Officers Report (Planning) - Flintshire County Council

Ref No:
Case Officer:
Mr M Harris
Proposal: Change of use of former car dealership with associated workshop to
use as a depot for the storage, sale and fitting of motor vehicle tyres, batteries,
brakes, shock absorbers, exhausts and other automotive products; carrying out of oil
and oil filter changes, car safety checks, servicing and/or MOT testing centre, van
hire with associated parking and storage of containers with office and ancillary retail
Border House, High Street, Saltney, Chester, CH4 8SJ
Lock Stock Self Storage Ltd
Date Valid: 27 August 2013
Expiry Date: 22 October 2013
Consultation & Responses
Local Member: Councillor V Gay : No objection in principle subject to ensuring that
there is no rear vehicular / pedestrian access into the site/ building from the road
leading off Boundary Lane
Saltney Town Council: No response received
Head of Public Protection: No adverse comments but recommend that operating
times are limited by condition, to those as proposed by applicant.
Head of Assets and Transportation: Following the receipt of amended plans in
relation to the parking arrangements within the site – do not intend to make a
recommendation on highway grounds.
Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water: Recommend that any permission includes conditions in
respect of foul,surface and land drainage.
Neighbours: 1 letter of objection received the main points of which can be
summarised as follows:- inadequacy of access and conflict with existing vehicular movements at this
- there are already similar existing established businesses in the locality and a
residential use of the site would be more appropriate
Relevant History & Policies:
048674 – Change of use of former car dealership with associated workshop to use
as depot for the storage,sale and fitting of motor vehicle tyres,batteries,brakes,shock
absorbers,exhausts and other automotive products;carrying out of oil and oil filter
changes,car safety checks,servicing and/or MOT testing centre. Permitted 21st July
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
Policy STR1 – New Development
Policy STR3 – Employment
Policy GEN1 – General Requirements for Development
Policy GEN2 – Development Inside Settlement Boundaries
Policy D1 – Design Quality, Location and Layout
Policy EM4 – Location of Other Employment Development
The proposal would comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
This is a change of use application from a former car showroom to a depot for the
storage, sale and fitting of motor vehicle tyres, batteries, brakes, shock absorbers,
exhausts and other automotive products; carrying out of oil and oil filter changes, car
safety checks, servicing and/or MOT testing centre,together with van hire with
associated parking and storage of containers with office and ancilliary retail counter
Site Description
The site is located on the southern side of the High Street, which comprises a mix of
uses and is bounded by a petrol station to the west and residential properties to the
east. Opposite the site is a mixture of residential and commercial uses. The site
comprises areas of hard standing and an existing building, which was previously
used as a motor showroom and workshop premises with ancillary office and storage.
The building is of brick construction with a render finish.
This is a change of use application from a car showroom to a) a depot for the
storage, sale and fitting of motor vehicle tyres, batteries, brakes, shock absorbers,
exhausts and other automotive products; carrying out of oil and oil filter changes, car
safety checks, servicing and/or MOT testing centre, b)van hire with associated
parking and c)storage of containers with office and ancilliary counter use. The
intended trading hours would be Monday to Friday 08.30 to 18.00 hours; Saturday
08.30 to 17.00 hours and Sundays 10.00 to 16.00 hours. The application proposes
the MOT depot within the existing buildings for which planning permission has
previously been obtained under Code No 048674 for this use.The van /container
storage would be located on the associated car parking area.
Principle of Development
The site is within the settlement boundary of Saltney in the Flintshire Unitary
Development Plan and had a previous use as a car showroom and garage. The
proposed use is therefore of a similar nature to the former use, although focused on
the workshop rather than the show room aspects, the current application also
incorporating van/container storage and trade counters.
Within settlement boundaries policy EM4 permits new industrial, office and
warehousing development subject to a number of criteria in relation to the scale and
design of the development in relation to its surroundings, the impact on residential or
other amenity or adjacent land uses, screening of outside storage, provision of
satisfactory parking, servicing and manoeuvring and the adequacy of the highway
network and impact on nature conservation sites, the landscape and historic
features. The proposed development is therefore acceptable in principle subject to
the detailed amenity and highway issues.
