Business Process Accounting for University Revenue Bonds DRAFT May 18, 2005 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Business Process Description ........................................................................................... 3 Key Assumptions ............................................................................................................................. 3 Conversion............................................................................................................................................... 3 Revenue Bond Proceeds in PeopleSoft General Ledger ....................... 4 General Procedures ................................................................................................................ 5 Record the Bond Issuance ................................................................................................ 7 Fund and Manage the Projects ....................................................................................... 8 Bond Issuance Costs ........................................................................................................... 12 Debt Service ................................................................................................................................ 16 Capitalized Interest ................................................................................................................ 20 Reconciliation Tips ....................................................................................................................... 23 Construction Projects ......................................................................................................... 23 Control Projects ....................................................................................................................... 24 Program Codes ......................................................................................................................... 25 Bond Payable ............................................................................................................................. 25 Bond Issuance Costs ........................................................................................................... 25 Other Bond Issuance Scenarios ..................................................................................... 26 Page 2 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Business Process Description Frequently the University of Maine System issues Revenue Bonds to fund capital projects. The receipt and spending of these bond proceeds must be specifically identified in our accounting system both for financial reporting and federal regulation purposes. Properly accounting for the proceeds is a shared responsibility of the System Office and the Campuses. The purpose of this document is to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify responsibilities belonging to the campuses. Identify responsibilities belonging to the System Office. Describe the numerous procedures required to properly account for the Revenue Bonds. Provide reconciliation tips to ensure that the Revenue bond proceeds are properly recorded in the accounting system The System primarily issues Revenue Bonds to fund construction projects; however, some or all of an issuance may be used to retire previously issued bonds. This document focuses on bonds issued to fund construction projects. Key Assumptions The reader is familiar with PeopleSoft GL Chartfields and their use. The reader is familiar with the following Business Process Documents: “Journal Entry (Online) – Enter” and/or “Journal Entry (Excel) – Enter/Copy” “Requesting a Project – Completing the Project Create Form” “Accounting for Capital and Maintenance Projects” “Budget Adjustments & Transfers.” Conversion This document is designed to describe how new University Revenue Bond issuances should be accounted for once PeopleSoft General Ledger is implemented. The process described in this document differs somewhat from what was used with the old FAST system due to limitations of that system. Consequently, just after conversion, chartfield combinations used for existing University Revenue Bonds may not look exactly as illustrated in this document. After conversion the SAD, working with campus personnel, will make needed adjustments to account for the existing bond proceeds in accordance with this document. Page 3 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Revenue Bond Proceeds in PeopleSoft General Ledger Introduction Prior to issuing Revenue Bonds, System management, working with Campus management, identifies what projects are to be funded with the new Revenue Bond proceeds. Once the System issues the bonds, numerous procedures must occur to properly account for the Revenue Bonds. These procedures are grouped below in like areas and are discussed in this document by area. The sequence column indicates the order that these procedures would occur. The procedures with a sequence indicator of ‘6+’ do not follow a set order in relation to one another. Procedures General » Request creation of program code(s) for the bond issuance. » Request creation of control project(s). » Request creation of project code for bond issuance costs. » Request creation of program code(s) for debt service reserves. Record the Bond Issuance Fund and Manage the Projects » Identify existing projects or request creation of new projects. » Post balanced budgets for each identified project. » Move bond proceeds to the individual project(s). » Spend the bond monies on qualified expenses. » Monitor spending and draw money from the investment account. » Move current budget to other projects as applicable. » Move bond proceeds to other projects based on budget change. » Close the project(s). Bond Issuance Costs » Record balanced budget. » Move bond proceeds to the bond issuance costs project. » Pay bills for bond issuance costs. » Monitor spending and draw money from the investment account. » Capitalize bond issuance costs. » Record amortization of bond issuance costs. Debt Service » Charge the campuses for debt service. » Record payments to the bondholders. » Record accrued interest. » Transfer bonds from unexpended plant to plant fund invested. » Amortize bond discounts and premiums » Record current portion of bonds and bond discounts/premiums. Capitalized Interest Sequence Timing 1 1 1 1 2 At issuance At issuance At issuance At issuance At issuance 3 4 5 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ At issuance At issuance At issuance Daily Twice/month As needed As needed Once 4 5 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ At issuance At issuance Monthly Twice/month Year-end Year-end 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ July Sept & March Year-end Year-end Year-end Year-end Year-end 6+ Responsible Party: SAD Campus X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X As shown in the remainder of this document, the above procedures affect numerous funds in the PeopleSoft General Ledger. A brief summary of the funds involved is provided below: Fund 19-Designated Debt Service Items Recorded in the Fund ► ► ► Reserves holding the Campuses’ payments until payment is due to the bondholders Expense for interest paid to the bond holders Liability for accrued interest Page 4 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft Fund 05/18/05 Items Recorded in the Fund 28-Restricted Plant ► ► Investment of unspent bond proceeds and the related bonds payable and premium/discount Construction project costs until they are capitalized 28-Restricted Plant ► Bond issuance costs until they are capitalized 48-Plant Fund – Net Investment ► Capitalized construction project costs and related bonds payable and premium/discount Capitalized bond costs ► Several other funds may be involved as well, depending on what chartfield combinations the Campuses choose to charge for their debt