2012 Iowa Cattlemen`s Association Convention Prairie Meadows

2012 Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Convention
Prairie Meadows Event Center, Altoona, IA
DAY 1 – December 10, 2012
Cattlemen's College
Sponsored by: Pfizer Animal Health
7:30 a.m.
Attendee Registration Opens
9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Opening comments - ICA/Pfizer (Bishop A/B)
9:30 -11:30 a.m.
Herd 1 (Feedyard Group)
Low Stress Cattle Handling- Curt Pate (South Horse Barn)
Participants will participate in this unique opportunity to learn through a one-of-its-kind
low stress cattle handling session featuring Montana native and clinician, Curt Pate. All
participating in this workshop will receive Beef Quality Assurance Certification.
9:30 -11:30 a.m.
Herd 2 (Cow-Calf Group) These three sessions are concurrent and repeat once.
Gate Cut 1 – Making Sense of Genetic Selection Tools that Impact the Feedyard – Bill
Bowman, American Angus Association (Skinner C2)
What can we do now to build the foundation that provides profit and productivity to the
producer based beef chain. Learn about new advances in gene marker technology that
will no doubt pair with your breeding program to insure feeders that perform both in the
feedlot and at the rail.
Gate Cut 2 - Planning Management for Drought Stricken Pastures - Dr. Rob Kallenbach,
University of Missouri (Skinner B)
Dr. Kallenbach’s presentation is sponsored by the Iowa Forage and Grasslands Council
The drought of 2012 put pressure on Iowa’s cow-calf industry in more ways than one.
Dr. Kallenbach will present a session focused on pasture management for the spring,and
forage procurement options for producers interested in managing their acre
opportunities to maximize cows per acre.
Gate Cut 3 - A Case Study in Low -Input Management– Dr. KC Olson, Kansas State
University (Skinner C1)
Dr. Olson will talk about the way pasture management of your cow herd and adjusting
the production cycle for calving can lead to better outcomes, and can help you be better
prepared for weather challenges like drought.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Trade Show Registration Opens
Lunch (Bishop A/B)
Dr. Dan Thomson – The Brand Connection - Consumer Brand Connections and the Beef
Quality Assurance Program
Join our lunch discussion with Dr. Dan Thomson of Doc Talk on RFDTV as he discusses
current trends and intrests from a brand perspective as he provides insight into the current
and future opportunities through enhancements to the BQA program that could prove
useful as the beef industry continues to grow demand now and in the future.
Herd 2 (Cow-Calf Group)
Low Stress Cattle Handling- Curt Pate (South Horse Barn)
Participants will participate in this unique opportunity to learn through a one-of-its-kind low
stress cattle handling session featuring Montana native and clinician, Curt Pate. All participating
in this workshop will receive Beef Quality Assurance Certification.
1:30-3:30 p.m
Herd 1 (Feedyard Group) These two sessions are concurrent and repeat.
Gate Cut 1 –Improving Feed Utilization in Feedlot Operations – Dr. Dan Loy, Iowa State
University, and Feedlot Vaccine Management - Mike Wells, DVM, Pfizer Animal Health
(Skinner B)
Dr. Loy will talk about factors that improve feed efficiency in feedlot operations, including
reducing feed losses in storage and handling. Also some insight into research that looks into
technology that will improve efficiency of cattle in the future. Dr. Wells will talk about feedlot
vaccine management and handling.
Gate Cut 2 - Value Added – What’s This Means Now and In the Future? Carrie LewisHuenink, AgInfoLink (Skinner C) For years, Iowa cattle producers have used third party audits
to add value through source and age verified markets overseas. Although there are suggested
changes on the need for source and age verification for overseas markets, many are considering
other verification options to ensure market opportunity in both domestic and export markets.
This discussion looks at the future of third party verification options to add potential to your
marketing scheme at home.
3:00 p.m.
Trade Show Opens (Bishop C, Skinner A and Meadows Commons)
3:30 p.m.
Cattlemen’s College Ends
4:00 p.m.
Trade Show Social
4:00 p.m
YCLP Legislator Reception (Skinner B)
5:30 p.m.
ICA PAC Auction (Meadows Commons-South End)
6:00 p.m.
Evening Meal (Bishop)
Sponsored by Iowa Beef Systems
Welcome by ICA CEO Matt Deppe
Introduction of 2012 ICA YCLP Class
7:00 p.m.
State of the Estate Tax –Don Timmons, CPA and Troy Skinner, JD
The current status of the Federal Estate Tax is an on-going concern for those in
agriculture because the working operation’s value has increased rapidly, and paying
taxes from the estate can effectively dismantle a farm operation. The current exemption
levels for farm families looking at future transition will be discussed, as will the
decisions producers should consider as it relates to their estate planning.
8:30 p.m.
Conclude evening event
DAY 2 – December 11, 2012
7:30 a.m.
Registration and Trade Show Opens
7:30 a.m.
ICA Board Meeting (Skinner B1)
7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Breakfast (Bishop A/B)
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Opening Session (Bishop A/B)
Welcome - Ross Havens, Wiota, ICA President
Key Issue for Cattlemen - J.D. Alexander, Pilger, NE, NCBA President
Meeting the Growing Demand for Beef – Dr. Kim Stackhouse, Director of
Sustainability Research, NCBA
It is pro-active and progressive management approaches that will allow us to meet
the future demands of beef and protein for the diet of the growing world’s
population. Dr. Stackhouse talks about how beef cattle producers can do that
10:30 a.m.
