Four Winds Nature Institute Announcing Knee High Nature Workshops for Early Childhood Professionals Four Winds Nature Institute is offering workshops for preschool and kindergarten educators and childcare providers this summer and fall. In the Upper Valley, Knee High Nature workshops are scheduled for June 21 and September 6 in Lebanon, NH; and on June 7 and October 4 in Springfield, VT. Each four-hour course includes an introduction to nature study with young children; two seasonally related themes with attention to Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) and the Core Competencies; developmentally appropriate indoor and outdoor learning activities; and teaching materials and resources. Our two themes for June's workshops will be Honeybees and Hide and Seek in Nature. We'll live the life of a bee through imaginative play and movement, observe bees at work outside, create a flower garden, play Buzz Buzz Bee, enjoy some sweet honey, and more. Then we'll learn how protective coloration helps animals survive in nature, play some matching games, design our own camouflaged critters, and look for places where animals may be hiding outside. October's workshop themes include Sensational Spiders and the Miracle of Metamorphosis. We'll investigate the amazing life of spiders through song, interactive play, and outdoor observation of spiders and webs. In the afternoon, we'll experience the life stages of insects through role-playing and outdoor investigation, and we'll compare how different animals grow and change throughout their lives. This program is supported in part by a generous grant from the Upper Valley United Way. The workshop fee is $50 per person and pre-registration is required. For information and to register, call (802) 353-9440, email or visit Four Winds Nature Institute, 4 Casey Rd., Chittenden, VT 05737 802-353-9440