service payments. To aid in the discussion of each procedure, illustrations have been provided of what would have been done to record UMF’s share of the 2004 Revenue Bonds for new capital projects. Information related to the spending of these proceeds is fabricated for illustration purposes. General Procedures >> Request Creation of Program Code(s) for the Bond Issuance University revenue bond proceeds are identified in PeopleSoft General Ledger through the use of a specific program code for each bond issuance. The SAD is responsible for requesting and creating these program codes. The first digit of the program code indicates the applicable business unit and the remaining four digits are the same for all business units. At the time this document was created, the following program codes (the ‘C’ indicates the business unit number) existed in PeopleSoft General Ledger for revenue bonds: Program Number C9200 C9202 C9203 C9204 C9205 Program Description 1998 University Bonds 2000 University Bonds 2002 University Bonds 2003 University Bonds 2004 University Bonds These program codes are used in combination with several other chartfields to identify different aspects of the bond issuance: project expenditures, liability, investments, bond costs, etc. Illustration: UMF is to receive a portion of the 2004 University Revenue Bonds to build a new residence hall. The SAD creates program code 29205 to track the 2004 University Revenue Bonds at UMF. >> Request Creation of Control Project(s) The SAD must also establish a control project at each campus to record the initial receipt of the bond proceeds. Refer to business process document, “Requesting a Project – Completing the Project Request Form’ for guidance on creating the control projects. Separate control project numbers are used for each bond issuance. Please note that a budget is not to be established for the control project. Please also note that the control project should only be used in combination with department ‘C000005-Restricted Plant’, fund ‘28Restricted Plant’, and the bond issue program code. Page 5 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Illustration: The SAD creates project code 2200009 as the control project for UMF’s share of the 2004 University Revenue Bond proceeds. Transactions related to the control project will be posted to chartfield strings that include the following: BU UMS02 DEPT 2000005 FUND 28 PROGRAM 29205 PROJECT 2000009 >> Request Creation of Project Code for Bond Issuance Costs When the System issues bonds it incurs various costs that must be tracked and eventually capitalized. To track these costs the SAD should request the creation of a new project code for the System Office. This project code must be used in combination with fund ‘28-Restricted Plant’, department ‘8000005-Plant Fund’, and SWS’ program code for the new bond issuance. Illustration: The SAD creates project code 8200036 to track bond issuance costs for the 2004 University Revenue Bonds. Transactions related to the bond issuance costs project will be posted to chartfield strings that include the following: BU UMS08 DEPT 8000005 FUND 28 PROGRAM 89205 PROJECT 8200036 >> Request Creation of Program Code for Debt Service Reserves Each campus receiving revenue bond proceeds is responsible for paying the debt service on those bonds. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the SAD charges the campuses for their share of the debt service and places the money in a campus reserve until the bond payments are actually due to the bondholders. To track the reserve associated with each bond issuance, a separate program code is used for each one. Each time the System issues new revenue bonds, the SAD must request the creation of new reserve program codes for the issuance. Once again, the first digit of the program code indicates the applicable business unit and the remaining four digits are the same for all business units. At the time this document was created, the following program codes (the ‘C’ indicates the business unit number) existed in PeopleSoft General Ledger for the debt service reserves for revenue bonds: Program Number C8900 C8902 C8903 C8904 C8905 Program Description Reserve – 1998 Rev Bonds Reserve – 2000 Rev Bonds Reserve – 2002 Rev Bonds Reserve – 2003 Rev Bonds Reserve – 2004 Rev Bonds Please note that the program code for the debt service reserve should only be used in combination with fund ‘19-Designated Debt Service’ and department ‘C000005-Plant Administration.’ Illustration: The SAD creates program 28905 for UMF’s debt service reserve for the 2004 University Revenue Bonds. Page 6 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Record the Bond Issuance The SAD will submit the entry to record the bond issuance for all campuses that receive a portion of the proceeds. A revenue bond issuance typically includes some combination of the following items: proceeds designated for projects, proceeds designated for bond issuance costs, proceeds designated for capitalized interest, proceeds designated for miscellaneous other purposes, bond issuance costs incurred at closing, bond discounts or premiums, and liability for the bonds. The breakdown of these items by campus is provided by the System’s financial advisor for the bond issuance. Please note the following when recording the issuance of new bonds: Illustration: Issuance of the bonds should be recorded in the control project(s) established specifically for the bond issuance in question – see earlier discussion of control projects on page 5. Proceeds received by the campuses for bond issuance costs should be transferred to the System’s bond issuance costs project. The System manages and pays the bills for all bond issuance costs. Bond costs incurred at closing by the campus should be transferred to the System’s bond issuance costs project. As the bond costs for the issuance as a whole are incurred and capitalized, they will be transferred back to the campuses for inclusion on their statements of net assets. This process is discussed later in this document under ‘Bond Issuance Costs’. The System issues new revenue bonds in March 2004. UMF’s share of the total bond issuance includes the following: Par value of bonds issued Bond premium Gross proceeds Less bond costs incurred at closing Net Proceeds Received $5,910,000.00 55,482.90 5,965,482.90 (81,203.40) $5,884,279.50 Project proceeds invested Capitalized interest invested Issuance cost proceeds invested Total Distribution of Net Proceeds $5,632,560.56 216,279.51 35,439.43 $5,884,279.50 The SAD submits the following entry to the ACTUALS ledger to record issuance of UMF’s share of the bonds: LEDGER ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BU DEPT FUND PROGRAM UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS08 UMS08 UMS08 UMS08 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 8000005 8000005 8000005 800005 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 2200009 2200009 2200009 2200009 2200009 2200009 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 12700 12700 72800 27000 27010 72800 12700 82800 60000 82800 Page 7 of 26 01 02 03 AMOUNT 5,632,560.56 216,279.51 35,439.43 (5,910,000.00) (55,482.90) 81,203.40 35,439.43 (35,439.43) 81,203.40 (81,203.40) Jln Line Description Project proceeds Cap interest proceeds Xfer invest to UMS08 Bonds payable Premium Xfer costs to UMS08 Xfer invest from UMS02 Xfer invest from UMS02 Xfer costs from UMS02 Xfer costs from UMS02 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry display you would see for UMF’s control project just after issuance of the 2004 Revenue Bonds is recorded: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2000005 28 29205 2200009 Accounting Period: University of Maine at Farmington Plant Fund Administration Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds 2004 University Rev Bonds Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 27000 Bonds payable 