TOURISM, ART AND MODERNITY – 2007 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social Department of Anthropology Universidade Feral do Rio Grande do Sul Nelson Graburn Carlos Alberto Steil Syllabus: This seminar will explore some of the core features of modernity and modernizing forces in the contemporary world. Touristic processes are emblematic of modernity and are a major force in the transnational penetration to hinterlands and the III and IV Worlds. Art may now be created as a measure of modernity, both to express new national identities and as resistance to cultural appropriation. Other art forms are preserved from pre-modernity but used the same way. This course is intended for students in the social sciences preparing for, carrying out, or writing up research on these topics, including writing Field Statements. August 8th Introduction: Tourism, Art & Modernity - Basic background readings Tradition and Modernity Horner, Alice. "Tradition". In: Assumption of Tradition [PhD Dissertation] Chapter 1. Tourism Graburn, N. H. H. “Relocating the Tourist” In: Graburn, Nelson (Ed.) Relocating the Tourist, Special issue of International Sociology 16 (2): 147-158, 2001. Tourist Arts Graburn, N. "Ethnic and Tourist Arts Revisited". In: Phillips, Ruth B. and Steiner, Christopher (Eds.). Unpacking Culture: Art and Commodity in the Colonial and Postcolonial Worlds. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1998. Tourism and Development Graburn, N. "Tourism and Cultural Development in East Asia and Oceania". In: Tourism and Cultural Development in East Asia and Oceania. Yamashita, Shinji; Din, Kadir and Eades, J. S. (Eds.) Bangi, Malaysia: University of Malaysia Press, 1997, p. 194-212. Museums Graburn, N. “A Quest for Identity.” Museums International (UNESCO) 50(3): 13, 1997. Possible Extra Readings Ivy, Marilyn. “Tono Monogatari”, In: Discourses of the Vanishing, 1995, Chapter 3. Jacobs, Jane M. “Tradition is (not) modern: deterritorializing globalization”. In: Nezar Al Sayyad (Ed.). The End of Tradition? .New York: Routledge, 2004. August 15th - The Nature of Tourism Cohen, Erik. "The Phenomenology of Tourist Experience". In: Sociology 179-291, 1979. ______. “Authenticity and Commoditization in Tourism". In: ATR, 1988. ______.“Authenticity in Tourism Studies”. p. 75-82, 2007. Dann, G. M. “The Tourist as Metaphor of the Social World” In: Dann, G. M. (Ed.) The Tourist as Metaphor of the Social World. Wallingford/New York: CAB International, p. 1-18. Graburn, N. "Tourism as Secular Ritual”. p. 23-34, 2004. MacCannell, D. “On the Commodification of Cultures”. In: The Tourist: New Theory of the Leisure Class, 2001, p.55-70. Smith, Melanie. “Framework of Cultural Tourism”. 2003. Wang, Ning. “Rethinking Authenticity in Tourism Experience”. ATR 26(2): 347-70, 1999. Extra Readings Crick, M. "Sun, Sex, Sights, Savings & Servility: Tourism". Annual Review of Anthropology, 1989. Horner, A. E. "Personally Negociated Authenticities". Ms, 1993. Nash, Dennison. “Tourism, an Anthropological Subject". Current Anthropology, 1981. August 22th - Tourism, Authenticity, Postmodernity Cohen, E. “Backpacking: Diversity and Change”. In: G. Richards and J. Wilson (Eds.) The Global Nomad. Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice. Channel View, Clevedon. 2004, p.389-407. Craik, Jennifer. “The Culture of Tourism”. In: Rojek, Chris and John Urry (org.). Touring cultures: transformations of travel and theory. New York: Routledge, 1997, p.129-133. Crawshaw, Carol & Urry, John. “Tourism and the Photographic Eye”. In Rojek, Chris and Urry, John (org.). Touring cultures: transformations of travel and theoryNew York: Routledge, 1997, p.129-133. Jamal, Tazim and Hill, Steve. “The Home and the World: (Post)touristic Spaces of (In)Authenticity”. In: Dann, G. and Lofgren, Orvar. “Narrating the Tourist Experience”. 1999, p. 91-108, MacCannell, Dean. “John Urry’s Gaze and Mine”. 2000. Ritzer, George and Lisker, Allan. “McDisneyization and ‘Post-Tourism’”. In: Rojek, Chris and Urry, John (org.). Touring cultures: transformations of travel and theory. New York: Routledge, 1997, p.129-133. Thurot, Jean-Maurice and Thurot, Gaetane. "The Ideology of Class and Tourism: Confronting the Discourse of Advertizing," Annals of Tourism Research", 10 (1): 173-89, 1983. Urry, John. The Tourist Gaze - “Structural Changes”, Chapter 5, London: Sage, 1983. Warren, Stacy. “Cultural Contestation at Disneyland Paris”. In: Crouch, David (Ed.) Leisure/tourism geographies: Practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge, 1999. August 29th - Nostalgia, Tourism and Memory Dann, Graham. “Old Talk: the Language of Nostalgia”. In: The Language of Tourism: a Sociolinguistic Perspective. Wallingford, Oxon: CAB International, 1996. Dorst, John. The Written Suburb: An American Sight, and Ethnographic Dilemma Philadelphia University Penn. [chapters 4 & 5], 1989. Frow, John. “Tourism and the Semiotics of Nostalgia". October 57: 123-151, 1991. Graburn, Nelson. "The Past in the