BtN: Episode 17 Transcript 21/06/11
On this week's Behind the News
How a volcano on the other side of the world is causing chaos here in
Mining under the sea why companies are going deeper to explore new
And we eat so much of it we'll tell you some things you should know about
Hi I'm Nathan Bazley, welcome to Behind the News. Also on the show today there are
plenty of thrills and spills as we go along to a cowboy class, but first.
Ash Cloud
Reporter: Nathan Bazley
INTRO: It's the worst possible end to a long weekend away rocking up at the
airport only to discover your plane home has been cancelled. That was the
experience for thousands of Aussies last week and the cause of all those flight delays
was a volcanic ash cloud on the other side of the world! So how did ash travel so
far? And once here how did it ground our air transport industry?
NATHAN BAZLEY, REPORTER: Planes travel way up through the air at incredible
speed. But there is something lurking up there that can take them down. It's called
ASH, POKEMON: Pikachu thunderbolt!
PIKACHU: Piiiiiiiikachu!
Okay, Pokemon's not really a threat to our skies, but ash certainly is. The ash we're
talking about starts its life not in a mystical cartoon world, but in the mouth of a huge
This is the Puyehue volcano in Chile, which is roughly 11,000 ks from Australia. And
two weeks ago it started erupting, sending massive clouds of volcanic ash shooting
into the sky. Three and a half thousand residents in the area were forced to abandon
their homes and many are still in shelters. But as they waited for the danger to pass,
the ash drifted higher and higher into the air.
NATHAN: As you might know, hot air rises. So anything above a flame like this one,
will slowly float up until the air cools again. But because a volcano is so hot, the ash
from one can end up 15ks above the surface of the earth, where it meets some pretty
intense winds.
High up in the air around the top and bottom of the planet are jet winds that blow
constantly at up to 400ks an hour, from west to east. And once the cloud of ash hits
the winds, it's a one-way express trip right around the world. Its destination? The
skies above Southern Australia and New Zealand.
Alarm bells went off here, at the Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre. Their job is to
monitor the skies above Australia to make sure there is no ash in the way of aircraft
flight-paths. But why does it matter if a little ash is floating around?
This recording captured the moment when all engines failed on a flight back in 1989,
when a jumbo jet flew through an ash cloud. Luckily the crew managed to fly out of
the cloud and restart the engines.
NATHAN: The problem is that volcanic ash is made up of a substance similar to
sand, and when heated to a very high temp, like it would be in the jet engines of a
plane, it turns to something like glass. And that can stuff up an engine pretty quickly.
Other problems can come from the ash blocking vital instruments and scratching the
windscreen, wings and lights of the plane. So that's why flights were cancelled in
Australia when word of the ash cloud spread. But why did some airlines fly, while
others stayed on the ground?
Well it all comes down to their idea of what's safe. Some thought it would be ok to fly
around the ash clouds, or to fly underneath them. They were happy to do it, even
though it would mean using more fuel, which would cost the airline more money. But
some airlines thought that even those ideas were too much of a risk and preferred to
leave their planes on the ground.
In the end, the only way this airline chaos can come to an end, is for the Chilean
volcano to stop pushing out huge clouds of ash. And it's looking like that's starting to
Maybe Pikachu had something to do with it after all.
Presenter: Let's take a look at some more of the week's big news stories now. Here's
Matt with the Wire.
The Wire
The Opposition is stepping up its fight against the Government's planned Carbon Tax
by demanding Australians vote on it. They have introduced a bill into parliament
trying to force the government to hold a vote on the subject at a cost of 80 million
dollars. That's called a ‘plebiscite’ but even if a majority of Australian's voted against
the Tax the result wouldn't be binding meaning the government could still stick with
their plan regardless. And if the Opposition got into power they've said they'd get rid
of a Carbon Tax whether people voted for it or not.
And in China more than 100 people have died in floods caused by torrential rain. It's
estimated more than 5 million people have been affected - many of them are now
homeless. This couple was left stranded hundreds of metres from dry land. They
were crossing a bridge when it got swamped by the flood. They were rescued, after
waiting almost an hour. The floods in eastern china are the worst in decades.
