Design, Multimedia, & Web Technologies September 14, 2012 Define vocabulary associated with the MS Publisher 2007 environment. Identify elements included in Publisher template designs. Locate specific features and options related to project publications in Publisher. Identify keyboard shortcuts and their functions. TAG LINE GRAPHIC ATTENTION GETTER BODY COPY BUSINESS NAME HEADLINE BULLETED LIST TEAR-OFFS ◦ Headline – title; usually bold and easy to identify ◦ Tag Line – sometimes styled as a subheading; use a smaller font and place in close proximity to headline ◦ Business Name – sometimes styled as ◦ Attention Getter – might target a specific audience ◦ Body Copy – clarifies the flyer’s purpose or message ◦ Graphic – used to entice people to look at the flyer; usually a picture, Clipart, image, or photo ◦ Bulleted List PAG E LAY OUT TEMPLAT ES a tool that helps you through the design process by offering & changing publication options similar to a blueprint you can use over and over to fill in the blanks, replace prewritten Clicking a publication type causes a catalog of template previews to be displayed in Defined set of colors that complement each other when used together Defined fonts set of Contains several elements similar to the document windows of other applications Includes the page layout, rulers, scroll bars, guides and Text Box Pictures WordArt Bookma rks Tearoffs Bullets Graphic Lines A menu contains a list of commands to retrieve, store, print, and manipulate data. A submenu is displayed when you point to a command with an arrow inside of Displayed to the right of menu commands, when available Action Shortcut Zoom F9 Select All (text) Ctrl + A Print Ctrl + P Save Ctrl + S Undo Ctrl + Z When you move the mouse pointer over a button or box, the name of the button or box is displayed Special window with buttons, boxes, lists, and links to help perform specific tasks Click the Publisher Tasks button to open the Task Pane. A text box is an object in a publication designed to hold text in a specific shape, size, A shortcut menu is displayed by rightclicking the text box. A property is an attribute or characteristic of an object. Within text boxes, you can edit the following properties: ◦ Font ◦ Spacing ◦ Alignment ◦ Line / Border Style ◦ Fill Color Text supplied by the template Can be selected with a single click Wordwrap ◦ Allows you to type words in a text box continually without pressing the ENTER key at the end of each line Formatting Marks ◦ Sometimes called nonprinting characters; examples include the paragraph mark ( ), raised dots to show spaces, and end of field markers ( ) File Name - the name assigned to a file when it is saved Graphic – includes drawings, photographs, sounds, videos, and other clips / media files Clip art – predefined graphics that include images, artwork, and draw-type images Picture Frame – an invisible Details about a file Includes information such as the project author, title,