doc - Knights of Columbus – House Springs, MO

Knights of Columbus
Fr. Jeremiah Murphy Council # 6435
September 2013
Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
“A place where the men of our parish can come together to support our priests, families, and school through Charity,
Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.”
NEXT MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2013 @ 7:30pm
Pray for…
Joyce Lohbeck, Tammy Franz, Paul McDonnell, Vince Rocchio, Carl Grimwood, Cliff Brandt, Paul & Alice
Boeger, Andy and Jackie Nappier, Dan Smentkowski, Bob and Mary Lou Guidines, John Nahlik, Mary
Ann Barnett, Tim Lodes, Ray Wieschhaus, Bob Stehlin, Pam Szolga, Ann Mattingly, Fr. Wesloh, Fr. Don
Molitor, Leroy Silver, Jack Sorrentino, Dale Anderson, Margret Bottchen, Greg, and Leonard Hirtz, Lou
Bartoloni, Donna Heller, Charlie Bacher, Mary Schmitt, Jane and Dee Walters, Ronald Sheets, Jim Clark,
Scott Beck, Ralph Schultheiss, Glenda Clayton, Bill Mikko, Dan Mangan, Bill Hrdlicka, Frank Saggio, Nick
Yates, Wally Friehaut , Phil Ambrose, Sue Whitworth, 9-11 survivors and lost, and Pope Francis I
Sheirhoff 4th Degree Meeting 3rd Wed. High Ridge
Cardinal Glennon 4th Degree Meeting Oct. 21, House Springs
First Sunday Breakfast October 6th
Knight’s Mouse Race January 11, 2014
Please keep this date open for our annual Knight’s Mouse Race. This is one of our biggest
fund raisers. We need the support of our brother Knights and our Parish. It’s not too early to
start getting your tables together. Let’s make this year’s bigger and better than ever.
Knights of Columbus Meat Shoot
November 9th, 2013
This is the weekend before the firearms deer season opens.
So let’s all get out there and have some fun.
The last one we had was pretty much put on by four or five members, we had to shut down
to take restroom breaks. Please, this time it would be great if we had 10 or 12 Brother
Knights to help out.
Drive for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
(Complicated name for Tootsie Roll Drive)
Oct. 11, 12, & 13
Call Stan Drew to volunteer
Comments about Our History
I have been kind of a Lewis and Clark enthusiast most of my adult life. If there ever was such a thing as a time
machine, I would want to go back to 1804 – 1806 and accompany them on their journey. Of course, I’d want to be
about 30 years younger (make it 40) and while I’m at it, better looking too.
The creatures that were seen for the first time by any white men must have seemed bizarre. Prairie dogs, coyotes
(prairie wolves, according to Lewis), antelope and the Mule deer had them a little puzzled. Captain Lewis was
astonished by the herds of buffalo so large that they covered the prairie as far as the eye could see. The creature
they seemed to write most about was the Grizzly bear. The Mandan Indians had told them about this ferocious beast,
but they commented that the grizzly was no match for their modern weapons. They soon found out that if they shot
the grizzly with their .54 caliber, Harper’s Ferry muzzleloader, they didn’t have time to reload before the wounded
bear charged them. There was much tree climbing and diving over river banks into the river to escape. They learned
quickly that messing around with a grizzly was not such a good idea. Luckily, no one was mauled or killed.
They quite often wrote about the beauty of the mountains, prairies and rivers. The one big thing was the Great Falls
of the Missouri. Captain Lewis remarked in his journal that it was the grandest sight he had ever beheld and that you
could hear the roar many miles away. It was called one of the Great Scenic Wonders of America. It consisted of five
waterfalls over a twelve mile stretch, the highest at 63 feet. The portage around the falls took the Corp of Discovery
one month to complete. After reading about these and having never heard of them I wanted to go see them, but I
found out that from 1890 to 1915 dams were built on top of the three tallest, putting another under water. Only
Crooked Falls at 19 feet was left in its original state. Somebody really screwed up there.
Sacagawea helped the Corp get horses from her people, the Shoshone, to cross the Rockies. She pretty much
saved their bacon more than once. After everything I’ve read, I don’t think they would have made it without her.
On a local note, one of Lewis and Clark’s men, John Colter, who later settled and is buried in New Haven, Mo. was
quite the explorer. He went back to the area as a fur trapper in 1807 – 1808. He was the first white man to traverse
what are now Yellowstone Park and the Teton Range. He told of the boiling mud holes and the geysers, with hot
steam belching forth and everyone thought he was a great story-teller or a liar. He was captured by the Blackfeet.
