SOUTHERN MAINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE South Portland, Maine 04106 _________________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: Radiographic Pathology-Spring 2015 CATALOG NUMBER: RADG 245-01 CREDIT HOURS: 3 TOTAL CONTACT HOURS: 45 INSTRUCTOR: Louise Ouellette BS, RTR CONTACT: 1-207-741 5595 PREREQUISITES: Radiography Majors EMAIL: LOCATION: HSC 214a TIME: Tues. 10:00-12:30 _________________________________________________________________________________ COURSEDESCRIPTION This course is designed to introduce theories of disease causation and the pathophysiologic disorders that compromise healthy systems. Etiology and pathophysiologic responses will be presented, with a strong focus on the clinical manifestations and appearances of diseases of various imaging modalities. Prerequisite(s): BIO-132 & BIO 133 Corequisite(s): Health Science Students _________________________________________________________________________________ COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recognize and understand basic terms related to pathology. List and define the systemic classifications of disease. Understand the causes and processes of tissue disruption and the healing process. Identify the complications connected with tissue repair and replacement. Describe the various systemic classifications of disease in terms of etiology types, common sites, complications and prognosis. 6. Identify diseases caused or contributed by genetic factors. 7. Describe the basic manifestations of pathological conditions and their relevance to radiologic procedures. 8. Describe the radiologic appearance of selected diseases. 9. Identify radiologic procedures and interventional techniques appropriate for disease common to each body system. 10. Discuss the classifications of trauma. 11. Describe examples, sites, complication and prognosis of traumatic injuries. 12. Describe radiologic procedures used in the diagnosis of trauma. _________________________________________________________________________________ TOPICAL OUTLINE OF INSTRUCTION: 1. Introduction to Pathology 2. Skeletal System 3. Respiratory System 4. Cardiovascular System 5. Gastrointestinal System 6. Hepatobiliary System 7. Urinary System 8. Central Nervous System 9. Hemopoietic System 10. Reproductive System 11. Endocrine System 12. Traumatic Disease _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE POLICY 1. The student is expected to attend all class sessions. 2. Attendance is expected as follows: Three absences are allowed during the semester. The final grade will drop 5 points for each absence over three. 3. Please keep cell phones on vibrate during class. _________________________________________________________________________________ COURSE REQUIREMENTS: CLASS PARTICIPATION: This is a dynamic, participatory class and students are encouraged to contribute to class discussions by sharing clinical/personal experiences relevant to the topic to the class. This is a Web Enhanced course. Participation in and access to the Learning Management System is mandatory. All course related information and communication will be conducted through LMS. It is recommended that you have access to this SMCC Web Site from your home computer. There a many computers labs throughout the campus for LMS access as well. EXAMS: Five exams will be given during this course consisting of multiple choice, essay, and fill-in questions. Images will also be used to test knowledge of the appearance of the major indications of the pathologies studied. You will be required to write and present two reports in class during the semester You will pick a pathology from the text. Refer to the Radiographic Pathology Oral Report handout for the guidelines. WRITTEN REPORTS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXAMS: Students will not be allowed into the classroom once an exam has begun. Students who miss an exam due to late arrival will be required to take it later that same day. Students who are absent for an exam must contact the instructor to make up the exam the next class day. Make-up exams will be graded based upon 95%. Students may leave the classroom after their completed exam is turned into the instructor. Entry back into class is not allowed until the end of class. _________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT EVALUATION AND GRADING POLICY: Exams: 60%, + Research Project Presentation: 25%, + Class Participation/Written Report/Assignments: 15% = Final Grade. The course must be successfully completed with a grade of 75 or better. GRADING SCALE: The following is the grading scale utilized in this course. A AB+ B BC+ 95-100 92-94 89-91 85-88 82-84 79-81 C CD+ D DF 75-78 72-74 69-71 65-68 62-64 Below 62 __________________________________________________________________________________ TEXTBOOK, TOOLS AND SUPPLIES: Required Textbook: Radiographic Pathology for Technologists 6th Ed; James D. Mace & Nina Kowalczyk. Related Resources: CD ROM: 1) Radiographic Pathology for Technologists CD ROM; 2) CD Roentgen; 3) Radiographic Anatomy, a Gallery of Images. Merrill’s Atlas of Radiologic Procedures and Radiographic Positioning. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS UTILIZED: Power Point-CD ROM Videos Online Web Sites Anatomic models Web Enhancement: Course syllabus, class schedule, handouts, power point lectures, and study guides will be posted on the Learning Manage System (LMS). ADA (AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT): Southern Maine Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and employer. For more information, please call 207-741-5798. If you have a disabling condition and wish to request accommodations in order to have reasonable access to the programs and services offered by SMCC, you must register with the Disability Services Coordinator, Sandra Lynham, who can be reached at 741-5923. Further information about services for students with disabilities and the accommodation process is available upon request at this number. Course policies about online testing are modified to suit each individual’s accommodations. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Adherence to ethical academic standards is obligatory. Cheating is a serious offense, whether it consists of cheating during an exam, taking credit for work done by another person, or doing work for which another person will receive credit. Taking and using the ideas or writings of another person without clearly and fully crediting the source is plagiarism and violates the academic code. If it is proven that a student in any course in which s/he is enrolled has knowingly committed such a violation, appropriate action will be taken which may result in suspension from the course and a failing grade in the course. Students have the right to appeal these actions to the Disciplinary Committee under the terms outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. For more information consult the Student Handbook. CAMPUS COPIER POLICY: DEPARTMENTAL COPIERS ARE FOR FACULTY USE ONLY. PLEASE REFER TO YOUR CAPMUS HANDBOOK FOR AVAILABLE STUDENT COPIERS AND POLICIES Radiographic Pathology Written Report Worksheet Your report should be reflective of the material in the text. You may use other resources such as films, pictures, and/or personal accounts. You will be graded on the accuracy of this information and quality of your writing. Submit this report during the lecture time of the chapter you pick from. Cite resources of additional information. _________________________________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________ Chapter: ___________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Disease Topic: System: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Classification: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Etiology/Prevalence: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Signs/Symptoms: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Radiographic Appearance: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Modality of Choice: Instructor Evaluation: A = Superior quality in all material covered, terminology and additional resources. B = Above average quality in most of the material covered and terminology. C = Average quality in material covered, some inaccuracy in material and terminology. D = Below average quality in material, inaccurate information and terminology. Grade: ______