MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF MATERNITY SERVICE GUIDELINE TITLE: AUTHORS: GUIDELINE LEAD: RATIFIED BY: ACTIVE DATE: RATIFICATION DATE: REVIEW DATE: APPLIES TO: EXCLUSIONS: RELATED POLICIES THIS DOCUMENT REPLACES Provision and discussion of information during the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period. Lynn Bonsey- Antenatal Screening Coordinator and Supervisor of Midwives Mary Olusile- Practice Facilitator Lead and Supervisor of Midwives Guideline Committee May 2010 April 2010 April 2013 All Maternity Staff None New document 1. INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE OF THE GUIDELINE 1.1 Pregnancy, birth and the time after birth with a new baby are life changing events, throughout which women and their partners should be offered evidence based information and support to enable them to make informed choices and decisions regarding their care. This information will include where women will be seen and who will undertake their care. (NICE 2008 Antenatal care) Midwives and other Health Care Professionals are the key to this information provision and need to respond to the individual needs of each woman and her partner by providing all the essential and additional information that they might require throughout pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. Community Midwives, General Practitioners (GPs), Midwives, Health Care Assistants, Maternity Care Assistants, Nursery Nurses and Obstetricians all have a responsibility to ensure all women have current and up to date information on which to base decisions regarding their care, regardless of the care setting. 1.2 1.3 2. IMPLEMENTATION o A paper copy will be attached to the guideline and audit notice boards. o Emailed copies will be sent to all midwives and obstetricians o It will be available via the Trust intranet. o It will be circulated to guidelines folders. Page 1 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1. This guideline is the responsibility of all maternity unit staff including Obstetricians, Anaesthetists, Neonatologists, Midwives and Maternity Care Assistants to understand the process and their responsibilities to give approved evidenced based information to women ensuring the provision and discussion of information during the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period to enable the women and partner to be able to make informed choices based on the best available evidence. 3.2. The purpose of this guideline is to highlight the responsibilities of midwives and relevant staff groups in the discussion and provision of information leaflets, during the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period. In addition, this guideline will provide the midwives and other health care providers with a schedule (see appendices 2-4) of the available recommended patient information leaflets, as approved by the Maternity Women’s Information Group (for the Maternity Patient Information Pathway, see Appendix 1) 4. GUIDELINE Information (in the form of written information and discussion) is ideally given to the woman in the antenatal period and in line with the antenatal schedule (see appendix 2) so there is an opportunity to raise any questions before baby is born and also to be as informed as possible in advance. Discussion and provision of all information must be clearly documented in the woman’s hand held Maternity notes, dated and signed; where applicable use the printed spaces/boxes provided in the Maternity notes. To facilitate the provision of this information an agreed schedule of information and leaflet provision has been devised to aid and prompt Midwives and other Health Care Professionals in their practice (see appendices 2-4). Standard booking information (see appendix 2) must be signed and dated as given in the Maternity notes. Information given at 28 weeks, 34 weeks and at 41 weeks and all additional information given when necessary (see appendix 2) must be documented in maternity notes. The provision of standard postnatal information must be documented (see appendices 3 and 4), dated and signed on the designated page in the postnatal section of the Maternity notes. Any leaflets/booklets given out must be the current/most up to date edition and must have date of publication. Any non-Barts and The London information used must be from a suitable source e.g. NICE, Royal Colleges, National Screening Committee, Department of Health and must be approved by the relevant Maternity Women’s Information Group (WIG). It should not contradict guidelines or policies and should have a date of publication. Any advertising in e.g. booklets MUST be approved by WIG and the Trust’s Patient Information Validation Committee but ideally kept to a minimum. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Page 2 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF 4.10 4.11 4.12 All pregnant women will be offered opportunities to attend participant-led antenatal parent education which includes breastfeeding sessions. (NICE 2008) Communication should be provided in a form that is accessible to pregnant women who have additional needs, such as those with physical, cognitive or sensory disabilities. Where possible advocacy will be sourced for those who do not speak English. Leaflets used from National sources such as BFI ( and DOH ( have availability to download a variety of languages, please access the relevant website and download these leaflets. 4.2 PROCESS FOR PROVIDING INFORMATION TO WOMEN WITH WHERE ENGLISH IS NOT THE WOMAN’S FIRST LANGUAGE OR COMMUNICATIONS NEEDS. 4.2.1 Information is available from various sources in other languages. A list of all leaflets available in a choice of language is available from the WIG. Antenatal leaflets are kept in the community offices and Intrapartum/Postnatal in the ward areas. There are a team of advocates at Barts and the London Maternity Hospital and the requirement for an advocate for all discussions should be requested and written in the hand held record. 