1 Journal of Exercise Physiologyonline August 2013 Volume 16 Number 4 Editor-in-Chief Official Research Journal Tommy of the American Boone, PhD, Society MBA of Review Board Exercise Physiologists Todd Astorino, PhD JulienISSN Baker, 1097-9751 PhD Steve Brock, PhD Lance Dalleck, PhD Eric Goulet, PhD Robert Gotshall, PhD Alexander Hutchison, PhD M. Knight-Maloney, PhD Len Kravitz, PhD James Laskin, PhD Yit Aun Lim, PhD Lonnie Lowery, PhD Derek Marks, PhD Cristine Mermier, PhD Robert Robergs, PhD Chantal Vella, PhD Dale Wagner, PhD Frank Wyatt, PhD Ben Zhou, PhD Official Research Journal of the American Society of Exercise Physiologists ISSN 1097-9751 JEPonline Muscle Glycogen Restoration in Females and Males Following Moderate Intensity Cycling Exercise in Differing Ambient Temperatures Michael J. Carper1, Scott R. Richmond2, Samantha A. Whitman 3, Luke S. Acree4, and Michael P. Godard5 1Human Performance Laboratory, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS, 2Exercise Science Laboratory, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, 3Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 4Abbvie, Metabolic Division, North Chicago, IL, 5Department of Nutrition and Kinesiology, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO ABSTRACT Carper MJ, Richmond SR, Whitman SA, Acree LD, Godard MP. Muscle Glycogen Restoration in Females and Males Following Moderate Intensity Cycling Exercise in Differing Ambient Temperatures. JEPonline 2013;16(4):1-18. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in muscle glycogen restoration between males and females following 90 min of cycle ergometry at varying ambient temperatures. A total of 8 females (n=4) and males (n=4) performed a 90 min cycle ergometry trial (70% VO2 max) followed by 8, 1-min sprints (125% VO2 max) at 5C, 25C, and 35C ambient temperature. The subjects were placed in a 20ºC environment and received a carbohydrate supplement (1 g CHO·kg body mass-1) at immediate- and 60 min post-exercise. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and at immediate- and 180 min post-exercise for the determination of muscle glycogen. Blood samples were obtained before exercise, every 0.5 hr during exercise, and every 0.5 h for 180 min following exercise for determination of serum glucose, insulin, and free fatty acids. There was a significant difference in muscle glycogen resynthesis between groups following cycling exercise at 5ºC, 25ºC, and 35ºC. Males significantly increased muscle glycogen to near or above baseline levels. There was no significant difference between groups for muscle glycogen immediately post-exercise. The primary finding from this study indicates that males restore significantly more muscle glycogen than females in the 180 min immediately following moderate intensity cycling exercise at 5ºC, 25ºC, and 35ºC. Key Words: Carbohydrate, VO2 max, Metabolism 2 INTRODUCTION Muscle glycogen restoration following exercise bouts has been studied extensively, beginning with ground-breaking work in the mid 1960s (2). Although research of muscle glycogen utilization and restoration has been of importance over the last few decades, the effects of differing ambient temperatures on restoration has received little attention. The majority of the previous reports have been conducted in ambient room temperature settings (22,29,30) with the purpose of measuring muscle glycogen restoration and/or accumulation rates. However, there were no alterations of the surrounding ambient temperature. Thus, the influence of different ambient temperatures during exercise on muscle glycogen restoration in male and/or female athletes has yet to be discerned. Other factors have been recognized to influence glycogen restoration. For instance, it has been demonstrated that post-exercise supplementation with carbohydrate can increase muscle glycogen resynthesis rates whether provided alone or in combination with proteins and fats (29). Additionally, the resynthesis of muscle glycogen following a bout of exercise has been shown to be affected by pre-exercise muscle glycogen content (22). Consequently, muscle glycogen resynthesis rates previously reported (29) may have been confounded and misinterpreted due to the absence of preexercise muscle biopsies to determine pre-exercise muscle glycogen content. Exercise fuel metabolism has been well characterized in males, but is very misunderstood in females. There are data that suggest males and