ORCIT: Online (Open) Resources for Conference Interpreter

ORCIT: Online (Open) Resources for
Conference Interpreter Training
Universities of Leeds, Comillas, Prague,
Thessaloniki, ISIT, Heidelberg, Ljubljana
and Vilnius
Background and stages of the project
Funded by DGs Interpretation, EP and SCIC
Based on the team’s experience in building a very extensive
interactive resource for the UK government funded NNI
project (2007-2012)
• ORCIT-1 October 2010 to September 2011
• ORCIT-2 October 2011 to September 2012
• ORCIT-3 October 2012 to September 2013
• ORCIT-4 October 2013 to September 2014
Overview of the ORCIT project
The aim of the ORCIT project:
• to develop and pilot an open interactive
multi-media learning resource in
conference interpreting skills using a
designated website for this purpose
Target audience
Postgraduate interpreter training schools in
the EU member states and non-EU countries
where postgraduate training in conference
interpreting is being offered or envisaged
Five basic
Conference Interpreting skills
• Active listening
• Public speaking
• Consecutive
• Simultaneous
• Research Skills
these tools predominantly use monolingual
examples and exercises
Available resources
Listening and analysis
Mastery of the mother tongue
Public speaking
Consecutive without notes
Consecutive with notes
Early simultaneous
Advanced simultaneous
Research skills
Exercises and examples so far
• Public speaking
• Listening and analysis (built in examples
points 3, 5, 6 & 7)
• Consecutive without notes (points 5, 7, 9 &
• Also in Early simultaneous
ORCIT does not replace training
• These resources do not replace face-to-face
training. They complement the curriculum
of a conference interpreting course and
follow the standards set by EMCI and other
reputable European schools.
• They should contribute to best conference
interpreting training practice in Europe and
We hope to continue work on the project and
cover all EU languages (currently 8 languages
are available) and possibly more