Anstey, Buntingford, Herts, SG9 0BY
Tel: (01763) 848346
Fax: (01763) 849377
Email: admin@anstey.herts.sch.uk
Head Teacher: Mr Paul Larkey
29 January 2013
Dear Parents
Bird Watch
Thank you to all the parents who came into school to help the children with our bird watch. We had a lovely
morning. Keep your eye out for the bird feeders and houses that your children have made. They will want to show
you these around the school grounds. We have sent our data in to the RSPB. Our school and pre-school will be
in The Mercury newspaper this week.
A reminder that some monies are still outstanding. The cost for this half term is £12.50. Please send in cash or
cheques made payable to Anstey First School.
A reminder again that clubs should be paid for in advance. If you have not already done so, please send payment
Y34 Visit to Jenyns School – Wednesday 6 February
We are planning to take the older children to Jenyns so that they can share lunchtime games with a larger group.
They will take a packed lunch from school. Please sign the attached permission slip.
Speedstacks Festival – Y3Y4 Tuesday 12 February
The school is once again ringing to the sound of stacking cups! Y3Y4 have been invited to a festival at Freman
College 9.30 – 11.30am. Please sign the attached permission slip.
Whole School Visit to the River Bone in Braughing – Thursday 14 February
To conclude our work on the rainforests, we are planning to go for a nature walk along the cut where the River
Bone flows. The children should come dressed in old, warm, outdoor clothes, waterproof and wellies with warm
socks. Please bring their uniform to school for them to change back in to – dry socks/tights essential. Please sign
the attached permission slip.
Whole School Visit to the Folk Museum in Cambridge – 6 March, date to be confirmed
As part of next half term’s topic on Homes, we will visit the Folk Museum to look at homes in different times and
participate in a workshop about Victorian homes. Please sign the attached permission slip. We will need to ask for
a small contribution per child but will confirm this when the trip date is definite.
World Book Day – Thursday 7 March
Advance notice of World Book Day when we are promoting reading and the love of books along with the rest of the
nation. We are asking our children to come into school in the nightwear with their favourite bedtime reading
book. Please join us at 3pm with a book to share with a child or two in the school. We would like as many
parents/carers as possible to come in to school (wearing their dressing gowns!) to read with us. Please sort out
your book shelves over the half term holiday (children and adults alike) and bring in books you would like to part
with in our Book Exchange – bring a book(s) and take away a different book(s).
Red Nose Day - Friday 15 March All Welcome 3pm
As usual we will be wearing our noses and something red in return for a donation to Red Nose Day. To raise
money we will be selling tea/coffee and cake at 3pm. Parents/carers/friends please come along and join us; this is
always a lovely afternoon. (Donations of cake always welcome.)
Parent Questionnaire
Please complete and return the attached questionnaire. Your opinions are valuable to us.
Yours sincerely
Lynne Vinton
Y34 Visit to Jenyns School – Wednesday 6 February
I give my permission for my child ………………………………………………………….. to attend the above visit and
to travel there and back by car.
Signed ……………………………………………………. Name ………………………………………………………….
Y3Y4 Speedstacks Festival - Tuesday 12 February – Freman College 9.30 – 11.30 am
I give my permission for my child ………………………………………………………….. to attend the above event and
to travel there and back by car.
Signed ……………………………………………………. Name ………………………………………………………….
Whole School Visit to the River Bone in Braughing – Thursday 14 February
I give my permission for my child ………………………………………………………….. to attend the above visit and
to travel there and back by car.
Signed ……………………………………………………. Name ………………………………………………………….
Whole School Visit to the Folk Museum in Cambridge – 6 March t.b.c.
I give my permission for my child ………………………………………………………….. to attend the above visit and
to travel there and back by minibus.
Signed ……………………………………………………. Name ………………………………………………………….
Parent Questionnaire (please complete 1 per child by ticking the boxes that apply)
Year Group taught in (please tick)
RY1Y2 ….............
My child enjoys school.
My child is making good progress
because the teaching is good at
I feel that my child is safe and well
cared for at school.
Behaviour in the school is good.
The school is well led and managed.
The school takes account of
children’s views.
The school seeks the views of
parents/ carers and takes account of
their suggestions and concerns.
I am happy with the level of
The communication with parents is
There are a good range of clubs
offered in school
Y3Y4 ……………
If there are any other comments you would like to make please write them underneath.
Many thanks for completing and returning this to school. If there is anything you wish to discuss
in person, please call the office for an appointment to meet with Mr Larkey.
Strengths of the school
Areas you would like to see developed
Please make any general comments you may have overleaf.