A Protocol establishing roles and

Recognising the need for greater cooperation in planning between the spheres of Government,
this Protocol establishes roles and responsibilities of State and Local Government in the
Queensland library system and seeks to promote efficient, timely and quality provision and
management of public library services to create a good quality of life for all Queenslanders
A Protocol made 5 December, 1997
between the
and the
State Library of Queensland
Version 1.0
4. ROLE OF THE PARTIES - Responsibilities and Interests
State Library of Queensland
Version 1.0
To define the nature of the relationship between the State Government and Local
Government in all matters relating to the provision and management of public library
services, and the arrangements which have been developed to ensure the ongoing
success of the relationship.
Under this Protocol the parties recognise:
the role of Local Government as a legitimate sphere of government
the role of the Local Government Association of Queensland (Inc) as the
representative to be consulted about matters on behalf of Local Governments
the important and complementary roles of the State Government and Local
Government in the provision of public library services
that the roles and responsibilities of the different spheres of government for
public library services can be clearly agreed upon.
“State” means the State of Queensland “Local Government” means a local
government under the Acts Interpretation Act (1954). For the purpose of this
document, reference to Local Government should be read to include the area
covered under the Commonwealth Aluminium Corporation Pty Limited
Agreement Act (1957).
“Public Library” means an institution which collects, organises and retrieves
information resources in a variety of formats in order to provide access to
recorded knowledge and ideas on behalf of everyone in the community.
“Bookstock” includes (a) a book (b) a newspaper, magazine, journal or
pamphlet (c) a map, plan, chart or table (d) printed music (e) a film, tape, disk or
other like instrument or thing supplied to the general public and designed to
reproduce visual images, sound or information.
“Processed bookstock” means bookstock which has been catalogued,
labelled, and covered or protected sufficient to identify, circulate and preserve the
“Country Lending Service agreement” refers to an alternative agreement in
which eligible Local Governments can elect to receive processed bookstock
exchanged on a regular basis together with supplementary services instead of a
weighted per capita cash grant provided for public library services.
3.2 In the application of this Protocol, Local Government will be consulted by the State
within the statutory and administrative framework affecting Local Government’s
3.3 The parties to this Protocol acknowledge no claim or dispute made under or in relation to
this Protocol or any part thereof shall be justiciable.
State Library of Queensland
Version 1.0
3.4 State Government and Local Government will act in a manner which reflects the concept
of partnership and the spirit of cooperation.
3.5 Questions of interpretation of this Protocol are to be raised with the signatories to the
4 ROLE OF THE PARTIES - Responsibilities and Interests
4.1 Responsibilities and Interests of all Parties
The following represents the agreed outcomes of negotiations between the Minister for
the Arts on behalf of the State Government and the President of the Local Government
Association of Queensland (Inc) on behalf of Local Government in relation to the roles,
responsibilities and interests of both spheres of government in the public library system
of Queensland.
4.1.1 Both the State Government and Local Government have a joint responsibility for
funding public library services.
4.1.2 Both the State Government and Local Government have a joint responsibility to
formulate and review, in consultation with the Chief Public Librarians’ Association,
Statewide plans for the development of quality public library services.
4.2 Responsibilities and Interests of Local Government
4.2.1 Local Government has primary responsibility for operating a public library service.
4.2.2 Local Government has a responsibility to work with State Government in the
formulation and ongoing review of Statewide plans for the development of public library
4.2.3 Local Government has responsibility for implementing Statewide plans for the
development of public library services in Queensland.
4.2.4 Local Government accepts that its jurisdiction enables it to provide public library
services at the local level in accordance with the corporate plan of each Council.
4.2.5 Local Government has a responsibility for and an interest in the development and
implementation of cooperative arrangements between public libraries throughout the
State and with other libraries both within the State and nationally.
4.2.6 Local Government accepts accountability to the State Government for any financial
assistance provided by the State.
4.3 Responsibilities and Interests of the State Government
4.3.1 The State Government has responsibility to work with Local Government on the
formulation and ongoing review of Statewide plans for the development of public library
4.3.2 The State Government, in the interest of enabling the development of quality public
library services, has responsibility for:
The provision of financial assistance to each Local Government which operates a
public library (and is not a signatory to the Country Lending Service agreement)
in accordance with a funding formula determined by the Minister after
consultation with Local Government.
State Library of Queensland
Version 1.0
The provision of processed bookstock to eligible Local Governments which are a
signatory to the Country Lending Service agreement sufficient to enable their
public library to operate with a reasonable degree of self-sufficiency in terms of
The provision of support services including access to resources to enable
libraries to provide a quality service.
The provision of specialist public library advisory, training and consultancy
4.3.3 The State Government has responsibility for and interest in the development and
implementation of cooperative arrangements between public libraries throughout the
State and with other libraries both within the State and nationally.
4.3.4 The State Government has a responsibility for facilitating the use of information and
communication technology for library purposes.
4.3.5 The State Government has responsibility for ensuring that Local Government complies
with its statutory obligations in relation to financial assistance received.
4.3.6 The State Government has responsibility for initiating consultation with the Local
Government Association of Queensland (Inc) regarding the formulation, funding,
implementation and review of Statewide plans for the development of public library
services and other issues relevant to the provision of library services.
Consultation could include the issues of:
needs assessment
objectives and strategies
allocation of resources
conditions and accountability for financial support
reporting/performance measures
4.3.7 The State Government will consult with Local Government regarding any changes to
funding arrangements prior to any decisions being taken and with sufficient time for the
Local Government Association of Queensland to respond.
To ensure adequate consultation between the parties there shall be a meeting at least annually
between representatives from:
The Library Board of Queensland
The Local Government Association of Queensland
Chief Public Librarians’ (Qld) Association
Primary issues for consultation include:
review of the Protocol and its operation
State Library of Queensland
Version 1.0
formulation, implementation and review of Statewide plans for the development of public
library services.
Either party may initiate a consultation process. Meetings at officer level may be called as
6.1 The operation of this Protocol will be reviewed as appropriate by the Minister for
the Arts and the President of the Local Government Association of Queensland
6.2 The Protocol may be amended and schedules added by agreement of both
Duly signed by the Honourable J M Sheldon, MLA Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister
for the Arts and Mr E F Finger AO, Chairman, Library Board of Queensland
The Honourable Matt Foley MLA
Mr E F Finger AO
Minister for the Arts
Library Board of Queensland
Date 5 / 12 / 1997
Duly signed by Cr T A Pyne AM, President of the Local Government Association of Queensland
(Inc.) and Mr G J Hallam, Executive Director of the Local Government Association of
Queensland (Inc.) for and on behalf of Local Government.
Cr T A Pyne AM
Mr G J Hallam
Executive Director
Local Government Association
Local Government Association
of Queensland (Inc.)
of Queensland (Inc.)
Date 5 / 12 / 1997
Date 5 / 12 / 1997
State Library of Queensland
Version 1.0