Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Lee Mound Scattered Cremations Burial Unknown McPherson 1921:1 Feature Description: - Apparently found scattered throughout the body of the mound Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (3-4?) - the ashes were “scattered through the earth” - “probably no more than three or four cremations had been deposited in the entire mound Note: The following artifacts were found, scattered through the mound in a manner similar to the cremations themselves, but not clearly associated with any particular concentration of cremated bone: 1) Slate gorgets (4) - two were perforated with two holes, two were unperforated 2) Slate tube pipe (1) - short, flat bottomed 3) Ceremonial spear (1) - Ohio flint - over 7 inches in length - pinkish in color - broken in two, the pieces found several feet apart 4) Arrow heads (5?) - small 5) Flint hammerstone (part of 1) 6) Utilitarian pottery (?) - 22 sherds