Central Washington University Inside Plant Communications Distribution Design Guide (Revision 1.1) May 25, 2001 Conley Engineering, Inc. Consulting Electrical Engineers TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................................. II LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................................... II INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 1 DOCUMENT INTENT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 CONSTRUCTION CATEGORIES .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 NEW CONSTRUCTION FULL REMODEL LIGHT REMODEL BASIC REMODEL DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS ............................................................................ 5 DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 DESIGN STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5 REFERENCES, STANDARDS, AND CODES MANUFACTURERS DEVIATION FROM DESIGN STANDARDS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 8 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPACES .......................................................................................................................................................11 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS COMMON TO ALL SPACES PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS SPECIFIC TO A SPACE BACKBONE DISTRIBUTION .................................................................................................................................................................20 BACKBONE PATHWAY AND RACEWAY BACKBONE COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION .............................................................................................................................................................25 HORIZONTAL PATHWAY AND RACEWAY HORIZONTAL COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA APPENDICES...................................................................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX 1 — HOME-RUN CONDUIT RACEWAY SYSTEMS .........................................................................................................37 APPENDIX 2 — REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................................40 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. FIGURES AND TABLES LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 — MAJOR SUB-SYSTEM CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................... 10 FIGURE 2 — EXAMPLE LAYOUTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPACES AND RACKS ......................... 16 FIGURE 3 — CABLE TRAY SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 28 FIGURE 4 — HOME-RUN CONDUIT SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 29 FIGURE 5 — J-HOOK/D-RING PATHWAY SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 31 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 — REFERENCES, STANDARDS, AND CODES ................................................................................... 6 TABLE 2 — DEFINITION OF TERMS ................................................................................................................. 9 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. ii INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to provide CWU staff, as well as consulting architects, engineers, and designers working for CWU with a guide for the design of inside plant (ISP) communications distribution systems that accurately reflect CWU and industry standards in effect as of this publication. This document was originally adapted (in 1997) from information contained in the telecommunications standards in use at that time for CWU’s Academic facilities. Under the current revision, it has been updated to reflect the methods, materials and standards that have been used to retrofit telecommunications cabling in existing Residence Hall facilities. The resulting document is specific to the design of telecommunications infrastructure in Academic and Residence Hall facilities. Inside plant communications distribution systems designed for CWU are expected to support and integrate voice, data, and video communications with common media (fiber optic and unshielded twisted pair (UTP) copper cable). In general, it is the responsibility of the inside plant communications distribution designer to coordinate with the other designers on a project (architecture, electrical, HVAC, etc.) to ensure that other systems are both compatible with and complementary to the communications cabling system. CWU’s design philosophy is that it is critical to coordinate between disciplines during the design phase of a project, rather than attempting to make adjustments in the field during construction. DOCUMENT INTENT This document addresses communications distribution system design for use within a building1 as it relates to: Telecommunications Spaces – Entrance facilities, equipment rooms and telecommunications closets Backbone Distribution – Pathway and raceway requirements, communications media requirements Horizontal Distribution – Pathway and raceway requirements, communications media requirements, requirements for special work areas This document is not intended to serve as a Master Specification nor for stand-alone use on design build projects — it is to be used in conjunction with the CWU Communications Communications distribution and cabling between buildings is not covered in this document. Please see the CWU Outside Plant Communications Distribution Design Guide. 1 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 1 INTRODUCTION Distribution System Master Specification and the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for Residence Halls. This document should serve as a guide for making standards compliant design decisions that, in due course, will be reflected in a system specification based upon the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification and the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for Residence Halls. In addition to specifications for a telecommunications project, plan drawings and schematic diagrams will also need to be produced by the designer. The drawings should conform to the guidelines contained in this document. In addition, this document is not intended to replace or detract from the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM) produced and distributed by BICSI.2 Rather, this document is to be used in conjunction with the TDMM in order to reinforce selected TDMM content as well as highlight any differences between TDMM content and CWU standards. CONSTRUCTION CATEGORIES This document will address telecommunications infrastructure construction on the CWU campus in the following two categories: Academic – pertaining to construction of or relevant to Academic Halls Residence Hall – pertaining to construction of or relevant to Residence Halls. For the most part, design trade-offs and construction requirements are the same for Academic and Residence Halls, if the facility to be constructed is new or is being subjected to a full remodel. However, this will not always be the case for light and basic remodel projects. Where design trade-offs and construction requirements differ between that required for Academic Halls and that required for Residence Halls, references to these differences will be made as a Construction Reference under the applicable construction type (see below). Construction categories will largely be referenced in this document as they relate to the type of construction. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Throughout this document, reference will be made to four types of construction: new construction, full remodel, light remodel and basic remodel. Installation of a new communications distribution system as well as the addition to and/or modification of an The TDMM is widely considered to be the industry reference text for the design of standards compliant communications distribution systems. 2 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 2 INTRODUCTION existing communications distribution system are considered to be included in these construction projects. Tradeoffs between design standards and practicality will many times be dependent upon the type of construction. Differing design approaches may also be warranted given differing types of construction. Where the type of construction is applicable to the current discussion, a superscripted-circled number, such as this, will make reference next to the text. This number refers to a comment in a special Construction Reference box to the right of the text (see the example at right). CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE This is an example of a reference to the text at the left Unless otherwise noted, a construction reference will apply to both construction categories (Academic and Residence Hall). The four construction types are defined below. These definitions are applicable for the purposes of this document only. NEW CONSTRUCTION New construction is defined as construction that results in a new facility or addition. For the most part, all of the construction trades are involved in a new construction project. A recent CWU project with components that typifies new construction is: Science Building (Academic) – 1999 FULL REMODEL Full remodel construction is defined as construction which includes ceiling demolition, interior wall demolition, new walls, new floors, new finishes, new lighting, new power and HVAC distribution, and the installation of a new communications distribution system, among others. For the most part, all of the construction trades are involved. A recent CWU project with components that typifies full remodel construction is: Black Hall (Academic) – 1998 While full remodel construction is similar to new construction for most issues related to communications distribution systems, there may be some construction constraints associated with entrance pathways and spaces. LIGHT REMODEL Light remodel construction is defined as construction which may involve the demolition and construction of a few new walls, perhaps the movement or replacement of a few light fixtures or power receptacles, and the new installation, addition to, and/or © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 3 INTRODUCTION modification of a communications distribution system, among other things. At most, only a few of the construction trades are involved. Recent CWU projects with components that typify this type of construction are: Residential Network (RESNET) (various facilities)3 (Residence Halls) – 1999-2001 CLIP 1, CLIP 2, and Library (all Academic) – 1997-1999 BASIC REMODEL Basic remodel construction is defined as construction primarily involved with the replacement of, modification to, or new construction of a communications distribution system. Typically, only one trade is involved, the communications distribution system contractor. Recent CWU projects with components that typify this type of construction are: Residential Network (RESNET) (various facilities)4 (Residence Halls) – 1999-2001 Power Technology (Academic) – 1999-2001 3 Various residence halls in this project required communications closet and/or soffit construction, in addition to communications distribution system construction. 