27010 Bonds payable - premium Revenues/Expenses 72800 Transfers to Restr Plant Net Class 01 02 9-March Beginning of Beginning Year-to-Date Current Year of Month Current Month Activity Balance 0.00 0.00 5,632,560.56 5,632,560.56 5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 216,279.51 216,279.51 216,279.51 0.00 0.00 -5,910,000.00 -5,910,000.00 -5,910,000.00 0.00 0.00 -55,482.90 -55,482.90 -55,482.90 Class Base Budget 0.00 0.00 Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date 0.00 116,642.83 116,642.83 0.00 116,642.83 116,642.83 Project-toBalance date Encumb Available 116,642.83 -116,642.83 116,642.83 0.00 -116,642.83 Fund and Manage the Projects >> Identify/Create Project Codes and Record Balanced Budgets The Campus must identify existing projects that are to be funded with the revenue bond proceeds or request the creation of new project codes. The SAD will record the balanced budget for the identified project(s); however, any subsequent budget changes are the responsibility of the Campus. Both parties should follow the guidance in business process documents “Requesting a Project – Completing the Project Request Form “ and “Accounting for Capital and Maintenance Projects.” In recording the budget for the indicated projects please note that the total amount approved to be spent on the project(s) from the revenue bonds may be more than the actual net proceeds received by the campus. This is because the System sometimes borrows less than what is needed, anticipating that the invested bond proceeds will earn enough interest to fund the difference. In this situation the budgeted revenues for the project(s) would include a transfer from the control project and interest income. Illustration: UMF’s share of the bond proceeds will be used for a new residence hall. A project code does not already exist for this project so UMF requests that project code 2100008 be created. The approved budget totals $5.7 million; however, UMF only received $5,632,560.56 in project proceeds. The remaining $67,439.44 will be funded from interest earnings on the invested bond proceeds. The SAD submits the following entry to record a balanced budget for the combination of project 2100008 and program 29205 to the ‘BUDGET’ ledger: LEDGER BU DEPT BUDGET UMS02 2721700 BUDGET UMS02 2721700 BUDGET UMS02 2721700 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT 28 28 28 29205 29205 29205 2100008 2100008 2100008 67100 82800 44100 Page 8 of 26 CLASS AMOUNT Jln Line Description 5,700,000.00 Budgeted expenses (5,632,560.56) Net proceeds (67,439.44) Anticipated interest Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry display you would see for the residence hall project just after this entry is made: Fiscal Year: 2004 Business Unit: UMS02 Department: 2721700 Fund Code: 28 Program: 29205 Project: ;2100008 Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities Accounting Period: University of Maine at Farmington Facilities Capital Projects Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget 9-March Beginning of Month 0.00 Current Month 0.00 Year-to-Date Activity 0.00 Current Month Year-to-Date Current Balance 0.00 Revenues/Expenses Account Description Current Budget Project-toDate Encumb Balance Available 44100 Interest income 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 Total Revenues 0.00 -5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,700,000.00 67100 Main construction contract 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 Total Expenses & Transfers Net >> Move Bond Proceeds to Individual Project(s) Once the budget has been recorded, the SAD moves the bond proceeds from the control project to the individual project(s) being funded by the bonds and posts a transfer between the projects. Illustration: The SAD submits the following entry to move $5,632,560.56 of investment from control project 2200009 to project 2100008 and to record a transfer for the same amount in the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger. LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 2721700 2000005 2000005 2721700 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 28 28 29205 29205 29205 29205 2100008 2200009 2200009 2100008 Page 9 of 26 12700 12700 72800 82800 01 01 AMOUNT 5,632,560.56 (5,632,560.56) 5,632,560.56 (5,632,560.56) Jln Line Description Bond proceeds Bond proceeds Bond proceeds Bond proceeds Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry displays you would see for the chartfield combinations for the control project and the residence hall project just after this entry is made: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2000005 28 29205 2200009 Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 27000 Bonds payable 27010 Bonds payable - premium Revenues/Expenses 72800 Transfers to Restr Plant Net Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2721700 28 29205 2100008 Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees Accounting Period: 9-March University of Maine at Farmington Plant Fund Administration Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds 2004 University Rev Bonds Class 01 02 Beginning of Beginning Current Year-to-Date Current Year of Month Month Activity Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 216,279.51 216,279.51 216,279.51 0.00 0.00 -5,910,000.00 -5,910,000.00 -5,910,000.00 0.00 0.00 -55,482.90 -55,482.90 -55,482.90 Class Base Budget 0.00 0.00 Current Budget 0.00 0.00 Accounting Period: University of Maine at Farmington Facilities Capital Projects Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget Current Month Year-to-Date 5,749,203.39 5,749,203.39 5,749,203.39 5,749,203.39 Project-todate Encumb 5,749,203.39 5,749,203.39 0.00 Balance Available -5,749,203.39 -5,749,203.39 9-March Beginning of Month Current Month 0.00 5,632,560.56 Year-to-Date Activity 5,632,560.56 Current Balance 5,632,560.56 Year-to-Date Project-toDate Revenues/Expenses Account Description Current Budget Current Month Encumb Balance Available 44100 Interest income 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues 0.00 -5,700,000.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -67,439.44 Main construction contract 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 Total Expenses & Transfers 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 5,632,560.56 67100 Net -67,439.44 >> Spend the Bond Monies on Qualified Expenses and Draw Money from the Investment Account The Campuses must spend the revenue bond proceeds on qualified expenses in accordance with University of Maine System policies. As discussed in the business process document, “Accounting for Capital and Maintenance Projects,” a single project number may be used in combination with several program codes. As project costs are incurred the Campus must select the program to be charged. It is imperative that the Campus charge the appropriate program code when the costs are first recorded. The SAD routinely withdraws money from the revenue bond investment accounts to reimburse the expenses charged to the revenue bond program codes. If the Campus later reclassifies one of these expenses to a different program code, the System is left in a situation of having overdrawn money from the investment accounts. As an issuer of tax-exempt bonds, the System is subject to federal regulations requiring them to only withdraw money from the investment accounts after qualified expenses have been incurred. Page 10 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Illustration: During April 2004, UMF spends $500,000 from the combination of program 29205 and project 2100008. In early May 2004, the SAD draws this amount from the investment account. Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry display you would see in May for this chartfield combination just after the reimbursement is received: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2721700 28 29205 2100008 Accounting Period: University of Maine at Farmington Facilities Capital Projects Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget 11-May Beginning of Month Current Month 5,632,560.56 -500,000.00 Year-to-Date Activity Current Balance 5,132,560.56 5,132,560.56 Revenues/Expenses Account Description Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Project-to-Date Encumb Balance Available 44100 Interest income -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues and Transfers 0.00 -5,700,000.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -67,439.44 Main construction contract 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 Total Expenses & Transfers 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 0.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 5,132,560.56 67100 Net -67,439.44 >> Move Budget and Bond Proceeds to Other Projects In the event that the originally recorded revenue bond budget is not needed for a project, budget may need to be moved to another qualified project. In this situation, the Campus should submit a journal entry to move current budget. See Business Process Document “Accounting for Capital and Maintenance Projects” for more information regarding budget adjustments. Pursuant to the Campus’ budget entry, the SAD will move the appropriate amount of bond proceeds from the original project to the new project. Illustration: In late June 2004, UMF realizes that $250,000 of the original budget will not be needed for the residence hall project; therefore they process the following journal entry to move $250,000 of the budget to another qualified project (project 2100029). This entry is made to the ‘BUDGET’ ledger: LEDGER BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BU DEPT UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 2721700 2721700 2721700 2721700 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 28 28 29205 29205 29205 29205 2100008 2100029 2100029 2100008 82800 82800 67100 67100 AMOUNT Jln Line Description 250,000.00 (250,000.00) 250,000.00 (250,000.00) Move rev budget Move rev budget Move exp budget Move exp budget Pursuant to UMF’s journal entry, the SAD submits the following journal entry to move an equal amount of the bond proceeds to the new project. This entry is made to the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger: LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 2721700 2721700 2721700 2721700 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 28 28 29205 29205 29205 29205 2100029 2100008 2100008 2100029 Page 11 of 26 12700 12700 82800 82800 01 01 AMOUNT 250,000.00 (250,000.00) 250,000.00 (250,000.00) Jln Line Description Move investment Move investment Move funding Move funding Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry display you would see for the residence hall project just after these entries are posted: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2721700 28 29205 2100008 Accounting Period: University of Maine at Farmington Facilities Capital Projects Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 12-June Beginning of Month Current Month 5,132,560.56 -250,000.00 Year-to-Date Activity 4,882,560.56 Current Balance 4,882,560.56 Year-to-Date Project-toDate Revenues/Expenses Account Description Current Budget Current Month Encumb Balance Available 44100 Interest income -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -5,382,560.56 250,000.00 -5,382,560.56 -5,382,560.56 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues and Transfers 0.00 -5,450,000.00 250,000.00 -5,382,560.56 -5,382,560.56 0.00 -67,439.44 Main construction contract 0.00 5,450,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 4,950,000.00 Total Expenses & Transfers 0.00 0.00 5,450,000.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 -4,882,560.56 500,000.00 -4,882,560.56 0.00 0.00 4,950,000.00 4,882,560.56 67100 Net -67,439.44 >> Close the Projects When a construction project is complete, the Campus should close the project following the guidelines in the process document, “Accounting for Capital and Maintenance Projects.” Please note, however, that all of the proceeds from a revenue bond issuance must be spent on qualified capital projects. None of the proceeds may be transferred to a reserve or used for general operations. Bond Issuance Costs As previously mentioned in this document under ‘General Procedures’, the SAD must create a System project to track the costs associated with issuing the revenue bonds. These costs will ultimately be capitalized and amortized over the life of the bond issuance. The bond issuance costs project should be handled in a similar manner to the construction projects: Record balanced budget Spend the money on qualified expenses Draw money from the bond proceeds investment account. >> Record Balanced Budget The SAD must record a balanced budget for the bond issuance costs project. The dollar amount of the budget can be found in the bond paperwork from the System’s financial advisor. Only one project is used to record the bond issuance costs even though the financial advisor may have allocated the costs to each campus receiving bond proceeds. The recorded budget for the project should be the total for the entire bond issue. Page 12 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Illustration: According to the paperwork for the 2004 Revenue Bond issuance, $594,529.80 was incurred for bond costs at closing in March. In addition, $146,677.56 of the bond proceeds have been allocated to paying additional bond issuance costs. In the paperwork, the financial advisor allocated the total of these two amounts to the campuses as follows: UMF UMFK UMM UM USM UMPI SWS $128,776.34 146,513.09 932.12 298,340.88 122,390.21 39,939.42 4,315.30 $741,207.36 The SAD will record a total budget of $741,207.36 in project 8200036 as follows: LEDGER BUDGET BUDGET BU DEPT UMS08 8000005 UMS08 8000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 29205 29205 8200036 8200036 AMOUNT 82800 60100 Jnl Line Description (741,207.36) From controls projects 741,207.36 Bond costs >> Move Bond Proceeds to the Bond Issuance Costs Project This step actually occurs as part of the entry to record the bond issuance for each campus (see ‘Record the Bond Issuance). As mentioned in that section, any project costs the campuses incur at closing and any bond proceeds they receive for additional bond costs are to be transferred to the System’s bond issuance costs project. Illustration: The SAD records the bond issuance for all campuses. As part of the issuance entries, transfers from the Campuses’ control projects to the System’s bond issuance costs project are recorded. Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry display you would see for the bond issuance costs project just after the bond issuance is recorded: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS08 8000005 28 29205 8200036 Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees Accounting Period: Univ of Maine System Office Plant Fund Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds 2004 Bond Issuance Costs 03 9-March Beginning Beginning of of Year Month Current Month 0.00 0.00 146,677.56 Year-to-Date Activity 146,677.56 Current Balance 146,677.56 Revenues/Expenses Account 82800 60100 Description Class Base Budget Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Project-toDate Encumb Balance Available Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 0.00 Total Revenues and Transfers 0.00 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 Professional Services 0.00 741,207.36 594,529.80 594,529.80 594,529.80 0.00 146,677.56 Total Expenses & Transfers Net 0.00 0.00 741,207.36 0.00 594,529.80 -146,677.56 594,529.80 -146,677.56 594,529.80 -146,677.56 0.00 0.00 146,677.56 146,677.56 >> Pay Bills for Bond Issuance Costs and Draw Money from the Investment Account It is the System’s responsibility to spend the revenue bond proceeds on qualified bond issuance expenses in accordance with University of Maine System policies. Twice a month, the SAD withdraws money from the revenue bond investment accounts to reimburse the expenses charged to the bond issuance costs project. The entry for these reimbursements is similar to that used to record reimbursement of the construction projects. Page 13 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 >> Capitalize Bond Issuance Costs At the end of each fiscal year the SAD must capitalize the year-to-date costs in the bond issuance costs project and record them in fund ‘48-Plant Fund – Net Investment’. The costs in the project are not actually reduced, but are instead reclassified to account code ‘74800-Transfer To Plant Net Investment.’ Please note that account code ‘67699-Capitalized Costs’ should be credited instead of account code 60100. This enables the SAD to continue monitoring project-to-date issuance costs incurred. Except in rare circumstances, the capitalized bond issuance costs will be allocated to each campus that received bond proceeds. The capitalized costs are to be posted to the following chartfield combination: BU UMS0C DEPT C000005 FUND 48 PROGRAM C9XXX PROJECT ACCOUNT 15200 CLASS Please note that the program code in the above combination identifies the bond issuance to which the costs are related. Illustration: As of June 30, 2004 the System has spent and been reimbursed for $729,122.47 of bond issuance costs. The SAD determines how much is allocable to each campus and posts the following entry to the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger: UMF UMFK UMM UM USM UMPI SWS LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS08 UMS08 UMS02 UMS02 UMS08 UMS08 UMS03 UMS03 UMS08 UMS08 UMS05 UMS05 UMS08 UMS08 UMS06 UMS06 UMS08 UMS08 UMS07 UMS07 UMS08 UMS08 UMS08 UMS08 8000005 8000005 2000005 2000005 8000005 8000005 3000005 3000005 8000005 8000005 5000005 5000005 8000005 8000005 6000005 6000005 8000005 8000005 7000005 7000005 8000005 8000005 8000005 8000005 $123,951.00 145,824.00 0.00 291,649.00 123,951.00 36,456.00 7,291.47 $729,122.47 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 48 48 28 28 48 48 28 28 48 48 28 28 48 48 28 28 48 48 28 28 48 48 89205 89205 29205 29205 89205 89205 39205 39205 89205 89205 59205 59205 89205 89205 69205 69205 89205 89205 79205 79205 89205 89205 89205 89205 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 8200036 Page 14 of 26 74800 67699 15200 82800 74800 67699 15200 82800 74800 67699 15200 82800 74800 67699 15200 82800 74800 67699 15200 82800 74800 67699 15200 82800 AMOUNT Jnl Line Description 123,951.00 (123,951.00) 123,951.00 (123,951.00) 145,824.00 (145,824.00) 145,824.00 (145,824.00) 291,649.00 (291,649.00) 145,824.00 (145,824.00) 123,951.00 (123,951.00) 123,951.00 (123,951.00) 36,456.00 (36,456.00) 36,456.00 (36,456.00) 7,291.47 (7,291.47) 7,291.47 (7,291.47) UMF share UMF share Bond costs Bond costs UMFK share UMFK share Bond costs Bond costs UM share UM share Bond costs Bond costs USM share USM share Bond costs Bond costs UMPI share UMPI share Bond costs Bond costs SWS share SWS share Bond costs Bond costs Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry display you would see for the bond issuance costs project just after this entry is recorded: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities UMS08 8000005 28 89205 8200036 Univ of Maine System Office Plant Fund Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds 2004 Bond Issuance Costs Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees Account 82800 03 Class Description Beginning Beginning of Year-to-Date of Year Month Current Month Activity 0.00 12,084.89 0.00 12,084.89 Base Budget Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Current Balance 12,084.89 Project-toDate Encumb Balance Available Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -741,207.36 0.00 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 0.00 Total Revenues and Transfers 0.00 -741,207.36 0.00 -741,207.36 -741,207.36 0.00 0.00 60100 Professional Services 0.00 741,207.36 0.00 729,122.47 729,122.47 0.00 12,084.89 67699 Capitalized Costs 0.00 0.00 -729,122.47 -729,122.47 -729,122.47 0.00 729,122.47 Transfer to Plant - Net Investment 0.00 0.00 729,122.47 729,122.47 729,122.47 0.00 -729,122.47 Total Expenses & Transfers 0.00 0.00 741,207.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 729,122.47 -12,084.89 729,122.47 -12,084.89 0.00 0.00 12,084.89 12,084.89 74800 Net 0.00 >> Record Amortization of Bond Issuance Costs At the end of each fiscal year the SAD must record amortization of each Campus’ capitalized bond costs. The entry to record amortization only impacts fund ‘48-Plant Fund – Net Investment’. The calculation of amortization should be done in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Illustration: The SAD determines that UMF’s FY2004 amortization for its 2004 bond costs is $1,033 and submits the following entry to record the amortization: LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS UMS02 2000005 ACTUALS UMS02 2000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 48 48 29205 29205 Page 15 of 26 65901 15200 AMOUNT Jln Line Description 1,033.00 FY04 amort (1,033.00) FY04 amort Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Debt Service >> Charge the Campuses for Debt Service As previously mentioned, each campus receiving revenue bond proceeds is responsible for paying the debt service on those bonds. At the beginning of each fiscal year the SAD submits an entry to charge the Campuses for their share of the debt service on the various revenue bonds. The charge is to be posted to the following account codes in the chartfield combination provided by the Campuses: 71921 - External Debt Service Principal 71922 - External Debt Service Interest The offset to the above charge is a credit to one of the following account codes used in combination with fund ‘19-Designated Debt Service’ and the program code for each revenue bond debt service reserve (see earlier discussion under ‘General Procedures): 80000 – Transfers from E&G 80300 – Transfers from Auxiliary 81000 – Transfers from Designated 82000 – Transfers from Restricted 82800 – Transfers from Restricted Plant Please note that the second and third digits of the above account codes represent the fund from which the debt service payment is being transferred. Illustration: UMF’s first payment on the FY2004 Revenue Bonds related to the new residence hall is not due until July 2005. At that time the SAD makes the following entry to charge UMF for its debt service payment: LEDGER ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BU DEPT UMS02 2720303 UMS02 2720303 UMS02 2000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 03 03 19 71021 71022 80300 28905 AMOUNT Jln Line Description 115,000.00 Principal payment 263,285.07 Interest payment (378,285.07) Debt Service >> Record Payments to the Bondholders Payments to the bond holders are due each September 1 and March 1. The System makes the payments via wire transfers; thus, the payments get recorded in PeopleSoft General Ledger as part of the daily banking entry submitted by Funds Management. At the time the SAD submits the wire requests they must tell Funds Management what chartfield combinations should be used to record the payments. The payments are to be posted to the debt service reserves to which the campus payments were credited. The interest portion is charged to account code ‘66001-Interest Debt (Acct use only)’ and the principal portion is charged to account ‘74800-Trfr To Plant Net Investmnt’. The remainder of the chartfield string should be as follows: BU UMS0C DEPT C000005 FUND PROGRAM 19 C8xxx (debt service reserve) The SAD must submit a reciprocal entry to balance the transfer in the above entry and to reduce the liability for bonds payable at each campus. Account codes ‘27000-Bonds Payable’ and ‘81002-Transfers From Designated External