Literacy - Cardwell

Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Cardwell is committed to promoting and respecting the health, safety and welfare of all our
children and any adults who work in our school.
Our children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or
They have a right to be safe and feel safe in our school.
Policy on Literacy
Aims and objectives
The study of literacy develops children's ability to listen, speak, read and write for a
wide range of purposes, including the communication of their ideas, views and
feelings. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively
as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as
well as of non-fiction and multi-media texts. Children gain an understanding of how
language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children use their
knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking, reading and writing across a
range of different situations.
Our objectives in the teaching of Literacy are:
to enable children to speak clearly and audibly, and to take account of their
to encourage children to listen with concentration, in order to identify the main
points of what they have heard;
to show children how to adapt their speech to a wide range of circumstances
and demands;
to teach children effective communication, both verbal and non-verbal, through
a variety of drama activities;
to help them to become confident, independent readers, through an
appropriate focus on word-, sentence- and text-level knowledge;
to develop enthusiastic and reflective readers, through contact with challenging
and substantial texts;
to foster the enjoyment of writing, and a recognition of its value;
to encourage accurate and meaningful writing, be it narrative or non-fiction;
to improve the planning, drafting and editing of their written work.
Teaching and learning style
At Cardwell School, we use a variety of teaching and learning styles in our Literacy
lessons, as recommended by the Primary National Strategy. Our principal aim is to
develop children's knowledge, skills and understanding. We do this through four
daily lessons in which children experience a whole-class or group reading or writing
activity, a whole-class or group focused word or sentence activity, an independent
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
or guided group activity, mini-plenaries and a whole-class or group plenary to
review progress and learning. The emphasis of the whole-class shared session is
on providing the children with stimulating, increasingly multi-modal, texts and
experiences. Also there are many planned opportunities for paired talk, discussions
and role-play. Whilst there is a high proportion of whole-class and group teaching,
the independent activity gives the children an opportunity to talk and collaborate,
and so embed and enhance their learning.
The children have the opportunity to experience a wide range of texts, and to
support their work with a variety of resources, such as dictionaries, thesauruses
and the internet. Kinaesthetic, auditory and visual learning styles are considered
and actively planned for. Children use ICT in Literacy lessons to enhance and
present their learning. They use and develop their visual literacy via use of the
interactive whiteboard, and draft their work using multi-media to study how words
and images are combined to convey meaning. We encourage children to use and
apply their literacy learning in other areas of the curriculum. In addition to these four
daily lessons we also use Early Morning Work sessions to practise spelling,
handwriting and other word and sentence level skills, which the children can then
apply in their learning throughout the rest of the day.
One day a week, we focus on developing the children’s writing skills and
understanding through a long writing lesson. This lesson builds upon the learning
and work completed in the daily lessons. The lesson is made up of two sessions,
with a clear break in between, usually for playtime. The first session consists of a
range of multi-sensory activities to inspire writing and develop children’s word and
sentence level understanding. These activities are usually based on an oral
rehearsal and kinaesthetic approach rather than written tasks. There are also many
planned opportunities for paired talk and discussions. This session may also
involve some text interrogation, the identification and practice of effective VCOP /
SPaG features and some planning for the written text to follow. For the second
session the learning environment is altered to create a calm, reflective mood for the
independent, quiet writing task. This also encourages the children to perceive long
writing as a special and enjoyable activity, which is looked forward to each week.
For example the lights are dimmed, calming music is played and the children may
use ‘special’ pens or pencils. The children may be given healthy snacks and water
to aid their concentration.
The piece of writing which the children produce in this session, following modelling
by the teacher, allows them to apply the skills and knowledge they have practised
throughout the week and before the break to produce a complete piece of their best
work. The length of this second session, plus the complexity of the task and
amount of structure and support provided, depends upon the age and ability of the
children. The samples of work can then be assessed against targets and used to
inform future planning. The children also have opportunities to critically evaluate
their own work and that of others, and are aware of their targets and next steps in
relation to the requirements for each NC level.
In all classes, children have a wide range of abilities, and we seek to provide
suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task
to the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies (refer to
section 3 of the inclusion policy). In specific year groups, Literacy is streamed. In
some lessons, we target the children’s needs through differentiated group work,
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
while in others they work in mixed ability groups. Groupings are flexible. We use
LSAs to support groups of children, and to enable work to be matched to the needs
of individuals.
