Dear Parent - Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School

23 September 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
I am organising a chemistry trip for fifty Year 10 students to attend
a ‘Chemistry in Action’ day at the University of Warwick. The event
will take place on Monday 23rd November. It will be a great
opportunity for students to experience an event at a top university
attending lectures that will enrich their GCSE science courses.
There are five lectures scheduled for the day some of which are as
Greg Foot ‘the science of high altitude survival’
Nic Harrigan ‘Tea Physics’
Jamie Gallagher ‘Periodic Success’
The places will be allocated on a first come, first served
basis. The cost to the school for this trip is £32.00 per student.
Students will be expected to wear their school uniform on the day
and will also bring a packed lunch. We are asking for a voluntary
contribution to cover our costs. Payment can be made online via
your ParentMail2 account by selecting ‘2015 Chemistry in
Action Year 10’ under the Shop section.
If due to personal circumstances you are unable to contribute in full
but would still like your child to benefit from this opportunity, please
send your request in writing to the Headteacher for consideration,
noting the amount you believe you can contribute. He will then
contact you directly with a decision on whether your request can be
supported, in full or partially. If your son/daughter qualifies for pupil
premium funding, the school may be able to help with payment. In
both cases, please return the reply slip at the bottom of this letter
to the finance office in order to reserve a place whilst the financial
side is being considered.
The students will be travelling by coach leaving Sir Henry Floyd
Grammar School at 9.30am. The lectures will finish at about
4.00pm when the students will return to school. We aim to arrive
back at about 5.30pm. The students will need to make their own
arrangements to get home at that time.
If you have any further queries with regard to this event, please
feel free to contact me by email –
Yours sincerely
John White
Teacher of Chemistry
Reply Slip for Chemistry in Action Event 23 November 2015
Please return to the Finance Office
Student’s name ……………………............
Tutor group ……….
o I give permission for my son/daughter to take part in the
Chemistry in Action day on 23 November 2015.
o I have enclosed cash/cheque payment of £32.00, or,
I have paid on Parentmail2 (delete as appropriate)
Signature of Parent/Carer ………………………….. Date ……………