Debt’ should be used in combination with the following chartfield string: BU UMS0C DEPT C000005 FUND PROGRAM 19 C9xxx (bond issuance) Page 16 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Illustration: On March 1, 2005 the System sends separate wires to pay the interest and the principal on the 2004 Revenue Bonds. Based on information given to them with the wire request form, Funds Management posts the following entry to the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger to record the wire: LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS02 UMS03 UMS04 UMS05 UMS06 UMS07 UMS08 UMS08 UMS02 UMS03 UMS05 UMS06 UMS08 2000005 3000005 4000005 5000005 6000005 7000005 8000005 8000000 2000005 3000005 5000005 6000005 8000000 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 00 19 19 19 19 00 28905 38905 48905 58905 68905 78905 88905 66001 66001 66001 66001 66001 66001 66001 11001 74800 74800 74800 74800 11001 28905 38905 58905 68905 AMOUNT Jln Line Description 139,911.34 Interest payment 147,524.34 Interest payment 1,598.40 Interest payment 427,748.95 Interest payment 183,876.49 Interest payment 41,343.75 Interest payment 7,399.86 Interest payment (949,403.13) Interest payment 3,000.00 Princ payment 130,000.00 Princ payment 180,800.00 Princ payment 21,200.00 Princ payment (335,000.00) Princ payment On March 1, 2005, the SAD posts the following entry to the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger to balance the transfer in the above entry and to reduce bonds payable: LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS02 UMS02 UMS03 UMS03 UMS05 UMS05 UMS06 UMS06 2000005 2000005 3000005 3000005 5000005 5000005 6000005 6000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 29205 29205 39205 39205 59205 59205 69205 69205 27000 81002 27000 81002 27000 81002 27000 81002 AMOUNT Jln Line Description 3,000.00 Reduce bonds (3,000.00) Reduce bonds 130,000.00 Reduce bonds (130,000.00) Reduce bonds 180,800.00 Reduce bonds (180,800.00) Reduce bonds 21,200.00 Reduce bonds (21,200.00) Reduce bonds >> Record Accrued Interest At the fiscal year-end the SAD must record accrued interest on each Campus’ share of all revenue bonds. The accrual is to be posted to the following chartfield combination in which program represents the Campuses’ revenue bond debt service reserves: BU UMS0C DEPT C000005 FUND 19 PROGRAM C8xxx Interest expense is to be posted to account code ‘66001-Interest Debt (Acct use only)’ and the liability is to be posted to account code ‘20158-Accrued Interest – Bonds.’ Page 17 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Illustration: On June 30, 2004 the SAD posts the following entry to the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger to record accrued interest on the 2004 Revenue Bonds: LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS02 UMS02 UMS03 UMS03 UMS04 UMS04 UMS05 UMS05 UMS06 UMS06 UMS07 UMS07 UMS08 UMS08 2000005 2000005 3000005 3000005 4000005 4000005 5000005 5000005 6000005 6000005 7000005 7000005 8000005 8000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 28905 28905 38905 38905 48905 48905 58905 58905 68905 68905 78905 78905 88905 88905 66001 20158 66001 20158 66001 20158 66001 20158 66001 20158 66001 20158 66001 20158 AMOUNT Jln Line Description 70,422.00 Accr interest (70,422.00) Accr interest 74,253.00 Accr interest (74,253.00) Accr interest 805.00 Accr interest (805.00) Accr interest 215,299.00 Accr interest (215,299.00) Accr interest 92,552.00 Accr interest (92,552.00) Accr interest 20,810.00 Accr interest (20,810.00) Accr interest 3,725.00 Accr interest (3,725.00) Accr interest >> Transfer Bonds from Restricted Plant to Plant Fund Invested Generally accepted accounting principles require that the liability for bonds payable be recorded in the same fund as the related asset. Until the bond proceeds are spent the related asset is an investment account recorded in fund ‘28-Restricted Plant’. However, as project costs are capitalized (see the process document ‘Accounting for Capital and Maintenance Projects’ for more information on this process – it is similar to the process for capitalizing bond costs described in this document) the asset related to the bonds payable shifts from the investment account to a capital asset account such as construction in progress, land, buildings, etc. These capital assets are recorded in fund ‘48 – Plant Fund-Net Investment’; therefore, the portion of bonds payable related to them also needs to be recorded in fund 48. At the fiscal year-end the SAD must analyze all projects funded with bond proceeds to determine how much of the year-to-date expenses in the projects will be capitalized as bond costs, construction in progress, land, buildings, etc. This represents the total of bonds payable and premiums/discounts that must be moved from fund 28 to fund 48. Illustration: An analysis of UMF’s projects in fund 28 that are used with program 29205 reveals the following as of June 30, 2004: Program 29205 29205 Total Project 2100008 2100029 Fund 28 28 Budget In 82800 $5,382,560.56 250,000.00 $5,632,560.56 PTD Expenses $500,000.00 00.00 $500,000.00 Bond Balance $4,882,560.56 250,000.00 $5,132,560.56 An analysis of SWS’ project 8200036 for the bond issuance costs reveals that $729,112.47 of bond costs have been incurred and it is determined that $123,951.00 is allocable to UMF. The amount of bonds payable and bond premiums that the SAD needs to transfer from fund 28 to 48 for UMF is therefore $623,951 ($500,000 + $123,951). The allocation of bonds payable and premiums for the bond issuance was 99/1; therefore the amount of bonds to be transferred is $617,711 and the amount of bond premium is $6,240. Page 18 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 The SAD posts the following entry to the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger to move the bonds payable and bond premiums: BU DEPT UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 28 48 48 48 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 29205 2200009 2200009 2200009 27000 27010 84800 27000 27010 72800 AMOUNT Jln Line Description 617,711.00 Bonds 6,240.00 Premiums (623,951.00) Bonds/prem (617,711.00) Bonds (6,240.00) Premiums 623,951.00 Bonds/prem Below is a representation of the GL Inquiry display you would see for UMF’s control project just after the above entry is recorded: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities Account 2004 UMS02 2000005 28 29205 2200009 Description Accounting Period: 12-June University of Maine at Farmington Plant Fund Administration Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds 2004 University Rev Bonds Class Beginning of Beginning of Year Month Current Month Year-to-Date Activity Current Balance 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 02 0.00 216,279.51 0.00 216,279.51 216,279.51 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees 27000 Bonds payable 27010 Bonds payable - premium 03 0.00 35,439.43 0.00 35,439.43 35,439.43 0.00 0.00 -5,910,000.00 -55,482.90 617,711.00 6,240.00 5,292,289.00 -49,242.90 -5,292,289.00 -49,242.90 Class Base Budget 0.00 Current Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Revenues/Expenses 84800 Trfr from Plant Net Investmnt 74800 Trfr To Plant Net Investmnt Net Current Month Year-to-Date -623,951.00 -623,951.00 Project-todate Encumb -623,951.00 0.00 0.00 -623,951.00 5,713,763.96 5,089,812.96 5,713,763.96 5,089,812.96 0.00 0.00 Balance Available 623,951.00 -5,713,763.96 -5,089,812.96 >> Amortize Bond Discounts and Premiums At the end of each fiscal year the SAD must record amortization of each Campus’ bond premiums and discounts. The entry to record amortization impacts one or both of the following chartfield combinations: BU UMS0C UMS0C DEPT C000005 C000005 FUND PROGRAM 28 C9xxx 48 C9xxx PROJECT Control Illustration: The SAD determines that UMF’s FY2004 amortization for its 2004 bond premium is $158.00. This amount must be allocated between the premium recorded in fund 28 and that recorded in fund 48. The SAD posts the following entry to the ‘ACTUALS’ ledger to record the amortization: LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 48 48 29205 29205 29205 29205 2000009 2000009 Page 19 of 26 27010 66001 27010 66001 AMOUNT Jnl Line Description 141.00 Amort premium (141.00) Amort premium 17.00 Amort premium (17.00) Amort premium Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 >> Record Current Portion of Bonds Payable and Bond Discounts/Premiums At the end of each fiscal year the SAD must submit an entry to break out the current portion of bonds payable and their related discounts or premiums. The entry is contained within one fund. The entry is typically posted in fund ‘48-Plant Fund-Net Investment’. If, however, the bonds payable balances in fund 48 are not larger than the current portion, the entry should be posted to fund ‘28-Restricted Plant.’ The account codes used for the current portions are as follows: Account Description 20700 20710 Bonds payable – current Bonds payable premium current Capitalized Interest Generally accepted accounting principles require that interest costs incurred during the construction period of a project be capitalized as part of the cost of the project. The standards also require that investment earnings on the unspent bond proceeds offset the amount of interest expense to be capitalized. These requirements only apply to projects funded with University Revenue Bonds. Although the annual adjustment for capitalized interest is included in our audited financial statements, historically it has not been recorded in our accounting system. Please note, however, that this annual adjustment will be posted to the PeopleSoft GL. At the end of each fiscal year the SAD will calculate the capitalized interest in conformity with the existing accounting standards. The SAD will then make an entry to each applicable project to charge the capitalized interest for the current fiscal year and to fund the cost of the interest. Please note that the department code to be used in this journal entry is ‘C000005-Plant Fund Admin.’ This department code is used to minimize the impact on the project manager’s view of the project. If the manager runs a query based on his department + project he will not see the impact of the SAD’s capitalized interest entry. >> Illustration At the end of fiscal year 2005 the SAD determines the following related to UMF’s share of the 2004 University Revenue Bonds. These amounts are related to the new residence hall project 2721700. Gross interest to be capitalized Investment earnings to be capitalized $250,000 $ 80,000 Based on the above information, the SAD posts the following entry to capitalize the net interest expense of $170,000 (gross interest expense of $250,000 less investment earnings of $80,000): LEDGER BU DEPT ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS02 UMS08 UMS08 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 2000005 8000005 8000005 FUND PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNT CLASS 28 28 28 19 19 28 28 29205 29205 29205 28905 28905 89205 89205 2721700 2721700 2721700 8000009 8000009 67698 72800 81900 72800 66001 44100 82800 AMOUNT 170,000.00 80,000.00 (250,000.00) 250,000.00 (250,000.00) 80,000.00 (80,000.00) Jln Line Description Charge capital int. Fund project Fund project Reclass int expense Reclass int expense Reclass invest inc Reclass invest inc Note that the project is funded with a transfer from fund 19 where the interest costs were initially expensed as interest and fund 28 where the investment earnings were originally recorded. Page 20 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 The GL Inquiry display for department 2721700 (project manager’s department) after the above entry is the same as it was before the entry was made: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2721700 28 29205 2100008 Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees Accounting Period: 12-June University of Maine at Farmington Facilities Capital Projects Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget Beginning of Month Current Month 5,132,560.56 0.00 Year-to-Date Activity Current Balance 5,132,560.56 4,882,560.56 Revenues/Expenses Account Description 44100 Interest income 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant Total Revenues and Transfers 67100 Main construction contract Total Expenses & Transfers Net Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Project-to-Date Encumb Balance Available -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 -5,700,000.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 0.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 5,132,560.56 GL Inquiry display would look similar to the following for department 2000005 used by the SAD: Fiscal Year: 2004 Business Unit: UMS02 Department: 2000005 Fund Code: 28 Program: 29205 Project: 2100008 Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees Accounting Period: University of Maine at Farmington Plant Fund Admin. Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 12-June Beginning of Month Current Month 0.00 0.00 Year-to-Date Activity Current Balance 0.00 0.00 Revenues/Expenses Account Description Class Base Budget Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Project-to-Date Encumb Balance Available 44100 Interest income 81900 Transfers Fr Debt Svc Unrestr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -250,000.00 -250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 Total Revenues and Transfers 67100 Main construction contract 67698 Capitalized interest 0.00 0.00 -250,000.00 -250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 0.00 -170,000.00 72800 Transfers To Restr Plant 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 -80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -250,000.00 0.00 Total Expenses & Transfers Net Page 21 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Now assume that the project manager opens the GL Inquiry tool and puts in the following criteria for his query: Project Program Department 2100008 New Residence Hall 29205 2004 University Rev Bonds ALLDEPTS Based on the above criteria the GL Inquiry display would look as follow. As you can see the balance available for the revenue bond portion of the project is still $5,132,560.56. Business Unit: UMS02 Department: ALLDEPTS Fund Code: 28 Program: 29205 Project: 2100008 Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees University of Maine at Farmington All Departments Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget Beginning of Current Month Month 0.00 5,132,560.56 Year-to-Date Current Balance Activity 4,882,560.56 5,132,560.56 Revenues/Expenses Account Description Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Project-to-Date Encumb Balance Available 44100 Interest income 81900 Transfers Fr Debt Svc Unrestr 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 -250,000.00 -250,000.00 -250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,700,000.00 -250,000.00 -5,882,560.56 -5,882,560.56 0.00 182,560.56 67100 Main construction contract 67698 Capitalized Interest 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 0.00 0.