Diploma Granted Date for Graduating Students The Diploma Granted Date can be Mass assigned to all grade 12s or added individually to each student. Done individually it is referred to as the Student Diploma Met Date. Mass Updates Single Value 1. Follow the path: School>Mass Updates>Mass Update, Single Value 2. Hit the Extract button, now select clear extract, select grade 12 and then select run Extract. Now select the go back button and then close the door. The list of grade 12 students will now be showing and will have a check mark beside them. (The names and ID numbers have been removed from the screenshot for security). At this stage you can uncheck the Non Grads to eliminate the step of removing the Diploma Granted Date later on. 3. Select: Category as Demographic Field to Update as Diploma Granted Date Update Value to 30-JUN-2012 4. Select the Update button 5. Save 6. Individually remove the Diploma Granted Date for the Non Graduating students if you did not uncheck them in step 2. The steps are described on the following pages. Student Diploma Met Date for Individual Graduates 1. Print the Pre-Transition List for all grade 12 students. This date is only entered for students that have GR listed as their next grade. The non-graduating grade 12 students should already have grade 12 as their next grade. 2. Find the student on the opening screen. 3. Select the Diploma button from the grey buttons on the right 4. Select Diploma Dates (just under pupil number and diploma type) 5. Enter 30-Jun-2012 in the Diploma Met field for all students on the Pre-Transition List that have GR as their next grade 6. Use the back arrow to close the popup window. 7. Save