4 Various residence halls in this project required only communications distribution system construction. Communications closet and/or soffit construction was not required. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 4 DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS It is required that all inside plant communications distribution system designs executed on the behalf of CWU be designed by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) as certified by BICSI5. This means that the design project shall be managed under the direct supervision of an RCDD on the consultant’s staff. Project related communications between CWU and the consultant shall be mainly through the RCDD. In addition to the RCDD certification, it is desirable that the RCDD have the following qualifications: Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the electrical engineering field RCDD/LAN certification from BICSI MCSE certification from Microsoft Corporation6 In addition, the RCDD shall have the following qualifications: The RCDD shall demonstrate a minimum of 5 years of experience in the design of inside plant communications distribution systems. Experience not directly related to the design of inside plant communications distribution systems, such as sales and/or marketing, project management, or installation experience, is not acceptable. The RCDD shall demonstrate that he/she has designed or has had personal design oversight of a minimum of five projects similar in size and construction cost to the current CWU project. The RCDD shall not be affiliated with any manufacturer associated with the communications distribution system industry. The RCDD shall be completely familiar and conversant with the standards listed below. DESIGN STANDARDS REFERENCES, STANDARDS, AND CODES CWU standards are based upon the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM) (produced by BICSI) and TIA/EIA, ISO/IEC, and NEC standards, among others. 5BICSI, 8610 Hidden River Pkwy, Tampa, FL 33637-1000 USA, Tampa, FL 33612-6415; 1-800-242-7405; www.bicsi.org 6 Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, (425) 882-8080; www.microsoft.com/mcse © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 5 DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS It is required that the Designer be thoroughly familiar with the content and intent of these references, standards, and codes and that the Designer be capable of applying the content and intent of these references, standards, and codes to all inside plant communications system designs executed on the behalf of CWU. Listed in the table below are references, standards, and codes applicable to inside plant communications systems design. If questions arise as to which standard should apply in a given situation, the more stringent standard shall prevail. As each of these documents are modified over time, the latest edition and addenda to each of these documents is considered to be definitive. TABLE 1 — REFERENCES, STANDARDS, AND CODES Standard/Reference BICSI TDMM BICSI TCIM TIA/EIA – 568 TIA/EIA – 569 TIA/EIA – 606 TIA/EIA – 607 TIA/EIA - 455 TIA/EIA - 526 IEEE 802.3 (series) ISO/IEC IS 11801 (latest edition and addenda) National Electric Code (NEC) National Electric Code (NEC) National Electric Code (NEC) Name/Description BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual BICSI Telecommunications Cabling Installation Manual Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunication Pathways and Spaces The Administration Standard for the Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications Fiber Optic Test Standards Optical Fiber Systems Test Procedures Local Area Network Ethernet Standard, including the IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet Standard Generic Cabling for Customer Premises Article 250, Grounding Article 725-5, Communications Cables Article 250, Communications Circuits Also of use to the Designer are the references listed in Appendix 2 – References. MANUFACTURERS In addition to the standards listed above, CWU has selected several manufacturers of products for communications cabling systems (cable, connectors, termination blocks, patch panels, etc.) and communications distribution hardware (racks, cable tray, enclosures, etc.). These manufacturers and their products are identified in the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification and the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for Residence Halls. The inside plant communications © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 6 DESIGNER QUALIFICATIONS AND DESIGN STANDARDS distribution designer is required to incorporate only these manufacturers into the design, and to design a communications distribution system that will be suitable for the use of products from these manufacturers. DEVIATION FROM DESIGN STANDARDS It is not the intent of CWU to rigidly impose standards on every aspect of an inside plant communications system design. Each design is unique and special requirement may lead to situations in which deviations from the standards are warranted. If the Designer feels that deviation from a given standard is warranted, the Designer shall submit a written deviation request to CWU. The request will, at a minimum, indicate the standard from which there is a proposed deviation, the substitution being proposed in place of the standard, the reason the request is being made, and an explanation of the justifications (economic, technical or otherwise) for the deviation. The Designer may, upon written approval from CWU, incorporate the design deviation into the overall design. CWU approval is required on a project-by-project basis. The Designer should not assume that a deviation approval for one project means that the deviation will necessarily be approved for a subsequent project. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 7 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS OVERVIEW This section highlights design considerations of particular importance to CWU. It also discusses differing CWU standards given the type of construction for a particular project, as well as CWU standards that may differ from the standards listed previously in Table 1. The table on the next page defines and clarifies common terms that will be used throughout this section. It is expected that the Designer is already familiar with these terms. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 8 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS TABLE 2 — DEFINITION OF TERMS7 Term Entrance Facility (EF) Equipment Room (ER) Telecommunications Closet (TC) Backbone Cable Cross-connect Main Cross-connect (MC) Horizontal Crossconnect (HC) Horizontal Cable Work Area (WA) Definition The interface between the premises (in-building) communications distribution system and the outside plant communications distribution system and services (such as the public telephone network or interbuilding (campus) backbone cabling.) The EF consists of protection hardware, connecting hardware and cable and equipment necessary to connect premises distribution to outside plant distribution. An enclosed space containing communications equipment (i.e. PBX, data network hardware, UPS’, etc.), usually containing the EF. An ER provides a controlled environment for housing telecommunications equipment, connecting hardware, splice enclosures, grounding and bonding facilities, and protection apparatus where applicable. An enclosed space containing communications equipment, cable terminations, and cross-connects. This closet is the recognized crossconnect between backbone cable (see below) and horizontal cable. The TC’s primary function is for the termination of horizontal cabling. Within a building (premises), the cable that distributes between the EF/ER and the TC’s. In the outside plant, the cable which connects between the EF/ER’s of multiple buildings. The interconnection of signal paths between separate equipment and/or connecting hardware. The cross-connect in the main equipment room for connecting entrance cables, backbone cables, and equipment cables. The MC typically provides the cross-connection between equipment (such as a PBX or data network equipment), and backbone cable from the horizontal cross-connects (HC) or intermediate cross-connects (IC). It also provides the cross-connection between equipment and outside communications services (see EF and ER, above). The cross-connect between horizontal cabling (see below) to the work areas and the backbone cable (see above) from the MC. The cable (including cables, patch cords, jump wire and connecting hardware) between the communications outlet/connector at the work area (WA) (see below) and the HC The building space where the occupants interact with communications equipment such as telephones or computers. Many of these definitions are excerpted or modified from original definitions from: ANSI/TIA/EIA Standard 568; ANSI/TIA/EIA Standard 569; BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods (TDMM) Manual; James Harry Green, Telecommunications 2, © 1992 Irwin Professional Publishing; the NORDX/CDT IBDN Design Guide, Issue 4; and the AMP Planning & Installation Guide 7 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 9 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS It should be noted that the type of physical space (EF/ER, TC, WA) is not necessarily synonymous with the function to be performed in that space. For example, an equipment room (ER) could function as an EF and a TC for a given building and support both an MC and multiple HC’s. In general, ER’s, EF’s, TC’s and WA’s refer to physical spaces within a building. HC’s and MC’s refer to a communications system component (cross-connects) located within these spaces. Shown in the figure below are the connections between the major sub-systems (for a typical three-story building with a basement) as defined in the table above. FIGURE 1 — MAJOR SUB-SYSTEM CONNECTIONS TC HC Ho rizon tal Cable (typical) 3rd Floor WA Backbo ne Cable (typical) TC WA HC Te leco m m u nication s Ou tlet 2nd Floor TC WA HC 1st Floor ER WA HC To Pub lic Netw o rk o r Int erbu ildin g Backbo ne MC EF Basem ent © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 10 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPACES The successful implementation of the communications distribution system infrastructure is heavily dependent upon the proper placement and sizing of telecommunications spaces. This section defines design considerations for entrance facilities (EF), equipment rooms (ER) and telecommunications closets (TC) which are of particular concern to CWU. The Designer is expected to refer to the TIA/EIA 569 standard and the BICSI TDMM for other and more specific design criteria and detail. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS COMMON TO ALL SPACES Telecommunications spaces shall be designed to provide long-term functionality for the end user and provide for ease of communications distribution system administration, maintenance, future expansion, and replacement of equipment and cabling as the owner’s needs and technology change. While equipment and cabling systems housed within telecommunications spaces may be replaced many times over the life of a building, telecommunications spaces are generally, and most easily, provided for only during the original construction of a building. This fact generally translates into a single opportunity to provide properly located, sized and designed telecommunications spaces. Well-designed telecommunications spaces provide significant total cost of ownership (TCO) savings over the life of a building. The initial cost of constructing these spaces shall be carefully weighed against (and perhaps offset by) the potential lifetime reduction in ownership costs generated by well-designed spaces. SIZING Historically, the architect’s focus during design was to provide as much “useable” floor space as possible in a building. From the standpoint of the architect, “useable” floor space usually did not equate to “telecommunications space.” This historical perspective is changing, albeit slowly. It is therefore expected that the communications system Designer will reinforce and/or educate the architect on the short and long-term CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE benefits of providing for adequately sized This is particularly the case for new building and full remodel construction telecommunications spaces. Inadequately sized projects. telecommunications spaces are not acceptable to CWU . © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 11 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Telecommunications spaces shall be sized to accommodate not only space for current and future communications equipment, but also space for signal systems equipment such as fire alarm, security, and HVAC controls. Refer to the TIA/EIA 569 standard and the BICSI TDMM for more specific design criteria regarding sizing these spaces. SHARED FUNCTION With the exception of some EF’s (see below) telecommunications spaces shall be dedicated to the communications distribution system and related support facilities and shall not be shared with other building functions (such as power, mechanical, janitorial, etc.). PLACEMENT The most desirable location for all telecommunications spaces is the building core . Keeping the requirements of the Architect in mind (i.e. “useable” floor space, see above), locating these spaces in the building core will minimize the amount of floor space required. Telecommunications spaces shall not exceed the maximum distances from one another as defined in the TIA/EIA standards. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE This requirement is primarily applicable to for new building and full remodel construction. However, it is always desirable regardless of the type of construction. If Gigabit Ethernet is to be deployed on multimode fiber between telecommunications spaces, the distances between these closets shall be reduced even further. In addition, for multi-story buildings, telecommunications spaces shall be vertically aligned wherever possible . This allows for clean, vertical pathway to be easily provided to each space. It also eliminates the number of bends and offsets that the building backbone system must undergo as it connects to each of these spaces. Telecommunications spaces shall be kept as far as practical from mechanical rooms, electrical rooms and other sources of EMI/RFI (ten feet should be considered minimum). ELECTRICAL It is the inside plant communications distribution designer’s responsibility to coordinate with the electrical engineer to ensure that the power requirements for the telecommunications spaces are met. Specify 110 VAC 20 Ampere duplex outlets (dedicated to telecommunications equipment) located every 4 feet along each wall (below each 4-foot wide section of backboard). Each outlet shall be equipped with a dedicated #12AWG insulated solid copper equipment-grounding conductor. Do not combine more than three outlets on © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 12 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS any one circuit, and do not provide less than three circuits per closet. Physically alternate the outlets amongst the different circuits (i.e. adjoining outlets shall not be on the same circuit). In addition to the outlets described above, specify other 110 VAC 20 Ampere duplex convenience outlets (for power tools and testing equipment) placed at 6-foot intervals around perimeter walls. Duplex outlets shall be color-coded in order to distinguish between those outlets to be used for telecommunications equipment and those used for convenience. Outlets shall be installed at 6 inches above finished floor (AFF) and below the base of the backboards (see below). Label each outlet with its panel identification and circuit number. GROUNDING AND BONDING In accordance with TIA/EIA-607, the telecommunications grounding and bonding infrastructure shall be designed and routed through each telecommunications space. Each telecommunications space shall be equipped with a Telecommunications Grounding Busbar (TGB) bonded directly to the Telecommunications Bonding Backbone (TBB). CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE For light and basic remodel construction, this requirement may be waived given budgetary, project size, or other limiting factors. Refer to the section Grounding for Communications Circuits and Raceway in the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for more details. HVAC It is the inside plant communications distribution designer’s responsibility to coordinate with the mechanical engineer to ensure that the CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE HVAC requirements for the telecommunications For light and basic remodel construction, this requirement may be spaces are met and also that HVAC ductwork does waived given budgetary, project size, or not conflict with communications cable tray or other limiting factors. conduit. For light and basic remodel construction, this requirement may be It shall be assumed that all telecommunications waived if existing telecommunications spaces are being used. spaces will at some time be required to support electronic equipment, either immediately after construction or sometime in the future. Because of this, separate, dedicated (or properly zoned, shared) HVAC units, sized to accommodate the heat output of the present and future equipment, shall be provided for each telecommunications space. In addition, a positive pressure differential with respect to surrounding areas is required to help keep dust and other particles out of the room. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 13 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS EQUIPMENT Each telecommunications space shall be provisioned with a minimum of one floorstanding 7’ high x 19” wide EIA standard CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE equipment rack For light and basic remodel construction, this requirement may be -- regardless of whether or not equipment is waived given budgetary, project size, or required at the time of construction. This other limiting factors. The use of a wall requirement not only provides for future mount rack (or no rack at all) may be acceptable, subject to CWU approval. expansion, it also aids in ensuring that the use of the space is “claimed” for telecommunications (as opposed to de-facto “janitorial” or “storage” claims once the space is put to use). In addition, it aids the Designer when defining telecommunications space requirements – it becomes readily apparent whether or not a telecommunications space is sized properly when the Designer attempts to place an equipment rack within the space. Three-foot clearances from the front and rear of the equipment rack and any equipment access panels are required. Racks shall be sized to accommodate, at a minimum, all existing and new equipment that is to be installed in the rack plus an additional 50% of space for expansion (i.e. if a rack is more than 50% full, specify a second empty rack). Multiple racks may therefore be required. ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS Doors shall open out from telecommunications spaces wherever possible and shall be a minimum of 36” wide and 80” high, fitted with a lock. Coordinate lock and key requirements with CWU. Doors shall be located in hallways or other common areas — In no case shall the door be located in another building occupants’ designated space. Minimum clearance height within a telecommunications space shall be 8 feet. False ceilings (t-bar ceilings, ceiling grids, etc.) shall not be installed in telecommunications spaces. The floor, walls, and ceilings shall be sealed to reduce dust. Provide flooring materials with anti-static properties — carpet is not acceptable for telecommunications spaces. All useable wall space (typically all four walls) within a telecommunications space shall be covered with ¾” inch void free A-C plywood backboards, painted with two coats of lightcolored fire-retardant paint, 8 feet high, with the bottom of the plywood mounted 12” above the finished floor (AFF) and the sides mounted 6” from the corners. LAYOUT When designing the size and layout of a telecommunications space, all planned and potential future hardware shall be considered. Placement of hardware and equipment © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 14 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS must account for electrical code and TIA/EIA standard clearances for maintenance and safety. The Designer shall prepare plan views for each telecommunications space, elevations of each rack, and elevations of each wall containing termination blocks. These layouts and elevations shall be included in the Contract Documents prior to the bidding and construction of the system, and shall explicitly show a complete equipment layout (including future equipment as dashed lines). Please refer to the drawings in the figure below for example layouts and elevations of telecommunications spaces and racks. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 15 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FIGURE 2 — EXAMPLE LAYOUTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPACES AND RACKS RADIUS DROP GROUNDING BUS BAR MOUNTED AT +12" WORKSTATION 110 BLOCKS TERMINATING CAT5E CABLE FROM WORKSTATION OUTLETS VOICE 110 BLOCKS TERMINATING TELCO CABLE FROM RISER PATCH PANELS RACK R1A C RADIUS DROP 9" CABLE TRAY MOUNTED AT +7' (AFFIXES RACK TO WALL) 3' 0" 15" LADDER RACK MOUNTED VERTICALLY AND EXTENDED FROM BASEMENT CONTINUOUSLY UP AND THROUGH ALL COMM CLOSETS TO 8' LADDER RACK IN 3RD FLOOR COMM CLOSET RISER 110 BLOCKS TERMINATING TELCO RISER CABLE FROM BASEMENT 6" CABLE CHANNEL DOUBLE-SIDED (TYPICAL OF 2) 6" CABLE CHANNEL SINGLE-SIDED (TYPICAL OF 2) RACK R1 RACK R2 RACK R3 18" X 6" FLOOR SLOT (FIRESTOPPED) 9" CABLE TRAY MOUNTED AT +8' C C TELECOM POWER OUTLET (TYPICAL OF 10) 8' HIGH BACKBOARD MOUNTED AT +12" (TYPICAL OF 4) CONVIENCE POWER OUTLET (TYPICAL OF 4) C PLAN VIEW EXAMPLE COMMUNICATIONS CLOSET NOT TO SCALE EIA 7' RACK TOP BRACKET (TYPICAL OF 2) UNUSABLE SPACE 12-PORT FIBER PATCH PANEL 3 1/2" F1 6-PORTS ACTIVE 2 1-12 SPACE FOR FUTURE FIBER PATCH PANEL 4 3 1/2" CABLE MANAGEMENT PANEL W/CABLE CLIPS 2 3 1/2" NETWORK ELECTRONICS 2 3 1/2" CABLE MANAGEMENT PANEL W/CABLE CLIPS 2 3 1/2" NETWORK ELECTRONICS 2 3 1/2" CABLE MANAGEMENT PANEL W/CABLE CLIPS 2 3 1/2" NETWORK ELECTRONICS 2 3 1/2" CABLE MANAGEMENT PANEL W/CABLE CLIPS 2 7" BACK OF 6" DEEP CABLE MANAGEMENT CHANNEL 6' POWER STRIP WIRE MANAGEMENT CHANNEL (6.00" WIDE) WIRE MANAGEMENT CHANNEL (6.00" WIDE) 43 3/4" SPACE FOR FUTURE NETWORK ELECTRONICS FRONT OF 6" DEEP CABLE MANAGEMENT CHANNEL WITH VERTICAL WIRE MANAGEMENT RINGS (TYPICAL OF 2, ONE ON EACH SIDE OF RACK). 25 GUARD RAIL 1' 0" 5 1/4" UNUSABLE SPACE 3" RACK R1 7' HIGH EIA STANDARD 19" (CPI) © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. SELF SUPPORTING BASE (TYPICAL OF 2) 6" 1' 3" 16 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS SPECIFIC TO A SPACE Planning considerations for each type of telecommunications space (EF, ER, and TC) are discussed below. ENTRANCE FACILITIES (EF) Wherever possible the EF shall be located within the building’s ER (see below). Where this is not possible, the EF shall be located within a TC or other enclosed, lockable building space (such as an electrical or mechanical room), which is not accessible to the public. All copper cables entering the building shall be protected with entrance protectors at the EF. EQUIPMENT ROOMS (ER) Equipment rooms are special purpose rooms that provide space and maintain a suitable operating environment for large communications and/or computer equipment. ER’s are differentiated from TC’s in that they are generally considered to serve a building whereas a telecommunications closet generally serves one floor (or portion thereof) of a building. CWU intends to use a single ER (per building) to house all communications equipment – including voice, data, and video. A separate room for each of these functions is not desirable. When selecting the equipment room site avoid locations that are restricted by building components that may limit future expansion (i.e. elevators, outside walls, structural components, HVAC ducts/plenums, etc.). Keep in mind the need for accessibility for the delivery of large equipment. The ER shall be located close to backbone pathways and central to the building, both horizontally and vertically and shall be kept as far from EMI/RFI sources as practical (ten feet separation shall be considered minimum). Ideally, the known sizes and placement of specific equipment, plus additional room for expansion shall govern the size of the equipment room. If equipment is undefined, provide 0.75 ft2 of floor space for every 100-ft2 work area (as recommended by TIA/EIA 569). If work area density is expected to be higher, the size allocation shall be increased accordingly. The equipment room shall be: CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE Fully provisioned ER’s may not be possible for light and basic remodel Sized at not less than 150 ft . construction projects. For light and basic remodel Equipped with a dedicated construction, CWU personnel will install telecommunications equipment power panel. the ground wire after the Contractor has The dedicated telecommunications equipment installed the conduit. Coordinate with the CWU to schedule installation. outlets shall be connected to this panel. If emergency power is planned for the building, the panel shall be connected to the © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 2 17 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS emergency power supply. CWU recommends that the power panel be 100 Amp, given no other outstanding circumstances. Label panel “FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ONLY!” Provided with a metallic conduit routed directly from the ER to the main electrical service-grounding electrode, along with a dedicated/isolated ground wire for PBX equipment — this ground wire is in addition to and separate from the telecommunications grounding system. Equipped with special power outlets as required by the various manufacturers of equipment to be located in the room (such as PBX’s) that conforms to the manufacturer’s specifications and is connected to the dedicated telecommunications equipment power panel. Rated for a floor load at a minimum of that specified in TIA/EIA 569 or that of the heaviest equipment — whichever is more stringent. Located within close proximity to service entrances for telecommunications and power. The ER shall be considered the most desirable location for locating the: Entrance Facility (EF) Main cross-connect (MC) Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar (TGMB). Given the above, the ER should be located within 50 ft. of outside plant cable ingress into the building in order to comply with the NEC 50-ft rule. If this is not possible, or if the EF and MC are not located within the ER, metallic conduit must be installed between cable ingress point and the location of the EFand/or MC. There are no exceptions to this provision, regardless of the type of construction. TELECOMMUNICATIONS CLOSETS (TC) A minimum of one TC shall be located on each floor. For multi-story construction, closets shall be stacked one above the other. Each TC shall be located as centrally and as closely as possible to the area being served. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE Telecommunications closets shall have minimum sizes as follows: Area Served (ft2) 0 to 5000 5001 to 8000 8001 to 10000 Closet Size (ft) 10x7 10x9 10x11 For light and basic remodel construction, this requirement may be waived given budgetary, project size, or other limiting factors. Use the table for new and full remodel construction. The use of shallow closets and other small closet designs may be considered in light and basic remodel construction projects. Should an area to be served exceed 10,000 ft2 or the horizontal distance between the location of the closet and the locations of one or more work areas exceed 90m, provide multiple closets in accordance with the table above. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 18 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Close attention shall be given to the location of the TC in relation to the location of the ER (or MC) in order to ensure that the maximum length (275m) for multimode fiber backbone used (or potentially to be used) for Gigabit Ethernet shall not be exceeded. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 19 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS BACKBONE DISTRIBUTION Backbone distribution is the most critical link in the telecommunications systems of today. When the backbone fails, potentially large numbers of users are simultaneously affected. Poorly designed backbone distribution systems, or systems designed with little future expansion in mind, greatly increase the amount of work required for and downtime experienced during moves, adds, and changes (MAC’s). Given this, a well-designed backbone can greatly minimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) for a communications distribution system. This section defines design considerations for pathways, raceways and communications media (cable and connecting hardware) for backbone distribution systems that are of particular concern to CWU. The Designer is expected to refer to the TIA/EIA 568 and 569 standards and the BICSI TDMM for other and more specific design criteria and detail. BACKBONE PATHWAY AND RACEWAY Technically, backbone pathway is the path (or route) between the various TC’s and the ER (or TC) that contains the main cross-connect (MC). Backbone raceway is the physical medium that follows this path and provides for the installation and protection of backbone communications media. Backbone pathway shall utilize a physical star topology such as that shown in Figure 1 — Major Sub-system Connections on page 10. Backbone raceway shall consist of chases or shafts, conduit, sleeves, and/or cable tray, applicable as discussed below. