28th January 2015 - Winkleigh Parish Council

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th January 2015, 7.30 pm in
Winkleigh Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Knight, Turner, Mondy, Ware, Flockhart (Chair), Griffiths, Gledhill, Hodgson, Stutt &
Bowers, District Cllr Lausen
Apologies : Cllr Sansom, PC Brown & Guest Speaker Trish Burke
The minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2014 were confirmed and signed as a
correct record.
Guest Speaker : Trish Burke : TTVS Supporting Rural Living . Mrs Burke had sent her
apologies and was unable to attend the meeting.
Declaration of Interest in matters to follow : none
Public Period
A) Returned from TDC
a) 1/1073/2014/FUL: First Floor Extension, porch and detached garage, Beechlea House, Winkleigh :
b) 1/1138/2014/CPE: Provision of stone hard core layer under proposed floor slabs for new poultry
building constitute a material operation …Winkleigh Farm: REFUSED
c) 1/1194/2014/AGMB: Prior notification for the change of use of agricultural building to No1
dwelling/s under class MB(a) Land at Broadparks deer Farm, Winkleigh: REFUSED
d) 1/1163/2014/FUL & 1/1164/2014/LBC: Alterations & extension to existing gym building, Lower
Bransgrove Farm, Wembworthy : GRANTED
e) 1/1171/2014/AGMB: Change of use if agricultural building to no 1 dwelling Class MB(a) , Collacott
Barton, Winkleigh: REFUSED
f) 1/119/2014/2014:FUL & 1/1197/2014/FUL: Erection of mobile egg laying unit ( to be moved
annually between site 1 & 2) , West Heath Farm, Winkleigh : GRANTED
g) 1/1182/2014/FUL: Installation and operation of a 50kw ground mount solar PV array at Tawmix,
Unit 2 Winkleigh Airfield.: GRANTED
B) New Applications
C) Certificate if lawful Development
a) 1/0022/2015/CPE: Provision of stone hard core layer under the proposed floor slabs of the new
poultry buildings constitute a material operation – in this case part of the foundations of the new
buildings Refer to attached photos and site plans for confirmation of works and location. Resubmission
of 1/1138/2014/CPE, Winkleigh Farm, EX19 8EZ: The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council
respond that they have no further comment to make – 2nd Cllr Mondy : AIF: Motion Carried.
D) Enforcement/Planning process queries
a) The Clerk gave an update on the Planning Inspectorate’s site visit to Hawksdown in respect of the
appeal against TDC’s refusal of the application for a Wind Turbine. Cllrs discussed and agreed that
when the dates for any Bryony Hill Planning Inspectorate site visit is known a representative from the
Parish Council will be appointed to attend ( via e-mail if prior to next Council meeting). Cllrs also
discussed the suggestion that any Planning Inspector be invited to view the landscape from All Saints
Church Tower
5.1.15 . District Councillor report
Cllr Lausen addressed the Council and discussed his written report already circulated to Cllrs. District
Cllr Lausen advised the Parish Council that he will not be standing for election onto the District
Council at the next elections and thanked the Parish Council for its support over the last 8 years. The
Councillors thanked Cllr Lausen for his service to the Parish.
6.1.15. FINANCE
a) Receipts & payments
The Clerk informed Cllrs of letters from Winkleigh Community Centre and Winkleigh Village Hall
advising of an increase in fees as of 1st January 2015. Cllrs noted that both hall charges were now £7.50
per hour for the large room and £4 per hour for the small room.
The Chairman and two Signatory Cllrs signed the Standing Order instruction to Natwest Bank to
reinstate the regular payments to Mr Andrew Ware as of June 2015 in respect of the new Cemetery
Maintenance contract awarded at the November meeting .
The Clerk advised Cllrs that the annual membership of the SLCC was now due and that in light of her
resignation she had contacted the SLCC and been advised that if the renewal takes place that the
membership can be transferred to any new Clerk following their appointment.
The Clerk reported the following as having been received since the last meeting:
Ms C Leahy ( Balance of rent ref late increase in D/D rent payments)
F.J.Stevens ( Admin fee ref Nottle Memorial)
£ 98.40
£ 15.00
Following discussions the chairman proposed that the invoices presented for authorisation be approved
– 2nd Cllr Mondy : AIF: MOTION CARRIED
AMB Electrical Services ( Installation of Defib / repair at Cemetery Bungalow)
Winkleigh Community Centre ( Hire)
Winkleigh Village Hall (Hire)
TDC ¼ Road sweep ( Oct-Dec inc)
Webbers Property Services ( Rental valuation)
N. Bullen ( Clerks Salary + reimbursements Jan 2015)
SLCC ( Annual Membership)
£ 180.00 1607
£ 10.50 1608
£ 10.50 1609
£ 690.98 1610
£ 54.00 1611
£ 614.33 1612
£ 118.00 1613
b) Cemetery Bungalow rent review for Oct 2015:
Cllr Stutt addressed the Council referring to the two reports issued by the Finance Group (FG) and
advised that as not all the relevant information had been available in time for full consideration the FG
recommend that a joint collaborative group is set up to address the rent review along with other
bungalow/finance issues and that in the meantime the figures presented in the precept budget regards
the rent be used as a guide figure there being flexibility built into the budget, should any adjustment
need to be made. Cllrs discussed the formation and remit of a group following which the Chairman
proposed that a group be formed consisting of representatives from the Bungalow Group and the
Finance Group (and any other interested Cllrs) to complete a formal review of the Bungalow rent,
capital valuation and a business plan for the future of the Bungalow – 2nd Cllr Mondy: AIF: MOTION
CARRIED. It was agreed that Cllr Mondy would make arrangements to call a meeting to form the new
group and that proposals and recommendation should be available for the March PC meeting.