females place different priorities on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. With the same relative intensity of submaximal exercise, females have been reported to oxidize relatively more lipids and less carbohydrate than males (27). Concurrently, a lesser decline in muscle glycogen was observed in response to endurance exercise in females (28). It is still not clear how gender-based differences in the pattern of fuel oxidation during endurance exercise and restoration following exercise are mediated metabolically, especially when subjects are exposed to differing environmental conditions. In addition to the literature on carbohydrate and lipid oxidation in males and females, there exists discrepancies with regards to muscle glycogen restoration following exercise at differing ambient temperatures. Numerous investigations have studied the effects of heat and cold stress and ambient conditions on muscle glycogen utilization in males but not females (5,3,15,18,31). Heat stress has been shown to increase glycogenolysis (6), muscle lactate accrual (8), and blood glucose concentrations during endurance exercise in males. Following heat acclimation muscle glycogenolysis and muscle lactate accumulation have been shown to decrease (6). Moreover, no increase in muscle glycogen metabolism during exercise in the heat is observed in well-trained, acclimatized females and males (23). There is some controversy as to which substrate, carbohydrate or fat, demonstrates the most significant role in energy production during cold stress or exposure. Some suggest there is an increase in the amount of muscle glycogen utilized (16,32) and others suggest there is an increased amount of lipid utilized (12). To date, the influence of varying ambient temperatures on muscle glycogen restoration in males and females after exercise remains equivocal. In addition, no published studies have compared muscle glycogen restoration between males and females following cycling exercise at varying ambient temperatures. Therefore, the primary purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of varying ambient temperatures (5C, 25C, and 35C) on muscle glycogen restoration following 90 min of moderate intensity cycling exercise. 3 METHODS Subjects A total of 18 subjects were recruited and completed preliminary testing for this study. Ten subjects withdrew from the study due to time commitment, muscle biopsies, core temperature measurement, and blood collection. Eight male (n=4) and female (n=4) trained cyclists completed this investigation after giving written informed consent in accordance with guidelines established by the Human Subjects Committee-Lawrence at the University of Kansas. Physical characteristics of the subjects are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Descriptive Characteristics of Subjects. Characteristics Males Age (yr) Height (cm) Females 34.0 2.9 30.3 2.3 175.7 4.8 141.8 51.4 Weight (kg) 78.5 8.4* 64.2 4.4 VO2 max (mL·kg-1·min-1) 57.9 11.4 45.8 2.6 4.4 1.0* 3.0 0.2 VO2 max (L·min-1) Body Fat (%) 15.2 5.2 19.3 7.2 Values are mean ± SD for males (n=4) and females (n=4). *Significantly different from females (P≤0.05). Subject testing consisted of four preliminary testing days followed by one primary testing day for each of the three exercise conditions (5C, 25C, and 35C). All female subjects were taking triphasic oral contraceptives and had been for the previous 6 months. Triphasic oral contraceptives are suggested to provide better menstrual cycle control and decrease any androgenic side effects such as altered carbohydrate and lipid metabolism (25). Female subjects were tested in what would normally be the mid-follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (determined as days 7-11 from the onset of menstruation) to ensure lower levels of estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4), thus reducing the unpredictability of ovarian hormone effects on substrate utilization. Procedures Preliminary Testing Aerobic Capacity Test. Prior to the experimental trial, subjects performed a graded exercise test on an electronically braked cycle ergometer (Lode, Groningen, The Netherlands) to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max). Expired gases were collected using a metabolic measurement cart (Sensormedics 2900, Yorba Linda, CA) for determination of respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VCO2/VO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2) every 