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 20 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Following is a list of general items to consider when designing a backbone distribution system: All TC’s shall have a direct pathway connection CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE to the ER (or TC) that contains the MC8 . For light and basic remodel Raceway connections between TC’s are construction, this requirement may be waived given budgetary, project size, or generally not required. other limiting factors. If this is the case, TC’s that contain Intermediate cross-connects pathway from one TC may connect to (IC’s), while recognized by the TIA/EIA another TC before connecting to the MC. 9 Transmission media, however, must not standards , shall not be utilized. cross-connect in the interposing TC — it Backbone raceway shall be kept separate and must be continuous (non-spliced) between the MC and the farthest TC. distinct from raceway used for any other type of media (including CATV, intercom, and other signal systems cabling). Physical barriers within a single raceway (such as cable tray) used to separate communications media from other types of media are not acceptable. Keeping communications raceway separate from that of other systems will aid in future system and cable identification and, perhaps more importantly, will decrease the possibility of work on the other cabling systems affecting the communications system backbone. Raceway shall be designed and installed in the most direct route possible. Raceway penetrations through walls and floors shall be sealed. Fire ratings of penetrated walls and floors shall be maintained. Raceway shall be bonded and grounded per TIA/EIA standards and the NEC. In general, a registered structural engineer shall review and approve all structural changes/penetrations. BACKBONE RACEWAY SIZE AND QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS Sizing of the raceway shall always be viewed in light of the possible future requirements. The cost to provide additional spare raceway during the initial installation is significantly less than the cost of adding raceway in the future. In general, a minimum of one 4” EMT conduit (or sleeve) and two spare 4” conduits (or sleeves) shall service each telecommunications closet. An additional 4” EMT conduit (or sleeve) shall be provided for each additional 50,000 ft2 of useable floor space served by the telecommunications closet. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE For light and basic remodel construction, this requirement may be waived given budgetary, project size, or other limiting factors. Yet another reason for vertically stacking telecommunications spaces in a multi-story building and locating the main telecommunications closet centrally to the building as a whole. 9 While the TIA/EIA standards recognize the use of IC’s within a building, CWU does not. IC’s contribute significantly to the total cost of ownership for a system and therefore are not allowed by CWU. 8 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 21 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS This requirement may be modified depending upon whether the building is a multi-story building or a single-story building, and whether the TC’s are stacked (if a multi-story building). Multi-story buildings TC’s shall be stacked wherever possible as CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE discussed in Placement on page 12. Sleeves This requirement is mainly applicable may be substituted for conduit if the to full remodel and new construction projects. It can, in some cases, be applied telecommunications closets are stacked. This to light remodel projects. sleeved vertical pathway shall be extended to the roof (or to an attic area with access to the roof), to provide access for future roof or side-of-building mounted telecommunications equipment. Ladder rack shall be vertically mounted in the stacked telecommunications closets to route and support backbone cable passing from the closet below to upper closets. If, due to design constraints, TC’s cannot be stacked, a centrally located vertical pathway (shaft) shall be provided, dedicated to the communications distribution system. This pathway shall consist of a chase or shaft a minimum of 2 ft2 with access every 3 feet and shall extend to the roof, or to an attic area with access to the roof. Pathway shall be provided to and from this vertical pathway – and will likely be horizontal in orientation. In this case it may not be possible to route 4” conduits to each of the TC’s from the ER, given the design restraints imposed by attempting to route large conduit in ceiling space. Therefore, three 2” conduits may be substituted for each required 4” conduit. In addition, for additional capacity, three 2” conduits rather than two 4” conduits will generally suffice10. Single-story buildings For single-story buildings with multiple TC’s, pathway shall be routed in as direct a manner as possible, using 4” conduit installed under (not in) the floor slab, in quantities according to the minimum requirements listed above. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE This requirement is mainly applicable to new construction projects. It can, in some cases, be applied to full remodel projects. BACKBONE COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA CWU recognizes three types of communications media used for backbone systems: 10 Category 3 UTP -- used for voice or analog applications Subject to future planned enhancements to the system. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 22 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Multimode fiber optic, 62.5/125µm, graded index, extended grade (200 Mhz @ 850nm) – used for data and voice applications Singlemode fiber optic – used for data, video, and voice applications In addition CWU recognizes the use of Category 5E UTP for use in some instances11, and only for connections between TC’s (or between TC’s and ER’s) that do not exceed 90m. Each TC shall be served, at a minimum, with UTP, multimode fiber optic backbone cables and singlemode fiber optic backbone cables: Sizing of the backbone cable (in pair counts or strands) shall always be viewed in light of the possible future requirements. The cost to add additional backbone cable during the initial installation is significantly less than the cost of adding additional capacity in the future. UTP cable shall contain cable pairs to serve each port in each communications outlet served by the TC to which the port connects, plus one hundred percent expansion capability. At a minimum, provide each TC with a 50-pair Category 3 UTP cable. Provide two strands of multimode fiber optic cable for each piece of equipment being served in the TC, plus one hundred percent expansion capability. At a minimum, each TC shall be served with a twelve-strand multimode fiber optic cable and a twelve-strand singlemode fiber optic cable. In addition, single-mode fiber optic cable shall be considered depending upon the application. Hybrid fiber optic cabling is not allowed for inside plant backbone cabling. Provide separate patch panels for terminating singlemode fiber and multimode fiber. Singlemode and multimode fiber cables shall not be terminated in the same patch panel. Communications backbone cables serving disparate functions (voice, data, etc.) shall be segregated into separate raceways (i.e. one raceway for voice, one for data, etc.). Segregation can occur by using different conduits, or separate innerducts within a conduit. Shared sleeves are acceptable if the various backbone cables are installed in such a manner as to separate a given cable from those nearby.12 In no case shall backbone cable be run in the same raceways as those used by electrical power conductors. This is the case for both copper and fiber optic cable. Future moves, adds, and changes to fiber optic backbone cable installed in raceways containing power conductors would be costly (almost always requiring an electrician to be present), and could expose telecommunications personnel to potential safety hazards. While fiber optic based cable is not subject to EMI/RFI, some types of fiber optic cable is manufactured using metallic armor that could conduct electricity. 11 To be determined on a project-by-project basis 12 Segregation is desired in order to ensure that when maintenance work is required on a backbone cable for a given function (such as voice), work on the cable will not disrupt the functionality of the other backbone cables nearby (such as data). © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 23 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Raceway fill shall conform to the TIA/EIA standards and the NEC. The Designer shall refer to the Communications Circuits section of the in the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification and the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for Residence Halls for more information. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 24 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION Given the rapid pace of technological advancement in today’s communications industry, standards and systems can (and will) change frequently – and it is the horizontal distribution system that seems to be most affected by these changes. The irony is that while horizontal distribution systems seem to change every few years, the buildings they serve last for decades. The communications systems Designer must therefore balance the relatively short life cycle of horizontal distribution systems against the long life cycle of buildings – arriving at a reasonable and cost-effective13 means of accommodating both. In addition, today’s communications industry is witnessing a convergence of technologies. Voice, data, and video are all capable of utilizing the same type of communications media (Category 5E and fiber optic). A well-designed horizontal distribution system must therefore be engineered with this in mind. An outlet and cable used today for voice needs to be capable of being used for data or video tomorrow -without requiring re-cabling, re-termination, and/or deciphering a jungle of jumper wire in the TC to make a cross-connect. This section defines design considerations for pathways, raceways and communications media (cable and connecting hardware) for horizontal distribution systems that are of particular concern to CWU. The Designer is expected to refer to the TIA/EIA 568 and 569 standards and the BICSI TDMM for other and more specific design criteria and detail. HORIZONTAL PATHWAY AND RACEWAY Technically, horizontal pathway is the path (or route) between the TC and the user’s communications outlet. Horizontal raceway is the physical medium that follows this path and provides for the installation and protection of communications media. While communications media may change frequently, the raceway for distributing the media does not. A well-designed horizontal raceway system contributes more to reducing the total cost of ownership of a communications system then does any other single component. The raceway system must accommodate change. Horizontal raceway shall utilize a physical star topology. Horizontal raceway consists of conduit, sleeves, cable tray, J-hooks, D-rings and device boxes, all of which are applicable as discussed later in this section. 