Omak High School CTE Department Commercial Photography

Omak High School CTE Department
Commercial Photography Course Syllabus
COURSE NAME: Commercial Photography - 2011/2012
INSTRUCTOR: Chrystal Wakeham
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learn the history, techniques, creativity, and business of
photography. Projects include technical and esthetic photo assignments, the use of
computers to edit and enhance photos, and the variety of ways to share photos.
Commercial Photography is designed for students who are interested in
the practical experience of commercial photography. At the end of the term, students will
submit a portfolio for instructor review. In building the portfolio, students experience a
variety of concepts, techniques, and approaches designed to help them demonstrate their
abilities as well as their versatility with techniques, problem solving, and ideation. The
portfolio is developed from the completion of projects during the semester with the end goal
being a 15 print collection of their best work.
OBJECTIVES AND GOALS: Students will be introduced to new photographers, digital
artists, artists, and more sophisticated techniques as points of departure to create work that
reflects that individual student's spirit and vision. By exploring photographic and digital
media with the camera and computer, students will be able to develop a body of work that
reflects a range of problem solving and ideation, and develops versatility with techniques to
demonstrate their abilities. Students will research, keep art journals, have class critiques,
individual critiques, and artistic dialogues that will inspire them as they create. There are
project requirements, but projects are open-ended enough for students to develop their
own styles and modes of expression. The development of the portfolio is an ongoing
process that uses informed and critical decision making to assemble a body of works. Work
is expected to be of high quality in thought, process, and product.
______ 3 Ring Binder with pocket files inside to hold handouts and other important
information. Notes and handouts must be kept in an organized manner.
______ USB Thumb Drive (2GB Minimum) (optional)...for photo file back up and transfer.
Necessary if the student wishes to upload images to Facebook, websites, etc.
______ Digital Camera (Optional) We will provide digital cameras for student use during
class, and in some occasional situations, available for overnight check out. However, if
students wish to bring their own camera to use in class they may. Students must
understand clearly that they are responsible for keeping their personal cameras as well as
the school gear secure, well maintained, and clean.
Unit 1: Elements of Design and Principles of photography
Unit 2: Digital Camera Basics, File Types, Photo Management with Apple's iPhoto
Unit 3: Basics of Shot Composition, Lighting, Color, and Visual Impact
Unit 4: Creative Composition
Unit 5: Editing and Enhancing images with Adobe Photoshop
Unit 6: Matting and production
Unit 7: Different Types of Photography: Action, Event, Portrait, Nature, Documentary,
and Advertising Photography.
Unit 8: Creating a Print and Web Based Portfolio
Optional Extra Unit: 1-minute movies
Optional Extra Unit: Screen printing process
Unit 9: Careers in Photography
Photography is a CTE course designed not to just teach technical skills used, but to
teach professional/life skills needed in the workforce as well. As a student photographer
student you may encounter situation where you are working out in the school and/
or community. You will be expected to maintain a high standard of responsibility and
trustworthiness.You are a representative of Omak High School. Photography students will
frequently be required to work on projects without direct teacher supervision both in and
outside of school.
The equipment students are using is very expensive and delicate. Abuse or neglect of
equipment in any way will not be tolerated. Students using equipment inappropriately or in
a negligent manner will be subject to disciplinary action.
BASIC CLASSROOM RULES A. Follow posted Classroom expectations!
B. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in the room.
C. Listen and follow all directions the first time given, especially in regards to the
appropriate use and maintenance all the equipment.
D. Food (INCLUDING GUM) and/or beverages are not allowed in the lab.
E. Observe all rules in the OHSstudent handbook.
F. Give me your best effort and have a positive attitude!!
First Time: Warning
Second Time: Lose portion of daily LAB points and time after class for short
teacher/student conference. In some cases, detention before/after school if longer
conference needed.
Third Time: Same as above, but parent called and student action plan developed.
Fourth Time: Office referral.
Severe disruptions: Student sent immediately to the office.
A (95%+) 475 +
A- (92%+) 460 - 474
B+ (88%+) 440 - 459
B (85%+) 425 - 439
B- (82%+) 410 - 424
C+ (78%+) 390 - 409
C (75%+) 375 - 389
C- (72%+) 360 - 374
D+ (68%+) 340 – 359
D (65%+) 325 - 339
D- (62%+) 310 - 324
F (< 62%) < 310
Late Work Policy: Assignments and projects are reduced by 50% for being one day
late. Assignments handed in later then one day late receive a 0 until a conference is held to
discuss situation behind the late work.
•Special circumstances may arise that cause an assignment or project to be late.
Students may also desire to redo a project to produce something of higher quality.
These situations must be discussed with me prior to the due date of the assignment and
occasionally special arrangements are made.
Extra Help: The best time to see Ms. Wakeham for help is before or after school.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: No electronic devices permitted to be seen, hear, or
used in any classroom during instruction at any time. If a students has an emergency
situation that requires use of their cell phone please explain to me first. IPODS may be
used when working on projects ONLY when the instructor indicates it’s ok.
Chrystal Wakeham
______________________ Return the following to Ms. Wakeham _________________
I have read and understand the course syllabus:
Student Signature: _________________________
Date: ___________________
Parent / Gaurdian Signature:
Best number and time to contact parent / gaurdian?
Number: _________________________ Time: ______
Parent Email: ________________________________
•Please have signed and returned to me for a grade