Biology 3rd MP Review Answer Sheet

3rd MP Benchmark Review
Answer Sheet
Key Vocabulary (Defined)
mRNA: form of RNA responsible for carrying the message from the DNA in
the nucleus out into the cytoplasm to the tRNA
tRNA: form of RNA responsible for bringing the necessary amino acids into
the ribosome that will ultimately form the final protein
rRNA: form of RNA responsible for linking the amino acids together to build
the final protein
protein synthesis: process in which proteins are made in the bodies of
many living organisms; involves two processes: transcription and
gene: a segment of DNA
mitosis: form of asexual reproduction in which one diploid cell divides
equally to form two daughter cells that are also diploid and identical to the
parent cell
meiosis: form of sexual reproduction in which one diploid cell divides twice
forming four haploid cells that are all unique from one another
budding: form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism grows
from the side of the parent organism; offspring and parent are identical;
occurs in bacteria and hydra
crossing-over: process that occurs during meiosis in which two homologous
chromosomes exchange genetic information, resulting in a new genetic
combination different from that of the parent DNA
genetic engineering: the use of scientific methods and materials to change
or alter the DNA of living organisms; often has negative consequences;
examples include hybrid animals and clones
Checking Your Comprehension
1. the purpose of protein synthesis is to produce proteins in living
organisms....protein synthesis causes us to see the characteristics of living
things we see in nature
2. mRNA: the messenger; carries the message from the DNA in the cell
nucleus out into the cytoplasm to the tRNA; located in the nucleus and the
tRNA: the translator; reads the message carried from mRNA to collect the
necessary amino acids that will ultimately build the final protein; located in
the cytoplasm
rRNA: the final assembler; links the amino acids together to form the final
protein; located in the cytoplasm (at the ribosomes)
the main components of a good science experiment are: control,
hypothesis, question or problem, materials, procedures (which should be
detailed and numbered), method of data collection, independent variable,
dependent variable, control, and constants
the role of DNA in living organisms is to hold the hereditary
information…DNA is also the blueprint for protein synthesis
the 3 parts of the nucleotide are: sugar (deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in
RNA), nitrogen base, and phosphate group
the monomers or building blocks of proteins are amino acids
Starts With
Ends With
1 Diploid cell
1 Diploid cell
2 diploid cells
4 haploid cells
Identical or
9. Crossing over occurs when two homologous chromosomes exchange
genetic information…this occurs during prophase I of meiosis….crossing
over is very important in sexually reproducing organisms because it creates
genetic variety in species, which ultimately aids them in surviving their
environmental conditions
10. Males are represented by a
Females are represented by a
Males are also XY and females are XX