13 In terms of total cost of ownership, NOT just initial construction cost. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 25 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The Designer should refer to the Raceway and Boxes for Communications Circuits section and the Cable Tray for Communications Circuits section of the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification and the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for Residence Halls for more detail regarding specific raceway components and the installation of these components. For the purposes of this document, horizontal raceway can be divided into two subsystems: Raceway from the TC to a distribution point/pathway Raceway from the distribution point/pathway to the individual work areas © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 26 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Following is a list of general items to consider when designing a horizontal raceway system, applicable to both raceway subsystems: CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE For light and basic remodel construction, this requirement may be waived given budgetary, project size, or other limiting factors. Raceway shall be designed for all communications media. Communications For light and basic remodel construction, there may not be an media shall not be installed without raceway to existing (or suitable) TC available on the support it . same floor. This requirement may Raceway shall be designed from the device therefore be waived. box serving the communications outlet to the For light and basic remodel nearest TC on the same floor as the outlet. construction, this requirement may be waived given budgetary, project size, or Raceway shall remain on the same floor as the other limiting factors. TC and communications outlet for which it serves. “Poke-thru” penetrations to the ceiling For both Academic Buildings and Residence Halls, if poke-thru’s must be space of the floor below are not acceptable. utilized, and if there is a suitable TC on Raceway, once exiting a room or area the same floor at which the containing a communications outlet, shall communications outlet originates, an additional sleeve, slot, or conduit raceway route through main corridors, hallways, and must be installed which will provide office throughways. It shall not route across pathway back to the originating floors. The length of pathway that is in the office, classroom, living, or other open ceiling space of the floor below must be spaces . (Note: this requirement is not kept at a minimum. Even if there is not a applicable to home-run conduit raceway TC on the originating floor, it is beneficial to bring the pathway back to the systems). originating floor so that it may join with Raceway shall be kept separate and distinct other pathway on the originating floor, from raceway used for any other type of media and thus route together to a TC on some other floor. (including CATV, intercom, and other signal systems cabling). Physical barriers within a However, for Residence Halls (only), at times it may be permissible (and only single raceway (such as cable tray) used to upon approval by CWU), to vertically separate communications media from other “poke-thru” floor-to-floor and distribute types of media are not acceptable. Keeping horizontally either in the bottom floor of or in the attic. communications raceway separate from that of other systems will aid in future system and For light and basic remodel construction in facilities without false cable identification and, perhaps more ceilings (i.e. with “hard lids”) this importantly, will decrease the possibility of requirement may be waived. For work on the other cabling systems affecting Residence Halls in particular, at times it may be permissible (and only upon the communications media. approval by CWU), to route raceway Raceway shall avoid penetrating firewalls. Fire (such as soffits) directly from room to ratings of penetrated walls and floors shall be room. maintained if penetration is unavoidable. Where penetrations are unavoidable, penetrations shall be sealed and firestopped in order to maintain the fire ratings of the penetrated walls and floors. Raceway penetrations through walls and floors shall be sealed. Raceway shall be bonded and grounded per TIA/EIA standards and the NEC. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 27 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS In general, a registered structural engineer shall review and approve all structural changes/penetrations. For the purposes of the discussion below, the following definitions are in order: A home-run is defined as the direct raceway connection between a given TC and a distribution point or a device box (see below). A distribution point is defined as the junction/pull-box at which a home-run conduit begins and workstation conduit ends, or as the point along the length of a cable tray at which workstation pathway terminates, or as the point along the length of a Jhook or D-ring pathway at which workstation pathway terminates. RACEWAY FROM THE TC/ER TO A DISTRIBUTION POINT/PATHWAY Sizing of the raceway shall always be viewed in light of possible future requirements. The cost to add additional raceway (or oversized raceway) during the initial installation is significantly less than the cost of adding additional raceway in the future. The choice of what type, size, and quantity of raceway to use will be dependent upon the type of construction: For New and Full Remodel Construction As of the publication of this document, CWU has standardized on the use of cable tray systems for horizontal cabling distribution. However, home-run conduit raceway systems have been used in many situations14. Prior to beginning design on a project, the Designer shall meet with CWU to determine which method of horizontal cabling distribution is desired for the particular facility. FIGURE 3 — CABLE TRAY SYSTEM C ab le T r ay D istr ib u tio n Po in t D evice Bo x D evice Bo x TC 1 " C o n d u it (T yp ical o f 3 ) D evice Bo x In either case, conduit shall be utilized from the device box location to the distribution point (see Raceway from the Distribution Point to the Work Area), below. 14 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 28 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FIGURE 4 — HOME-RUN CONDUIT SYSTEM 1 -1 /2 " H o m e-r u n C o n d u it TC D istr ib u tio n Po in t J-b o x 1 " C o n d u it (T yp ical o f 3 ) 1 " H o m e Ru n C o n d u it D evice Bo x D evice Bo x D evice Bo x D evice Bo x While CWU has standardized on the use of cable tray systems, there are many arguments supporting the use of home-run conduit raceway systems for new and full remodel construction for several reasons – most of which are related to total cost of ownership. Therefore, CWU intends to consider this issue on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to Appendix 1 – Home-run Conduit Raceway Systems on page 37 for more detail. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 29 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS In general, cable tray systems shall be located in corridor or office throughway spaces, and shall not be installed above office or classroom space. (See Figure 3 above.) Distances from EMI/RFI sources shall be maintained according to the TIA/EIA Category 5E cable standards, regardless of whether the raceway is routing copper or fiber optic based media. The Designer shall show all pathway/raceway on the drawings (from the TC/ER to the WA outlet) and shall coordinate during design the pathway/raceway with structural, mechanical, and other systems likely to be using the same space. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE For home-run conduit shall consist of a 1-1/2” conduit from the TC to a distribution point (a pull/junction box) serving no more than three 1” 15 conduits to device boxes. The conduits shall run in the most direct manner possible, designed to not exceed 180 degrees of bends and designed to eliminate intermediate pull boxes. See Figure 4, above. Pull-boxes shall be located in spaces that are easily accessible during normal working hours – such as hallways and common areas. Pull boxes shall not be located in classrooms or offices unless there is an overriding design reason for doing so, dependent upon approval from CWU. Locating pull-boxes in easily accessible spaces will allow for accessing the communications system media with a minimum of disruption to office and classroom users. Spare home-run conduits shall be installed from the TC to areas where there are no present communications outlets required if it is possible that such areas may be remodeled into areas requiring communications outlets in the future. It is expected that the Designer will expend considerable coordination effort during the design process. Non-coordinated pathway/raceway is not acceptable to CWU. For Light Remodel and Basic Communications Construction Existing raceway shall be reused whenever possible, given that the existing raceway does not violate TIA/EIA standards in such a way as to affect the performance of the communications media to be installed. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE The definition of how much violation of the TIA/EIA standards is permissible (given budgetary, project size, or other limiting factors) is left to the Designer. At a minimum, the applicability for reuse of the existing raceway shall be investigated by the Designer and reviewed with CWU. If the reusability of the existing raceway it indeterminable, CWU will direct the Designer as to the desired course of action. Cable tray shall be considered when the quantity of If existing raceway cannot be reused communications cable is considerable (40+). or additional raceway is required, JFor light and basic remodel construction in facilities hook or D-ring raceway shall be without false ceilings (i.e. with “hard lids”) this established down corridors and/or requirement may be waived. For Residence Halls in particular, at times it may be permissible (and only office throughway spaces . This upon approval by CWU), to route pathway (such as raceway shall be sized for a soffits) or raceway directly from room to room. minimum of 100% expansion and will be referred to as J-Hook/D-Ring pathway system. See Horizontal Communications Media below. In general, a 1” conduit to a device box will provide pathway for 2 communications cables initially, and will provide expansion capability for up 6 cables. The 1-1/2” home run conduit will therefore provide initial pathway for 6 communications cables, and will provide expansion capability for up to 18 communications cables. 15 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 30 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FIGURE 5 — J-HOOK/D-RING PATHWAY SYSTEM D evice Bo x J-h o o ks/D -Rin gs Path w ay D evice Bo x TC 1 " C o n d u it (T yp ical o f 3 ) D evice Bo x Distances from EMI/RFI sources shall be maintained according to TIA/EIA installation standards, regardless of whether the raceway is routing copper or fiber optic based media. DEVICE BOXES AT THE WORK AREA (WA) The choice of what type, size, and quantity of raceway to use will be dependent upon the type of construction. In general, however: Device boxes shall be located at the same height as device boxes used for other systems (i.e. electrical power, CATV, etc.), subject to ADA limitations. Device boxes shall not be “combo” boxes (i.e. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE Some in Residence Hall situations it boxes used for both communications and may be appropriate to consider using a power, CATV, etc.) single device box to serve both Device boxes shall not be mounted in the communications and CATV. These situations shall be investigated by the floor (i.e. “floor boxes”) except where no Designer and reviewed with CWU. suitable alternative exists. If device boxes However, under no circumstances will power outlets be acceptable in must be mounted in the floor, each device box combination with any other media. shall be served with it’s own individual conduit (i.e. floor boxes shall not be “daisy-chained” Power outlets may be combined with CATV, communications, etc. in floor together). For New and Full Remodel Construction 16 boxes if the power wiring is routed to the floor boxes separately from the other cable media and if the floor box provides for segregation of the power and communications cabling within the box. A device box shall be provided for each communications outlet. Device boxes shall be 4”x4”x3-½”.16 Device boxes shall be recess-mounted. Surface mounted device boxes are not acceptable. 3-1/2” is the combined depth of device box and extension ring. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 31 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1. For Academic buildings: two device boxes shall be provided for each work area and shall be located (subject to design constraints) on opposing walls. At a minimum, one device box shall be located on each wall of a classroom. 2. For Residence Halls: For each dorm CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE Some study spaces may serve two room, one device box shall be located students within a single space. In these in the common/living area (if one cases it might be appropriate to provide a exists), and one device box per single device box located where it would be reachable from both workspaces intended resident shall be provided in within the space. These situations shall the study area(s) – suitably located be investigated by the Designer and reviewed with CWU. within each residents’ study space. A 1” conduit shall be provided from each device box to the nearest distribution point/pathway. The conduit shall be concealed within the interstitial space of the wall until it reaches the ceiling space. The conduit shall run in the most direct manner possible to the distribution point, and shall be designed to not exceed 180 degrees of bends and to eliminate intermediate pull boxes whenever possible. See Figures 3 and 4, above. Device boxes shall not be “daisy-chained.” That is, each device box shall be complete with it’s own dedicated conduit to the nearest distribution point/pathway. A 4”x4” device box (dual gang) with four power receptacles shall be located near17 each communications device box. It is the Designer’s responsibility to coordinate with the electrical engineer to ensure that power outlets are located near communications devices boxes. For Light Remodel and Basic Communications Construction 17 Existing device boxes and raceway shall be CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE The definition of how much violation reused whenever possible – given that the of the TIA/EIA standards is permissible existing raceway complies with TIA/EIA (given budgetary, project size, or other standards in such a way as to affect the limiting factors) is left to the Designer. At a minimum, the applicability for reuse of performance of the communications the existing raceway shall be investigated media to be installed. by the Designer and reviewed with CWU. If the reusability of the existing raceway it A device box shall be provided for each indeterminable, CWU will direct the communications outlet. Device boxes shall Designer as to the desired course of be recess-mounted wherever possible and action. shall be 4”x4” and at least 2 ½” deep (a 3 ½” depth is preferable). Surface mounted device boxes (if required) may be standard single gang (2” x 4”) and at least 2 ½” deep. Within 3 feet, 12” preferable © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 32 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1. For Academic buildings: a minimum of one device box shall be provided for each work area and a minimum of one device box shall be located in each classroom. 2. For Residence Halls: A minimum of one device box shall be located in each dorm room. Raceway shall be provided from all surface CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE For Academic Buildings, surface mounted device boxes to the accessible raceway may be either plastic or metal, ceiling space. Surface raceway is keeping in mind that plastic raceway is acceptable in those areas where no more susceptible to vandalism. suitable alternatives exist . Surface For Residence Halls, surface raceway raceway provided must conform to TIA/EIA shall be metal, particularly in those areas conducive to vandalism. Surface plastic standards for bend radii for Category 5E raceway shall not be used unless and fiber optic cable. Surface raceway approved by CWU. shall be sized for the initial For Residence Halls, soffit is also an communications media capacity plus one alternative, subject to approval by CWU. hundred percent expansion. If soffit is used, the soffit lids shall be Raceway from recess-mounted device secured with tamper resistant screws (such as Torx Head) in order to boxes shall be 1” conduit, stubbed-up into discourage vandalism. the accessible ceiling space whenever possible. Where not possible, the interstitial space of the wall shall be suitable for a fish-tape installation of the communications media. J-Hook or D-ring raceway will be required from the ceiling space above the device box locations to the home-run pathway when more than four communications cables will utilize the same pathway (present or future). When less than four communications cables will utilize the pathway, tie-wraps and similar supports will be adequate. Distances from EMI/RFI sources shall be maintained according to TIA/EIA installation standards, regardless of whether the raceway is routing copper or fiber optic based media. COMPUTER LABS Raceway for computer labs deviates somewhat from the above. CWU has standardized on utilizing 3” high, raised-access flooring for horizontal distribution. Prior to starting a cabling design for a computer lab, the Designer shall meet with CWU to determine whether to follow the CWU-standard practice of using termination blocks for terminating horizontal cabling (see Horizontal Cross-connects (HC), below), or whether a small rack-mounted Category 5E 568A patch panel system is desired for terminating computer lab horizontal cabling. A patch panel system might give the Instructor more flexibility in configuring the lab network, as well as the ability to easily disconnect the computer lab network from the building network when required. This issue will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 33 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The rack for mounting the patch panels and associated data network equipment shall either be enclosed (and lockable) and shall be located within the lab itself (free standing or wall mounted), or shall be a freestanding rack located within a small communications closet nearby -- dedicated to the computer lab. In either case, the rack shall be provided with standard backbone cabling as discussed in the previous section. SERIAL CABLING APPLICATIONS CWU uses Category 5E 100Mhz cable for a number of applications that require serial communications, including card access, point of sale, vending machines, laundry machines, etc. While these applications are not dependent on cabling conformance with TIA/EIA standards (cable length in particular) it is desirable to comply with these standards wherever possible to provide the greatest degree of flexibility for future uses. At the application end of the cable, the contractor shall provide a 50-foot coil for future termination by CWU, and the cable shall be left coiled in the nearest pathway or distribution point that will accommodate the coil. In the TC, Category 5E cabling serving these applications shall be terminated at the bottom of the termination block serving the floor of the building where the application end of the cable is located. The Designer is responsible to coordinate the serial cabling requirements with CWU for each building and should expect each building to have unique requirements. HORIZONTAL COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA As discussed in the introduction to this section, horizontal communications media is considered by CWU to be “universal.” That is, the same media is to be used to support voice, data, and video. The design of the horizontal communications system must, therefore, support and not constrain this universality. A given connector, terminating a given cable, within a given communications outlet must support voice, data, and video communications by rerouting the jumper wire or patch cable in the TC to which it is connected. CWU therefore recognizes only a minimum of Category 5E 100Mhz or better-rated cable for horizontal communications media. In some instances18 CWU recognizes the use of 62.5/125µm multimode fiber optic media for use for data/video intensive work areas. Each Category 5E cable shall be terminated with an 8-position modular jack wired with T568A pinout. 