1 Hong Kong Shue Yan University Department of English Language

Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Department of English Language & Literature
2nd Semester, 2015-2016
Course Title:
Course Code:
Year of Study:
Number of Credits:
Duration in Weeks:
Contact Hours Per Week:
Interpreting I
ENG 340
Lecture (1 Hour)
Language lab drills (1.5 Hours)
Prepared by:
Mr. LEE Yuk Ming
Course Aims
This course aims to enlighten students on the acquisition of the E – C & C – E interpreting skills
through intensive and rigorous drills in the language laboratory. Continuous interpretation
homework is assigned and feedback given thereon. In the learning process, great emphasis is laid
on note taking skills and listening comprehension. Particular regard is also given to sight
translation, glossary building and major principles relating to interpreting in different specific
fields. Reading of academic papers by scholars and veteran interpreters about interpreting is
strongly recommended.
Course Outcomes, Teaching Activities and Assessment
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
Have a grip with the principles and rules put forward by scholars or veteran
interpreters in relation to the different modes of interpretation (E to C and C to E)
Be equipped with the practical interpreting skills (E to C and C to E)
Know how to build up vocabulary specially for interpreting purposes
Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)
Reading academic papers by scholars or veteran interpreters relating to
interpretation principles and rules
Acquisition of interpreting skills: phonetic identification, idea grasping,
note-taking, short-term memory, linked thinking, educated guess, transcription,
quick response, compiling matched pairs & etc.
Listening comprehension: about different subject matter and in relation to English
speakers with different accents by way of laboratory drill as well interpretation
home assignments based on radio/TV programs on internet.
Sight translation (with emphasis on the use of the right word and composition of
the appropriate sentence pattern for conveying the original message involving
different subject matters)
Glossary builder: Vocabulary gleaned for a specific field
Week Topic
Principles of interpretation
Different modes of interpretation
Interpreting skills and their
Problems of interpretation
The interpreting profession and
the code of ethics
Criteria for interpretation quality set by scholars and
veteran interpreters.
Sight translation and interpreting drills.
Practice on note-taking techniques (E to C & C to
Listening comprehension & Note-taking (Tacit
simultaneous interpretation; linked thinking and
educated guess).
Recommended reading.
Vocabulary builder pertaining to
Newspaper & magazines; internet & websites;
different subject matters or
glossaries compiled by government departments;
specific fields
glossary of terms pertaining to a specific field,
dictionaries & etc.
Sight translation and interpreting Preparation for jobs assigned (long term & short
term) on the basis of vocabulary/glossary.
Knowledge management of vocabulary and
Accents & phonetic identification glossary based on different subject matter.
Compilation of matched pairs.
Sight translation of newspaper clippings (current
affairs; court news).
Interpreting drills on radio/TV news broadcasting
on internet.
Recommended reading.
Sight translation and interpreting
Sight translation of current affairs and court news
drills on radio program pertaining reported in newspaper.
to specific fields
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Problems of interpretation and
Problems of interpretation identified and solution
problem solving
RTHK/BBC/CNN/CCTV9 broadcasting (on the
Accents & phonetic identification internet).
Recommended reading.
To write a paper on interpretation
Sight translation and interpreting
Sight translation of current affairs, court news and
drills on radio program pertaining editorials reported in newspaper.
to specific fields
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Problems of interpretation
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
(Individual and general listening
interpreting job.
comprehension problem) and
RTHK/BBC broadcasting (on the internet).
problem solving
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Accents & phonetic identification Recommended reading
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting
drills on radio program pertaining
to specific fields
Problems of interpretation
Sight translation of current affairs, court news and
editorials reported in newspaper.
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
(Language problem) and problem
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting
drills on radio program pertaining
to specific fields
Problems of interpretation
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting
drills on radio program pertaining
to specific fields
Problems of interpretation and
problem solving
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting
drills on radio program pertaining
to specific fields
Problems of interpretation and
problem solving
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
interpreting job.
RTHK/BBC/CNN/CCTV9 broadcasting (on the
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Recommended reading.
Sight translation of articles reported in newspaper
about social problems and government policy.
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
interpreting job.
RTHK/BBC/CNN/CCTV9 broadcasting (on the
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Recommended reading.
Sight translation of articles reported in newspaper
about social problems and government policy.
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
interpreting job.
RTHK/BBC/CNN/CCTV9 broadcasting (on the
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Recommended reading.
Sight translation of articles reported in Time
Magazine about social problems, economics and
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
interpreting job;
BBC/CNN/Bloomberg/CCTV9 broadcasting (on
the internet).
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting
drills on radio program pertaining
to specific fields
Problems of interpretation and
problem solving
Points to note in the interpreting
Recommended reading.
Sight translation of articles reported in Time
magazine about social problems, economic and
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
interpreting job.