20 sec. Maximal oxygen uptake was determined as reported previously (4). Dietary Control. The subjects were instructed to complete a three day food record using two week days and at least one weekend day. All subjects were educated on appropriate measurement and recording techniques for food records. Subjects were presented nutritional hand-outs representing traditional measurements to use as references. Subject diets were analyzed, using a commercially available dietary analysis program (Food Processor v. 7.04, ESHA Research, Salem, OH) for percent 4 carbohydrate (%CHO), percent protein (%PRO), percent fat (%FAT), and total calories (Tot Cal) (Table 2). Using foods that were listed on the three day food records, diets consisting of 60% CHO, 15% PRO, and 25% FAT were prescribed to the subjects 24 hrs prior to each of the three primary testing days (described below). Similar types of diets have been reported to maintain normal muscle glycogen stores (4,20,26,27). Subjects adhered to these specific diets 24 hrs prior to each primary testing day. Table 2. Three Day Food Record Average Calories and Macronutrient Composition 24 hrs Prior to Depletion Ride. Males Females Three Day Food Record Average Calories 2969.5 1715 1690.3 470.2 3038.1 1532.8 1713.3 543.4 1730.8 715.4* 1046.9 4.4 Macronutrient composition Average calories Carbohydrate calories 515.4 180.2 231.8 74.2 Fat calories 800.6 561* 361.3 139.4 % carbohydrate 60.7 16.6 62.1 8.2 18.3 5.2 13.7 1.8 26.1 10.6 21.1 4.2 Protein calories % protein % fat Values are mean for males (n=4) and females (n=4). Significance (P≤0.05). *Significant between group differences Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. The laboratory methods used to perform the oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) have been previously described (21). Briefly, each subject consumed a glucose solution that consisted of 1 g glucosekg body mass-1 derived from a commercially available carbohydrate drink. Subjects were required to have a fasting serum glucose concentration of 115 mgdL-1, a peak value of 200 mgdL-1, and a 2-hr concentration of 140 mgdL-1 (10). Pre-glycogen Depletion Ride. Twenty-four hours prior to each primary testing day subjects consumed a diet based on the average of their three day food records. That evening, subjects reported to the laboratory for a 45-min pre-glycogen depletion ride at an intensity of 70% VO2 max. Prior to the ride, a resting needle muscle biopsy of the vastus lateralis was collected with the aid of suction (1). This biopsy was considered the pre-depletion ride muscle biopsy, as subjects did not consume any type of calorie containing foods for the next 15 hrs. Following the pre-depletion ride, subjects fasted for 10 hrs, during which only water was appropriate to consume. This overnight fast was to ensure that minimal muscle glycogen resynthesis occurred prior to the actual 90-min depletion ride and to also ensure that the subjects would be glycogen depleted following the ride (described below). 5 Primary Testing Glycogen Depletion Ride. During each of the three separate trials, the subjects reported to the laboratory in a 10-hr fasted state to perform the glycogen depletion ride at 5C, 25C, or 35C. The temperature at which the subjects would perform the 90-min cycling exercise was determined via random sampling prior to the subject arriving to the laboratory. Following the insertion of a 1” Teflon catheter into an antecubital vein, kept patent with 0.9% saline, a resting blood sample was collected. The subjects cycled for 90 min at 70% VO2 max followed by 8, 1-min sprints at 125% VO2 max. It has been demonstrated that high intensity sprints following moderate intensity exercise facilitates muscle glycogen degradation (4). Every 30 min throughout the exercise a 5 mL blood sample was collected to determine serum glucose (GLU), serum insulin (INS), and serum free fatty acids (FFA).The subjects were allowed and encouraged to consume water ad libitum throughout the cycling protocol. Recovery from Exercise. Immediately post-exercise, a blood sample was collected. In addition, a muscle biopsy of the vastus lateralis was obtained on the opposite leg from the pre-depletion ride biopsy. Following blood collection and muscle biopsy, the subject was given a carbohydrate drink (1 g CHOkg body mass-1) which was brought to a final volume of 0.5 L. The subject remained in the laboratory in a sitting or