Guided Reading and Writing
In addition to the shared, group and individual reading conducted during the
Literacy lesson, each child receives at least one Guided Reading session every
week with the class teacher.
The Guided Reading session involves a small group (averaging six children). The
teaching sequence begins with the teacher reviewing objectives for the lesson, and
introducing or recapping the text to be studied. The children are reminded of
reading strategies, and are given specific questions and tasks to help them focus
on the objectives. The children then read individually, whilst the teacher listens to
and guides each child in turn. The session concludes with the group returning to
the text and reviewing the tasks they were set. The teacher uses a standardised
record sheet to record progress and help in the setting of future targets.
3.2.1 The Guided Reading session takes place outside of the Literacy lesson and, while
the teacher works with the guided group, the rest of the class are engaged in a
carousel of independent reading, speaking & listening and role-play activities.
Guided Writing takes place within the Literacy lesson and has a much more flexible
structure than Guided Reading, to allow the teacher to specifically target the writing
needs of the children. Groupings are flexible, needs-led, and may either change on
a daily basis, or the teacher may choose to work with one group for a series of
sessions to address particular needs. Guided Writing tasks support children during
all the different stages of the writing process; it can be planning, oral rehearsal,
drama, re-drafting, discussion, text analysis – anything that informs and uplevels
the writing.
Literacy curriculum planning
Literacy is a core subject in the National Curriculum. We use the Primary National
Strategy as the basis for implementing the statutory requirements of the
programme of study for Literacy.
We currently carry out the curriculum planning in Literacy in two phases (long-term
planning and unit planning). Our yearly teaching programme identifies the key
objectives in literacy that we teach to each year. These plans define what we teach,
and ensure an appropriate balance and distribution of work across each term.
We plan the activities in Literacy so that they build on the children's prior learning.
While we give children of all abilities the opportunity to develop their skills,
knowledge and understanding, progression is also planned into the Framework, so
that there is an increasing challenge for the children as they move up through the
The Foundation Stage
We teach Literacy in Foundation Stage classes as an integral part of the school's
work. Throughout the Reception year, the format for the daily lesson is made
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
increasingly similar to that used in the rest of the school. As the Reception class is
part of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the Literacy
aspects of the children's work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals,
which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five. We give all
children the opportunity to talk and communicate in a widening range of situations,
to respond to adults and to each other, to listen carefully, and to practise and
extend their vocabulary and communication skills. They have the opportunity to
explore words and texts, to enjoy them, to learn about them, and to use them in
various situations.
We teach phonics as a daily discrete lesson within the Foundation Stage and Key
Stage One, using the Letters and Sounds guidance to ensure lessons are focused
on progression through the phonic phases. Throughout Key Stage Two, it is used
as an intervention targeting identified children with specific needs.
Lessons are inspirational, engaging and multi-sensory, to meet the needs of visual,
auditory and kinaesthetic learners. Children are taught to articulate phonemes,
which they apply in their reading by segmenting and blending words. We follow a
systematic ‘revisit and review – teach – practise – apply’ sequence within each
daily session.
We promote the development of speaking and listening skills alongside the daily
teaching of phonics as a discrete activity. We also support children to apply and
develop phonics knowledge through shared, guided and independent reading and
writing across the curriculum, including opportunities for freely chosen activities in
the Foundation Stage.
We are part of the CLLD programme, which is based on the recommendations of
the Rose Review and on key lessons learned from the ERDP. It provides focused
support for early reading and writing, and speaking and listening – the
interdependent skills identified within the Rose Review recommendations for early
We work with a CLLD consultant and regularly observe colleagues and discuss
practice. The impact of the programme is closely monitored and evaluated in terms
of curriculum, pedagogy and children’s learning and progress. This analysis is used
to inform teaching and meet the needs of individual children and vulnerable groups.
In June, all Year 1 pupils sit the Phonics Screening Test, unless they are dissaplied
for a specific reason. The parents of children being disapplied are informed in
advance. Children in Year 2 who are new to the school, or who did not pass the
test in Year 1 will resit the test. Parents of children taking the Phonics Screening
Test will be informed and invited to a meeting to discuss the test, where they will
also receive support materials. The results of this test are given to parents and
submitted to the borough.