BBC/CNN/Bloomberg/CCTV broadcasting (on the
Accents & phonetic identification
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting
drills on radio program pertaining
to specific fields
Problems of interpretation and
problem solving
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting
drills on radio program pertaining
to specific fields
Problems of interpretation and
problem solving
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Recommended reading.
Sight translation of texts relating to science and
technology downloaded from Internet.
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
interpreting job.
BBC/CNN/CCTV broadcasting (on the internet).
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Recommended reading.
Sight translation of text relating to science and
technology downloaded from Internet.
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
interpreting job.
BBC/CNN/CCTV broadcasting (on the internet).
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Recommended reading.
Quick response/Quick wit
Sight translation and interpreting Sight translation of texts relating to medical and
drills on radio program pertaining health downloaded from Internet.
to specific fields
Interpreting drills pertaining to specific fields based
on radio broadcastings on internet.
Problems of interpretation and
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
problem solving
interpreting job.
BBC/CNN/CCTV broadcasting (on the internet).
Points to note in the interpreting
Single words/sentences
Matched pairs
Accents & phonetic identification Recommended reading.
Quick response/Quick wit
Interpretation skills relating to Interpreting drills pertaining to prepared dialogue
prepared dialogue
on business negotiation, tenancy and breach of
Problems of interpretation and
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
problem solving
interpreting job.
Recommended reading.
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
Interpretation skills relating to Interpreting drills pertaining to prepared dialogue
prepared dialogue
on labour, traffic offence and marriage.
Glossary and reference materials relevant to the
Problems of interpretation and
interpreting job.
problem solving
Recommended reading.
Points to note in the interpreting
Accents & phonetic identification
Teaching Approach
Practical drills in language laboratory
Continuous Assessment
(Interpreting & sight translation)
Term paper on interpreting
Principal Readings
1. Helen Campbell: Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting - Multi-Languages Annual
Conference 2013. (Multi-Languages Corporation - Youtube)
2. Consecutive Note Taking-Part 1 & Part 2 (Published on Jul 14, 2012 - Consecutive
interpreting techniques – Youtube)
3. Rolando Zamora: Consecutive Interpreting Rules (Youtube)
Roche on Notes: Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting (Youtube)
James Nolan, Interpretation techniques and exercises, Buffalo: Multilingual Matters,
6. Andrew Gillies, Note-taking for consecutive interpreting : a short course,
Manchester, [England] ; Northampton, MA : St. Jerome Pub., c2005.
7. Gordon A. Hale and Rosalea Courtney, Note taking and listening comprehension on
the test of English as a foreign language,. Princeton, N.J.: Educational Testing
Service, 1991.
8. LEE Yukming, “Creating the Original for Interpreting Purpose”, The 4th Cross Strait
Translation Forum, CUHK,26-27 November 2008
9.鍾述孔著: <<實用口譯手冊>>, 中國對外翻譯出版公司, 1984
10.鄭仰平, 連續傳譯筆記 藝術家的工具 翻譯新論集 1991-10 月
11.林超倫: <<實戰口譯>>, 北京 : 外語教學與研究出版社, 2004
12. 胡玲, <<基礎口譯教程 >>武漢, 武漢大學出版社, 2012 年 1 月
13. 康志峄, <<英語高級口譯實用大全>>,上海, 上海科學普及出版社, 2011 年 5 月
14. 陶友蘭,何剛強, <<英語讀譯教程>>,北京, 外語教學與研究出版社, 2011 年 4 月
15. 朱巧蓮, 湯倩, <<英語各類口音聽力突破>>北京, 人民教育出版社, 2011 年 1 月
16. 汪濤, 覃璐, 林名仲, <<交替傳譯教程>>武漢, 武漢大學出版社, 2013 年 4 月
17. 李孚聲, <<英漢口譯教程>>第 2 版, 北京, 旅遊教育出版社, 2012 年 2 月
18. 呂昊, <<國際經貿口譯>>第一版, 武漢, 武漢大學出版社, 2014 年 4 月
19. 劉倩,王曉毅, <<跟著 VOA(常速)輕松練六級聽力>>第一版, 北京, 中國宇航出版
社, 2015 年 1 月
Supplementary Readings
2. Interpreting , John Benjamins Publishing Co.
3. Peter Roach, English Phonetics and Phonology, A Practical Course, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 1983
4. 中國翻譯, 中國翻譯工作者協會會刊
5. 讀報刊學英文, 中經錄音錄像中心出版
6. 李育明, 法庭傳譯工作 陸文慧主編<<法律翻譯: 從實踐出發>> 中華書局
7. 劉宓慶: <<口筆譯理論研究>>, 北京: 中國對外翻譯出版公司, 2004
8. 鮑剛: <<口筆譯理論研究>>, 北京: 中國對外翻譯出版公司, 2005
9. 潘曉燕 <<四級聽力>>, 第一版, 汕頭, 汕頭大學出版社, 2015 年 7 月
10.大學英語四六級考試命題研究組, <<大學英語新六級聽力>> 第 7 版, 北京,
機械工業出版社, 2015 年 7 月