Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 1 Exhibit A EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ENDOWMENT FUND OF THE ELCA MINUTES The Lutheran Center, Chicago, Illinois March 22-23, 2012 THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2012 ORIENTATION Members of the Board of Trustees participated between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. in an orientation session, geared not only for three new members of the board but also as review for the continuing members. DINNER Members of the Board of Trustees and ELCA staff met for dinner at 5:30 p.m. at Carlucci restaurant, Rosemont, Illinois. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:02 a.m. by John Saeger, chair, in the Church Council Room, 11th floor, Lutheran Center, Chicago, Illinois. OPENING PRAYER Kathleen Rehl led with opening prayer. Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 2 Exhibit A ROLL CALL Trustees John Bauder* Pr. Charles A. Berdahl Kelly Dean Brende Teresa Chow Pr. Susan J. Crowell, Vice Chair* David W. Heise Kathleen M. Rehl, Secretary* John H. Saeger, Chair* James E. Willis *Executive Committee Advisory Members Pr. Linda O. Norman, Treasurer of the ELCA Pr. William E. Rindy, Bishop, Eastern North Dakota Synod Resource People P. Tim Kaspar, Senior Investment Analyst, ELCA Board of Pensions, d/b/a Portico Benefit Services Kurt Kreienbrink, Senior Analyst, Corporate Social Responsibility, ELCA Board of Pensions, d/b/a Portico Benefit Services Stuart Miller, Audit Engagement Partner, Crowe Horwath LLP Brian Zygmunt, Senior Manager, Crowe Horwath LLP Staff Christina Jackson-Skelton, Executive Director, Mission Advancement and President, Endowment Fund of the ELCA Annette Shoemaker, Director, ELCA Foundation, Mission Advancement Dennis Prikkel, Associate Director, ELCA Foundation, Mission Advancement Pr. Keith T. Nelson, Associate Director for Gift Planning, ELCA Foundation, Mission Advancement Dennis Prikkel, Associate Director, ELCA Foundation, Mission Advancement Reva Hardina, Marketing Manager, Mission Advancement Abiola Bankole-Hameed, Controller, Office of the Treasurer Bob Benson, Director, Investments, Office of the Treasurer Diane Snopek, Manager, Endowment and Gift Annuity Accounting, Office of the Treasurer Bonalynn Wallach, Manager, Investments, Office of the Treasurer Bob Benson, Director, Investments and Asset Management, Office of the Treasurer Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 3 Exhibit A Laura L. Knitt, Director, Legal/Regulatory Compliance and Assistant General Counsel, Office of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary, Endowment Fund of the ELCA INTRODUCTIONS Each attendee introduced him/herself and described a current highlight in life. ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.01 to move to adopt the agenda as presented and grant the chair authority to call items out of sequence as may be necessary. The motion was seconded. to adopt the agenda as presented and grant the chair authority to call items out of sequence as may be necessary. ADOPTION OF MINUTES (Exhibit A, Parts 1-2) MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.02 MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.03 to move to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2011 meeting. The motion was seconded. to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2011 meeting. to move to approve the November 29, 2011 Executive Committee minutes. The motion was seconded. to approve the November 29, 2011 Executive Committee minutes. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT (Exhibit B) At 8:11 a.m. Christina Jackson-Skelton proposed that the Investment Management Responsibility matrix be expanded to include other work of the Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund of the ELCA. She also proposed that an executive session be held to talk about how to establish a process to evaluate the Administrator. She then thanked the trustees for their promotion of gifts and endowments, and she encouraged them to be Kalos members. Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 4 Exhibit A As she talked through her written report, Ms. Jackson-Skelton highlighted Endowment Fund Pooled Trust and general endowment fund marketing pieces: one sheet, quarter performance report, brochure, and How To Create a Mission Endowment Fund booklet. She described operational support provided by various parts of the churchwide organization, noting that there are 950,000 records in the ECIS database. Looking ahead at Mission Advancement staffing, Pr. Keith Nelson will retired at the end of July 2012, and candidates are being sought for the following positions: Regional Gift Planner (four positions covering Western North Dakota, Region 1, Iowa, and Illinois); Director, Planned Gifts; and Director, Major Gifts. Staff are using technology for internal and external communication (skype, webinars, facebook), and outside consultants for website content. Overall, there is progress in identifying potential new Endowment Fund Pooled Trust participants. John Bauder commented that until he sat on the board of Lutheran Social Services of Florida, that organization did not know about the Endowment Fund Pooled Trust. Charles Berdahl added that gift cultivation is key to growing endowment investments. John Saeger asked for status of the ELCA Fund for Leaders program. Christina Jackson-Skelton shared that the strategy for growth is focused on individuals