File - Ryan Cameron`s Portfolio

World History
Final Review for Rome Unit Review Assignment
Group Activity: Rome Skit
Mr. Cameron
Name: ____________________________________________
One Last Night at the Roman Theatre
You have been assigned the task of becoming an Ancient Roman theatre
reviewer. Your job is to watch your classmates perform their final Roman
skits, make sure they are completing each of the six necessary steps, then
rate their performances on a scale of 1 to 5. The more stars you shade in, the
better you think the final performance was. After you have filled in the
appropriate amount of stars, list two things that you learned from each group
presentation. Make sure your comments are constructive and indicate how
your classmates have helped you review for the upcoming Rome unit test!
Group 1: Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar
1. Skit title is both original and captivating:
2. Roman scenery is colorful, creative, and historically accurate:
3. Skit contains original and historically accurate dialogue:
4. Each group thoroughly addresses their specific topic:
5. All group members contribute equally to the completion of the project:
6. The finished product is both entertaining and educational:
List two things you have learned from this presentation. __________________________
Group 2: Plebeians vs. Patricians
1. Skit title is both original and captivating:
2. Roman scenery is colorful, creative, and historically accurate:
3. Skit contains original and historically accurate dialogue:
4. Each group thoroughly addresses their specific topic:
5. All group members contribute equally to the completion of the project:
6. The finished product is both entertaining and educational:
List two things you have learned from this presentation. __________________________
Group 3: Veto/Republic/Senate/Senators
1. Skit title is both original and captivating:
2. Roman scenery is colorful, creative, and historically accurate:
3. Skit contains original and historically accurate dialogue:
4. Each group thoroughly addresses their specific topic:
5. All group members contribute equally to the completion of the project:
6. The finished product is both entertaining and educational:
List two things you have learned from this presentation. __________________________
Group 4: Christianity
1. Skit title is both original and captivating:
2. Roman scenery is colorful, creative, and historically accurate:
3. Skit contains original and historically accurate dialogue:
4. Each group thoroughly addresses their specific topic:
5. All group members contribute equally to the completion of the project:
6. The finished product is both entertaining and educational:
List two things you have learned from this presentation. __________________________
Group 5: What is a dictator?
1. Skit title is both original and captivating:
2. Roman scenery is colorful, creative, and historically accurate:
3. Skit contains original and historically accurate dialogue:
4. Each group thoroughly addresses their specific topic:
5. All group members contribute equally to the completion of the project:
6. The finished product is both entertaining and educational:
List two things you have learned from this presentation. __________________________