Officers Report (Planning) - Flintshire County Council

Ref No:
Erection of 4no. 1 bed dwellings
The Dingle, Station Road, Sandycroft, Deeside, CH5 2PT
Ms C Darlington
Date Valid: 27 July 2012
Case Officer:
Mr A Wells
Expiry Date: 21 September 2012
Consultation & Responses
Local Member:
Agrees to determination under delegated powers.
Queensferry Community Council.
Objects on the following grounds:
 In a flood risk zone.
 In a hazardous substance zone.
 On contaminated land with associated risks.
 Access is unsuitable. Added traffic and machinery will increase problems.
 Riverbank wildlife needs to be considered due to disturbance.
Head of Public Protection.
If planning permission is to be granted requires condition requiring the land to be
investigated and then remediated/validated prior to occupation.
Head of Assets and Transportation.
No objection to the proposal and confirm do not intend to make a recommendation
on highway grounds.
Public Open Spaces Manager.
Requires £733 per dwelling be paid in lieu of on site public open space. Payment
would be used to enhance existing recreation provision in the community.
Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water:
No objection subject to technical requirements.
Countryside Council for Wales.
No objection in principle provided some possible impacts are avoided. Given
potential for surface water contamination from the site, measures should be put in
place to prevent silt laden contaminated surface water from run off into nearby
Environment Agency Wales.
Would not object to finished floor levels no lower than 8m AOD. Advise to consult
with Emergency Planners with regard to response and evacuation procedures.
Two letters of objection received. The ground being that a further deterioration of the
road with increased traffic would result in a danger to elderly residents
manoeuvering in their vehicles.
Relevant History & Policies:
Adjoining site.
037051 – Change of use from recreational building to residential – Granted 29th
September 2004.
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
STR1 - New Development.
STR4 - Housing.
GEN1- General Requirements for Development.
GEN2 - Development Inside Settlement Boundaries.
D1 - Design Quality, Location and Layout.
D2 - Design.
D3 - Landscaping.
WB1 - Species Protection.
WB2 - Sites of International Importance.
WB3 - Statutory Sites of National Importance.
AC13 - Access and Traffic Impact.
HSG3 - Housing on Unallocated Sites within Settlement Boundaries.
SR5 - Protecting Recreational Open Space.
EWP12 - Pollution.
EWP13 - Nuisance.
EWP14 -Derelict and Contaminated Land.
EWP 17 -Flood Risk.
The proposal would comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
Site Description and Proposals.
The site comprises a raised piece of vacant land situated at The Dingle, Station
Road, Sandycroft.
The proposal is for the erection of 4no.1 bed dwellings and construction of car
The main issues to consider are the principle of development in planning policy
terms, the highway implications, the flood risk, the effects upon the amenities of the
adjoining residents and contaminated land risks.
Principle of Development.
The site is located within the settlement boundary of Sandycroft ( which is a category
B settlement ). It is also within a Principal Employment Area but not allocated for
employment purposes.
Within Category B settlements Policy HSG3 allows for new housing development if it
comprises of the renovation or replacement of an existing dwelling or (in the case of
new build ) where it would result in more than 15% growth since 2000, the
development is justified on the grounds of housing need. The growth rate for
Sandycroft is 1.4%, therefore open market housing is acceptable on this site in
Highway Implications.
The Head of Assets and Transportation has been consulted on the application and
raises no objection upon highway grounds.
Flood Risk.
The site is in a flood risk area. The Environment Agency have been consulted and
raise no objection provided the dwellings are set no lower than 8m AOD.
The Emergency Planner has been notified , who raises no objection upon the
emergency planning and rescue implications of the development.
Amenities of Adjoining Occupiers.
The proposals will be single storey with the existing properties also being single
storey. The distance between both sets of properties will also accord with the
minimum separation distances within the LPG. There is also a good screen also
between the two.
Given the above it is considered that there will be no significant detrimental impact
upon the amenities of both the existing and proposed occupiers by the development
in terms of loss of privacy, light and obtrusiveness.
Contaminated Land Risk.
Pollution control have been consulted upon the application who advise that in terms
of contaminated land that a condition requiring a site investigation survey and
remediation strategy be placed upon any planning permission is sufficient.
Given the above it is considered that the development is acceptable in planning
Recommendation Code: That planning permission be granted.
1. T01 – Time limit on commencement.
2. T02 - In accord with approved detail.
3. M02 - Matching.
4. The finished floor levels of the dwellings hereby approved shall be set no lower
than 8m AOD.
Reason. To protect the heath and safety of the occupiers from flooding and so
comply with Policy EWP17 of The Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
5. Foul and surface water discharges shall be drained separately from the site.
Reason. To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system and so comply with
Policy EWP16 of The Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
6. No surface water shall be allowed to connect directly or indirectly into the public
sewerage system unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning
Reason. To prevent hydraulic overloading of the public sewerage system, to protect
the heath and safety of existing residents and ensure no detriment to the
environment and so comply with Policy EWP16 of The Flintshire Unitary
Development Plan.
7. Land drainage run-off shall not be permitted to discharge, either directly or
indirectly into the public sewerage system.
Reason. To prevent hydraulic overload of the public sewerage system and pollution
of the environment and so comply with Policy EWP16 of the Flintshire Unitary
Development Plan.
8. L01 – Landscaping scheme.
9. LO2 – Implementation of proposals.
10.C03 – Contamination.
14.R05 – GPDO.
15.M03 – Boundary treatment.
16.Prior to the commencement of development details to prevent silt laden
contaminated surface water from running into the nearby watercourse from
construction works and the development thereafter shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by The Local Planning Authority. The agreed details shall be
implemented in full thereafter.
Reason. To protect the key wildlife features of the adjoining Dee Estuary
Special Area of Conservation and Site of Special Scientific Interest and so
comply with Policy WB2 and Policy WB3 of The Flintshire Unitary Development
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights
Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic
society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants
N13 Plans
Application form
27th July 2012.
Date received
Existing site location and block plan 01 received on 27th July 2012.
Proposed floor plans 02 received on 27th July 2012.
Proposed elevations 03 received on 27th July2012.
Proposed site plan 04 received on 27th July 2012.
2. Your attention is drawn to the attached supplementary highway notes in particular
Clause 9.
3. You are advised of the flood risks of the development with the residents signing
up to Natural Resources Wales’ Floodline.
4. This permission also relates to the payment of £733 per dwelling in lieu of on site
public open space.
Date of Recommendation: 19th June 2014.