Personal Development Key Stage 3

Personal Development Key Stage 3
Layer 3
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Examining why
Being Creative
 to develop an
 Thought shower (come up with as many ideas as
we have rules
Experiment with ideas
understanding of the need
possible) in groups ‘Why we have Rules’.
and questions
for rules
to understand the need for
an authority that makes
Create an imaginary society and agree certain rules
for the welfare of the whole group.
What did we learn from this activity? Identify the
need for authorities to make rules, and for people to
accept them.
Working With
Respect the views and
opinions of others,
reaching agreements
using negotiation and
to explore the application
of rules in a variety of
contexts. For example.
highway code, sport,
school, families, religion,
Different groups examine the need for rules and their
acceptance in a range of contexts, eg, highway code,
football, the home, etc. Discuss any issues that come
out of this exercise.
Thinking, Problem
Solving, Decision
Make connections
between learning in
different contexts
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Working With
 to develop an
 In groups, establish an agreed set of classroom rules
boundaries in the
understanding of the need
and compare them.
school context
Develop routines of
for school rules
turn-taking, sharing
and cooperating
 that school rules are based  Look at the school rules. Divide the rules into those I Thinking, Problem
Solving, Decision
on protecting rights and
do or don’t like and why. Compare these in groups.
producing responsibilities
Justify methods,
for each individual
Do the school rules protect the rights of individuals
opinions and
and produce responsibilities in individuals?
Being Creative
 that all members of the
 Ask pupils to prioritise the type of rules we should
Making new
school need to buy into
connections between
school rules
o Those that suit me.
o Those that I agree with.
o Those that are best for everyone.
Challenge the routine
o Any rule that those in authority set.
o Those that my friends obey.
o Those that most people obey.
o Those that are enforced.
(Plus any others you may come up with).
 to understand what
Discuss and compare the answers in groups and then
embracing school rules
in a plenary session, get the class to prioritise the
means for each individual
Personal Development Key Stage 3
Layer 3
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Working With
 understand the meaning of  In groups, define what the word ‘risk’ means
reflection on risk
the word risk
(looking at both positive and negative implications).
Listen actively and
share opinions
Thinking, Problem
 to develop the skill of risk  Either through pictures/video/scenarios look at
Solving, Decision
various actions and behaviours and assess whether
they are high, medium or low risk activities. Come to Making
Make links between
a collective agreement about assessing risk.
cause and effect
Develop a 3x2 grid to show the positive and negative Managing
aspects of being a high, medium or low risk taker.
Select, classify,
compare and evaluate
Self Management
 to understand their own
 Personal questionnaire: a self-assessment of risk
capacity for risk-taking
potential. Deciding what sort of person I am in terms Be aware of personal
strengths, limitations
of risk at the moment.
and interests
 Ask pupils to reflect on if they are happy with their
ability to deal with risk in their lives at the minute.
Personal Development Key Stage 3
Layer 3
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Being Creative
 to consolidate what they
 Thought shower what risks we are facing at the
and managing
Value other peoples
learned in Year 8; what is
moment as 12/13 year olds.
risk and
ideas to stimulate own
a risk, where am I as a risk
taker and how to assess
Thinking, Problem
 to establish a model for
 Look at a risk context, eg. sunbathing, and through
Solving, Decision
identification and
this, derive a process for managing risk. Identifying
assessment of risk
the risk, looking at the consequences and exploring
Examine options,
options that maximise the benefits and minimise the
weigh up pros and
Make connections
 Take this newly developed process and in groups
between learning in
apply it to solvents, alcohol, tobacco and cannabis.
different contexts
For homework, apply this process to the internet.
Encourage the pupil to talk with their parents about
family guidelines for the internet.
Recap on Year 8 and 9 work on safety and managing
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Being Creative
 to explore their family
 Explore a family scenario with five characters,
boundaries in the
Use all the senses to
rules and their function
centring on a particular issue of conflict.
home and social
Each individual gets assigned one character, and they stimulate and
 to develop an awareness of
contribute to ideas
imagine how that person thinks and feels.
the primary role of family
Make ideas real by
They then share this with the whole group.
and friendships in shaping
experimenting with
my boundaries
different designs,
that tries to resolve the challenge and create a winactions, outcomes
win situation for everyone.
to develop the skills of
empathy and compromise
Write down their family/friendship rules. Reflect on
how helpful they are in creating a family/friendship
group that functions well (possibly a homework
activity with parents).
Thinking, Problem
Solving, Decision
Generate possible
solutions, try out
approaches, evaluate
to develop an awareness of
basic Health and Safety
Develop basic first aid skills in recovery position,
CPR, choking, burns, bleeds and cuts.
