SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN COLLEGE COUNCIL AUGUST 10, 2010 S U M M A R Y – DRAFT Present: Paul Fernandez, Bonnie Frunz, Guy Hamilton, Jim Hills Mariko Kakiuchi, Barbara Kristek, Victoria Lauber, Gary Parks, Stephen Smith, Holly Woodmansee, Gwen Whiteford Co-Chairs: Jim Hills and Victoria Lauber Recorder: Mariko Kakiuchi STANDING ITEMS 1. REVIEW MEETING SUMMARY – JULY 20, 2010 The July 20 meeting summary was unavailable for review as recorder Lori Yonemitsu was out on sick leave. 2. CHANGES TO THE AUGUST 10, 2010 COUNCIL AGENDA By a thumbs-up consensus, the Council approved the August 10, 2010 Meeting Agenda as written. 3. OPEN COMMENT PERIOD Bonnie said that there is uncertainty on campus due to the constantly changing budget situation and new state forecasts. Jim noted there has been discussion in SET and PSET about how much to update the campus because there are frequent changes to state revenue reports, and, therefore, the College’s response to the call for budget cuts. The current thinking is that, because people are going to hear news coming out of Olympia anyway, it is better to communicate the most current information possible, and its potential impact on the College. NEW BUSINESS 4. Screening Committee Policies and Procedures (Discussion of Agenda item #4 took place after Agenda item #5 to allow time for Gary Parks to arrive as he requested the item.) Gary stated that there have been some concerns from a faculty perspective regarding screening committee policies and procedures and Policy 4111. How is the number of constituency representatives determined? How are committee procedures set? When and how does consultation with constituency groups occur? Stephen said most recent searches have been expedited recruitments, which call for minimum constituency representation. This applies to classified and administrative positions only. Gary noted there may occasionally be a desire to increase the membership on a committee and Stephen said these requests should be directed to him. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN COLLEGE COUNCIL AUGUST 10, 2010 Page 2 of 3 The College has an interest in including appropriate representation while also remaining efficient. Stephen said he was in error regarding his clarification about a forum during the recent screening process for the chief advancement officer. He and President Lambert have agreed that future screening committees will be instructed to build in a process for open forums for administrative positions that impact all constituencies. Stephen welcomes input on the criteria for such positions as college-wide impact may not always be obvious. 5. End-of-Year Committee Reports (2009-10) Victoria noted that only one committed provided the requested length of term for each member. The other committees shall be asked to submit this information. Bonnie said she is interested in rotating terms and retaining experience on committees. Jim recalled that Council has talked about the need for consistency and suggested revisiting this in the fall. Diversity Action Committee: Bonnie wondered if this is an events committee, based upon the report’s focus, and expressed interest in clarification of the committee’s use of terms such as diversity and multicultural competency. Stephen said the committee looks at broader issues as well as events. Victoria recalled that last year’s reports included purpose statements, which were helpful when reviewing. Curriculum Committee: Bonnie said she appreciated the list of courses the committee reviewed but would have also preferred to see a report in the format requested. Guy said that this committee is perhaps different from others in that its function is largely administrative and also necessary to meet state guidelines. Holly wondered if the committee needs to report elsewhere and Bonnie suggested that this be taken up in the fall. Guy said it might be appropriate for the committee to report to Faculty Senate because only instruction is represented on its membership and major changes (e.g. DTA issues) go through the Senate anyway. International Programs Advisory Committee: It was clarified that this committee’s main focus is on programs that send Shoreline CC students abroad. Strategic Planning/Budget Committee: Council is familiar with this committee through not only the report but also its presentations during the year. It is anticipated that this committee will have significant information to share with the campus in the fall. Safety Committee: Bonnie said there were many activities completed and/or in process but wanted to know how much of this has been communicated to the campus. It is important that the campus be informed of the issues this committee addresses. Victoria noted that the membership list is still needed. Sustainability Committee: Bonnie commended the committee for the work accomplished, student involvement and excellent, thorough report. Jim added that this committee communicated very well with its members. The need for increased constituency participation was stated in the report. SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN COLLEGE COUNCIL AUGUST 10, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Victoria noted that some committees did not submit reports. Technology Planning Committee has “sunsetted. 6. It was noted that the Election of Chairs – Fall Quarter 2010 Victoria’s term as co-chair ends after summer quarter. Jim Hills’ term as co-chair continues through fall quarter. The next co-chair is designated to be a faculty member. The floor was opened for nominations, and following discussion, Gary agreed to volunteer. Additionally, Bonnie, whose term is ending summer quarter, agreed to continue serving to assist Stephen with the task of editing proposed WAC changes as agreed upon at the May 4 meeting. By a thumbs-up consensus, the Council elected Gary Parks as Council Co-Chair and endorsed Bonnie Frunz’s continued work on WAC changes. NEXT MEETING There is a desire among Council members for greater student representation. Lori and Victoria will follow up again with student government. Bonnie recommended that the student body president serve because in the past this improved the degree of participation. Next meeting: Tuesday, October 5, 2010; 2:00 – 4:30 PM; Board Room.