Underwater Mining
Reporter: Kirsty Bennett
INTRO: As we heard earlier in the show volcanoes on land can cause a bit of
trouble! But what about volcanoes in the ocean? We don't see the explosions and the
smoke but these deep sea volcanoes are attracting a lot of attention. They're rich in
metals like copper, silver and zinc so one mining company is pretty keen to get a
hold of them. But what else could they be digging up? Kirsty takes a look.
KIRSTY BENNETT, REPORTER: Mining companies search far and wide for the next
big pocket of resources. It might not look like it to us, but they've only just scraped
the surface. Deep in the ocean could be mining's next riches. And with most of the
Earth covered in water, it's an exciting prospect. But before you dive down with a
pick and shovel, we'd better tell you that it's not that easy. Soon we'll get into why but
first let's look at the creation that's got the mining industry's attention.
These are underwater volcanoes called hydrothermal vents. They form hundreds or
sometimes thousands of metres deep in the ocean. They're made when the plates in
the earth's crust move apart. Seawater is pulled in to the cracks and is heated up. On
the way out, it picks up chemicals before gushing up through the sea floor. What was
seawater is now a special hot fluid. When it meets the cold sea water, it changes again
and eventually settles to form these chimneys. And in the chimneys are minerals like
copper, zinc, lead, silver and gold. And this is getting mining companies really
One company is planning to mine hydrothermal vents off the coast of Papua New
Guinea. If it goes ahead it'll be the world's first open cut mine for copper and gold on
the sea floor. So how will they do it? These vacuum cleaner looking machines will
crush the chimneys and anything that's left living on them. Many interesting species
have thrived around these strange underwater volcanoes. Like snails, mussels, crabs,
certain bacteria and other things.
PROFESSOR CINDY LEE VAN DOVER, BIOLOGIST: I could take you tomorrow to a
place where we'd find a new hydrothermal vent that would almost certainly have
dozens, if not hundreds of new species.
KIRSTY: Biologists are worried that if mining scrapes away all this life it could
change the environment and the kind of creatures that live here. But it's not as
simple as saying underwater mining is bad for the environment. Many think it's
actually better than mining on land. Think of all the work and machinery needed to
make the massive holes on dry land. And sometimes these holes can produce acid
when the deep earth mixes with rainwater. But it's a different way of doing things in
the ocean.
DR CHRIS YEATS, GEOLOGIST: Something like ploughing a field or raking your
garden, that you're, you're, you're stirring up the environment but you're not
fundamentally changing it.
KIRSTY: And it can be an efficient way of mining. To get the same amount of
minerals on dry land. you'd need to mine an area 10 to 15 times bigger. So while
Presenter: OK let's make that the subject of our poll this week.
Online Poll
The question is: Is underwater mining a good idea? To vote just head to our website.
And let's take a quick look at the results of last week's poll. We asked if you thought
manners were less important today. 43 per cent said 'Yes' manners are less
important. And 57 per cent thought manners are just as important now as they used
to be. Thanks for taking part.
Daily Bread
Reporter: Natasha Thiele
INTRO: We eat it for breakfast lunch and sometimes even dinner. Australian’s
munch through a lot of bread. And there are so many different types to choose
from. So what's the difference? Tash went to a bread factory to find out.
Take a look inside most Aussie lunch boxes and you'll find a familiar friend. But what
is it? Bread! And it's a big part of our everyday lives, because it's easy to prepare and
you can eat it with anything.
Australians have been making and enjoying bread for many decades. In fact, an
average family goes through about two loaves of bread a week, that's more than 100
loaves a year! And it's been around for a long time. Egyptians have been eating bread
for thousands of years. Since then it's been vital to human survival because these
flurry slices contain some of the vital energy and nutrients our body needs for the
And that energy starts its life, here. It's a crop which we grow in Australia called
'wheat'. It's packed with carbohydrates, which our body burns to provide us with
energy. Wheat grains are crushed and turned into white or wholemeal flour, which
can then be used to make bread.
