Church of England – Diocese of Ripon and Leeds

Parish of Leeds City
for the week beginning Sunday 13th February 2011
The Fourth Sunday before Lent
[BCP – The Sixth Sunday after Epiphany]
9.15 am
9.45 am
Leeds Parish Church
St Mary’s
Preacher: Canon Ann Nicholl
10.30 am CHORAL MATINS and Dedication of
Leeds Parish Church
Chapel Chairs from the Chapel of HMS Ark Royal
Preacher: The Reverend Professor Simon Robinson
Holy Trinity
Leeds Parish Church
12.15 pm HOLY BAPTISM – Thai Hazelwood and Brodie Drain Leeds Parish Church
Leeds Parish Church
Preacher: The Venerable Peter Burrows, Archdeacon of Leeds
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Church of England – Diocese of Ripon and Leeds – Parish of Leeds City
Rector of Leeds: The Reverend Canon Tony Bundock [0113)] 245 2036 [office], 278 6237 [home]
Vicar Choral: The Reverend Susan Wallace [0113 278 9339 [home]
Lay Minister: Canon Ann Nicholl [0113] 245 2036 [office], [0113] 269 4045 [home]
Assistant Curate: The Reverend David Ford [0113] 245 2036 [office], 212 8095 [home]
Leeds Parish Church (St. Peter at Leeds), Kirkgate, LS2 7DJ ~ Parish Office: [0113] 245 2036
Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, LS1 5HW
Church Office: [0113] 245 4268 ~ Café Create at Holy Trinity: [0113] 246 8196
St. Mary’s Church, Lincoln Green, LS9 7SG ~ Church Office: [0113] 240 7349
Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Centenary House, North Street, LS2 8 JS
Part-time Diocesan Chaplains for Deaf People: The Reverend Rachel Wilson, The Reverend Bob Shrine
St. Peter’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School, Cromwell Street, LS9 7SG
Headteacher: Mrs. Elizabeth Holliday [0113] 293 4411
Chaplain: Canon Ann Nicholl [see above]
Monday, 14th Cyril and Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs, 9th cent
Valentine, Martyr at Rome, 3rd cent
 Manchester (York) – Bishop: Nigel McCulloch; Christopher Paul Edmondson (Bolton), Stephen Richard Lowe
(Hulme), Mark Davies (Middleton)
 Leeds St George Team Ministry, St George with Emmanuel Leeds – Rector: Jonathan Clarke; Joanna Pearson;
Community Church – Team Vicar: Mark Powley; Jo Pearson; Readers: David Houghton, David Kibble,
John Winterler, Bryan Turnbull
9.45 am Morning Prayers
Leeds Parish Church
10.30 am Needlework Guild
Leeds Parish Church
1.05 pm The University of Huddersfield Brass Band
Leeds Town Hall
5.30 pm Choral Evensong [Boys’ Voices]
Leeds Parish Church
Tuesday, 15
Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden, 11 cent
Thomas Bray, Priest, Founder of the SPCK and the SPG, 18th cent
 Mandalay (Myanmar) – Bishop: Saw Noel Nay Lin; Assistant Bishop: Aung Khin Thein
 Minister to New Communities in Leeds: James Barnett
8.50 am Prayers
9.45 am Morning Prayers
10.00 am Coffee Morning
1.00 pm Holy Communion
Wednesday, 16th
St Peter’s School
Leeds Parish Church
Lincoln Green Centre
Holy Trinity
 Manekaland (Central Africa) – vacant
 All Hallows Leeds, St Margaret and All Hallows – Stephen Smith, David Randolph Horn
9.45 am Morning Prayers
Leeds Parish Church
5.30 pm Choral Evensong
Leeds Parish Church
Thursday, 17
Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda, Martyr, 20th cent
 Mara (Tanzania) – Bishop: Hilkiah Omindo Deya
 Holy Trinity Meanwood – Christopher Orme; Readers: Frances Needham, Olasupo Ogunyinka, Sarah Orme
 Meanwood CE Primary School – Headteacher: Helen Sanderson
9.45 am Morning Prayers
10.00 am Coffee Morning
1.05 pm Holy Communion [BCP]
5.30 pm Evening Prayer [said]
Friday, 18th
Leeds Parish Church
Lincoln Green Centre
Leeds Parish Church
Leeds Parish Church
 Marathwada (North India)
 St James Woodside (part of three parish cluster 2) – Richard Dimery; Readers: Cal Bailey, Rob Newby,
Peter Gillians
9.45 am Morning Prayers
12.00 noon Midday Prayers
12.30 pm Organ Recital [David Houlder, organist]
1.05 am Holy Communion
Saturday, 19th
Leeds Parish Church
Leeds Parish Church
Leeds Parish Church
Holy Trinity
 Maridi (Sudan) – Bishop: Justin Badi Arama
 Wheatfields Hospice – Tom Lundi (C of E)
10.30 am
10.30 am
Meet the Town Hall Organ
Leeds Town Hall
Royal School of Church Music Organists’ Training Day Leeds Parish Church
11.45 am
9.15 am
9.45 am
10.30 am
11.00 am
6.30 pm
6.30 pm
Next Sunday, 20th February – The Third Sunday before Lent
Morning Worship [Girls’ Voices]
Leeds Parish Church
Holy Communion [1662]
Leeds Parish Church
Holy Communion
St Mary’s
Preacher: The Vicar Choral
Choral Eucharist [Adult Choir]
Leeds Parish Church
Preacher: The Rector of Leeds
Holy Communion
Holy Trinity
Preacher: The Vicar Choral
Choral Evensong [Heritage Singers]
Leeds Parish Church
Preacher: Canon Ann Nicholl
Evening Praise
Chapel of the Holy Spirit
LIVING THE WORD is our Lent study course for 2011 and, in this year of the 400 th
anniversary of the publication of the Authorised Version of the Bible, will look at
imaginative ways to engage with scripture. Five Wednesday evening sessions, from 16
March, at Holy Trinity Café at 7.30 pm. Five Friday afternoon sessions, from 18 March, at
Leeds Parish Church at 1.20 pm. The Wednesday evening sessions are a joint venture with
our friends from Oxford Place Methodist Church.