ICF Silent Auction Opens (Meadows Commons North)
10:30 a.m.
ICA Past Presidents/Leadership Meeting (Altoona)
10:30 a.m.
INFO/EXPO (Concurrent Sessions, do not repeat)
Synergizing the Future– Moderator Mike Pearson, the host of Market to Market,
talks with a panel that includes ethanol plant managers, brokers, and cattle sectors
of the ethanol industry. (Skinner B2) This discussion panel will focus on growth
opportunities in Iowa’s cattle business due to co-product feed opportunities at our back
Engaging in the Beef Conversation –Daren Williams, NCBA (Skinner C1)
Over the past several years you have heard the phrase “Telling your beef story.” Attend
this session featuring Daren Williams to hear more about the dynamics and intricacies of
the beef advocate and entering into the “beef conversation.”
11:30 a.m.
2012 Awards Luncheon (Bishop A/B)
Opening Comments – Ross Havens
County Membership Awards – John Fluit, Jr.
Seedstock Producer Award – Everett Shepherd, EJ Shepherd Charolais, Stuart, IA
Commercial Producer Award – Lee Faris, Mount Ayr, IA
Brand Wall Awards – Ross Havens
An Appreciation – Chris Clausen
Environmental Stewarship Award Program – Greg Wood and Chris Wood, Greenville
Best Burger – Coon Bowl, Coon Rapids
Beef Quality Assurance Award Winners - Doug Bear
BQA Marketer Award - Knoxville Regional Livestock Market
BQA Producer Award - Gregory Feedlots Inc., Tabor
Policy Process Procedures – Matt Deppe
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ICA Policy Committee Meetings
Business Issues – Bill Couser, Chair (Skinner B2)
Agenda provided at meeting
Cattle Production – Tom Bonnichsen, Chair (Skinner B1)
Agenda provided at meeting
Beef Products – Mike Cline, Chair (Skinner C1)
Agenda provided at meeting
1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. INFO/EXPO
Connecting with Your County’s Consumers – Doug Bear and Michelle Baumhover,
Iowa Beef Industry Council (Polk County)
Come learn about the Beef Checkoff Program and ways you can connect with
your county’s consumers to build beef demand. The Co-op Advertising program is
being rejuvenated, so attend and provide your input.
2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. INFO/EXPO
Enhance Your Neighbor Relations – Brian Waddingham, Kent Mowrer and Rita
Cook, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (Skinner C2) Hear an update on rules and
regulations, DNR and EPA enforcement activities, and tips to successfully grow your
farm and communicate with your neighbors.
4:00 p.m.
Beef Products of Iowa Meeting (Polk County)
4:00 p.m.
Performance Evaluation Committee Meeting (PEC) (Altoona)
4:00 p.m.
Trade Show Social
4:20 p.m.
WHO Radio Stage – Past Leadership & For-Most Chute Winner (Meadows CommonsSouth End)
4:50 p.m.
Banquet Buffet (Bishop A/B)
Sponsored by Summit Livestock Facilities, an FBi Buildings Company
Beef Business Connections Initiative – Matt Deppe
Partnership Recognition of Summit Livestock Facilities - Miles Ridgway
Hall of Fame Introduction – Daryl Strohbehn
Hall of Fame Winner – W. Darrell Busby, Oakland
YBT Scholarships
Iowa Foundation Heifer Project Update - Levy Flitsch, Central City
5:45 p.m.
6:30 p.m
ICF Live Auction (Bishop A/B)
7:30 p.m.
Entertainment - Baxter Black – (Bishop A/B)
Sponsored by United Bank of Iowa & Priefert Ranch Equip.
DAY 3 – December 12, 2012
7:30 a.m..
Registration and Trade Show Opens
7:30 a.m.
Breakfast (Bishop A/B)
Sponsored by New Balance Commodities
8:00 a.m.
IBIC Board Meeting (Polk County)
8:00 a.m.
Resolutions Committee (Altoona)
8:00 a.m.
Program (Bishop)
Good Morning by Ed Greiman, Garner
YCC Presentation by Stephaine Allgood, Albia
YCLP Presentation on the ICA Carcass Challenge by Greg Hosch, Cascade
Getting Your Story Out – Michelle Rook, WNAX Radio, Yankton, SD – This farm
broadcaster from WNAX Radio and AgDay Television understands farmers are frustrated with
the misinformation and public attacts by activists groups. She provides insight into how the
Internet has impacted the rules of journalism. She also shares what the ag industry is currently
doing to tell consumers about how their food is produced.
10:00 a.m.
ICF Silent Acution Closes
10:00 a.m.
IBIC Annual Meeting (Bishop)
Chairman Elaine Utesch
Election of Executive Committee members
Treasurer’s report
2012 checkoff program update
Election results
10:30 a.m.
ICA Annual Meeting (Bishop)
President Ross Havens
Regulatory Issues and the Future of the Beef Industry -Ashley Mc Donald, NCBA
ICA on Our Way Forward – Matt Deppe, ICA CEO
Appreciation for Past Leadership
Business Meeting
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Policies – Review and Adoption
11:30 a.m.
Trade Show Closes
The Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation Board will meet immediately following the ICA Annual Meeting (Polk)
2:00 p.m.
Governor Branstad Signs 40th Anniversary Proclamation – State Capitol