Topic 6: CELLS: STRUCTURE & FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS (lecture 8) OBJECTIVES: 1. Be able to differentiate prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells. 2. Know the classes of major chemical components in the cytosol. 3. Know the general structures, properties and general function of the major organelles- nucleus, ER (both rough and smooth), Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and perxisomes. 4. Be able to compare and contrast the structure and functions of mitochondria vs. chloroplasts. 5. Be able to differentiate between the various types of cell junctions. Cell- the ultimate functional unit of life (self-replicating, energy-transducing etc.); however, viruses/viroids and prions (potentially infectious proteins) push this definition further (more later…) Fig. 7.1- cells vary in terms of their size; from microscopic to macroscopic (large). Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells (1) prokaryotic (fig. 7.4) - no distinct nucleus; genetic material is not present in a nucleus but rather is aggregated in a nucleoid; lack membrane-enclosed internal structures (organelles); characteristically have a capsule (which may be the target of antibiotics). BACTERIA. (2) eukaryotic - distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles; yeast, animal and plant cells. Typical animal cell (fig. 7.7)Typical pant cell (fig. 7.8)- unique structures are chloroplast, presence of rigid cell wall, central vacuole surrounded by a tonoblast, plasma membrane is penetrated with plasmadesmata. Cytoplasm - the material within the area bounded by the plasma membrane excluding the nucleus; includes organelles and the semi-fluid material referred to as cytosol. Cytosol is actually a term which refers to an experimental product of cell isolation. If you gently break open cells and then centrifuge the material, the cytosol is the semifluid material that does not sediment. Cytosol consists mostly of the following: (1) water (2) inorganic ions- mostly K+, Cl-; some Na+, PO42- and Mg2+; trace amounts of Ca2+ (3) low molecular weight organic compounds- glucose, free amino acids, nucleotides (4) macromolecules- proteins (enzymes), complex carbohydrates (Note: the cytosol differs radically in chemical composition form the fluid that bathes the cells, the so-called extracellular or interstitial fluid; we’ll talk about this later) 1 There is considerable controversy as to the exact nature of the cytoplasm. The traditional view is that it is simply a random mixture of the above components which passively diffuse throughout the intracellular space. Others view the cytoplasm as a structured and organized space in which the above components may associate with various regions of the cell. In other words, distinct compartments may exist even in the absence of membrane barriers. Scientific opinion is beginning to move towards this latter point of view. Membrane-bound compartments- Organelles Nucleus- contains the bulk of genes (note: mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own genome!) fig. 7.9- nuclear envelope; double membrane perforated by pores; inner region is supported by the nuclear lamina which consists of a dense network of protein fibers. chromatin- DNA/protein complexes chromosomes- condensed chromatin structures prior to cell division nucleolus- organizing center Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)- extensive double membrane system spread throughout the cell; according to your text it represents 50% of total membrane in the cell. This structure is extensively involved in protein synthesis and packaging as well as other processes including membrane biosynthesis, detoxification and storing of certain materials. There are two basic types of ER- (1) smooth ER and (2) rough ER (see fig. 7.11). (1) smooth ER- diverse array of functions -biosynthesis of various lipids including steroids, fatty acids & phospholipids -conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose ( G6Pase; glucose-6 phophatase) -detoxification of foreign substances; converts them into more polar and easily excretable compounds by action of enzymes known as mixed function oxidases -sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in muscle; stores and releases calcium (more later) (2) rough ER- studded with ribosomes (ribosomes = macromolecular complexes consisting of RNA and protein; site of translation of genetic message into protein); primary site of synthesis of proteins bound for the cell and those that will be secreted to the outside (usually are glycoproteins and are wrapped in membrane vesicles). Membrane fragments are also made here. Golgi Apparatus (fig. 7.12)- packages vesicles of protein for transport to the exterior. Two sides to the structure: (1) cis side or face (receives materials from the ER; reassembles them into laminar type structure) and (2) trans side or face ( new vesicles pinch off form Golgi for transport elsewhere). Chemical constituents of membranes are altered during residence in this structure. 2 Lysosomes (figs. 7.13 & 7.14)- membrane bound structures that contain degradative enzymes that hydrolyze the major classes of organic compounds; engulf and digest materials acquired from the outside by phagocytosis and internal fragments (autophagy). Formed by the Golgi apparatus. Vacuoles- membrane bound structures that have a diverse array of functions; particles engulfed during phagocytosis become food vacuoles; plants have central vacuoles (fig. 7.15) which are used to create storage sites for materials such as citric acid. Peroxisomes- specialized organelles which have enzyme catalyzed reactions that ultimately produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a product. H2O2 is highly reactive but there is an enzyme (peroxidase) that detoxifies H2O2. Mitochondria and Chloroplasts- extremely specialized organelles; very likely derived in an evolutionary sense from early prokaryotic symbionts of other larger prokaryotic cells (Endosymbiontic theory of origin of eukaryotic cells); (1) both mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own genetic info and protein synthetic machinery. (2) however, a large fraction of proteins in mitochondria and chloroplasts are coded for by genes in the nucleus; they are syhthesized on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Mitochondria (fig. 7.17)- 1- 10 m long (except for giant mitochondria from insect flight muscle cells); two double membrane systems - outer double membrane penetrated by pores which are very selective - inner double membrane which is folded to form cristae (inner membrane has a large number of peripheral and integral proteins); membrane is extremely selective in terms of permeability. - between the two membranes is the intermembrane space - the interior of the organelle is known as the matrix - functional role is energy conversion Chloroplasts (fig. 7.18)- also have two double membrane systems -outer double membrane - internal double membrane structures known as thylacoids which are stacked together to form grana (membranes have a high concentration of peripheral and integral proteins too) - the fluid region outside the thylacoids is known as the stroma - functional role is conversion of light energy into chemical and reducing energy for biosynthesis of sugar from carbon dioxide Intercellular junctions some cells are intimately connected to each other 3 (1) plants (fig. 7.28)- cell wall are perforated with holes or plasmodesmata that literally allow the cytoplasm of one cell to connect with the cytoplasm of another cell. (2) animals (fig. 7.30)-tight junction: form a seal as you might find in epithelial cells - desmosomes: form a secure junction which resists shearing forces due to the presence of intermediate filaments - gap junctions: proteins form a pore which allow continuity of cytoplasm; often found in electrically excitable cells that must act synchronously (e.g. muscle cells of the heart) 4