Self Management
Organise and plan
how to go about a
Focus, sustain
attention and persist
with tasks
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Personal and
 to identify the risks in
 Look at areas relevant to pupils’ experiences. Identify Thinking, Problem
physical safety –
Solving, Decision
certain contexts in their
risks, preventative strategies and appropriate actions
accidents, first aid
life (link to health and
and responses for:
Generate possible
safety issues)
o home/garden;
solutions, try out
o community;
 to identify appropriate
approaches, evaluate
o farm;
accident prevention
o roads;
strategies and responses in
o sun.
the event of an accident
to develop an awareness of
basic first-aid procedures
to develop an awareness of
basic Health and Safety
Develop basic first aid skills in recovery position,
CPR, choking, burns, bleeds and cuts.
Self Management
Organise and plan
how to go about a
Focus, sustain
attention and persist
with tasks
Personal Development Key Stage 3
Layer 3
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
10 Personal safety –  to consolidate the fact that  Design a poster to show the different aspects of a
Being Creative
prevention and
Use all the senses to
as whole people we are
human being.
safety strategies,
stimulate and
emotional beings (as well
emotional safety
contribute to ideas
as physical, psychological,
spiritual, and social).
to identify risks to their
emotional health and well
to use the risk assessment
process from Year 9
(identifying the risk,
looking at the
consequences and
exploring options that
maximise the benefits and
minimise the harm) to a
range of emotional
Recap on the risk assessment model from Year 9.
Identifying the risk, looking at the consequences and
exploring options that maximise the benefits and
minimise the harm.
Problem page activity:
Explore six situations where various people are at
risk with particular emotions. Respond to the letter
and offer advice as an agony aunt / uncle by
emphasising the consequences and strategies to
maximise good feelings and avoid emotional harm.
Feedback as a class to evaluate lessons learned and
skills developed.
Thinking, Problem
Solving, Decision
Examine options,
weigh up pros and
Make connections
between learning in
different contexts
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Thinking, Problem
 understand that all
 Which of the following laws are good?
boundaries in
Solving, Decision
societies need laws and
o The ban of drinking in certain public places.
relation to law
there are consequences if
o Sexist laws that discriminate against woman.
Make links between
they are disobeyed
o Copyright laws with respect to music.
cause and effect
o Smoking ban in public places.
o No butane gas refills to be sold to under 18.
o Cannabis is an illegal drug.
o Laws around fraud, eg, TV licence, “doing the
to explore how they view
laws in terms of their own
value judgements
What process did you use to decide which laws were Justify methods,
good? Who suffers / benefits if these laws are broken. opinions and
Personal reflection: which of these four camps would Examine options,
weigh up pros and
you put yourself in:cons
o All laws should be obeyed.
o Laws should normally be obeyed unless there is a
moral reason for not doing so.
o You should normally obey the law except you
can get away with breaking it.
o You should do what you want and think best and
not worry about the law.
Personal Development Key Stage 3
Layer 3
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
10 Responding
 to understand the meaning  Matching Exercise:
appropriately to
of physical, emotional and
Give out a set of definitions of physical, emotional,
different forms of
Select, classify,
sexual abuse, neglect and
sexual abuse, neglect and bullying plus ‘none of
abuse, bullying
compare and evaluate
these’ all on card. Also distribute a range of types of
and physical
abuse (being called names, being beaten up, not
being fed at home) and match these to the categories.
to develop strategies to
deal with unsafe situations
Select three or four of the types of abuse from the
exercise above and create a table which pupils fill in
with the headings: Characters, Feelings, Helping
Strategies, Consequences and Where to Go for Help.
The group then could act their conclusions out in a
role play. As a class, weigh up the effectiveness of
each strategy.
Key statements that could be helpful in conclusion to
this activity:
Don’t suffer in silence. Tell someone you can trust.
For example parents, teachers, prefects, peers, clergy,
youth leaders, police, social workers.
Being Creative
Make ideas real by
experimenting with
different designs,
actions, outcomes
Thinking, Problem
Solving, Decision
Examine options,
weigh up pros and
Self Management
Seek advice when
THEME: Safety and Managing Risk
AIM: To understand and manage the balance between risk and safety in relation to physical and emotional well-being.
Year Sub-theme
Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources
Development of
Pupils are learning:
Thinking Skills and
Personal Capabilities
Organise and plan
 to develop an awareness of  Develop basic first aid skills in recovery position,
how to go about a
basic Health and Safety
CPR, choking, burns, bleeds and cuts.