Making bread can be as simple as mixing together flour, water, salt, sugar and
something called 'yeast'. Yeast is a living organism which helps bread rise when it's
cooked. And this is what happens when you add it to warm water and sugar. Within
minutes, you can see it start to bubble. That's the yeast growing and as it does it
releases bubbles of carbon dioxide.
That simple bread recipe is basically the same one used at small bakeries or much
larger commercial bread factories like this one. Both places make bread just like you
would at home, but on a massive scale. They use big industrial mixers to combine the
ingredients. Once the loaves are cooked, they go along conveyor belts where they're
sliced and packed. Then it's onto the crates, ready for the supermarket shelves. That's
where you'll find lots of different types of bread like white, multi-grain and
But with Australians eating so much bread, making sure we're eating the healthiest
type is important. And there's a lot of advice floating around about which type we
should be aiming for. One of the products you might have heard people recommend
is whole-grain bread. Grains like wheat have three main parts in each tiny kernel.
The white flour used to make most bread only comes from the middle bit called the
'endosperm'. But the other two parts of the grain, the bran and the germ, contain lots
of the nutrients like fibre, iron and protein. So that's why many nutritionists
recommend whole grain breads, because they give you the goodness from the whole
Some people also recommend eating flat breads and wraps, rather than slices of
bread. The reason for this is some flat breads can contain less bread per serving, so
they have less energy in them and are therefore less likely to make you put on weight,
if you're not active. It can also mean that you can fill-up on more of the nutritious
fillings inside. But if your wrap is filled with something unhealthy, it's going to defeat
the purpose! Of course the best way to know exactly how healthy your bread is, is to
try making it from scratch at home!
Presenter: I'm sure you're hungry now so let's try to distract you with a quiz
Quiz 1
The question is: What's the name for bread made without yeast?
Is it a:
Unleavened bread
or Wholemeal bread
Answer: Unleavened
And it's also sometimes called flat bread but some flatbreads do have yeast.
Confusing hey?
Cowboy School
Reporter: Natasha Thiele
INTRO: Now most of us know what to expect from the average day at school. Well,
kids in some country places get into a few extra lessons that you might like to have
a go at. They learn the ropes of being a cowboy or cowgirl and it's making a big
difference to their lives. Tash checked it out.
NATASHA THIELE, REPORTER: When you picture cowboys, you might think they
look like this! But these days, it's not about the tough looks and attitude. Instead, it's
all about hanging on! Welcome to cowboy class! It's not your average classroom, so
you won't find any books, pens and tables here. But what you will find are lots of
enthusiastic kids in cowboy hats. Kids are taught how to become modern-day rodeo
helping their mates, putting on a good show for public, representing their school,
representing themselves.
And while it's all boys at this class, girls do get involved too. And for those who want
to take rodeo to the next level, they can swap the horse for a raging bull! This is
professional rodeo! Some people reckon rodeos are cruel to the animals, but the
people that do it say the animals are well looked after. The riders need to follow
certain rules like staying on for 8 seconds and keeping your hand up in the air all the
time and judges give you and the bull a score out of 25, depending on how wild the
animal is and how well you ride. The sport's a big deal especially in the US where
they have glitzy TV shows dedicated to rodeos like this one called "Professional Bull
REPORTER: But before you get there, most people have to start out on one of these.
It's a mechanical bull and it's a good way to learn the basics. You can quickly learn
how tough it is without getting hurt.
But there's no padded landing area in real rodeo, so back at the school the students
have to wear protective gear.
BILL, STUDENT: Just come back off my rope and just fell back on him and he flicked
me forward in the air, just yeah did a bit of somersault.
But even then, it can still be really dangerous. Blake came to this school last year and
broke his ankle. He's back again, but his bad luck has followed him. This time he's
broken his collar bone!
LISA SMITH, RODEO CLUB FOUNDER: Some people should probably not ride or
stick to bicycles.
But the school says safety always comes first for the kids and for the animals too. But
even though the kids might pick up a few bumps and bruises, it's hoped they'll also
pick up some valuable skills along the way.
