Status meeting 1 Sampler Education Pilot Project Leonardo Da Vinci Community Vocational Training Action Programme Thursday, 29th March 2007 9.00-16.00 AEL, Kaarnatie 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland Time: Place: Participants DHI DHI DHI VTT Vitus Bering SGI Aquateam AEL PSI Christian Grøn Jette Bjerre Hansen Anke Oberender Margareta Wahlstrøm Inga Sørensen Johan Nordbäck Ragnar Storhaug Jussi Laiho Andris Maurans CHG JBH AOB MW IS JN RS JL AM Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present (arrival at 10 o’clock) Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Welcome (JL) Short presentation of new participants (all) Minutes from kick off meeting Agenda Project administration (CHG) a. Status contracts (AOB) b. Status payments (AOB) c. Progress report (CHG) Progress reports and discussions (presented and chaired by the responsible WP leaders, compare deliverable list in work plan) a. Templates (JBH) b. Waste (MW) c. Groundwater (IS) d. Soil (JN) e. Wastewater (RS) f. Basic sampling (JBH) g. Implementation (JL) h. Evaluation (AM) i. Coordination, including quality management plan (CHG) j. Valorization, including extra and intra web (CHG/AOB) Needs for adjustments (CHG) WP leader and reference group meetings, October 1 and 2 (CHG) Any other business (CHG) Distributed meeting stuff Minutes from kick off meeting (mail ) This agenda (mail 19.03-2007) Info on project web (mail date? ) 1 Minutes (status and points of decision included) Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3 The text books should contain a section on specific national requirements, with a general text for the English version and more details for the translated versions. Work packages leaders should remember to use the reference group. Discussion about the certification package from SGF in Sweden: Johan evaluates the material and decides whether this is relevant and makes an agreement with SGF. Johan may work 5 days for SGF and the expenses are sub-distributed between the work packages that benefit from SGF input. Ad 4 Ad 5 Ad 6 Templates The texts should focus on the practical aspects of sampling. The author can include a list of two or three carefully selected books for further reading after each chapter. Remember that the content of the textbooks should be presentable in the 2-3 days of the course. Examples could be additional. Start a chapter in the text book or the text book with stating the learning objective and finish with “control questions”. (The “Padi-style” and the “recipe-style” for the examples). Theory of sampling: practical and important aspects of TOS should be presented and there can be reference to TOS under further reading. Refer to the Nordtest certification handbook regarding course content (e.g. occupational health, TOS, etc.) Templates will be ready by beginning of May. Waste VTT had a meeting about the Leonardo-project and has identified important material for the waste part, has made a plan for the VTT-work. Johan and Margareta will cooperate when working on the textbooks to avoid overlaps – soil and waste. Real work will not start before May. Groundwater Short presentation of Vitus Bering course material and course outline, pictures, short film, etc. The course has run in practice. Participants responded well. Inga will use the Vitus Bering course material and experience from that course to prepare the ground water text book etc. 2 One additional topic to include is for example how to use a GPS for positioning. This will also be important for the soil part. This can be added under the section for documentation. There might be a common text for soil and groundwater. Soil SGI has made a collection of sources to use and is waiting for the templates. Margareta and Johan will cooperate. Wastewater Review of present teaching material. Aquateam is planning the first course in sampling of waste water and sludge based on the teaching materials that will be developed under SAPP. Draft outline of course material is done. Basic sampling As soon as templates are finished the basic sampling text book will be started on. Coordination, including quality management plan Detailed quality management plan is delayed. General comments If you in the process of making the text books identify important topics/situations that are not covered by the Nordtest handbook, contact Jette and discuss it. Comments will be compiled so that they can be included in a revision of the Nordtest handbook. How to handle exam questions in the certification scheme. Should the questions be at the certifying body or certification organisation (Nordtest, secretary). Nordtest should have the English set of questions and the national certifying body deals with the “translated” questions. Ad 7 No need for adjustment of the timetable. Ad 8 Next meeting October 1 and 2, 2007, Hørsholm, Denmark October 1: Work package leaders October 2: WP leader and reference group Ad 9 Task list Johan Johan evaluates the material from SGF and decides whether it is relevant and makes an agreement with SGF. Ragnar Send draft documents/course documents for waste water to Jette as information and input for the templates. Inga Send course documents/course outline to Jette as information and input for the templates. DHI DHI takes care of scheduling the next meeting and will suggest an agenda. 3 DHI will find out whether we can reach an agreement with Hans Møller to use pictures. DHI will inquire about price differences for black and white vs. colour print. Question about colour or black and white will be addressed in the templates, where there will be suggestions as to how we will do (based on the prices). DHI will come up with a technical solution where and how to share pictures. Anke will send “financial instructions” to Johan. Anke contact partners and initiates first payment to partners. Anke will send work programme and work package to Andris, including homepage user name password. Anke will compile a list of books and other relevant materials and upload it on the homepage. Include table of contents etc. Anke will send an email to all partners with a request for input to the homepage and details as to what kind of input and input format. Christian will complete the quality management table and sends it to WP leaders. Christian prepares an input form regarding dissemination reporting for the project, where WP leaders can keep track of project presentations, papers etc. Christian informs CIRIUS about changes in work package leaders (PSI; SGI). Jette will make a common list of terms and definitions that everybody can/should use. Jette will prepare a second version of the template and send it to all partners for comments. Jette will contact each partner for ideas, suggestions and how they are planning to do their work. All WP leaders fill in the quality management table as far as possible. All keep track of the activities regarding dissemination. Inform Anke of all important material that you have identified for the project and that might be relevant for sharing with the other work packages. First draft of text books should be ready in advance of the next meeting and should be distributed to reference group at least two weeks before next meeting (mid-september). 4