“MAPping the Future” Column in the INQUIRER – 5 March 2012
MAP CSR Leadership Challenge Awardees Named
The Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) announced recently the winners for the
2nd MAP CSR Leadership Challenge.
The MAP CSR Leadership Challenge aims to promote CSR as important and integral part of good
management practice, inspire MAP members and other top executives to improve their practice and set the
bar for the practice of CSR in the country, and recognize companies that exemplify what it means to be a true
corporate citizen through their CSR programs.
The INTEGRATED CSR AWARD (the Main Award) is given to a company that has truly made
CSR part of the way it does business. Its CSR activity is not just a program, not an accessory or a hobby, but
an integral part of the way it formulates its overall corporate strategy. There were SPECIAL AWARDS on
Education, Enterprise Development, Environment and Sustainable Development, and Health.
To emphasize the strategic value of CSR to a company’s operation, the stories of the winners and
participants will be turned into case studies by the Ateneo de Manila University Graduate School of
Business. This is a good way to perpetuate and learn from their example, while at the same time explore new
models that can work well in the Philippine setting and provide inspiration for the youth to be great leaders
of the nation in the future.
PETRON received the prestigious INTEGRATED CSR AWARD for its “Growing. Greening.
Giving Back: Making CSR and Sustainability A Way of Life in Petron” strategy.
Petron has adopted CSR and Sustainability as a management approach throughout the organization.
Petron sees CSR as integral to its long-term success. As the leading provider of total customer solutions in
the energy sector and its derivative businesses, Petron’s efforts are anchored on its commitment to create
shared value for all its stakeholders in fulfillment of its mandate to care for the community and the
environment. It strives to conduct its business in a manner that places equal importance on its social and
environmental agenda together with the attainment of its economic objectives, while strictly and consistently
adhering to the principles and practice of corporate governance. It undertakes every possible communications
platform to cascade its CSR efforts within and outside the organization. Initiatives undertaken by Petron are
integrated into its management systems and are in conformity with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
Reporting Guidelines.
The “Best in Education” Special Award went to AYALA’s ”GILAS (Gearing Up Internet Literacy
and Access for Students)” Program.
GILAS is a nationwide campaign which is a multi-sectoral private sector-led initiative with the over
arching goal of connecting all of the country’s public high schools to the internet. By providing internet
access to all public secondary school students in the Philippines, GILAS is giving public high schools
students an opportunity to a brighter future.
The GILAS strategy utilizes the following components: (1) provision of equipment and Internet
peripherals to public high schools with computer laboratories; (2) school mobilization for laboratory set-up;
(3) teacher training on basic internet literacy, troubleshooting, and local area networking (LAN)
administration; (4) ICT leadership and sustainability training for school heads along with their second liners;
and (5) project administration that includes monitoring and technical assistance.
The private-public partnership (PPP) scheme highlighted by a counter parting strategy enabled the
program to move on a larger scale addressing an education need not just for specific areas but for the whole
public high school system itself. Engaging the public sector to put in their share of resources to be matched
by the private sector helps in securing the projects' sustainability and ensuring community’s ownership and
participation because of the stake they have placed in the project.
The “Best in Enterprise Development” Special Award went to the Bank of the Philippine Islands’
(BPI) “Show Me, Teach Me, SME – Empowering Entrepreneurs”.
“Show Me, Teach Me, SME” is a learning program offered to entrepreneurs for free that focuses on
financial and credit management for ventures with asset sizes from P3M to P15M and with a workforce of up
to 100. The program, which started in 2004, has reached nearly 900 entrepreneurs from more than 20 cities
and municipalities in the Philippines. The program has evolved over the years from being a financial literacy
course to entrepreneurship development, and continues to motivate entrepreneurs across the country.
The primary goals of the program are two-fold: (1) to support the SME sector by sharing the
resources of BPI through its employees and existing infrastructure and partnerships; and (2) to help educate
entrepreneurs on responsible business management and sound credit judgment.
PETRON’s “Measuring, Managing and Minimizing our Environment Footprint in Bataan” program
got the “Best in Environment and Sustainable Development” Special Award.