They stripped him and gave him a head start and were going to run him down for sport, but he was faster, except for
one brave, who he wrestled a spear away from and killed and beat them to the river, five miles from the start. Colter
hid inside of a beaver lodge until night came He escaped over a steep river bluff and walked, naked, eleven days to a
trading post on the Little Big Horn.
Captain Clark made spot-on maps of their journey with very little tools at his service. (Incredible) He also wrote in his
journal almost every day. Captain Lewis, on the other hand, would go long periods without writing in his journal due
to his, sometimes severe, depression. Captain Lewis committed suicide in 1809.
It is amazing to me that this small group of about 30 men, Sacagawea and her baby boy (born on the way) made this
incredible journey from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean and back again with only
the loss of one life. Charles Floyd died in 1804 in what is now Iowa from an apparent appendicitis. Captain Lewis was
shot through the buttock by the near-sighted Frenchman, Francis Labiche, mistaken for an elk. (Right) They
managed to bluff their way past the fierce Sioux in the Dakotas and a few other tense situations. All I can figure is
that it must have been destiny, but I really think God was watching out for them or they never would have been heard
from again.
God Bless, Kevin
KC Meeting minutes
Grand Knight Report
Knight at the ballpark was a great success
Treasurer's Report
Report handed out, pending bills read aloud, motion raised to pay the bills raised, seconded, carried. Motion made to purchase
1 'Big Ticket' raffle ticket and have a drawing for the dinner. Any winnings will go back into our account. Seconded and carried.
Pro-life director
letter read from Thrive Banquet coming up, sponsored by Thrive. Contact John Holmes for details.
Council director: We are sponsoring a soccer challenge, along with St. Anthony's and St. Paul's. 9/22, pending OLQPAA
approval. 10/13 will be the district challenge, from 10 am to 12 pm.
1/11 is the mouseraces
Auction is coming up. We'd like to get a Bingo basket together. Seat, 2 months of Bingo cards, and other
miscellaneous Bingo articles. Motion made, seconded, and approved.
Request made to have 2 essay scholarship contests, 1 for the fall (1 male and 1 female) and 1 for the spring (1 male and 1
female winner). $500 per contest winner. Motion made, seconded, and carried. Subject matter will be one of the following:
What does your Catholic faith mean to you, bullying, the importance of a Catholic education, and modesty in attire. We will be the
judges. Length will be 750-1000 words.
Old Business: Ray Brune Fishing Clinic / Tournament – June 21, 2014 at Camp Solidarity in Pacific
New Business
Motion made to donate the hall to the school for the Harvest Moon Auction, seconded, and carried.
Kevin and Andrew will be co-chairing the Christmas party
Volunteers desperately needed for help with the first Sunday breakfast, contact Dave Mills or Tom Broadbent
Volunteers needed for Bingo every Friday
John ordered up 'how to pray the Rosary' pamphlets, thank you John and 'Roses for Life' are being ordered, $15 per
100, we are ordering 200.
Letter read from the Bereavement committee requesting some funds. Motion made to donate $200, seconded, and carried.
DD Report: 1 member per council per month, lets get some members, 30 new members is the goal for the district, so far we
have 5. Our quota is 16, so far we have 3. We have until 6/30/14 to meet our quota.
Seminary classes are starting, they have 125 new students, which is a high
Sat, 2/1, Catholic Men for Christ at the Peabody Opera House
Special Olympics is handing out a new award based upon donations per member, both time and financial
State Council is still looking for recipes for their cookbook
State Clown Convention, they had 41 clowns come together in Jefferson City and teach classes on how to clown
9/21 - rededication for the Luke E. Hart monument at Calvary Cemetery, 1:30 pm
St. Louis will be hosting the 2017 Supreme Convention
131st Supreme Convention - donations of $167.5 million made to charity, 70 million hours of service
11/30 - DuBourg council is having a night at the races and chili cookoff 141 and Olive - fundraiser
10/26 for service animals for members of our military that have traumatic brain injuries
A Message from the Grand Knight
Just a reminder that the Tootsie Roll Drive is coming up soon. Still spots available if you have some time.
Come join in on the fun and help a worthy cause.
I was glad that there were more Knights at the meeting. Please pass the word and keep on coming.
If any Knight would like to join the 4th Degree we have Cardinal Glennon or Bishop Schierhoff. If you are
interested and would like to join one, you can contact me. The packets for next year’s 4th Degree
Exemplification will be coming out soon.
In closing, we do, as always need help at the Friday night bingo & our meals on our meeting night.
Thank you & God Bless