supine resting position at room temperature for 180 min following the 90-min ride. Activity was limited to restroom breaks only. A second carbohydrate drink consisting of the same concentration, carbohydrate content, and volume as the first drink was given to the subject at 60 min post-exercise. At 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min post-exercise, blood samples were again collected. At 180 min post-exercise, a third muscle biopsy was obtained through the same incision as, and proximal to, the immediate post-depletion ride biopsy. This has been shown to be an acceptable manner in which to obtain post-exercise muscle biopsies with no disturbance in glycogen formation (33). Muscle Biopsy As stated, muscle biopsies were obtained pre-depletion ride as well as immediately post-exercise and 180 min post-exercise. All muscle samples were dissected free of blood and any visible connective tissue and directly frozen in liquid nitrogen. All muscle samples were stored in liquid nitrogen until analysis of muscle glycogen was completed. Blood Sampling and Analysis All blood samples were collected from a 1” Teflon catheter, placed in an antecubital vein, via a Vacutainer vial containing no additive (Vacutainer, Franklin Lakes, NJ). All blood samples were centrifuged at ~1300 x g, 4C for 20 min. The serum was transferred to appropriate tubes and stored at −80°C until analyzed for GLU, INS, and FFA. For all assays, measurements were made in triplicate. Serum GLU was determined using a reagent kit (Sigma Chemical #315, St. Louis, MO) prepared according to manufacturer’s guidelines. The quinoneimine dye formed in the reaction was measured using a spectrophotometer (SpectronicGenesys2, Spectronic Instrument, Inc., Rochester, NY) set at a wavelength of 505 nm and the absorbance (A) reading set to zero. Serum INS was determined via immunoassay (Access Immunoassay System, Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA). Serum FFA were assayed using a non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA)-C test kit (Wako Chemical #994-75409, Wako Chemicals USA, Inc., Richmond, VA) and was prepared according to manufacturer’s guidelines. The concentration of NEFA’s was determined using a 96 well microplate reader (Ceres UV 900 HDi, Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT) with the spectrophotometer set at a wavelength of 550 nm. Muscle Glycogen Determination Muscle glycogen analysis was based on previously described procedures (7,19). Briefly, for each muscle sample a 2 mL cryotube was labelled to which 2 N HCl was added. The muscle samples were 6 placed in a freezer and allowed to reach approximately −15C. The muscle was then dissected and weight recorded to the nearest mg. The sample was then placed in 2N HCl, boiled in water for 30 min, and neutralized with 0.67 N NaOH. Reagent cocktail (ThermoTrace #TR-15421, Melbourne, Australia) was transferred to the appropriate tube. Muscle sample extract, standard, or distilled water was transferred to the reagent cocktail for the samples, standards, and blanks, respectively. Samples were then allowed to stand at room temperature for approximately 3 min to let the reaction proceed to its endpoint. At the end of the 3-min incubation, the absorbance was recorded spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 340 nm (SpectronicGenesys2, Spectronic Instrument, Inc., Rochester, NY) and muscle glycogen content calculated. Rectal (Tre) Core Temperature Rectal core temperature was measured as previously described (6). Briefly, prior to each of the three rides all subjects inserted a rectal thermistor probe (Yellow Springs Instruments) 10 cm beyond the anal sphincter and subsequently entered the environmental chamber, previously set to the designated environmental temperature. Core temperatures were recorded every 15 min during exercise (Table 3). For safety reasons, core temperatures were measured every 15 min following the exercise bout at 35ºC to ensure that the subjects were properly thermoregulating. Statistical Analyses Descriptive statistics were computed for all subjects and independent t-tests were employed to detect between group differences in age, height, body mass, VO 2 max, and percent body fat (%BF). A twoway repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to detect if there were any interactions or main effects for the dependent variables. If any significant interactions were detected Bonferroni post-hoc