largest settlements - emilypitzen

Name: Aaron Pecotich
Tribe: Adena
Topic: largest settlement
Mound Builders and Cliff Dwellers Group Research Project
1. Write a brief summary (synopsis) of the topic you are researching:
The largest Adena settlement was found in Ohio. It has been excavated and moved years ago.
2. List 5 details you have learned below:
Pre-excavation view of the Adena Mound, located in Chillicothe, Ohio, United States, northwest of downtown. The type site for the
Adena culture, the site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, even though the mound was removed decades ago.
3. Insert 2 images that relate to your topic:
Pre-1901: the mound was
excavated in 1901
Largest settlement in Ohio
4. Copy and Paste a link to three websites that you used research your topic: