2015 IUTOX Administered SOT/AstraZeneca/SOT Endowment Fund Travel Awards IUTOX announces the availability of ten (10) travel awards to attend the 2015 Society of Toxicology, USA (SOT) Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held in San Diego, California, USA on March 22–26, 2015. Award sponsors include AstraZeneca, the Society of Toxicology, and the SOT Endowment Fund. The awardees may be either junior or senior scientists from a country where toxicology is underrepresented and have an active research program or currently be active in the practice of toxicology. Applicants should be from developing countries with a GNA<$8,000, as defined by the World Bank 2012. The following criteria will be used to select recipients of the awards: Completed application form; A brief statement indicating how the awardee will benefit from the fellowship; A brief statement demonstrating the ability to meet other expenses to attend the meeting (the base travel award available is $2,000 USD); and Curriculum vitae A strong letter of recommendation from the home society. If the applicant does not have a national toxicology society, a strong letter of recommendation from his/her department may be substituted; An abstract for the meeting is optional and MUST BE submitted through the normal abstract process. Award application submissions must be received no later than October 9, 2014. If you are a previous IUTOX/AstraZeneca/SOT Fellowship or an ICT or CTDC Fellowship awardee for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, or 2014, you are NOT eligible to apply for the IUTOX/AstraZeneca/SOT Fellowship. Awardees will be notified in November 2014. Awards will be issued at the 2015 SOT Annual Meeting. IUTOX HQ • 1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 300 • Reston, VA 20190 • Email: iutoxhq@iutox.org • Fax: 703.438.3113 2015 SOT/AstraZeneca/IUTOX Travel Award Application First Name: M.I.: Last Name: Company 1: Company 2: Address 1: Address 2: City/Region: State/Province: Postal Code: Country: Telephone: Email: Fax: Please provide your answers to the following questions. (Place an ‘X’ for your response) Yes Are you a Junior Scientist? Are you a Senior Scientist? PhD Year: Is toxicology underrepresented in your country? Provide Your Country: Do you have an active research program? Are you currently active in the practice of toxicology? Do you have an abstract for the meeting (optional)? Please provide (either copy and paste your responses into this document or send via email attachment with application): IUTOX HQ • 1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 300 • Reston, VA 20190 • Email: iutoxhq@iutox.org • Fax: 703.438.3113 No A brief statement indicating how you will benefit from the fellowship. Statement certifying the ability to meet other expenses to attend the meeting. Please send 1) this application document, 2) your curriculum vitae, and 3) a strong letter of recommendation from your home society as attachments via email to IUTOX Headquarters at iutoxhq@iutox.org. IUTOX HQ • 1821 Michael Faraday Drive, Suite 300 • Reston, VA 20190 • Email: iutoxhq@iutox.org • Fax: 703.438.3113