TITLE: LLRC Circulation Policy LAST REVISION: March 12, 2012 Policy Statement The Circulation Policy is a statement of the principles and guidelines used by the Library & Learning Resource Center (LLRC) to govern borrowing and lending practices. It is intended to ensure consistency of practices among those responsible for circulation services and to communicate to library patrons’ faculty, students, staff and LALINC Card holders the circulation rules and penalties. It determines and is consistent with, policy parameters set in the electronic integrated library management system provided by SirsiDynix. I. Circulation Requirements Sowela ID Card To be eligible for circulation services faculty, staff, and enrolled students are required to have a Sowela identification card (ID). Students Students may borrow library materials only if they are registered for the current semester and possess a Sowela ID card. Students are not allowed to check-out materials when school is not in session. Students must be present to borrow materials. Students are responsible for library materials borrowed on their ID card, including overdue fines and replacement costs for lost or damaged materials. Faculty and Staff Faculty and staff must present their ID card for service. Faculty may designate a student and/or staff member to borrow materials from the LLRC with his or her faculty ID card. A signed memo, letter of designation or email must be on file at the Circulation Desk prior to this privilege being extended. The faculty member remains responsible for all materials borrowed in this manner including replacement costs for lost or damaged materials. LALINC Card Sowela is a member of the Louisiana Academic Library Information Network Consortium (LALINC). Member institutions have an Agreement for Reciprocal Borrowing. Sowela faculty, staff, and students in good standing with the LLRC are eligible to obtain a LALINC Card which entitles them to borrow materials from participating Louisiana college and university libraries. A list of participating academic libraries is available on the library’s webpage. 1 LALINC Cards are obtained at the Circulation Desk. The card must be presented to receive borrowing privileges and users must abide by the Circulation Policy of each institution. The borrower is responsible for reading and understanding policies; and for any fines or charges that may incur while using the LALINC Card. II. Borrowing Privileges and Services Item Limit Students Students may checkout a maximum of five (5) items. Materials may be renewed for one additional loan period except when a hold exists. Students may checkout only one Reserve item at a time. Faculty and Staff Faculty and staff may checkout a maximum of ten (10) items. Faculty and staff have unlimited renewals except when a hold exists. LALINC Patrons LALINC patrons may borrow a maximum of five (5) items. Audio visual materials are not loaned to LALINC patrons. LALINC patrons may not borrow equipment. Materials may be renewed for one additional loan period except when a hold exists. Holds If a patron requires use of an item that is currently checked-out, a hold may be placed on the item. This can be done in-person, by telephone or through the online catalog. When the item is returned, the patron will be notified. The item will be held at the Circulation Desk for seven days before being re-shelved or loaned. The library patron must create a pin number under “My Account” through the online catalog before an online hold can be placed. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Materials not available in the LLRC may be requested from another library. A request form for materials may be obtained at the Circulation Desk or submitted via the LLRC webpage link Interlibrary Loan Request Form. ILL materials are generally free; however the lending library may charge a fee for photocopies and/or postage. In these instances, the patron is responsible for fee payment. Patrons using ILL for books are responsible for overdue fines. The Circulation Policy complies with the Louisiana Interlibrary Loan Code adopted by LALINC and the State Library on April 2, 1998, and by the LLA Executive Board June 12, 1998. 2 Loan Periods by Item Type Books All patrons- 28 days eBooks Calculators Computer Software Headphones Interlibrary Loans Laptops Periodicals All patrons – available online 24/7 Students – library use only All patrons – library use only All patrons – library use only Lending libraries set loan period and fine policy Students only – in library use 3 hours All patrons – 28 days eJournals are available online 24/7 Students - non-circulating Faculty and staff - 7 days LALINC Patrons - non-circulating Student loan periods vary from one hour to overnight Students – 7 days Faculty and staff - 7 days LALINC Patrons – non-circulating Reference Books Reserve Materials Videotapes/DVDs Missing Item Search When the online catalog indicates that an item is available for check-out but it can not be located a patron may request assistance by completing a Missing Item Search Request Form. Library staff will look for the missing item. When the item is found it will be held at the Circulation Desk for seven days. The patron will be notified by telephone and/or email regarding the item’s status. After seven days it will be re-shelved. Recalls The LLRC reserves the right to recall any checked-out item. The patron to whom the item is loaned will be asked to return the item immediately. Only faculty and library staff, with valid reasons, may request an item recall. The Recall Request Form is available at the Circulation Desk. Renewals Students may renew materials for one additional loan period. Faculty and staff have unlimited renewal privileges. Renewals can be done from the online catalog under “My Account.” A pin number must be created before an item can be renewed. Return Receipts Patrons may request a return receipt at the time materials are returned. 