Petron has undertaken major initiatives to better manage and effectively reduce its footprint in its
Bataan Refinery. Its water footprinting project aims to properly segregate the different waste water streams
and identify opportunities for water reduction and reuse. Its footprinting for solid and hazardous wastes
establishes a baseline profile of solid and hazardous waste generation and treatment cost and identify means
in which they can be reduced. Its integrated Coastal Management project aims to enhance the sustainable
development of coastal resources and the marine environment.
Its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Accounting and Air Emissions Inventory Development project aims to
measure baseline emission data and identify ways to reduce emission. This Project will contribute to
strengthened capacity within Petron, in integrating GHG and air emissions inventory with existing
accounting systems of Petron; in identifying emission reduction measures for improved environment and
financial performance; in participating in carbon markets such as CDM, and in providing the basis for the
development of a formal GHG and air pollutant accounting system for the Petron refinery in Bataan that
could be rolled out to other Petron depots and gasoline stations all over the country.
The “Best in Health” Special Award went to SM’s “Health and Medical Programs.”
SM’s Health and Medical Programs cover several areas of health, namely: Medical Missions, Mobile
Clinic Services, Wellness Centers for the Children and the
Elderly, Health Centers, Hospice Units, Blood
Bank for Employees, among others. SM’s mobile clinic makes health services accessible. SM has adopted
the entire wards of some government hospitals and converted them into Felicidad Sy Wards, by renovating,
repainting, refurbishing and donating medical supplies and equipment.
SM’s Gamot Para Sa Kapwa project is a comprehensive Medical Mission for indigent families
within the vicinity of SM Malls as well as remote communities and disaster- stricken areas as a tangible and
proactive response to corporate advocacy and civic mindedness. It also provides literacy programs to enable
communities to prevent and manage diseases long after the medical mission is gone. It has already conducted
over 70 Medical and Dental Missions, having served around 150,000 beneficiaries.
The Technical panelists for the Education were: Ms. NENA ALCUAZ-REYES (Chair), President of
Center for Leadership and Change, Inc., Dr. ESTER GARCIA, President of University of the East, and Dean
POPOY JUICO, Senior Professional Lecturer of De La Salle University.
The Technical panelists for Enterprise Development were: Ms. CHIT JUAN (Chair), President of
Philippine Coffee Board, Mr. JOEY BERMUDEZ, Chair of Maybridge (Asia), Mr. DAN SONGCO,
President of PinoyME Foundation, and Mr. JESS DINGLASAN, Relationship Partner for Philippines of Li
& Fung (1937) Management Ltd.
For Environment and Sustainable Development, the Technical Panelists were: Ms. TAMMY
LIPANA (Chair), President of Isla Lipana & Co. Foundation, Dr. CORA CLAUDIO, President of EARTH
Institute Asia, Mr. ALEX ESCAÑO, President of MFI Foundation, and Ms. GRACE FAVILA, Special
Adviser to the Board of Philippine Business for the Environment.
The Technical panelists for Health were: Ms. ALMA JIMENEZ (Chair), President and CEO of
Health Solutions Corp., Ms. IMEE CENTENO, SVP of Unilab, Mr. DO EJERCITO, Chair and President of
Northern Access Mining, and Ms. ROSE MONTENEGRO, President and CEO of MakatiMed.
No awardee was chosen for Integrated Rural Area Development, which had the following Technical
Panelists: Professor MAYO LOPEZ of the Asian Institute of Management, and Mr. GIL SALAZAR, former
Executive Director of Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP).
The Steering Committee, which served as the Board of Judges for the Integral CSR Award, was
composed of Ms. LYDIA SARMIENTO (Chair of Steering Committee), Consultant of League of Corporate
Foundations (LCF), Ms. CHIT JUAN, Mr. JUNIE DEL MUNDO, Chair and CEO of EON The Stakeholder
Relations Firm, and Mr. JESS DINGLASAN.
The Validators were: Dr. BEN TEEHANKEE (Chair of the Validation Team), Associate Professor
and Chair of Management and Organization Department (MOD) of Ramon V. del Rosario College of
Business of De La Salle University (DLSU), Dr. CAROLINA GUINA, Research Advisor of Ateneo de
Manila University Graduate School of Business (AdMU-GSB), Mr. RAYMUND HABARADAS, Associate
Professor of MOD of DLSU, Prof. EDWARD LEGAZPI, Professor of AdMU-GSB, and Dr. ANDREA
SANTIAGO, Associate Professor of MOD of DLSU.
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