TAEKWONDO FEDERATION OF WALES Instructor : Mr Neil Ernest IV Degree 3RD KUP GRADING SYLLABUS PHYSICAL 1. 2. 3. Toi-Gye Tul All previous six patterns From a right L-stance with a guarding block slowly hold a front snap kick, then a side piercing kick, then a turning kick, then a reverse turning kick 4. From a left L-stance with a guarding block slowly hold a front snap kick, then a side piercing kick, then a turning kick, then a reverse turning kick 5. Various combinations of Basic Techniques 6. Various Sparring Drills 7. One step set sparring (Ilbo Matsogi) 8. Free sparring (Jayu Matsokgi) 9. Free sparring two against one 10. Self defence techniques (Hosin Sul) THEORY AND DOJANG TERMINOLOGY Gunnun So Dwijibun Sonkut Najunde Tulgi Walking stance upset fingertip low thrust Gunnun So Kyocha Joomuk Noolyo Makgi Walking stance X-fist pressing block Annun So Bakat Palmok San Makgi Sitting stance outer forearm Wshape block Moorup Ollyo Chagi Gunnun So Opun Sonkut Nampunde Tulgi Niunja So Doo Palmok Najunde Miro Makgi Niunja So Dung Joomuk Nopunde Taerigi PATTERN Toi Gye (37 movements) Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th Century) an authority on neoConfuscionism. The pattern refers to his birthplace on the 37th degree latitude and the diagram represents scholar. Knee upward kick Walking stance flat fingertip high thrust DESTRUCTION L-stance double forearm low pushing block Side Piercing Kick – 2 board (seniors only) Turning Kick – 2 board (seniors only) Reverse Turning Kick – 1 board (seniors only) Jump Side Kick – 1 board Knife Hand Strike – 1 board (seniors only) Elbow – 2 board (seniors only) Punch – 1 board (seniors only) Back-fist – 1 board (seniors only) L-stance back fist high strike Kyocha So Kyocha Joomuk Noolyo Makgi X-stance X-fist pressing block Niunja So Sonkal Najunde Daebi Makgi L-stance knife hand low guarding block ATTACKING AND BLOCKING TOOLS TRAINING SECRETS OF TAEKWON-DO General Choi Hong Hi mentions 8 training secrets of Taekwon-Do in the Tae Kwon-Do Encyclopedia Students should keep in mind the following secrets: 1. To study the theory of power thoroughly 2. To understand the purpose and meaning of each movement clearly 3. To bring the movement of eyes, hands, feet and breath into a single coordinated action 4. To choose the appropriate attacking tool for each vital spot 5. To become familiar with the correct angle and distance for attack and defence 6. Keep both the arms and legs bent slightly while the movement is in motion 7. All movements must begin with a backward motion with very few exceptions 8. To create a sine wave during the movement by utilizing the knee spring properly