3 III. Overdue Fines and Lost Charges Patrons are notified about overdue materials and library fines by mail sent to the home address appearing on the patron record. When a patron accrues a $15.00 fine on one item he /she is blocked against further check-out. However, if other items are checked out under the patron’s ID fines will continue to increase on those materials until the $15.00 cap per item is reached. At this point the patron will be billed for replacement cost of the item plus a processing fee. Regular Overdue Fines Fines on overdue materials are accrued daily including weekends, but not holidays. Books/audio tapes/CDs/journals/ videos/DVDs - 25¢ per day (Maximum $15.00 per item) Laptops (See Student Laptop Loan Policy) Reserves – $1.00 per item per hour Replacement Cost and Processing Fee Patrons who have either lost or damaged an item beyond use are required to pay a replacement cost and a processing fee. If an item is lost, the Circulation Department should be notified immediately to avoid the accumulation of overdue fines. Fines continue to accrue until notification is received and/or until the maximum overdue fine is reached. A processing fee of $20.00 is charged on each item requiring replacement. The processing fee covers staff time to withdraw the item from the computer systems, to reorder the item, and to catalog the replacement. Books/audio tapes/CDs/ Videos/DVDs – replacement price of the item plus a $20.00 processing fee Laptops – (See Student Laptop Loan Policy) Photocopied reserve materials - $10.00 will be assessed for materials damaged or removed from binders and/or folders Reserve materials owned by the instructor - replacement cost of the item as set by the instructor Payment All payments are made at the Sowela Business Office. Once a library bill is paid the patron should take the payment receipt to the LLRC to have the debt removed from the library system which is separate from the Business Office. The ability to receive transcripts and register for more classes is blocked until library debts are paid. Loss of Borrowing Privileges Borrowing privileges are suspended when library fines are not paid. 4 IV. Process to Appeal a Library Charge 1. A patron who believes he/ she has been improperly assessed library fines for overdue items or fees on lost or damaged materials must go to the Circulation Desk for assistance. 2. A patron who believes extenuating circumstances warrant a reduction or cancellation of the amount billed by the LLRC must go to the Circulation Desk for assistance. 3. The Circulation Department will review, with the patron, all circulation records, explain the questioned transaction, describe the damage and/or other evidence which lead to the fine or fee assessment. 4. If the explanation and review do not satisfy the library patron of the appropriateness of the charges and an agreement cannot be reached; the patron may file an appeal with the Director of Library Services. A Library Appeals Form is available at the Circulation Desk. The form should be completed and submitted to the Circulation staff member on duty. 5. The following reasons do not constitute legitimate grounds for canceling or reducing library charges: Lack of knowledge or understanding of library policy Disagreement with library fine/fee structure Failure to receive overdue notices. It is the borrower's responsibility to provide a correct physical address, email address and telephone number. Borrower's absence when materials were due or when notices were sent. Materials charged out by one borrower and then lent to another. The borrower whose name appears on the charge record is fully responsible for returning materials on time. Borrowing privileges are non-transferable. Inability to pay fines and fees Transportation problems Returning items to the wrong library Forgetting the due date 6. The appeal form must be completed as thoroughly as possible including a “patron appeal statement” explaining the nature of the problem and “suggested remedy.” 7. The Director of Library Services will review the appeal and have a decision in writing within 15 days. Library Director can cancel all or part of any charge. Library Director may determine that the fine and/or charge were correctly applied. 8. If the patron is not satisfied with the Director of Library Services' decision, the appeal will be forward to the Office of Information, Resources and ELearning Technology / CIO. V. Lending Practices The LLRC lends to members of the Louisiana Academic Library Information Network Consortium (LALINC) at the fourth level of reciprocity which defines users as faculty/staff, graduate students and undergraduate students. The only items that do not circulate to LALINC 5 members are reference books, equipment, videos, and DVDs. Current LALINC Cards are honored at the Circulation Desk. For interlibrary loan purposes items are sent by the U.S Postal Service. VI. Documents Protecting Right to Privacy & Intellectual Freedom As a result of the USA Patriot Act of 2005 (Public Law 107-56) libraries face a dilemma of having the responsibility of protecting the privacy of library users while responding to legitimate national security concerns. Every patron has a right to privacy while using information. All circulation records and any other library records identifying the names of library users are confidential. Names of borrowers will not be disclosed nor information on materials used by a patron. However, circulation information may be disclosed to persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library persons authorized in writing by the individual [patron] or group of individuals to inspect their records or by order of a court of law Documentation – Right to Privacy Louisiana Revised Statute (LA R.S. 44:13) Registration records and other records of use maintained by libraries. Library Code of Ethics, Adopted June 28, 1995 by the ALA Council Policy Concerning Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information about Library Users, Adopted July 2, 1991 by the ALA Council Policy on Confidentially of Library Records, Revision adopted July 2, 1986 by the ALA Council Documentation – Intellectual Freedom U.S. Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) Library Bill of Rights, Revision adopted January 23, 1980 by the ALA Council Freedom to Read, Revision adopted January 28, 1972 by the ALA Council Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries, Adopted June 28, 1999 by ACRL, Intellectual Freedom Committee; approved June 29, 1999 by ACRL Board of Directors; adopted July 12, 2000 by ALA Council 6 The following procedural forms accompany the Circulation Policy: FORMS Interlibrary Loan Request Form Library Appeals Form Missing Item Search Request Form Recall Request Form Reserve Request Form 7