Table S1. Experimental X-ray structures employed in local density correlation and R-factor calculations. PDB 1LZT 1V7S 2LZT 2VB1 4LZT 1LMA 1XEI 1XEJ 1XEK 2D4L 1AKI 1BGI 1F0W 1F10 1HSX 1JJI 1JPO 1VDQ 1VED 2ZQ3 2ZQ4 193L 194L 1AZ4 1B0D 1BHZ 1BVX 1BWH 1BWI 1BWJ 1C10 1DPW 1DPX 1GWD 1H87 1IEE 1JIS 1JIT 1JIY 1LSA 1LSB Space Group P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1211 P1211 P1211 P1211 P1211 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 Reference (Hodsdon et al., 1990) (Harata and Akiba, 2006) (Ramanadham et al., 1990) (Wang et al., 2007) (Walsh et al., 1998) (Madhusudan et al., 1993) (Nagendra et al., 1998) (Nagendra et al., 1998) (Nagendra et al., 1998) (Harata and Akiba, 2006) (Artymiuk et al., 1982) (Oki et al., 1999) (Biswal et al., 2000) (Biswal et al., 2000) (Madhusudan et al., 1993) (Datta et al., 2001) (Bradbrook et al., 1995) (Aibara et al., To be published-b) (Aibara et al., To be published-b) (Aibara et al., To be published-b) (Aibara et al., To be published-b) (Vaney et al., 1996) (Vaney et al., 1996) (Lim et al., 1998) (Vaney et al., 2001) (Ramin et al., 1999) (Dong et al., 1999) (Dong et al., 1999) (Dong et al., 1999) (Dong et al., 1999) (Prange et al., 1998) (Weiss et al., 2000) (Weiss et al., 2000) (Evans and Bricogne, 2002) (Girard et al., 2002) (Sauter et al., 2001) (Datta et al., 2001) (Datta et al., 2001) (Datta et al., 2001) (Kurinov and Harrison, 1995) (Kurinov and Harrison, 1995) 1LSC 1LSE 1LSF 1LYZ 1N4F 1VAT 1VAU 1VDS 1VDT 1W6Z 1YI0 1YIK 1YIL 1YKZ 1YL1 1Z55 2A6U 2BLX 2C8O 2C8P 2CGI 2EPE 2H9J 2H9K 2HU1 2HUB 2LYM 2LYZ 2YVB 3E3D 3EXD 3LYM 3LYZ 4LYM 4LYZ 5LYT 5LYZ 6LYT 6LYZ P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 P43212 (Kurinov and Harrison, 1995) (Kurinov and Harrison, 1995) (Kurinov and Harrison, 1995) (Diamond, 1974) (Retailleau and Prange, 2003) (Takeda et al., 2004) (Takeda et al., 2004) (Aibara et al., To be published-c) (Aibara et al., To be published-c) (Jakoncic et al., 2006) (Deshpande et al., 2005) (Hunter et al., 2005) (Hunter et al., 2005) (Deshpande et al., 2005) (Deshpande et al., 2005) (Deshpande et al., 2005) (Basso et al., 2005) (Nanao et al., 2005) (Vernede et al., 2006) (Vernede et al., 2006) (Jakoncic et al., 2006) (Naresh et al., To be published) (Hunter et al., 2007) (Hunter et al., 2007) (Wine et al., 2007) (Frolow et al., To be published) (Kundrot and Richards, 1987a) (Diamond, 1974) (Naresh et al., To be Published) (Beck et al., 2008) (Guimaraes et al., 2009) (Kundrot and Richards, 1987b) (Diamond, 1974) (Kodandapani et al., 1990) (Diamond, 1974) (Young et al., 1993) (Diamond, 1974) (Beddell et al., 1975) (Diamond, 1974) Aibara, S., Suzuki, A., Kidera, A., Shibata, K., Yamane, T., Delucas, L.J., and Hirose, M. 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