Over the past few weeks you have been learning about Ancient Greece. Now it is your turn! Using the internet, your local library and our school library, you will be researching an Ancient Civilization. While you are researching you will be examining the social, environmental, political and economic lifestyle of your civilization. My Ancient Civilization_____________________________________ Research Project o Create a Bristol board poster with labeled graphic organizers, drawings, comparison charts, pictures and maps to demonstrate your learning of your chosen Ancient Civilizations. Include in your Research Project Using a variety of graphic organizers ( t-charts, comparison charts, mind maps, ladder, web, time lines, concept map, fishbone), diagrams and pictures to share your knowledge about Ancient ____________ by researching the following: o Describe the environment of Ancient ___________________ (landforms, water, vegetation, climate, animal life, natural resources) o Share how Ancient ___________ used the environment to meet their physical needs for food, homes, clothing, and health. o Share how Ancient ____________ was governed. o Share how the social needs were met in Ancient __________(i.e., family roles, recreation, sports, arts, entertainment, education) o Share important values and beliefs of Ancient __________ and describe how they affected their daily life (i.e., religious beliefs and practices, social structure, family structure and roles) o Share some scientific and technological (technology) advances made by Ancient ___________ o Include a map of area (at time- Mrs. DG will help you with this) o You need to choose 1 of the above topics and complete the information in a Venn diagram comparing it with the same topic in Ancient Greece Name_________________________ Date________________________ Learning Goal: We will learn how different Ancient Civilizations used their environment to meet their economic, social, political needs to survive. We will examine how they have influenced our present day. Success Criteria I will competently: Uses Graphic Organizers/Diagrams/Pictures to: o Share how the civilization used the environment to meet their physical needs for food, homes, clothing, and health o Share how the civilization’s social needs were met o Share some important values and beliefs of the civilizations o Share some technological advances made by the civilizations o Compares one aspect using a Venn diagram to Ancient Greece I will: Research Skills o Independently collects and gathers information o Select relevant and accurate information with considerable effectiveness Poster/Visual Display The posters attracts the attention of its audience with considerable effectiveness A variety of lines, colours, shapes and textures contribute to a principle of design Components of the display are secured and labeled. Most aspects of the message are consistent with the topic. Communication and Conventions Writing is neatly hand written or word processed Obvious revision and editing Contains a good variety of vocabulary Only a few minor errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation Time Line Work sessions in class June 10, 11, 12, 13 Research done June 16 Poster work sessions June 16, 17 Final Project completed and shared with class June 18, 19, 20