WebQuest #4

Geology 12 – Dalesandro
WebQuest 4 – Volcanoes [15 pts]
Section A – “Amazing Volcano Images”
Instructions: Visit http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/volcanoes_by_country and explore by clicking
on some of the volcanoes. Answer the following questions.
1) Which volcano in Chile do you find most interesting? Why?
2) Which volcano in Russia do you find most interesting? Why?
3) What volcano in Indonesia do you find most interesting? Why?
4) What volcano in Iceland do you find most interesting? Why?
5) What volcano in Japan do you find most interesting? Why?
Section B – “Stromboli”
Instructions: Visit http://www.swisseduc.ch/stromboli/ and answer the following questions.
6) View the eruption photos. Which picture do you find the most interesting and why?
7) View the eruption videos. Which video do you find the most interesting and why?
8) What is a fumarole?
9) Click on the “bomb flight simulation”. At what angle and velocity would the volcano have
to toss a lava bomb for it to hit the town of Stromboli itself?
Section C – “Legends of the Volcano”
Instructions: Visit http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/volcano-folklore and read the myths
and legends about volcanoes. Then answer the following questions:
10) Describe one piece of volcano folklore from Greece.
11) Describe one piece of volcano folklore from Japan.
12) Describe one piece of volcano folklore from New Zealand.
13) Describe one piece of volcano folklore from the USA.
Section D – “Pinatubo”
Navigate the website http://park.org/Philippines/pinatubo/index.html and answer the
following questions.
14) Where is this volcano located?
15) What do the native peoples believe concerning this volcano?
16) When did volcanic activity in this area begin?
17) List two warnings that Pinatubo was about to erupt.
18) Create a timeline of events between Day 1 and Day 7 of the 1991 eruption.
19) How many people were affected by the eruption? How many were injured?
How many were killed?
Section E – Response
20) Write a brief (5-sentence) response to this WebQuest.