ELECTORAL ROLL FORMS: Yes, it’s that time of year again! Those wishing to be on
the electoral roll of the Parish of Leeds City – and thus qualified to exercise a vote at the
Annual Parochial and Vestry Meetings in the Spring – should complete a special form for
the purpose available from Mrs Irenna Howell, Parish Electoral Roll Officer.
HMS ARK ROYAL: Canon Nicholl writes: As the chapel chairs form HMS Ark Royal
are dedicated today, it is fitting to remember the proud history of this vessel over the years.
The first Ark Royal was built for Sir Walter Raleigh, a 690 ton, 38-gun ship purchased by
the Crown that became the flagship of the Lord High Admiral, Howard of Effingham. The
ship saw action in July 1588 during the Spanish Armada and eight years later in Cadiz. The
second Ark Royal was acquired by the Royal Navy in 1913, the third in 1938 and the fourth
in 1955. The present vessel was built by Swan Hunter and launched by Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth the Queen Mother in 1981. It has served throughout the globe in different roles,
including the Fleet Flagship. Over the years each of the Ark Royal vessels have received
battle honours for service in various areas of conflict. With the present HMS Ark Royal
now being de-commissioned, Leeds Parish Church is receiving the chapel chairs for safe
keeping. As the Ark Royal was adopted by the City of Leeds and therefore it is fitting that
it is to the Parish Church that this duty of care is being given over.
EARLY YEARS TOYS: We would be very glad to receive these in good condition to
resource the informal “crèche” in the City of Leeds Room for 10.30 am Sunday services.
GETTING A HANDEL ON LUNCHTIME: Two further special lunchtime concerts at
the Town Hall on Mondays upcoming this month – 14 February the University of
Huddersfield Brass Band and 21 February, St Peter’s Singers in Handel’s Israel in Egypt.
PANCAKE RACES: A date for your diaries! Shrove Tuesday this year being during
School Term rather than the Half Term Break, there will, on 8 March at 2.00 pm in the
Parish Church Precincts, be Pancake Races. All are most warmly welcome to attend and
there will be teams from the Choristers, members of Junior Church and Pupils of St Peter’s
CofE Primary School. Please put the date in your diary now. Further details later.
PARISH TRIP TO IONA 18-22 October 2011: There is now just one place remaining on
the parish trip to Iona later this year. The cost is £200 plus travel; accommodation is in
shared rooms in Bishop's House, the episcopal retreat house on the Island. This is a
wonderful opportunity to spend a very relaxing few days in one the most beautiful and
spiritually refreshing places in Britain. For more information please see the notice board in
the City of Leeds Room or have a word with Fr David.
Christine Caines, Maureen Coles, Ted Marks, Thomas Reynard, Veronica Rutkowska, Sylvia Wilkinson,
Evelyn Wilkinson, Susan Williams
Albert Andrews, Anne Backhouse, Sonia Bywater, Audrey Clarkson, John Cooper, Robert Denton,
Bridget Durkin, John Edmonds, Francesca Eyre, Logan Firth, Bethany Fitzpatrick, Ivy Frampton,
Maeve Gomersall, John Harrisson, Karen MacDonald, Peter Milner, Alice Normington, Irene Revie,
Jack Richards, Cathryn Robinson, Iris Rutkowska, Althea Shevill, Mavis Simpson, Denis Stenning,
Nancy Taylor, Erik Thornton, Raymond Ward – priest, Charlie Ware, Jean Weinstein, Mavis Whitehead
Peter Gaunt, Ian Shaw, formerly Choirmaster, Halifax Minster; Norman Tatham
FOCUS ON . . .
The 14 February can be either a happy or sad day for many. Happy for those who hear the
sound of a card from a loved one, dropping through the letter box – sad for those who do
Valentine was a bishop of Interamna and was martyred at Rome under Emperor Claudius.
His martyrdom was due to the fact that he was performing marriages secretly, as the
Emperor had outlawed marriage because he wished to maintain many single men to serve
in the depleted Roman legions.
The association of Valentine’s commemoration day with lovers seems to have originated
either from the link with the day in medieval belief when birds mated or more likely, from a
link with the pagan Lupercalia festival in Rome. This festival was observed on 15 February
and was a celebration of love-making.
For Christians, Valentines Day can mark an acknowledgement of an all-loving God who
blesses those who love one another, as Jesus has encouraged all so to do.
Ann Nicholl