analysis was used for further statistical examination. All results are mean ± SD. The level of significance was set at P0.05. All statistical analyses were performed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 20, Inc., Chicago, IL). RESULTS Subject Characteristics There were no significant differences between or within groups with regard to age, height, and percent body fat (refer to Table 1). However, there were significant differences between groups for body mass and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max; Lmin-1). Dietary Records. Nutrient analysis of 24-hr food records prior to the testing session revealed no significant difference between or within groups with regard to the mean % carbohydrate, protein, and fat consumption (60.7 ± 16.6 vs. 62.1 ± 8.2%; 18.3 ± 5.2 vs. 13.7 ± 1.8%; 26.1 ± 10.6 vs. 21.1 ± 4.2%; males vs. females, respectively). There was no significant difference in caloric consumption between rides within each group (refer to Table 2). OGTT. The measurements for the oral glucose tolerance test revealed no significant between group differences for the serum GLU (Figure 1). 7 Figure 1. Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT). --■--, Males; ▲ , Females. OGTT using 1 g CHO•kg body mass-1 commercially available CHO drink. Values are means ± SD for males (n=4) and females (n=4). *Significant between group differences (P≤0.05). Depletion Ride Rectal Core Temperature. Core temperature did not differ between males and females for any of the rides. However, there were significant differences within the groups for each of the rides as shown in Table 3. Table 3. Depletion Ride Rectal Core Temperatures (ºC). Baseline 30 min 60 min 90 min 25ºC Ride Males 36.9 0.22 37.5 1.2 38.2 1.1 38.8 0.58† Females 37.4 0.82 38.3 0.58† 38.3 0.38† 38.6 0.60† Males 37.5 0.52 38.1 0.96 40.0 1.32† 39.5 0.46† Females 37.1 0.22 38.7 0.60† 39.3 0.42† 39.4 0.30† Males 37.0 0.48 38.4 0.52† 38.8 0.42† 38.6 0.78† Females 37.3 0.20 38.4 0.08† 38.1 0.58† 39.3 0.24† 35ºC Ride 5ºC Ride Values are means SD for males (n=4) and females (n=4). Significance (P≤0.05). *Significant between group differences. †Significant difference from Baseline. 8 Average Watts. All subjects performed the depletion rides at the same relative intensity (70% VO 2 max) and the sprints following the depletion ride (125% VO 2 max). Although there were significant differences between groups for average watts sustained throughout the 90-min cycling protocol and the sprints following the 90-min ride, the power outputs were adjusted so that all subjects exercised at 70% and 125% VO2 max. Muscle Glycogen Content Males and females had similar muscle glycogen content before each of the three cycling trials at 25C (71.6 vs. 88.8 mmol·kg wet wt-1; P = 0.17; males and females, respectively; Figure 2A), 35C (106.7 vs. 84.5 mmol·kg wet wt-1; P = 0.27; males and females, respectively; Figure 2B), and 5C (85.6 vs. 82.5 mmol·kg wet wt-1; P = 0.21; males and females, respectively; Figure 2C). Figure 2. A. Glycogen Resynthesis (mmol/kg wet wt/hr) Muscle glycogen (mmol/kg wet wt) 120 100 80 30 25 20 15 10 ‡ 5 0 Males 60 † 40 Females ‡# † 20 0 Before Im m ed pst 180 m in pst Tim e (m in) Glycogen Resynthesis (mmol/kg wet wt/hr) B. Muscle glycogen (mmol/kg wet wt) 120 100 30 ‡ 25 20 15 10 5 0 Males 80 † 60 Females *# † 40 20 0 Before Im m ed pst Tim e (m in) 180 m in pst 9 C. Glycogen Resynthesis (mmol/kg wet wt/hr) Muscle glycogen (mmol/kg wet wt) 120 100 80 30 25 ‡ 20 15 10 5 0 Males 60 Females *# † † 40 20 0 Before Im m ed pst Tim e (m in) 180 pst Figure 2. A. Depletion and post-depletion ride muscle glycogen (mmol·kg wet wt-1) at (A) 25ºC, (B) 35ºC, and (C) 5ºC. Inserts are muscle glycogen resynthesis rates. ░, Males. ▓, Females. Values are means ± SD for males (n=4) and females (n=4). Significance (P≤0.05). *Significant between group differences. †Significant difference from before- to immediate post-exercise. ‡Significant difference from immediate post- to 180 min post-exercise. #Significant difference from before- to 180 min post-exercise (P≤0.05). During the 90-min ride at 25ºC (Figure 2A), males significantly decreased muscle glycogen by 70% (71.6 to 21.4 mmol·kg wet wt-1) and females by 68% (88.8 to 27.8 mmol·kg wet wt-1). From immediate post- to 180 min post-exercise, males and females significantly increased muscle glycogen by 64% and 36%, (21.4 to 59.5 mmol·kg wet wt-1 and 27.8 to 43.7 mmol·kg wet wt-1, males