Every Child Reading Every Day
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
We have developed a programme called Every Child Reading Every Day, which
takes place in Reception and Key Stage One. A trained adult takes small groups of
children to read for five minutes per child. They engage children and inspire an
interest in books, while focusing on the skills of segmenting and blending. The
Oxford Reading Tree books used start at one hundred percent phonetically
decodable texts and move to texts which are around eighty percent phonetically
decodable. This gives children the opportunity to develop their phonic knowledge,
sight reading of High Frequency Words and contextual reading skills. When the
adult is working with an individual child, the others are engaged in phonic games
and activities designed to support the text and develop their skills. Adults keep
clear records of the texts read and how well children achieved. This is fedback to
the class teacher and LSAs to inform planning and support.
Handwriting is taught as a discrete session on a Friday afternoon in Key Stage One
and Key Stage Two, as well as during Early Morning Work (see 2.2). The Nelson
Thornes scheme is used, and materials provide full coverage of the technical
aspects of writing including letter formation, basic joins, printing, speedwriting and
slope, as well as links with phonics and spelling. This enables children to progress
from simple letter formation to more complex joins. In Reception and Key Stage
One pencils are used for written work while in Key Stage Two pens are used. The
first half term in Year 3 is a transition period, where children move from pencil to
Contribution of Literacy to teaching in other curriculum areas
The skills that children develop in Literacy are linked to, and applied in, every
subject of our curriculum. The children's skills in reading, writing, speaking and
listening enable them to communicate and express themselves in all areas of their
work at school.
The teaching of Literacy contributes significantly to children's mathematical
understanding, in a variety of ways. Children in the Foundation Stage develop their
understanding of number, pattern, shape and space by talking about these matters
with adults and other children. Children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
meet stories and rhymes that involve counting and sequencing. Children in Key
Stage 2 are encouraged to read and interpret problems, in order to identify the
mathematics involved. They explain and present their work to others during plenary
sessions, and they communicate mathematically through the developing use of
precise mathematical language.
Personal, social and health and citizenship education (PSHCE)
Literacy contributes to the teaching of PSHE and citizenship by encouraging
children to take part in class and group discussions on topical issues. Older
children also research and debate topical problems and events. They discuss
lifestyle choices, and meet and talk with visitors who work within the school
community. Planned activities within the classroom also encourage children to work
together and to respect each other's views.
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
The teaching of Literacy develops skills through which our children can offer critical
responses to the moral questions they meet in their work. Their understanding and
appreciation of a range of texts bring them into contact with their own literary
heritage and with texts from a diverse range of cultures. The organisation of our
lessons allows children to work together, and gives them the chance to discuss
their ideas and results.
Literacy and ICT
The use of ICT, with clear learning objectives, will promote, enhance and support
the teaching of Literacy at word, sentence and text levels. It also offers ways of
impacting on learning which are not possible with conventional methods, e.g.
interactive and non-linear texts.
ICT is used at whole-class, group and independent levels. The screen projection of
text enables it to be read and shared. The projection of a word processor permits
the writing process to be modelled effectively. A wide variety of text types are
available through the Internet or CD-ROMs to encourage the framing of explicit
questions. Groups can work at a computer and input text via standard or overlay
keyboard. Word banks or word grid software speed up recording. Software is used
to support independent reading (text to speech) and writing (predictive word
processors, word banks and spell checkers). A range of software is used to
develop specific grammatical and spelling skills. Lessons can focus on what pupils
have achieved using ICT, or ICT can provide the means of presenting their
outcomes (via multi-media presentation or the school website).
Every class has their own role play area linked to their Humanities topic. The roleplay areas include ideas taken from consultations with children and often children
help to build and develop their role play area. They may also include children’s
work, questions, answers or artefacts they have brought in.
Groups are given time as part of their Guided Reading rotations to use the area,
which includes opportunities for writing, reading and drama. Suggestions for
activities and questions to prompt discussion are clearly displayed and children
may add to these.