c) Precept request
Cllrs had been issued with the FG’s report and recommendations in connection with the proposal for
the Parish Council’s formal Precept request to TDC 2015/16. Cllrs discussed various elements of the
presented budget. Cllr Hodgson proposed that in light of discussions in the previous item it is made
clear that any acceptance/agreement of the budget figures in setting the Precept request is on the
understanding that the figures presented for the bungalow rent are unconfirmed and have yet to be
formally set – 2nd Cllr Griffiths : AIF: MOTION CARRIED.
Following discussions Cllr Stutt proposed that having considered all new information available at
present a Precept figure of £13,903 is agreed which does not include the Council Tax Support Grant at
£736.71 and is based on the recommendations and supporting documentation provided by the FG – 2nd
a) Clerks Reports and discussions
Cllrs discussed the current Clerks report/updates. The Clerk was instructed to chase for updates on the
following :
 Grit bins installation : delivery expected for winter 2014
DCC Highways : Query why DCC do not consider the Police Speedcheck information or the
locally compiled traffic data and need to complete a full assessment prior to discussions on the
“rat-run”. When will meeting take place
 Siting of new Bench donated by the Methodist Chapel : confirm PC suggested location of Old
Chapel Gardens
 WPD: when will they return to complete landscaping matters, drainage problems, damage to
pavement following the undergrounding of cables in the village.
 Litter bins : utility check on layby at Berners Cross.
Cllr Ware addressed the Council and queried the installation of the litter bin at Berners Cross using the
new ground securing measures and suggested that the use of the original fixings kits and concrete
would be more appropriate than the long spike supplied. Cllrs Ware and Mondy to liaise regards the
installation of the further replacement bins.
Cllr Turner reported a new issue to be investigated regarding the dumping of garden waste/leaf litter on
the side of the road from The Folly to Zukkis which is causing obstruction of the drainage ditch and
causing flooding to the road which is a problem with standing water for motorists and also concerns
regards ice during the winter months. The Clerk was instructed to a) write to the residents of
Goodleigh House advising that this activity should not be taking place and b) contact TDC and enquire
what action can be taken.
b) Parish Council Meetings and Work Survey
Cllr Stutt addressed the Council advising that he and the Chairman had analysed the survey responses
from Cllrs and that there were a number of different responses. The PC was advised that only half the
serving Cllrs had responded and that therefore any findings would be incomplete. It was agreed that a
revised version of the survey would be issued and this matter considered again at a future meeting.
c) Changes to TDC Planning System ( paperless planning)
Cllr were previously advised of TDC’s new paperless planning system due to be formally introduced
in April 2015 . The Chairman gave an update on information received on this matter at the recent
TAAG meeting. Cllrs discussed the requirement of IT facilities ( projector, PC, broadband etc) to
facilitate the PC operating planning in line with TDC’s requirements. Cllr Ware advised the PC that the
Village Hall has broadband and that the Committee are meeting to discuss a grant application for a
variety of resources including a projector for use at the Hall and available to hire by any organisation
using the Hall. Cllr Stutt advised that the Community Centre also has broadband and that the
Committee were also discussing this issue. Cllrs discussed. Cllr Mondy advised that the PC had
received communication regarding funding of the purchase of equipment via the Big Lottery FundAwards for all. The Chairman asked Cllr Mondy to investigate this.
d) Cemetery Grounds
This item was moved to Part II to consider a request from Funeral Director
Winkleigh Parish Council resolved to respond that they are sympathetic to the request made by the
Funeral Director on behalf of the bereaved family but unfortunately the fees for the use of the
Cemetery are heavily supported by the parishioners of Winkleigh and therefore regardless of
circumstance the fees as a non-parishioner stand in this case.
The meeting was moved back into the public session.
e) Cemetery Bungalow
Cllr Turner addressed the Council on behalf of the bungalow group and outlined a number of issues at
the bungalow that need attention as requested at the last PC meeting :
Handrail & light for steps at back door : Cllr Turner to get a quotation/estimate for
consideration next meeting. ( galvanised steel)
New Door: Cllrs considered the two quotations received and agreed that Cllr Turner would
get a third quote for consideration at the next meeting.
BT line unsecured in places and also caught under external insulation :Cllr Tuner to get a
quotation for the next meeting.