and females, respectively). However, males increased muscle glycogen at 180 min post-exercise to within 16% of resting levels while females’ muscle glycogen content remained 51% below and significantly different from resting levels. Rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis were 12.7 and 5.3 mmol·kg wet wt-1·hr-1 for males and females, respectively (Figure 2A). During the ride at 35C (Figure 2B), males significantly decreased muscle glycogen by 57% (106.7 to 45.8 mmol·kg wet wt-1) and females by 37% (84.4 to 52.4 mmol·kg wet wt-1). From immediate post- to 180 min post-exercise males significantly increased muscle glycogen by 54% (45.8 to 99.4 mmol·kg wet wt-1), thus increasing glycogen to 6% below resting levels. At the same time point, the muscle glycogen content of the females increased by 4% (52.4 to 54.8 mmol·kg wet wt-1) and remained 35% below, and significantly different from resting levels. Rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis were 22.9 and 1.0 mmol·kg wet wt-1·hr-1 for males and females, respectively (Figure 2B). During the ride at 5C (Figure 2C), males significantly decreased muscle glycogen by 77% (85.6 to 19.4 mmol·kg wet wt-1) and females by 54% (82.4 to 37.8 mmol·kg wet wt-1). From immediate post- to 180 min post-exercise, males significantly increased muscle glycogen by 76% (19.4 to 83.5 mmol·kg wet wt-1). The increase was within 2% of resting levels. Females increased muscle glycogen levels by 31% (37.8 to 55.3 mmol·kg wet wt-1), and remained 33% below, and significantly different from resting levels. Rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis were 24.6 and 5.8 mmol·kg wet wt-1·hr-1, for males and females, respectively (Figure 2C). 10 Blood Parameters Glucose There were no significant differences between groups for serum GLU at any time point during or through 180 min following the 90-min depletion rides at 25ºC and 35ºC (Figure 3A and Figure 3B). However, there was a significant difference between groups at 180 min post-exercise at 5ºC (Figure 3C). Serum GLU peaked during the 25ºC and 35ºC rides at 30 min and decreased to below baseline by 90 min of exercise for both groups. Following the cessation of exercise and the consumption of the carbohydrate drink, serum GLU significantly increased at 30 min post-exercise for both groups following all rides. Serum GLU levels began to steadily decreased for both males and females at 30 min post-CHO consumption for the 25ºC ride (Figure 3A). Interestingly, following the ride at 35ºC (Figure 3B) serum GLU did not begin to steadily decrease until 150 min post-CHO consumption for the males and 120 min post-CHO consumption for the females. Following the consumption of CHO after the ride at 5ºC (Figure 3C), serum GLU levels began to steadily decrease at 120 min postexercise for the females, where it did not for the males. Figure 3. A. Post Exercise [Glucose] (mmol/L) 14 12 Exercise 10 8 6 4 2 0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 90 120 150 180 150 180 Time B. Post Exercise [Glucose] (mmol/L) 12 10 Exercise 8 6 4 2 0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 Time 90 120 11 C. Post Exercise [Glucose] (mmol/L) 12 10 Exercise * 8 6 4 2 0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time Figure 3. Depletion and post-depletion ride serum glucose (mmol·L-1) at (A) 25ºC, (B) 35ºC, and (C) 5ºC. --■-, Males. ▲ , Females. Values are means ± SD for males (n=4) and females (n=4). *Significant between group differences (P≤0.05). Insulin There were no significant differences between groups with respect to serum insulin during or through 180 min following the depletion ride at 25ºC (Figure 4A). There were significant differences between groups in serum insulin at 150 min post-exercise at 35ºC (Figure 4B) and at 150 min post- and 180 min post-exercise at 5ºC (Figure 4C). Serum insulin levels decreased during exercise during each ride and reached the lowest levels at 90 min of exercise for both males and females. Following the exercise bouts, insulin levels peaked at 90 min post-exercise and 30 min post-exercise at 25ºC and 35ºC, respectively. Serum insulin peaked at 90 min post-exercise for the females and 120 min postexercise for the males at 5ºC. Insulin levels did not reach baseline values for either group at 180 min post-exercise following any of the exercise bouts. Figure 4. A. Post Exercise [Insulin] (pmol/L) 350 300 Exercise 250 200 150 100 50 