Present in Japan: Nostalgia and Neo-Traditionalism in Contemporary Japanese Domestic Tourism” In: Butler, Richard and Pearce, Douglas (Ed.) Change in Tourism: People, Places, Processes. London: Routledge, 1995a, p. 4770. ______. "Tourism, Modernity & Nostalgia" In: Ahmed, A. and Shore, C. (Eds.) The Relevance of anthropology for the 21st Century. London: Athlone Press, 1995b, p. 158177, Rosaldo, Renato. “Imperialist Nostalgia". Representations 26: 107-22, 1989. Roy, Ananya. “Nostalgias of the Modern” In: Nezar, A. (Ed.). The End of Tradition? Routledge, 1994. Stewart, Kathleen. “Nostalgia – A Polemic.” Cultural Anthropology, 3(3): 227-41, 1988. September 5th – Brazilian studies of tourism Barretto, Margarita. O imprescindível aporte das Ciências Sociais para o planejamento e a compreensão do turismo. Horizontes Antropológicos, v. 9 , n. 20, out. 2003, p. 15-29. Banducci, Álvaro. Turismo e antopologia no Brasil: estudo preliminar. In: Bancucci, Álvaro e Barretto, Margarita (Orgs.). Turismo e identidade local. Uma visão antropológica. Campinas, Papirus, 2001, 21-47. Prado, Rosane Manhães. As espécies exóticas somos nós: reflexão a propósito do ecoturismo na Ilha Grande. Horizontes Antropológicos, v. 9 , n. 20, out. 2003, p. 205224. Steil, Carlos Alberto. Romeiros e turistas no Santuário de Bom Jesus da Lapa. Horizontes Antropológicos, v. 9 , n. 20, out. 2003, p. 249-261. September 11th - Museums and Heritage Ashworth, Gregory. “The Uses of Heritage: The Past as a Political Resource”. In: Tunbridge, J.E. and Ashworth, G. (org.) Dissonant heritage: the management of the past as a resource in conflict. Chichester; New York: J. Wiley, 1996. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. “Objects of Ethnography/Knowledge”. In: Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums and Heritage. Berkeley: U. of California Press, 1999. Clifford, James. Four Northwest Coast Museums: Travel Reflections. In: Karp, Ivan and Lavine, Steven D. (org.), Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politic of Museum Display. Washington: Smithsonian, pp. 212-254, 1991. Daher, Rami. “Dismantling a community’s heritage ‘Heritage tourism: Conflict, inequality and a search for social justice in an age of globalization.” In: Robinson, Mike et. al. (eds.). Tourism and Heritage Relationships: Global, National and Local Perspectives. Newcastle: University of Northumbria, pp. 105-126, 1991. Graburn, Nelson. "Weirs in the River of Time: the Development of Canadian Inuit Historical Consciousness." Museum Anthropology 22 (2): 54-66, 1999. Nora, Pierre. "Between Memory and History: Les lieux de memoires." Representations 26: 7-25, 1989. Arieff, Allison. “A Different Sort of (P)Reservation: Some Thoughts on the National Museum of the American Indian”. Museum Anthropology 19(2): 78-90, 1995. Boniface, P. and Fowler, P. J., Heritage and Tourism in the Global Village. London: Routledge, 1993. [Chapters: 1, 2, 3 4, 11] Uzzell, D. L. Heritage Interpretation. Vol. 1. The Natural and Built Environment; Vol. 2 The Visitor Experience. London: Belhaven, Chapters 1,2,6 & 8, 1989. September 18th - Commoditization of Culture and Tourist Arts Errington, Shelley. The Death of Authentic Primitive Art and Other Tales of Progress. Berkeley: University of California Press. Chapter 4. pp. 118-157, 1989. Graburn, Nelson (ed.). Ethnic and Tourist Arts: Cultural Expressions from the Fourth World Berkeley: University of California Press. Chapter 1. pp., 1976. ______. "Arts of the Fourth World: the View from Canada" In Dorothea and Norman Whitten (org.) Imagery and Creativity; Ethnoaesthetics and Arts Worlds in the Americas Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 171-204, 1993. ______. "'I Like Things to Look More Different Than That Stuff Did': An Experiment in “Cross-Cultural Art Appreciation". pp. 51-70 in M. Greenhalgh and J.V.S. Megaw (eds.) Art in Society: Studies in Style, Culture and Aesthetics. London: Duckworth, 1978. Grunewald, R. “Tourism and Ethnicity”, 2006. Hitchcock, M and K. Teague, (eds). “Introduction” by M. Hitchcock, and “Forward” by N. Graburn, In Souvenirs: The Material Culture of Tourism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. King, J. H. C. “Marketing Magic: Process, Identity and the Creation and Selling of Native Art.” In M. Mauze ed. Present as Past: Some Uses o Tradition in Native Societies, NY: Lanham, pp. 81-96, 1978. Myers, Fred (ed.). The empire of things: regimes of value and material culture, Santa Fe: School of American Research Press: Oxford: James Currey, 2001. Price, Sally. Primitive Art in Civilized Places. Chapter 1. Stanley, Nick. “Living with the Ancestors in an International Contemporary Art World.” In: Venbrux, Eric; Rosi, P. S. and Welsch, R. L. (Eds.). Exploring World Art. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, pp. 343-355, 2005. Steiner, C. “The Art of Trade: African Art Market.” In G. Marcus and F. Myers eds. The Traffic in Culture: Refiguring Art and Anthropology. U.C. Press, pp. 151-165, 1997.