March 25, 2014 Dear Parents/Guardians, As part of Northley’s commitment to career education, we will be holding our annual Career Day again this year. All 7th grade students are being invited to visit area job sites on April 11, 2014. Students have chosen job sites that are of interest to them. Please ask your child which job site he or she chose. Transportation and chaperoning will be provided by Penn Delco. There is no cost for your child to participate in the trip. Students have been told that they are to dress as if they are an actual employee at their job site. This means that students should wear a nice shirt, nice shoes, and pants without any holes (preferably not jeans). Please return the slip below to the Northley guidance office. Students may not participate without a signed permission slip. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Kevin S. Siegel, M.S.Ed., M.S.Ed. 7th Grade Counselor 610-497-6300 ext.3332 RETURN THE SLIP BELOW TO THE GUIDANCE OFFICE **A winner of a gift card will be chosen out of all students who return the signed permission slip by Friday, April 4, 2014.** ____I give permission for my child to participate in the 7th grade career trips. ____I do not give permission for my child to participate the 7th grade career trips. Student’s Name _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature _____________________ Date