Access and Parking
The site has two existing points of access off the High Street. Access to the
proposed development would be utilising the same access points, as the previous
use, with a separate access for customers and deliveries with separate parking and
operational areas.
The Local Member has expressed particular concerns about the potential for an
alternative pedestrian access into the site being obtained from Boundary Lane with
associated indiscriminate parking to the detriment of residents and conflict with
movements to and from Wood Memorial School. Clarification on this particular
aspect of the development has been undertaken with the applicants agent who has
confirmed that the door in the rear elevation would only be used in the event of an
emergency fire escape. This aspect can be covered by the imposition of a planning
Impact on surrounding uses and residential amenity
The site is in an area with a mix of uses and the site had a previous commercial use
of a similar nature to that proposed. The site is adjacent to residential properties and
notwithstanding the objection received from a nearby resident the Head of Public
Protection considers that a condition limiting the opening hours to those proposed in
the application would limit any potential impacts to residential properties. The
objection received is duly noted but application can be determined under delegated
powers ( see DM – Section Meeting Notes 18/4/13 )
The site is within the settlement boundary of Saltney and has a previous history of a
commercial use. The proposed use is acceptable in this location and would not give
rise to any significant impacts on residential amenity subject to control over hours of
use / access.
Recommendation Code: /
1 T01
2 T02
3 The uses hereby approved shall only operate between the hours of
08.30 – 1800 Monday – Friday
08.30 - 1700 Saturdays
1000 – 1600 on Sundays and Bank Holidays
REASON : In the interests of residential amenity and in compliance with Policy
GEN1 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
4 All retail sales from the premises shall be undertaken by means of trade counter
facilities and not through the establishment of separate retail unit.
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt, in the interests of residential amenity and in
compliance with Policy GEN1 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
5 The proposed door in the rear elevation of the building as shown in red on the plan
attached to this permission shall be used only in the event of a fire escape from the
building and not as a separate means of access into the building or site.
REASON : In the interests of residential amenity and in compliance with Policy
GEN1 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
6 Land drainage run off shall not be permitted to discharge either directly or
indirectly, into the public sewerage system
REASON: To prevent hydraulic overload of the public sewerage system,pollution of
the environment and in compliance with Policy GEN1 of the adopted Flintshire
Unitary Development Plan.
7 No net increase of surface water shall be allowed to connect ( either directly or
indirectly ) to the public sewerage system
REASON: To prevent hydraulic overloading of the public sewerage system,to protect
the health and safety of existing residents,ensure no detriment to the environment
and in compliance with Policy GEN1 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development
8 Foul water and surface water shall be drained separately from the site.
REASON: To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system and in compliance
with Policy GEN1 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
9 Prior to the bringing into use of the building or site hereby permitted a suitable
petrol interceptor shall be provided in accordance with details to be submitted to and
approved by the Local Planning Authority. The interceptor shall prevent the entry
into the public sewerage system of matter likely to interfere with the free flow of
sewer contents,or which would affect the treatment and disposal of such contents.
REASON: To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system,sustain an
essential service to existing residents and in compliance with Policy GEN1 of the
adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
10 No machinery,raw materials,finished or unfinished products or
parts,crates,packing materials or waste shall be stacked or stored on the site except
within the building(s) or designated storage area or within such other specified areas
as may be subsequently approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for this
purpose,prior to it being brought into use.
REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and in compliance with Policy GEN1 of
the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
11The storage containers as shown on the site plan forming part of this permission
shall not be stacked on top of each other.
REASON: For the avoidance of doubt,in the interests of visual amenity and in
compliance with Policy GEN1 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights
Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic
society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants
Application forms and particulars date received 5th August 2013
Proposed Site Plan Drwg No 25550.02 date received 14th October 2013
Proposed Layout Drwg No 25550.04 date received 5 th August 2013
2 You are advised that the area is not administered for water supply by Dwr Cymru
Welsh Water and contact should be made with Dee Valley Water Company on
01978 - 846946
Date of Recommendation: 22nd October 2013