who show strong giving capacity and commitment to developing leaders. MOTION: to move to adopt the report of the president. The motion was seconded. VOTED: EF.12.3.04 to adopt the report of the president. REPORT OF THE TREASURER At 8:45 a.m. Pr. Linda Norman began her report by describing the Endowment Fund Pooled Trust’s trend toward increasing participation in terms of the number of accounts. As of December 31, 2011, of 1,872 accounts 905 are held by the churchwide organization and 967 are those of investor participants. Another highlight is that accounting and information technology staff have completed migration to a new endowment administration system, and distributions were made from the new system in December 2011. Staff are working on a second phase of conversion that includes creating new system reports and online reporting enhancements. MOTION: to move to adopt the report of the treasurer. The motion was seconded. VOTED: EF.12.3.05 to adopt the report of the treasurer. Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 5 Exhibit A INVESTMENT REVIEW (Exhibit F, Part 1) At 9:05 a.m. Tim Kaspar of Portico Benefit Services provided a February 29, 2012 version of the Investment Review of Endowment Fund Pooled Trust Fund A. As he highlighted portions of the report, his key message was that market concerns are shifting from global issues to U.S. improvement. Investment grade fixed income investments are paying historically low rates. Benchmarks are difficult to determine; we need to exercise caution in comparing benchmarks to actual results. High yield bond highlights are that at the end of February Portico staff presented ideas to Portico’s investment committee about strategy. Any changes could be as simple as changing a benchmark. Portico had significant investment manager changes in 2011, and currently the managers for global real estate and high yield bonds are under review. John Bauder asked why investments have not achieved 35bp over benchmark. Tim reflected that over the past 1-2 years U.S. equity return has lagged, but Portico is confident that significant manager changes will get returns back on track. MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.06 to move to receive investment review information. The motion was seconded. to receive investment review information. DISTRIBUTION RATE RECOMMENDATION (Exhibit G, Parts 1-2) Bonalynn Wallach began by declaring that for 2013 Endowment Fund and Portico staff are recommending no change from the 4.25% distribution rate. The primary objective of the policy statement is that maintaining real distributions should have at least a 50% probability. Based on qualitative and quantitative analysis the distribution rate is sustainable. Market value maintenance is currently considered less of an issue than in the past. Probability simulations are provided for reference. James Willis moved that the distribution rate be increased from 4.25% to 4.5% to benefit ministry for 2013, but the motion was defeated. In discussion of the motion, John Bauder expressed that he is not in favor of such a change, because he does not know of a compelling reason to not listen to professional advice. He further expressed that moving to a higher distribution rate might be effective in the short term but is probably not sustainable in the long term and that the current rate of 4.25% is already a bit risky in that it is on the high end of the range that is prudent. Trustees agreed that this is a discussion that can continue in October, as some members of the board would like to move the distribution rate in the direction of mission as opposed to fiduciary responsibility. MOTION: to move to affirm 4.25% as the distribution rate for 2013. The motion was seconded. Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 6 Exhibit A VOTED: EF.12.3.07 to affirm 4.25% as the distribution rate for 2013. BREAK The trustees took a break at 10:00 a.m. and reconvened at 10:25 a.m. AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Exhibit D, Parts 1-2) Abiola Bankole-Hameed handed out and talked through a March 22, 2012 version of the audited Financial Statements for December 31, 2011 and 2010, along with the management representation letter. MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.08 to move to receive the controller’s report of the Financial Statements for years ending December 31, 2011 and 2010. The motion was seconded. to receive the controller’s report of the Financial Statements for years ending December 31, 2011 and 2010. EXTERNAL AUDIT PROCESS AND RESULTS (Exhibit E, Parts 1-2) Stuart Miller, Crowe Horwath LLP, stated that the auditor has an unqualified opinion. Things to look at are fair value and increased disclosure. There are no audit adjustments and no waived adjustments. Also, there are no changes in significant accounting policies. Brian Zymunt, Crowe Howath LLP, added that they have not issued a formal management letter (SAS 115) this year. The following are characterized as deficiencies that do not rise to the level of a written management letter but that they want to share with trustees: 1) Raiser’s Edge database access. With sunset of the Raiser’s Edge database, it is no longer used for processing receipts. A review of access data found no inappropriate access. 2) General ledger access to initiate and post journal entries. Eight individuals had a level of access that included the Endowment Fund Pooled Trust. Tests showed back-end manual sign-off controls. 