying by credit card you can call, fax, e-mail or mail your information using the contact
information below.
If paying by check make the check to “Society of Toxicology, TEPSS”, detach the completed
form and mail to the address below.
Society of Toxicology
ATTN: Rosibel
1767 Business Center Drive, Suite 302
Reston, VA 20190-5332
Phone: 703-438-7508
Fax: (703) 438-3113
Enclosed please find my payment of $15 for membership in the
Toxicologic & Exploratory Pathology Specialty Section of the SOT.
Method of payment:
Check or Money order #
(checks should be made payable to “Society of Toxicology, TEPSS”)
Credit card:
___American Express
___Master Card
Name on Card:
Credit card #
Expiration date
TEPSS Newsletter - 5