Quiz 2
Now our next quiz is going to be a cowboy spelling test! The question is:
Can you spell the loop of rope which is used by cowboys?
A. Lasso
B. Lassoo
C. Lasoo
Answer: A. Lasso
Tricky word to get right that one. Okay, time to get into some more sporting action
here's The Score.
The Score
To the V8's first and this is what happens when your car spills oil all over the road.
You spin out really quickly! Jason Bright was the casualty of that mechanical fault at
Darwin's Hidden Valley track on Sunday but other cars struggled to stay on the road
even without oil under their tyres.
By the end of the race the field had whittled down to a tight battle between Craig
Lowndes and young racer Shane Van Gisbergen. And despite his lack of experience
Shane managed to pass Lowndes to take the win. It's only the second of his career.
And changing pace this week is refugee week a time when focus turns to the issues
affecting people who have fled their home countries in search of a new life. And one
of those issues is sport because playing club sports in Australia like soccer can be
COACH: Membership fees are one of the issues why young people don't get involved
in soccer clubs.
That was holding these guys back from forming a team but today they're training for
a purpose. A grant and some assistance from their local council has helped get them
into a league and they couldn't be more excited.
And in their first match this weekend that's exactly what they did beating their much
more experienced competitors 5 - nil.
Twice the Talent
Reporter: Kirsty Bennett
INTRO: Next week Australia's women's soccer team will battle it out in Germany
for the World Cup. But one sport star in this elite squad is already a world
champion. Her name's Ellyse Perry and she'll be the first Aussie to play in the
World Cup in two different sports. Kirsty explains.
KIRSTY BENNETT, REPORTER: Most sport stars are only at the top in one game.
But who says you can't be great in more sports than that? Well there's one rising star
who's proving you can get to the top in two.
Ellyse Perry is breaking records and stereotypes. She's played cricket against men
was the youngest ever cricketer to play for Australia, has helped win a cricket world
cup and has been asked to represent her country again, this time in soccer.
ELLYSE PERRY: I don't see it as being anything special compared to the
achievements of some of our most fantastic athletes.
KIRSTY: So if it's not such a big deal, then why don't we see more athletes at the top
in two sports at the same time?
One of the main reasons is at the top level of sport you need to put in a lot of time
and hard work. AFL and rugby players train for about 11 months of the year so
there's not much time to do another sport. Also top athletes work on getting their
bodies into a particular shape, strength and weight to give them the best chance of
succeeding in their sport. So in the end sport professionals will nearly always choose
just one sport to focus on. Everyone knows Shane Warne as one of the world's best
spin bowlers. But you probably didn't know that he was once a promising footy star
and even turned out for St. Kilda's reserves team! And you've probably seen Lleyton
Hewitt's passion on the tennis court. But before this racquet took up all his time he
too was a promising young footy player.
So while Shane and Lleyton gave up a sport when they were young there are some
players who try to do the switch when they're much older. Israel Falou is a huge
name in rugby league but was lured over to the AFL with a multi-million dollar pay
packet. He hasn't played a top-flight game yet but will have his work cut out if he's
going to transfer his skills to a different sport.
As for Ellyse it's her coaches and work ethic that have allowed her to juggle both
cricket and soccer. In fact her coaches reckon playing two sports actually helps her
deal with things like pressure in competitions. The advice from sport experts is to
play as many sports as you can while you're growing up so you develop lots of
different skills. Like hand-eye coordination, footwork, agility, strength and fitness.
ELLYSE PERRY: Yeah, don't be afraid to have a go at anything, and especially I
guess, speaking from a girl's perspective, just because the boys are playing doesn't
mean you can't play. Not only the physical, but the mental and the social benefits
that I've received from sport I think can be offered to anyone, and particularly young
girls, and, yeah, it's a really fantastic thing. So I'd love to see more girls being
involved in sport and enjoying it.
KIRSTY: So with twice the talent, it looks like Ellyse in on track to have double the
Presenter: Talented girl and that's it for the show.
You can jump onto our website if you want to get more info on any of the stories. You
can send us your comments and don't forget to vote in this week's poll. And I'll see
you next time.