0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 Time 90 120 150 180 12 B. Post Exercise [Insulin] (pmol/L) 350 300 * Exercise 250 200 150 100 50 0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time C. Post Exercise [Insulin] (pmol/L) 350 300 Exercise 250 200 * 150 * 100 50 0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time Figure 4. Depletion and post-depletion ride serum insulin (pmol·L-1) (A) 25ºC, (B) 35ºC, and (C) 5ºC. --■--, Males, ▲ Females. Values are means ± SD for males (n=4) and females (n=4). *Significant between group differences (P≤0.05). Free Fatty Acids Depletion and post-depletion ride serum FFA values are expressed in Figures 5 A-C. There were significant between group differences for serum FFA during exercise at 25ºC and at baseline through 90 min of exercise at 35ºC and 5ºC. There were significant differences between groups in serum FFA at 30, 60, 120, and 150 min post-exercise at 25ºC, at 90 through 180 min post-exercise at 35ºC, and at 60, 120, and 150 min post-exercise at 5ºC. Serum FFA values decreased steadily from 30 to 180 min post-exercise for both groups following each exercise bout. 13 Figure 5. A. Post Exercise Exercise 1.2 [FFA] (mE/L) 1.0 * * 0.8 0.6 * * * * * 0.4 0.2 0.0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time (min) B. Post Exercise Exercise 1.2 * [FFA] (mE/L) 1.0 0.8 0.6 * * * * * * * 0.4 0.2 0.0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 90 120 150 180 Time C. Post Exercise Exercise 1.2 [FFA] (mE/L) 1.0 0.8 0.6 * * * * * * * 0.4 0.2 0.0 Base 30 60 90 30 60 Time 90 120 150 180 14 Figure 5. Depletion and post-depletion ride serum FFA (mE·L-1) at (A) 25ºC, (B) 35ºC, and (C) 5ºC. --■--, Males, ▲ , Females. Values are means ± SD for males (n=4) and females (n=4). *Significant between group differences (P ≤0.05). DISCUSSION The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of temperature on muscle glycogen restoration between males and females following 90 min of moderate intensity cycling exercise followed by 8, 1-min sprints at varying ambient temperatures (25ºC, 35ºC, and 5ºC). Specifically, muscle glycogen restoration was examined, following an exhaustive cycling protocol, for 180 min employing two liquid carbohydrate feedings (1 g CHO·kg body mass-1). The primary findings of this investigation are that males and females do not restore muscle glycogen to the same extent following 90 min of cycling exercise at differing ambient temperatures when consuming 1 g CHO·kg body mass-1 at immediate and 60 min post-exercise. Females received the same amount of CHO·kg body mass-1 even though they had less relative lean mass. Therefore, females received more grams of CHO·kg body mass-1 but muscle glycogen restoration was still lower despite the higher relative load of CHO. Previously, males and females have been shown to have similar glycogen synthesis rates with postexercise supplementation containing CHO alone (1 g CHO·kg body mass-1) (30). Conversely, our findings show the rates of post-exercise muscle glycogen resynthesis were different between males and female following each of the rides (Figure 2 A-C). At baseline muscle glycogen content can influence the amount of muscle glycogen metabolized during exercise and the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis. More importantly, the current study, which controlled for nutritional and exercise habits 24 hrs prior to the preliminary testing day, demonstrates that males and females had similar muscle glycogen contents prior to each of the three trials. Muscle glycogen content following exercise can also influence the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis (22). Moreover, overall muscle glycogen resynthesis occurs at a faster rate when there is a greater decrease in muscle glycogen levels following exercise (22). While we demonstrate that males and females utilized muscle glycogen similarly during each of the three trials, the trial at 35C (Figure 2B) did not elicit as great of a muscle glycogen depletion in either group as did the 25C (Figure 2A) or 5C (Figure 2C) trials. This conflicts with the previous notion that the utilization of muscle glycogen is increased during exercise in a hot environment (~35.4ºC) compared to a cool environment (~16.4ºC) (13). The elevated core temperatures of our subjects during exercise at 35C (Table 3) may explain why glycogen depletion was delayed in this trial, as hotter temperatures have been shown to instigate central nervous