4.2.2 If an interpreter has to be used then the status (e.g. advocate, family member, language line) and name need to be documented in the Maternity notes. 5. BREACH OF GUIDELINES/POLICIES 5.1. Incidents related to non-compliance will be reviewed within the risk management framework. The impact of the incident will be reviewed by the appropriate lead clinician and feedback/ training given to staff as required. 6. MONITORING COMPLIANCE (see Appendix 5) Page 3 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF REFERENCES 1. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2008) Antenatal care: routine care for the healthy pregnant woman. London: NICE. 2. National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) (2010) Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST): Maternity Clinical Risk Management Standards. Version 1 2010/11. London: NHSLA. 3. Royal College of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. (2007). Safer Childbirth: Minimum Standards for the organisation and Delivery of care in labour. London: RCOG. Available at 4. UK National Screening Committee. Information for users London: UK NSC. Available at Page 4 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF APPENDIX 1 Pathway for the development and amendment of patient information Patient Information Leaflet need or Review identified. Discussed at WIG. Author/Authors identified to develop information leaflet Draft leaflet reviewed by WIG Accepted by WIG WIG will inform Author/s of any necessary amendments Sent to Communications Dept for changes. Changes agreed by WIG. Ratified by Communications Dept Committee. BLT reference number allocated. Page 5 of 14 Printer instructed for quotes, orders made and informs Maternity when leaflet available for delivery. MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF Page 6 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF APPENDIX 2 INFORMATION IN PREGNANCY NSC – National Screening Committee FSA – Food Standards Agency BFI – Baby Friendly Initiative (Unicef) DOH – Department of Health The list below is not exhaustive; women may be given additional written information according to their needs, e.g. at specialist clinics. □ = Leaflets for CNST compliance Booking Information leaflets (to be discussed at 1st booking) Leaflet Title Screening Tests for you and your baby Covers the following; Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Down’s Syndrome testing Testing for infections in pregnancy Ultrasound including 20 week anomaly scan Newborn and 6-8 week physical examination Your baby’s hearing screening test Newborn blood spot screening for your baby Choosing where to have your baby in Tower Hamlets Document ion (include discussions and provision of information) Page 7 of the pregnancy notes Booking or baby and me clinic Page 21 of the pregnancy notes Issue handheld Maternity Records and discuss information pages Information on blood tests in Maternity Records (p.6) and Blood Tests during pregnancy Leaflet See page 6 and 8 of pregnancy notes Seat belts & child restraints Page 19 of pregnancy notes Healthy Start Page 19 of pregnancy notes Page 7 of 14 Available from Review Date National Screening Committee (2008) External leaflet NSC BLT March 2012 Community midwives Office/ Antenatal Clinic (ANC) DOH Maternity Records review 2011 Department of Transport KRIS T/INF/251 DOH 2006 Maternity Records reviewed 2011 Leaflet DOH update Dept. of Transport External leaflet DOH MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF FW8 form if not already given by GP Document on front page of Maternity Records Document on front page of Maternity Records Page 19 of pregnancy notes – write dates for first appointment DOH DOH Community Midwives Office/ ANC Community Midwives Office/ ANC Updated as necessary; will always be current Updated as necessary; will always be current Folic Acid Page 19 of pregnancy notes DOH DOH update. Parents Guide to Money, financial pack Page 19 of pregnancy notes Government update Breast feeding booklet (Off to the best start) From bump to breastfeeding DVD Page 19 of pregnancy notes Financial Services Authority 08449918282 code no PGM0210 60 per box DOH (2007) Information on how to contact midwife, according to team. Information on antenatal classes: given according to local community arrangements and documented in Maternity records Other information and leaflets to be given and discussed as indicated at booking Obesity (Raised BMI - leaflet in preparation) Domestic abuse leaflet – Domestic Abuse No excuse discuss when opportunity arises and document. Declining Blood Products or a blood transfusion BLT has Maternity Guideline on this and consent forms for woman refusing Blood transfusion has some patient information contained within it Page 8 of 14 Booking and ongoing if applicable Page 19 – pregnancy notes Booking and ongoing if applicable Document in medical history on page 3 pregnancy record External leaflet Being written 5/2010 External leaflet DOH To be allocated for writing July 2010 To be allocated for writing July 2010 External leaflet March 2012 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF Questions and Answers helping pregnant women quit smoking. Booking and ongoing page 3 pregnancy record External leaflet S is for smoking and pregnancy As above DOH May 2012 BLT March 2012 DOH External Leaflet BLT March 2012 Gestational Diabetes Hepatitis B How to protect your baby Diabetes - before pregnancy Page 19 – pregnancy notes Special features box page 15 pregnancy notes Booking and ongoing page 3 pregnancy record Information and Leaflets to be given and discussed before or at 28 weeks Health in Pregnancy Grant Information Page 19 – pregnancy notes Mat B1 (21 Weeks onward) DOH DOH RhD negative and care in pregnancy (only Rh negative women) Anti D Page 7 – pregnancy notes BLT