There are a range of resources to support the teaching of Literacy across the
school. All classrooms provide access to dictionaries and a variety of ageappropriate small apparatus. Each classroom has a regularly updated role-play
area, and a range of speaking and listening games and materials. A range of audio
texts is available in the Reading Room, which also contains sets of guided reading
books, Big Books and other teacher resources. All classrooms have a selection of
fiction and non-fiction texts. Children have access to the Internet through their
classroom computer or laptops. Access to the Internet is also available in the arts
Literacy and inclusion
At Cardwell School, we teach Literacy to all children, targeting their ability and
individual needs. Literacy forms part of the school curriculum policy to provide a
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
broad and balanced education to all children. Through our Literacy teaching, we
provide learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make good progress. We
strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those
with disabilities, those with special gifts and talents, and those learning English as
an additional language, and we take all reasonable steps to achieve this. For
further details, see separate policies: Special Educational Needs; Disability
Discrimination; Gifted and Talented Children; English as an Additional Language
When progress falls significantly outside the expected range, the child may have
special educational needs. Our assessment process looks at a range of factors –
classroom organisation, teaching materials, teaching style, differentiation – so that
we can take some additional or different action to enable the child to learn more
effectively. Assessment and tracking against the National Curriculum allows us to
consider each child's attainment and progress against expected levels. This
ensures that our teaching is matched to the child's needs.
Intervention through School Action and School Action Plus will lead to the creation
of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for children with special educational needs.
The IEP may include, as appropriate, specific targets relating to Literacy.
We enable all pupils to have access to the full range of activities involved in
learning English. Where children are to participate in activities outside the
classroom (a theatre trip, for example) we carry out a risk assessment prior to the
activity, to ensure that the activity is safe and appropriate for all pupils (see section
11.2 Safeguarding).
Learning Support Assistants provide help to children of all abilities using:
texts that children can more easily read and understand;
visual and written materials in different formats;
ICT, other technological aids and taped materials;
alternative communication, such as signs and symbols;
translators and amanuenses.
All Literacy activities and experiences are planned with regard for the emotional
and physical safeguarding of the children. Texts used in the classroom are chosen
to reflect and celebrate the rich diversity of heritage and experience which children
bring with them, and any possible sensitivities are considered. Any internet-sourced
materials, such as video clips and web pages, are carefully checked before use to
ensure that they are appropriate.
As part of the Literacy and Creative Curricula, we strive to provide the children with
a variety of out-of-school experiences to enhance their learning. Staff carry out previsits and risk assessments before taking the children off-site, for example to the
Old Royal Naval College or Shakespeare’s Globe, to ensure that both the
programme delivery and physical environment are suitable and accessible for all.
Risk assessments and visit plans must be approved by the Educational Visits Coordinator and senior management before any such trip can take place.
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
Assessment for learning
Teachers assess children's work in Literacy. The short-term assessments that
teachers make as part of every lesson help them to adjust their daily plans. They
match these short-term assessments closely to the teaching objectives. Written or
verbal feedback is given to help guide children's progress. Older children are
encouraged to make judgements about how they can improve their own work.
Teachers use medium-term assessments to measure progress against the key
objectives, and to help them plan for the next unit of work.
Teachers make long-term assessments towards the end of the school year, and
they use these to assess progress against school and national targets. With the
help of these long-term assessments, they are able to set targets for the next
school year, and to summarise the progress of each child before discussing it with
the child's parents. The next teacher then uses these long-term assessments as
the planning basis for the new school year.
These long-term assessments are based on end-of-year tests and teacher
assessments. Children undertake the national tests at the end of Year 2 and Year
6, and the optional national tests at the end of Years 3, 4 and 5. Teachers also
make termly assessments of children's progress based on the level descriptions of
the National Curriculum.
The subject leader conducts regular scrutinies of children's work, and holds staff
meetings to moderate assessment. This demonstrates what the expected level of
achievement is in Literacy in each year of the school. Teachers meet regularly to
review individual examples of work against the national exemplification material
produced by the QCDA and the DCSF.
Staff are keen to improve their subject knowledge and the subject leader takes an
active role in disseminating best practice and making recommendations for staff
Monitoring and review
The coordination and planning of the Literacy curriculum are the responsibility of
the subject leaders, who also:
support colleagues in their teaching, by keeping informed about current
developments in Literacy and by providing a strategic lead and direction for
this subject;
give the head teacher feedback and action plans in which they evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses in Literacy and indicate areas for further
use specially allocated regular management time to review evidence of the
children's work, and to observe and model Literacy lessons across the school.
A named member of the school's governing body is briefed to oversee the teaching
of literacy. The curriculum governor meets regularly with the subject leader to
review progress.
This policy will be reviewed at least every two years.
Cardwell Primary School
Policy on Literacy
Date: March 2014