18 To be determined on a project-by-project basis © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 34 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Each communications outlet shall be served with a minimum of two Category 5E cables (a twoport outlet), unless the communications outlet is to serve a single wall-mounted phone or other device. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE Communications outlet ports shall be independent of the application (i.e. they shall fully support voice, data, or video) For light remodel or basic construction Raceway fill shall conform to the TIA/EIA standards and the NEC. For light remodel or basic construction for Residence Halls, there shall be no less than one port per living space per resident. For example, a living space with two residents shall have no less than two ports. The Designer shall refer to the Communications Circuits section of the in the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification and the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for Residence Halls for more detail. For light remodel or basic construction, after installation of the new communications distribution system, all existing horizontal communications media no longer in use shall be demolished. for Residence Halls, one Category 5E cable per outlet may be acceptable on a case-by-case basis. For new or full remodel construction for Residence Halls, there shall be a minimum of two ports per living space per resident, plus two ports “common”. For example, a living space with two residents shall have no less than six ports. Two ports for the first resident, two ports for the second resident, and two ports “common.” HORIZONTAL CROSS-CONNECT (HC) CWU has standardized on termination blocks rather than patch panels for terminating horizontal communications media, except in Computer Labs as noted above. Termination blocks shall be designed “universally.” That is, there shall be no distinction between horizontal media that is initially used for voice as opposed to that initially used for data or video. The same termination block shall be used regardless of the initial use. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 35 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Patch cords shall be quantified and specified by the Designer for every project. Patch cords shall be provided for both the workstation area and the closet. Leaving patch cords out of the bid documents is not acceptable to CWU. CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE The Designer should refer to the Communications Circuits section of the in the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification and the CWU Communications Distribution System Master Specification for Residence Halls for more detail. For Residence Halls, a patch cord shall be provided for each port designated for data, regardless of whether or not the port will be placed in immediate use. CWU has standardized on “turning up” all data ports (in use or not) (i.e. each data port will be connected to a hub/switch port). Provide an additional 5% for future data capacity. For voice ports, provide one patch cord for each voice port planned for immediate use, plus an additional 10% for future capacity. For Academic Buildings, provide patch cords for each port planned for immediate use, plus an additional 10% for future capacity. Provide voice grade patch cords for voice ports, and data grade patch cords for data ports. For Residence Halls, provide patch cords for only the closet. Workstation patch cords are not required (these will be provided by the students themselves). Specify that the Contractor is to preapply all data patch cords in the closet for all workstation data ports (CWU expects that these patch cords will be terminated prior to the installation of CWU provided network equipment). © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 36 APPENDICES APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 — HOME-RUN CONDUIT RACEWAY SYSTEMS While CWU has standardized on cable tray raceway systems, there are many arguments for the use of home-run conduit raceway systems (vs. cable tray raceway systems) for new and full remodel construction. Most of the arguments supporting the use of homerun conduit systems are related to total cost of ownership: A well-designed home-run conduit system facilitates the moving, adding, and changing (MAC’s) of communications media during the life of the building. As mentioned in the introduction to this section, raceway is a permanent building fixture. The communications media on the other hand, changes every few years. A home-run conduit system facilitates the changing of communications media by enabling the installers to easily identify, remove, and pull in new cable with a minimum of labor and hassle – in other words, less cost. A well-designed home-run conduit system minimizes the impact on the building occupants when a change in the communications media must occur. For the most part, a majority of the activity involved in installing communications media will occur at the TC and at the device box location. The pathway between these two points will be minimally accessed. A well-designed home-run conduit system facilitates the removal of obsolete or unused communications media. Obsolete or unused media, left in place and not in conduit (and typically undocumented as well), is a major factor in increasing the total cost of ownership of the system (i.e. nobody is quite sure whether it is actually in use, what it is (or was) intended for, and whether it should really be pulled out – it therefore sits unused, clogs the raceway system, and makes future MAC’s costly and prone to unanticipated problems during installation). Home-run conduit systems force the issue, during the design, of whether or not the old media should be removed. A home-run conduit system protects the communications media from physical damage, and clearly identifies the cable as “communications”. Cable tray systems do not afford the protection and segregation that a conduit system does. While a well-designed conduit system has been engineered with future expansion in mind, this expansion capacity is not attractive to other systems which otherwise might want to make use of the raceway (such as CATV, or intercom). Cable tray is notorious, particularly as the buildings grows older, for being the default raceway for everything from it’s original intention (communications) to HVAC, CATV, intercom, etc. and even electrical power. A well-designed home-run conduit system protects copper-based cable from EMI. This is of particular importance as equipment using the communications media approaches 100Mhz speeds (and beyond). It is no secret that even “100Mhz guaranteed” copper © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 37 APPENDICES systems today are beginning to exhibit problems related to EMI as the speed of the equipment actually begins to utilize the bandwidth provided by 100Mhz. Cable tray systems, unless entirely enclosed, do not afford the EMI protection that a conduit system does. © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 38 APPENDICES The standard arguments against such a system are as follows: A home-run conduit raceway system can be costly (comparatively) to install. While this may be true in some cases, it is generally based on second-hand information rather than actual comparison of construction costs. Conduit systems are the bread and butter of electricians everywhere. Every electrician installs them, and every electrician knows the finer points of conduit system construction. Cable tray construction on the other hand, tends to be more costly and more specialized. Many electricians have not installed enough cable tray systems to be thoroughly familiar with the intricacies of cable tray construction as well as the “hidden” costs. Lack of familiarity for the Contractor means higher construction cost for CWU. In addition, a well-designed home-run conduit system can significantly decrease the cost associated with the installation of the communications media, an oftenoverlooked fact. In some cases, and depending upon the size of the project, the savings associated with the communications media installation may come close to absorbing the cost of the home-run conduit system.19 A home-run conduit raceway system can be inflexible for moves, adds, and changes (MAC’s). This can be overcome by designing the home-runs with extra capacity from the onset and by designing for a useable floor space served perspective, rather than to just the number of initial communications outlets served. During future remodel work, the home-run conduits should not require substantial change – only the workstation conduits from the device boxes to the home-run distribution point would typically require change.20 The key phrase, however, is “well-designed.” Improper conduit sizing, excessive pull boxes and jogs/bends, etc. will all contribute to quick elimination of savings associated with initial and successive communications media installations. 20 Required regardless of the type of raceway system chosen. 19 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 39 APPENDICES APPENDIX 2 — REFERENCES Central Washington University, Premises Communications Distribution System Master Specification BICSI, Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual Green, James Harry, Telecommunications 2, © 1992 Irwin Professional Publishing AMP, Planning & Installation Guide NORDX/CDT, IBDN Design Guide, Issue 4 © 2016 Conley Engineering, Inc. 40