system stress and accelerate the onset of fatigue (9,17). The majority of the subjects had symptoms of central nervous system stress (e.g., fatigue and dizziness) upon completing the exercise, particularly at the 35C trial. Furthermore, the possibility exists that our subjects were acclimated to exercising at elevated temperatures, which has been shown to reduce carbohydrate dependency as an energy source (6). Unfortunately, we are unable to address this with our subjects as the recorded training histories did not include environmental training conditions. Substrate metabolism during exercise has been shown to differ between males and females (24,28). The study by Tarnopolsky et al. (28) demonstrated that females oxidized significantly more lipid and less carbohydrate and protein when compared to males during exercise at 75% VO2 peak. This increase in lipid oxidation may have contributed to the decrease in muscle glycogen utilization in the 15 females. In the current study, we show that females have significantly more serum FFA during and post-exercise than males during all rides. This increased post-exercise serum FFA may have contributed to the decreased muscle glycogen resynthesis observed in females. However, the lack of RER data during exercise does not allow us to fully conclude that females were in fact oxidizing more lipid than males, which may help to explain the decrease in post-exercise muscle glycogen resynthesis observed in this group. Increasing rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis after exercise can also occur from utilizing greater amounts of triglycerides to supply lipid fuel for oxidative muscle metabolism (14). However, we speculate that FFA was not the primary source of energy for the females during these particular exercise bouts, as we found that males and females used similar amounts of muscle glycogen. Additionally, previous reports have evidenced a decrease in interstitial glycerol concentrations following a constant insulin infusion, suggesting that interference from FFA on muscle glycogen resynthesis is unlikely (11). During post-exercise recovery, we found an increase in serum INS from immediate post- to 120-150 min post-exercise and a concomitant decrease in serum FFA. These results may suggest the 180 min post-exercise recovery period for females was not long enough in duration to significantly increase muscle glycogen concentrations to resting levels. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that 90 min of moderate intensity exercise at varying ambient temperatures decreases muscle glycogen concentrations to the same extent in both males and females, but muscle glycogen restoration in the first 180 min after exercise was significantly faster in males. Therefore, it appears that males and females do not restore muscle glycogen at the same rate during a 3-hr restoration period utilizing two oral carbohydrate bolus’ consisting of 1 g CHO·kg body mass-1. These findings suggest that although males and females utilize muscle glycogen to the same extent during moderate intensity exercise at differing temperatures, the mechanisms utilized to restore this valuable energy source may be dissimilar. While this study presents pertinent insight to potential mechanisms regarding muscle glycogen restoration in trained males and females, many discrepancies continue to surface in the growing body of scientific literature. Therefore, future investigations are encouraged to discern these inconsistencies and clarify the process(es) of muscle glycogen restoration between trained male and female athletes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank John P. Thyfault, PhD, University of Missouri for assistance in data analysis. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. Address for correspondence: Michael J. Carper, PhD, Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Pittsburg, KS 66762. Phone: 1-620-235-6155; Email: mcarper@pittstate.edu REFERENCES 1. Bergstrom J. Muscle electrolytes in man. Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl. 1962;68:1-110. 16 2. Bergstrom J, Hultman E. Muscle glycogen synthesis after exercise: localized to the muscle cells in man. Nature. 1966;210:309-310. An enhancing factor 3. Bolster DR, Trappe SW, Short KR, Scheffield-Moore M, Parcell AC, Schulze KM, Costill DL. Effects of precooling on thermoregulation during subsequent exercise. 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