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 72800 Transfers to Restr Plant 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 -80,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 750,000.00 -5,132,560.56 750,000.00 -5,132,560.56 0.00 0.00 4,950,000.00 5,132,560.56 Total Revenues and Transfers Total Expenses & Transfers Net Page 22 of 26 -170,000.00 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Reconciliation Tips The following reconciliation tips by area are provided to help ensure that the revenue bonds are properly recorded in PeopleSoft General Ledger. Construction Projects At any given time, the following should be true for each combination of program and project for revenue bond funded projects: Fund code 28-Restricted Plant should be used in combination with the program and project codes. Assets + liabilities + ptd revenue + ptd expenses = zero. Any result other than zero should only be attributable to expenses that have been incurred since the last reimbursement was made. Scenario #1 - All expenditures have been reimbursed from the investment account: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2721700 28 29205 2100008 Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees Accounting Period: 11-May University of Maine at Farmington Facilities Capital Projects Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget Beginning of Month Current Month 5,632,560.56 -500,000.00 Year-to-Date Activity Current Balance 5,132,560.56 5,132,560.56 Revenues/Expenses Account Description 44100 Interest income 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant Total Revenues and Transfers 67100 Main construction contract Total Expenses & Transfers Net Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Project-to-Date Encumb Balance Available -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,700,000.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -67,439.44 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 0.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 5,132,560.56 Page 23 of 26 -67,439.44 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Scenario #2 - $500,000 of expenditures have not been reimbursed from the investment account: Fiscal Year: Business Unit: Department: Fund Code: Program: Project: Operating Unit: Assets/Liabilities 2004 UMS02 2721700 28 29205 2100008 Account Description 12700 Deposits with Bond Trustees Accounting Period: University of Maine at Farmington Facilities Capital Projects Restricted Plant 2004 University Rev Bonds New Residence Hall 01 Beginning of Year 0.00 Class Base Budget 11-May Beginning of Month Current Month 5,632,560.56 0.00 Year-to-Date Activity Current Balance 5,632,560.56 5,632,560.56 Revenues/Expenses Account Description Current Budget Current Month Year-to-Date Project-to-Date Encumb Balance Available 44100 Interest income -67,439.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82800 Transfers from Restr Plant 0.00 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues and Transfers 0.00 -5,700,000.00 0.00 -5,632,560.56 -5,632,560.56 0.00 -67,439.44 Main construction contract 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 Total Expenses & Transfers Net 0.00 0.00 5,700,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 500,000.00 -5,132,560.56 0.00 0.00 5,200,000.00 5,132,560.56 67100 + Assets + Liabilities + Net Assets + PTD revenues + PTD expenses = Net Scenario #1 $5,132,560.56 0.00 0.00 (5,632,560.56) 500,000.00 $ 0.00 -67,439.44 Scenario #2 $5,632,560.56 0.00 0.00 (5,632,560.56) 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 * * = In this situation expenses incurred-to-date have not yet been reimbursed. Revenue sources should consist of transfers from restricted fund – account code 82800 and possibly interest income – account code 44100. Control Projects The following should be true for each combination of revenue bond program and control project: They should be used only in combination with fund code ‘28-Restricted Plant’. Once the individual construction projects have been funded, there should be no assets in the control project. The one exception is if bond proceeds designated for capitalized interest were received. In that situation, an investment account will exist in the control project until all of these proceeds are used to make debt service payments. Capitalized interest proceeds are typically spent within 2 years. Once all of the bond proceeds have been spent, the balance in the control project should be zero because the bonds and premiums/discounts would have been transferred to fund ‘48-Plant Fund – Net Investment.’ Page 24 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Program Codes At any given time, the following should be true for each program code for revenue bonds issuances (C9XXX): Total project budgets (either revenue or expense) should equal the total project proceeds received plus anticipated earnings to fund the projects. The current balance for account code 12700-Deposit with Bond Trustees should agree with the monthly statement of account from the investment company. The current balance for account code 27000-Bonds Payable should agree with the outstanding bonds payable per amortization schedules received from the System’s financial advisor. The program codes should only be used in combination with fund 28-Restricted Plant or fund 48Plant Fund – Net Investment. Bond Payable At any given time, the following should be true for account code 27000-Bonds Payable: It should only be used in combination with funds 28-Restricted Plant, 29-Restricted – Debt Service, and 48-Plant Fund – Net Investment. It should only be used in combination with the program codes for the various revenue bond issuances (C9XXX). Bond Issuance Costs At any given time, the following should be true for account code 15200- Prepaid Bond Issuance Costs: It should only be used in combination with fund 48-Plant Fund – Net Investment. It should only be used in combination with the program codes for the various revenue bond issuances (C9XXX). Page 25 of 26 Accounting for University Revenue Bonds – draft 05/18/05 Other Bond Issuance Scenarios As previously mentioned (see section titled ‘Business Process Description’), this process document focused on revenue bonds issued to fund construction projects. The System typically does issue revenue bonds for the purpose of funding projects; however, it has in the past added various other elements to a bond issuance including the following: All or part of the issuance is for refunding previously issued bonds. The bond covenant requires that a portion of the proceeds be maintained in a debt service reserve to secure the bonds. If a bond issuance does involve elements other than project funds, the System’s financial advisor will break the issuance down into its components so that the System may properly account for each. Please note that no matter what elements are included, a program code for the bond issuance must be created as discussed in the section of this document titled ‘General Procedures.’ For the following reasons we will discuss the above scenarios only briefly: 1. The reader should have a pretty good understanding of recording revenue bonds in PeopleSoft General Ledger after having read this document. 2. The scenarios require an understanding of generally accepted accounting principles that this process document is not intended to provide. The reader should instead consult accounting literature issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). >> Issued to Refund Previously Issued Bonds In this scenario, the bond issuance would be recorded in the fund(s) in which the refunded bonds are recorded. The simplest example would be refunding bonds that are recorded entirely in fund 48-Plant Fund – Net Investment because all of the proceeds have been spent. A more complicated example would be refunding bonds that have been only partially spent. In that situation part of the new bond issuance would need to be recorded in fund 28-Restricted Plant. >> Required Debt Service Reserve The only debt service reserves previously discussed in this document were the campus reserves in fund 19-Designated Debt Service. Such reserves are not required under the bond covenant and simply represent a place to hold the Campuses’ money until the payments to the bondholders come due. A debt service reserve required under the bond covenant is restricted and must therefore be recorded in fund 29-Restricted Debt Service. As with the campus debt service reserves, a program code should be created for the restricted reserve. Page 26 of 26