External leaflet DOH update External Leaflet Being rewritten 5/2010 Information and leaflets to be given and discussed at 34 weeks Vitamin K and your baby Monitoring your baby’s heartbeat in labour Page 21 pregnancy notes Page 21 pregnancy notes BLT Update 2012 BLT March 2012 Being Written 5/2010 Pain Relief in Labour (including regional anaesthesia) and general anaesthesia Page 21 pregnancy notes Obstetric Anaesthetists Association (OAA) have leaflets on epidurals available to External Leaflet Page 9 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF Birthplans Page 21 pregnancy notes Review again and document on page 2 of Yellow Intrapartum notes Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes Breastfeeding Checklist (Antenatal) Page 19 – pregnancy notes download in various languages BLT BLT To be completed Other information and leaflets to be given and discussed as indicated at 34-37 weeks Vaginal Birth following a Caesarean Section (VBAC) Document as discussed and BLT given page 21 pregnancy notes Planned Caesarean Section Document as discussed and BLT given page 21 pregnancy notes External Cephalic Version (ECV) Document as discussed and BLT given page 21 pregnancy notes What can I do if my baby is lying in a breech position? Document as discussed and BLT given page 21 pregnancy notes Group B Strep (GBS) Document in special features BLT pregnancy notes page 17 To be allocated To be allocated March 2012 March 2012 March 2012 March 2012 To be written Information and leaflets to be given and discussed at 38-40 weeks Being induced at The Royal London Hospital Page 10 of 14 Document in special features pregnancy notes page 17 Document in labour notes BLT March 2012 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF APPENDIX 3 INFORMATION IN THE POSTNATAL PERIOD Postnatal information (in addition to that given in antenatal period) Leaflet title Reduce the risk of cot death Also contains advice on baby’s general health and advice if baby not well Sharing a bed with your baby Available from Time to be given Review date Review date DOH (2009) Complete post natal notes mother page 18/19 All mothers External Leaflet Complete post natal notes mother page 18/19 Pre or post birth External leaflet Breast feeding support in Tower Hamlets UNICEF/ Foundation for Sudden Infant Deaths (2005) PCT Complete post natal notes mother page 18 All breastfeeding mothers Off to the Best Start DOH (2007) Bottle feeding NHS/DOH 278959 (2007) Complete post natal notes mother page 18 Complete post natal notes mother page 19 All breastfeeding mothers Bottle feeding mothers only External Leaflet PCT updated External leaflet DOH External leaflet DOH Registry Office Contact Details and website BLT Complete post natal notes mother page 20 Women’s Health Physiotheraphy Service Postnatal advice and exercises BLT Discuss can document on daily post natal checks Sticker to go on all postnatal leaflet information pack All mothers March 2012 Contact numbers for Community midwives. BLT Constantly updated, always current. Leaflets for postnatal period (given as necessary by Labour Ward or Postnatal Wards depending on need) Page 11 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF Leaflet title Document Review date Assisted vaginal delivery (ventouse/forceps) Document as given in labour or post natal record BLT May 2012 Emergency Caesarean Section Document as given in labour or post natal record Document as given in labour or post natal record Document as given in labour record page 18 BLT May 2012 BLT May 2012 BLT March 2012 Gestational Diabetes – after you have had your baby Perineal Tears following childbirth Page 12 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF APPENDIX 4 INFORMATION FOR BEREAVED PARENTS Additional copies available on request from Bereavement midwife who liaises closely with the chaplaincy service, SANDS and other relevant organisations. Bereavement (information and leaflets given and discussed as appropriate) Leaflet title Available from Information for parents who have suffered a stillbirth or neonatal death BLT When your baby dies BLT SANDS LEAFLETS (available from SANDS - Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society) After the death or stillbirth of your baby Saying goodbye to your baby The next pregnancy: Guidance for parents For family & friends: How you can help Page 13 of 14 MAT/GUI/0410/DISINF APPENDIX 5 Monitoring compliance with the process or ensuring the provision and discussion of information during the antenatal / intrapartum and post natal period Element to be monitored Lead Tool Frequency Responsibilities of the relevant staff groups Audit and quality midwife Documentation audit 10 sets monthly Schedule of when the discussions/infor mation provision should take place Audit and quality midwife Documentation audit 10 sets monthly Process for providing information for women with communication /language needs Audit and quality midwife Documentation audit 10 sets monthly Maternity service expectations of staff to document in the health records – discussion and provision Audit and quality midwife Documentation audit 10 sets monthly Page 14 of 14 Review of results Interrogation Acting on recommendations Audit report to be presented to the Labour Ward Forum for agreement of recommendations. Labour Ward Forum will prepare and monitor the action plan Labour Ward Forum reports to the maternity and gynaecology governance Board Women’s information group to receive feedback Women’s Information Group wil respond to feedback from the Labour Ward Forum in relation to commissioning/revi ewing information leaflets Change in practice and lessons to be shared Required changes to practice will be identified and actioned within a specific time frame documented in the agreed action plan. A lead member of the team will be identified to take each change forward where appropriate. Lessons will be shared with all the relevant stakeholders.