Replacement Dry-Air System: Cllrs were reminded that this unit had failed prior to the
external insulation installation, was out of guarantee and that the PC had agreed to wait and
see if it would still be required following the installation. Council was advised that
condensation and dampness has become apparent again. It was agreed that the Bungalow
Group would get a quotation for a new unit for consideration at the next meeting.
Damaged gutter / dampness ingress: It was agreed that the Bungalow Group would get a
quotation for repair to the gutter for the next meeting.
Cllr Turner reported that the Bungalow group have work to the French drain in hand and also
confirmed that the Tenant is still running the dehumidifier daily.
The Chairman referred to two issues raised by the Estate Agents when inspecting the property :
Damaged Skirting board : Cllr Turner to get a quotation for replacement for the next meeting.
Window trickle vents : Some of the windows do not have trickle vents and some need
replacing. Bungalow Group to obtain quotations for the next meeting.
The Chairman asked that the Bungalow Group present items for review in the form of a written report
to ensure clear information/recommendations for Cllrs to review.,
a) Clerks Resignation
The Council formally acknowledged receipt of the letter giving notice of resignation from the Clerk.
Cllr Hodgson requested a formal vote of thanks from this Council and those before for the Clerks long
service to the Parish.
Cllrs discussed the arrangements to appoint a replacement Clerk. The Chairman and Vice Chairman
suggested that a group of Cllrs meet to discuss the issues involved including advertisement of vacancy,
application process, interview arrangements , job description etc. Cllr Gledhill stated that he felt it was
essential that the vacancy is advertised as soon as possible even if detail regards contract etc are not
available at this time to encourage interested prospective Clerks to come forward. It was agreed that the
vacancy would be advertised immediately in the Parish Council notice boards and prominent village
locations. Cllrs Gledhill and Bowers agreed to place adverts in local Post Offices and other areas
considered prominent in the wider community.
Cllrs further discussed the formation of a group of Cllrs to discuss the arrangements for appointing a
new Clerk , Cllrs Griffiths, Stutt, Bowers, Gledhill & Mondy agreed to join. The Chairman proposed
that authority is given to spend up to £100 on advertising the vacancy – 2nd Cllr Hodgson : AIF:
b) Village Hall
Cllr Turner informed Cllrs of a grant application to TDC’s Village Hall Improvements fund of £9,000
by Winkleigh Village Hall Committee for resources and facility upgrades advising that matched
funding is not required but the formal support of the Parish Council is essential. Cllr Hodgson proposed
that the Parish Council gives its full support to the grant application by the Village Hall committee –
2nd Chairman: voting : 8 for, 0 against, 2 abstentions ( Village Hall Committee members)
c) Winkleigh relief in Need Charity
The Clerk informed Cllrs of the communication from the above charity regards the end of the current
term of office for Mr I Kingsbury & Mr A Ware . Cllrs were advised that Mr Ware & Mr Kingsbury
were happy to continue in service if the PC so wished. Cllr Ware responded to queries and gave an
outline of the Winkleigh Relief in Need Charity and advised that Winkleigh Parish Council appoint
two trustees and had elected Mr Kingsbury & himself. The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council
accept the offer from Messrs Kingsbury and Ware and approve their appointment as trustees for a
further term– 2nd Cllr Hodgson: AIF: MOTION CARRIED.
d) Preparing for Elections 2015
Cllrs discussed the Elections 2015 and ideas to promote interest the Parish Council Elections in May
2015. Cllr Mondy had drafted an article for DW. Cllrs agreed to support the article in DW and to have
copies in the Notice Boards and put up posters around the Parish.
e) TDC Focus Group
Cllr Mondy had offered to attend this group as a representative of Winkleigh PC. The Clerk advised
that she had informed TDC but that a response was awaited regards the current position.
The following reports were given :
PPG/WHG : The Chairman and Vice Chairman were to meet with Anne Balcome who
represents Winkleigh on the PPG.
TAAG: Chairman advised that TDC will set the Council Tax on 23rd Feb 2015. Cllrs were
advised that TDC do not have any plans at this point to close Winkleigh’s public toilets
although this was under review.
Village Design Statement : Copies had been circulated and the matter is raised on the Feb
TAP Fund: The Clerk reported on the final Tap allocation for the Long House Project (
Winkleigh PC awarded full TAP allocation ) informing Cllrs that a total grant of £8128 was to
be given to the project which was supported by the TAP allocation of 16 Councils.
10.1.15 Letters from Parishioners
Cllrs were advised of copy communication ( original to DCC Prow 1.12.14) from Peter Howard
complaining of the condition of the footpath to Broadwoodkelly . Cllrs were advised that the Clerk had
contacted Mr Howard and been advised that he has not had a formal response and that the Clerk had emailed DCC Prow requesting an update.
The following consultation documents were issued to Cllrs but not taken forward as agenda items
TDC Housing Renewal Policy 2014-2017 : Deadline 30th January 2015
There being no further matters to address the meeting was declared closed at 10.16pm