3) System password requirements (Novell eDirectory, Trust Processor, ECIS and IFAS). Novell is being sunsetted as ELCA moves to Windows. MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.09 to move to receive the report of the external auditor. The motion was seconded. to receive the report of the external auditor. Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 7 Exhibit A MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.10 to move to recommend to the ELCA Audit Committee approval of the Financial Statements for years ending December 31, 2011 and 2010. The motion was seconded. to recommend to the ELCA Audit Committee approval of the Financial Statements for years ending December 31, 2011 and 2010. PROXY VOTING GUIDELINES (Exhibit H, Parts 1-4) At 11:07 a.m. Kurt Kreienbrink, Portico Benefit Services, reviewed Proxy Voting Guidelines, Implementation and Results. Portico’s vendor is Glass Lewis. Current status of specific shareholder resolutions and topics is available on Portico’s web site. When asked about sustainability, Mr. Kreienbrink described three aspects: 1) environmental impacts (e.g., the extent that companies are disclosing what they are doing and whether they are being proactive); 2) social (e.g., treatment of employees); and 3) governance. When asked whether the new name, Portico Benefit Services, is intended for providing services to other nonprofits, Mr. Kreienbrink answered that the although the focus is on ELCA ministries, a continuing resolution of the ELCA Church Council allows for the Board of Pensions (i.e., Portico Benefit Services) to manage and operate pension and other benefits programs for other organizations operated exclusively for religious purposes. When asked if social purpose investing was a cause for lagging benchmarks among the asset classes, Mr. Kreienbrink responded that it contributes in the short term. MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.11 to move to receive as information the report on proxy voting. The motion was seconded. to receive as information the report on proxy voting. ENDOWMENT FUND RESOLUTION (Exhibit I) Pr. Linda Norman reviewed information about the Inter-Lutheran Coordinating Committee Scholarship Fund that has an ELCA portion of approximately $150,000. She proposed that the fund be renamed the Give Something Back Scholarship Fund, that the Executive Director for Congregation and Synodical Mission have ability to choose whether to receive or reinvest quarterly distributions, and that distributions and additional expenditures from the fund be used for the expressed purpose of supporting clinical pastoral education students as they pursue this addition to their ministry. Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 8 Exhibit A MOTION: VOTED: EF.12.3.12 to move to authorize a change of the name of the Inter-Lutheran Coordinating Committee Scholarship Fund to Give Something Back Scholarship Fund; authorize that an election to receive or reinvest the quarterly distribution may be made upon the written request of the Executive Director for Congregation and Synodical Mission in consultation with the Executive for Administration, allowing that additional expenditures from the Fund may be made upon the written request of the Executive Director for Congregation and Synodical Mission in consultation with the Executive for Administration; and authorize that distributions and additional expenditures from the Fund be used for the expressed purposed of supporting clinical pastoral education students as they pursue this addition to their ministry. The motion was seconded. to authorize a change of the name of the Inter-Lutheran Coordinating Committee Scholarship Fund to Give Something Back Scholarship Fund; authorize that an election to receive or reinvest the quarterly distribution may be made upon the written request of the Executive Director for Congregation and Synodical Mission in consultation with the Executive for Administration, allowing that additional expenditures from the Fund may be made upon the written request of the Executive Director for Congregation and Synodical Mission in consultation with the Executive for Administration; and authorize that distributions and additional expenditures from the Fund be used for the expressed purposed of supporting clinical pastoral education students as they pursue this addition to their ministry. REPORT OF THE CHAIR John Saeger relayed compliments from the Board of Trustees to the president and staff regarding the meeting format, smoothness, information, etc. He further offered that trustees are willing to serve staff and asked what trustees can do to help staff. He then thanked Pr. Keith Nelson for his service and wished Pr. Nelson well in his retirement. Before bringing the regular session of the meeting to a close, Mr. Saeger summarized results of the survey from the October 2011 meeting (Exhibit J) and requested that today’s surveys be completed. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 12:00 p.m. the trustees adjourned for executive session to discuss a process for evaluation of the Administrator. Board of Trustees, Endowment Fund of the ELCA October 18-19, 2012 March 22-23, 2012 minutes – Page 9 Exhibit A FUTURE MEETING DATES October 18, 2012 (dinner) and October 19, 2012 (8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) – Lutheran Center March 14, 2013 (dinner) and March 15, 2013 (8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) – Lutheran Center